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divided governmentの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 71


After Mitsuaki's days were over, the Irako family was divided in two family lines (Kendosai and Sen no do) but the both families succeeded to Irako-style surgery, and till they encountered the Meiji Restoration in the days of Mitsuoki IRAKO and Mitsunobu IRAKO, respectively, they had served chotei (the Imperial Court) as goteni (a doctor who is hired by bakufu [Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun] or daimyo [a feudal lord]). 例文帳に追加

光顕以後、伊良子家は二家(見道斎・千之堂)に系統が分かれるが、両家とも伊良子流外科を継承し、それぞれ伊良子光順・光信の時代に明治維新を迎えるまで、御典医として朝廷に仕えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It truly depicted a common image of lords of the Kinai region transforming from the unarmed existence to the those armed with samurai and military tools within a span of several decades, and became a servant that was similar to gokenin and jito (land steward appointed by the central military government to each of the manors into which the countryside was divided) that protected residences during Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

その何十年かの間に、畿内の領主の一般像が、武装せぬ存在から、武士と武具を常備し、屋敷の守りも固める鎌倉時代の御家人・地頭にも似た、あるいはその御家人の姿に変貌していったことを如実に物語っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Munenori YAGYU's death (the forefather of the domain), because the territory of 12,500 koku was divided into 8,300 koku for the well known Mitsuyoshi YAGYU (Jubei) the first son, 4,000 koku for Munefuyu YAGYU the third son and 2,000 koku for Retsudo Gisen, the Yagyu clan became hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu, which is a form of Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) from daimyo (Japanese feudal lord). 例文帳に追加

藩祖である柳生宗矩の死後、1万2500石の所領は、有名な長男の柳生三巌(十兵衛)に8300石、三男の柳生宗冬に4000石、四男の六丸(列堂義仙)に200石、と分知されたため、柳生氏は大名から旗本となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Korea at the time, the government had been divided between two factions even since the Ganghwa Island incident: the 'Conservative Party' (also known as the Sadaedang, or 'Serve the Great' Party) which advocated that Korea should remain a vassal state of Qing China and 'the Gaehwadang' (Progressive Party, also called the Independence Party) that was anxious about the current situation and hoped to modernize Korea. 例文帳に追加

江華島事件以来、当時の朝鮮は、朝鮮は清朝の冊封国(または冊封国)としての朝鮮のままであるべきであるという「守旧派」(事大党ともいう)と、現状を憂い朝鮮の近代化を目指す「開化派」(独立党ともいう)とに分かれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The typical pattern of Han was to have samurai, Hanshi, in the castle town as military men or government officials who collected land taxes in rice from peasants whose yields were registered in villages located in the whole ruling region in the vicinity of the castle town, and divided the taxes into the financial resources for the Han and Hanshu as well as the salaries for the Hanshi. 例文帳に追加

藩士である武士を城下町に集めて軍人・官吏とし、彼らの支配のもとで城下町周辺の一円支配領域にある村に石高を登録された百姓から年貢を現物徴収して、藩と藩主の財源や藩士の給与として分配する形態が藩の典型である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before the Taiho Ritsuryo (Taiho Code), it was a government office called Zenshiki, but when the Taiho Ritsuryo was formulated it was divided into Daizenshiki which cooked and served foods in a feast and Naizenshi which cooked, served and delivered foods for the Emperor's daily diet. 例文帳に追加

大宝律令以前は膳職という官司であったが、大宝律令制定時に、饗宴における食事の調理と配膳を担当する大膳職と分かれて、天皇の日常における食事の調理と配膳および食料の調達を担当する官司として設立された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Regarding the appointment of a new BOJ governor and deputy governors, the DPJ appears to be divided over whether to agree to the appointment of Mr. Watanabe as deputy governor.Considering that this will be the third time for the government to propose its nominees and a G-7 meeting is scheduled for this weekend, would you like the DBJ to agree to the appointment? 例文帳に追加

日銀総裁ですけれども、渡辺副総裁案については民主党の方がなお賛否両論あるようですが、今週末G7を控えまして3度目の提示ということで、次の同意については賛同してもらいたいというお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁

In a statement by the Prime Minister issued at today’s cabinet meeting, he referred to problems caused by the “dividedgovernment. The division, a situation in which the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors have different mandates from the people, must be resolved in some way or other. 例文帳に追加

