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Good communication between borrowers and their creditors can play an important role in sustaining capital flows to emerging markets.  - 財務省


To obtain isosorbide containing polyesters which have superior resin quality and respond to the request of the market by an efficient and economical continuous method. - 特許庁

fbiのチョー捜査官か オレはテキサス州の 善民で 邦政府の捜査のやり方や 警察の権力も認めないが例文帳に追加

Agent kimball cho of the fbi, know that I am a sovereign citizen of the state of texas and do not recognize the legitimacy of the federal government or any police authority you may claim to possess. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書

FBIのチョー捜査官か オレはテキサス州の 善民で 邦政府の捜査のやり方や 警察の権力も認めないが例文帳に追加

Agent kimball cho of the fbi, know that I am a sovereign citizen of the state of texas and do not recognize the legitimacy of the federal government or any police authority you may claim to possess. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



We call on relevant international institutions to develop a global framework for reporting of oil reserves, which is essential for better informed market decisions, and to undertake further analysis of the workings of the oil market.  - 財務省



Recent events in the world economy have underlined the important link between economic and social issues; and that good economies depend both on stable relationships between governments and their citizens, and strong social cohesion.  - 財務省


The Tango-Amanohashidate-Oeyama Quasi-National Park consists of the three areas of 'the seashore area of the Tango peninsula,' which covers the area from Kyotango City of Kyoto Prefecture to the right-side shore of the estuary of Yura-gawa River in Maizuru City, of 'the Seya highland area,' an inland area of the Tango peninsula, and of 'the Oe-yama mountain range area' centered on the former Oe-cho area of Fukuchiyama City.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then, it is possible to unitarily manage material defects that take place in a series of life processes from product development/design to product production/shipping and to product distribution in the market and to shorten the time needed to examine the defective phenomenon. - 特許庁


Kabuki Eiga Pro,' in cooperation with Nakane Pro and YAMAGUCHI's 'Yamaguchi Toshio Productions,' Kobunji acted in the first films that were produced by these two production companies and Yoshinosuke ICHIKAWA (later known as Kiyoshi SAWADA), who had come from Ayameike Studio of Ichikawa Utakemon Productions (Uta Pro) in Nara and joined 'Kabuki Eiga Pro,' also acted in "Aizo Ketsurui" (Love and Hate, Blood and Tears) produced by Chie Pro, but YAMAZAKI's 'Kanshu Renmei' fell apart early at the end of July in 1928.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Nara Prefecture and others proposed the additional inscription of 'Asuka-Fujiwara: Archaeological sites of Japan's Ancient Capitals and Related Properties' on the Tentative List in November 2006 and the Agency for Cultural Affairs decided to apply for it together with Tomioka Seishi-jo (Tomioka Silk Mill) (Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture, etc.), Mt. Fuji (Yamanashi Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture) and Churches and Christian Sites in Nagasaki (Nagasaki City, Nagasaki Prefecture, etc.) on January 23, 2007.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Matsubayashi Onoh' (Noh - a Japanese drama and dance performance to cerebrate the new year), a significant intangible folk cultural asset performed in fall for an annual celebration at the Kikuchi-jinja Shrine located in Kikuchi City, has been well preserved as it is from the Muromachi period; as the 'Matsubayashi Onoh' has a part common to the Matsubayashi that has been passed down by Noh kanze-ryu school, it is believed that there is a strong relationship there between.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In April of the same year, Yamazaki, together with Ryosuke TACHIBANA, the chief officer of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions, and Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema Shokai in Kobe, contacted the owners of 150 movie theaters across the nation and established 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In February 2004, dendrochronological studies conducted by the Nara Research Institute for Cultural Properties and Uji City dated the main sanctuary to around 1060, making it the oldest surviving piece of Shinto shrine architecture, and leading to the belief that it has a deep connection to Byodo-in Temple which was founded in 1052.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an improved monorail vehicle and an operating method and a smooth connection operating system of a monorail route and a bus route which can handle large-capacity transportation even with a small vehicle by reducing the size of the vehicle of a monorail as a city transportation means. - 特許庁


To improve strength and durability of a bag filter, particularly the sewn part of the filter which is continuously operated for a long time at high temperature such as in an incineration furnace of city refuse, industrial waste or the like to filter gas containing dust and to provide a bag filter which is durable for long use. - 特許庁