今日閣議でも、総理談話の中にねじれ国会の話といいますか、国会で苦労されたという、そういう衆参でねじれがある、ある意味異なる民意の下で、衆議院、参議院が構成されているという状況は何らかの形で打開をしなければいけない。 - 金融庁

And their method, in which even commoners practiced self government, received recognition, and indeed it became all the more striking starting in the Edo period (beginning in that period, large cities were divided into machiba (towns, under the jurisdiction of town magistrates), niwaba (jisha-bugyo, under the jurisdiction of (government-appointed) temples and shrine administrators), and nochoba (unsurveyed areas or suburbs of unfixed jurisdiction), and so commoners and townspeople cooperated to achieve self-government); the people used festivals to enshrine gods, spirits, and elements of nature itself, including such festivals as Tanabata (the Festival of the Weaver, celebrated July 7) and the Feast for Ebisu, both of which are still celebrated today, eventually becoming established as popular versions of Shinto rituals quite separate in form from Shrine Shinto rituals, but in any case, shrines continue to contribute to local development, even as they did in the past. 例文帳に追加

そして民間でも自治としての政が江戸時代から一層顕著に認められ{江戸時代以降の都心では町場(町奉行管轄)と庭場(寺社奉行管轄)と野帳場(検地がされていない管轄未定地や郊外)に区分され、庶民と町人が協力して自治を行った}、祭りとして神や御霊や自然を祀り、その社会的行為は「七夕祭り」や「恵比寿講」として現在にも行われ、神社神道の儀式とは離れた民衆の神事として定着し、昔と同様に普請としての地域振興を担っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The political capacity of Yoritada as the kanpaku, who could not establish close connection with Masanobu or Kaneie, became limited, and political power was divided into four among the Emperor Enyu, FUJIWARA no Yoritada, MINAMOTO no Masanobu and FUJIWARA no Kaneie and the political situation was stagnated so that it was conveyed to future generations as 'at the end of the era of the Cloistered Emperor Enyu, political situations under the government by the Imperial Court fell into disorder,' "Godansho" (Tales of Master Oe). 例文帳に追加

雅信とも兼家とも連携することが出来なかった頼忠の関白としての政治力は限定的なものとなり、政治権力も円融天皇・藤原頼忠・源雅信・藤原兼家の4つに割れる中で政局は停滞し、「円融院末、朝政甚乱」(『江談抄』)として後々まで伝えられるほどであったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Boshin War was roughly divided into three phases: the Battle of Toba and Fushimi phase which arose from the power struggle between the Sat-Cho and the Shogunate under the new government; the Tohoku War phase, including the Hokuetsu War and the Aizu War, which arose from the issue of punishment meted out to Aizu and Shonai Domains; and the Hakodate War phase in which the members of the former Shogunate staged a final revolt. 例文帳に追加

戊辰戦争は、新政府下での薩長と幕府の主導権争いに起因する「鳥羽・伏見の戦い」の段階、会津藩・庄内藩の処分問題に起因する「東北戦争(北越戦争と会津戦争を含む)」の段階、旧幕府勢力の最後の抵抗となった「箱館戦争」の段階の3段階に大きく区分される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On July 17, the Satsuma army, aiming at taking back Takahara, appointed Yohachiro HORI to Commander of all the forces and divided the nine companies from the troops including the Raigeki-tai troop, the Hoyoku-tai troop, and the Hachiku-tai troop into four units of the front, left, and right flanks, and the troop to attack Kasumi-gongen (the 3rd troop of the Hoyoku-tai troop), dispatched them from Uematsu in the midnight, and made the front, left and right flank troops launch a surprise attack on the government army in Takahara by taking the opportunity of the fog at the dawn. 例文帳に追加

高原奪還を目指す薩軍は7月17日、堀与八郎を全軍指揮長とし雷撃隊・鵬翼隊・破竹隊などの9個中隊を正面・左右翼・霞権現攻撃軍(鵬翼三番隊)の4つに分け、深夜に植松を発ち、正面・左右翼軍は暁霧に乗じて高原の官軍を奇襲した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

First, he proposed that the government held the expenditures expected during the three years starting in 1882 at the level of the previous year (1881), and that at the same time it raised taxes on cigarettes and brewery and evenly divided the excess of revenue from those taxes so that it could spend half of the excess on the incineration of paper money and hold the other half in the form of specie to keep as reserves for the future when it would be converted into convertible paper money. 例文帳に追加