Inspection items of an inspection process performed by each process of part receipt, production, shipping and market and items of quality inferior information generated in relation to the inspection are previously registered as a united code in a code master DB 17. - 特許庁


Soon after, the Southern court army was forced to move out of Kyoto due to the opposition between Takauji and the Southern court; the Southern court army with Emperor Kogon, Emperor Komyo, the Retired three Emperors of Suko, the abolished Imperial Prince Naohito were taken to Yoshino, Yamato Province; the base of the southern court, and they were confined in Ano (present-day Gojo City, Nara Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

我々は,FAO, 国際農業開発基金(IFAD),国際通貨基金(IMF),OECD,UNCTAD,国世界食糧計画(WFP),世界銀行及びWTOに対し,他の鍵となる利害関係者と協働して,場の行動をゆがめることなく,最終的には最も脆弱な人々を保護するために,食料及びその他農産品の価格変動に係るリスクをいかによりく軽減し,対処するかについて,G20の検討のためのオプションを策定するよう要請する。例文帳に追加

We request that FAO, IFAD, IMF, OECD, UNCTAD, WFP, the World Bank and WTO work with key stakeholders to develop options for G20 consideration on how to better mitigate and manage the risks associated with the price volatility of food and other agriculture commodities without distorting market behavior, ultimately to protect the most vulnerable.  - 財務省

制度分析が対 象とするものは、私的所有権の配置、法律の制定とその執行関サービス、資金供給メカニズム、研究開発 メカニズム、労働場、商慣行等の態様等々幅広いが、制度は、各プレイヤー、組織及び個人の、ゲームの プレイのされ方についての共通了解となるものであると考えていであろう2)。例文帳に追加

There is a wide range of subjects of system analysis that deal with a broad range of subjects including the assignment of private property rights, services related to enactment and formulation of legislation, fund supply mechanisms, R&D mechanisms, the labor market, and business practices, but it is safe to say that the institutions provide a common understanding of how the game is played for each player, organization and individual2. - 経済産業省


The retired Emperor Kogon ruled a cloister government through two generations under Emperor Komyo and Emperor Suko, however, when the Kanno Disturbance infighting occurred among the ASHIKAGA clan, and as the army of the Emperor Gomurakami recaptured Kyoto city in 1352, both retired Emperor Komyo and Emperor Suko were caught by the Southern Dynasty and taken away after being pursued and withdrew to Otokoyama in Yamashiro Province (Yawata City, Kyoto Province), and then further to Ano in Yamato (Gojo City, Nara Prefecture) where the Southern Dynasty's home base was.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For the first film, Yamaguchi Pro shot "Hanpeita TSUKIGATA," the hit shinkoku-geki (realistic period-drama) written by Rifu YUKITOMO, at 'Narabigaoka Studio' by recruiting Makino's Hiroshi INNAMI, who had written the screenplay of "Adauchi Junjo Roku" starring YAMAGUCHI, and appointed him as a director; Shuichi OTSUKA of Toa Kinema Kyoto Studio was selected as a cameraman; costars included Kobunji ICHIKAWA, who had set up 'Ichikawa Kobunji Kabuki Eiga Productions' (Kabuki Eiga Pro); Yoshinosuke ICHIKAWA (later known as Kiyoshi SAWADA), who had come from Ichikawa Utakemon Productions' (Uta Pro) Ayameike Studio in Nara and acted in "Nozaki-mura village," the first movie produced by Kobunji's "Kabuki Eiga Pro"; Tamiji FUJII, who had been recruited away from Makino; Atsushi TAKADA and Sakura MIYAKO, who had been recruited away from Toa Kinema Kyoto Studio; Ayako CHIYODA, who acted for Makino while belonging to Kinugasa Eiga Renmei; and Katsuyo ISSHIKI, who had acted in films in Bando Tsumasaburo Productions' Uzumasa movie studio.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Enhance food security policy coherence and coordination and increase agricultural productivity and food availability, including by advancing innovative results-based mechanisms, promoting responsible agriculture investment, fostering smallholder agriculture, and inviting relevant international organizations to develop, for our 2011 Summit in France, proposals to better manage and mitigate risks of food price volatility without distorting market behavior.  - 財務省


At about that time, Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, which distributed Makino's movies in the Shikoku area, conspired with Ryosuke TACHIBANA, the top executive of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions, to ask 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, including Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) in Osaka and declaring policies on directly releasing movies and funding for production costs of independent productions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As prelude to this establishment, in April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, which had been distributing Makino films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top executive of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to ask 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, including Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) in Osaka and declaring policies of directly releasing films as well as funding for production costs of independent productions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As prelude to this establishment, in April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, which had been distributing Makino's films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top executive of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to ask 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, such as Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe that had dealt with independent works by moviemakers, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan) (also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) in Osaka and declaring policies of the direct release of movies as well as funding for production costs of independent productions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In April of 1928 Tokujiro YAMAZAKI of Sankyo, the company led by Shozo MAKINO that had been distributing Makino films in the Shikoku area, conspired with the top execute of Bando Tsumasaburo Productions named Ryosuke TACHIBANA to get in contact with 150 independent theater owners throughout Japan, such as Kikumatsu OSHIMA of Kikusui Kinema in Kobe who was greatly interested in Indies films, to cooperate in establishing 'Nihon Katsudo Josetsukan Kanshu Renmei Eiga Haikyu Honsha' (Distribution Company Headquarters for Movie Theater Owners in Japan; also known as "Kanshu Renmei" [the Theater Owner's Association]) to eradicate the intervening contracting company and introduce policies that would provide direct production fees to independent film productions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Financial instruments business operators which manage these products are required to ensure the appropriateness of the implementation of due processes, information disclosure and measures to prevent conflicts of interest, which are prerequisites for the exercise of an appropriate price formation function of the real estate market, thereby fulfilling the duties of loyalty and due care to investors.  - 金融庁


The European Union members of the G20 are determined to move forward expeditiously on measures to support growth including through completing the European Single Market and making better use of European financial means, such as the EIB, pilot project bonds, and structural and cohesion funds, for more targeted investment, employment, growth and competitiveness, while maintaining the firm commitment to implement fiscal consolidation to be assessed on a structural basis.  - 財務省


These results came about against the background of - I also talked about this recently - firstly, the losses that are still arising at Japanese financial institutions amid the continued tensions in the global markets, although the amount of losses is declining. Secondly, an increase in credit-related expenses, such as the cost of disposing of non-performing loans, that was caused by growing downside risks for the economy due to the surge in the prices of crude oil and raw materials. And thirdly, the weakness of the growth in their core businesses, such as lending and fee income businesses.  - 金融庁


DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and PNP together issued the three-party pact. This represents a common policy of the three parties issued on August 16 of last year in the run-up to the election. It was developed in the circumstances in which excessive regulatory reforms implemented by Mr. Koizumi, coupled with excessive market fundamentalism, had brought much instability to the lives of the Japanese people. That is the basic premise of this coalition government. Subsequently, after winning the election, we articulated the idea into the three-party pact. I find it a positive thing that the people are voicing various opinions in line with the cause. And we have made a decision to set up an inspection committee. I believe that it is necessary to properly inspect any significant incident on a case-by-case basis.  - 金融庁


Euro Area members will foster intra Euro Area adjustment through structural reforms to strengthen competitiveness in deficit countries and to promote demand and growth in surplus countries.The European Union members of the G20 are determined to move forward expeditiously on measures to support growth including through completing the European Single Market and making better use of European financial means, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), pilot project bonds, and structural and cohesion funds, for more targeted investment, employment, growth and competitiveness, while maintaining the firm commitment to implement fiscal consolidation to be assessed on a structural basis.  - 財務省



As for the achievement of a better regulatory environment, the Financial Services Agency has presented four fundamentals—the optimal combination of rule-based supervision (detailed rules to apply in each case are established) and principle-based supervision (some major principles are presented to promote voluntary actions of financial institutions along the lines of the principles), early recognition of and effective measures for priority issues such as measures against the risks inherent in the financial system, respect for the self-help efforts of financial institutions, and emphasis on the incentives for them, and improvement in the transparency and predictability of administrative measures. This aims to gain accurate understanding of market trends and improve the quality of the Financial Services Agency employees by enhancing the communication with financial institutions, improving the release of information (to both inside and outside the country), strengthening the ties with overseas authorities, and upgrading the research functions. - 経済産業省


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