まず、1882年(明治15年)から3年間、前年度(1881年/明治14年)の歳出額で据え置くこと、その一方で煙草税・酒造税などの増税を行い、そこから生み出された歳入の余剰分を2分割して半分を紙幣消却に、もう半分を正貨形式で保有して、然るべき兌換紙幣への切替時の準備金とすることとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The expenditure for financial transfers from the central government can be divided into mainly (ⅰ) financial strength transfer expenditure, () special item transfer expenditure, (ⅲ) tax reimbursement, and (iv) structural subsidies. Initially after the introduction of the system, the effect on correcting disparities was not significant because of the high ratio of tax reimbursement with a structure of a greater distribution in wealthy regions (Table 1-3-51).例文帳に追加

中央政府からの財政移転支出は、主に、①財力性移転支出、②専項移転支出、③租税還付金、④体制補助金に分けられるが、制度導入当初は、富裕地域により多くの配分がなされる構造となっている租税還付金の割合が高かったため、格差是正効果は大きくなかった(第1-3-51表)。 - 経済産業省

As individual ministries and agencies have maintained strong powers in their areas of jurisdiction over the 65 years since the end of World War II, politicians, even the Prime Ministers, did not succeed in tearing down the wall of sectionalism. Mr. Yoshiro Mori (a former Prime Minister) supported the umbrella organization for kindergartens, while nursery schools basically had the support of Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto. As nursery schools were divided into two groups, Mr. Hashimoto supported one of them and I supported the other. From my experience, I know that there was fierce sectionalism during the era of LDP government and the wall that separated ministries was really thick. I have the impression, based on my experience of spending my time in a governing party, an opposition party and a governing party again, that that situation has eventually led to the change of government. While I am ready to accept criticism straightforwardly, I believe that this must be done from the standpoint of the people following the change of government. 例文帳に追加

ですから、やっぱり日本国も戦後65年たちまして、各省庁が縦割りで物凄い権限を持っており、総理大臣をした政治家でもうまくいかなかったのです。幼稚園連盟の方の応援団長は森喜朗さんで、保育園の方は基本的に橋本龍太郎さんでした。保育園は2つに分かれていましたから、橋本龍太郎さんと私がやっていました。私の経験として、自由民主党の時代は縦割り行政というのは凄まじく、本当に役所の壁というのは厚かったのです。それが結局、政権交代に結びついたというようなところも、私は現実に与党、野党、与党を経験した人間としてあると思います。国民目線に対して、色々と政権交代を、ご批判されることもありますし、ご批判は率直に受けますけれども、やはりそういったことは、今の政権交代でやっていくべきことだと思っています。 - 金融庁

Behind this lies a construction plan of the early Meiji period, and there were divided opinions over which route--Tokaido or Nakasen-do Street--would be preferable for construction. Initially the government accepted the route along Nakasen-do Street and started service in some sections, but later it realized that the route along the Tokaido was better, considering the earlier plan's higher estimated costs and longer construction period, as well as the restricted transportation in mountainous areas (particularly those across the Usui-toge), so ultimately the route was shifted east of Kano (Gifu Prefecture) to the route along the Tokaido. 例文帳に追加

これは東西両京を結ぶ鉄道線を敷設するに当たって、東海道と中山道のいずれに通すかを巡って明治初期に論争があり、その結果中山道経由に一時は決定してその一部に該当する路線が開業したものの、後に碓氷峠を越える区間など山岳地域での工事の長期化・費用増、開業後の輸送量制限を考慮して、やはり東海道の方が優れているということになり、急遽岐阜(加納)以東のルートが東海道経由に変更されたことに起因している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Its major tenets are worship of nature and of the dead (animism), and also emphasizes an extended understanding of and respect for the lives, souls, and gods of one's ancestors, conceiving of these things as the essence of life, and whose material substance it is possible to know; it also views existence as divided between the Tokoyo (the spiritual world, the realm of gods, heaven and hell) and the Utsushiyo (this world, the realm of human beings), and also affirms the existence of Kinsokuchi, places where gods dwell (within whose hallowed borders one may not enter), as well as barriers that prevent crossing between the realms, and the efficacy of prayers and fortune-telling (shamanism), including in the determining of government policy, and finally in the creation of a mythology of the world and of human beings. 例文帳に追加

その要素は自然崇拝・精霊崇拝(アニミズム)または、その延長線上にある先祖崇拝としての命・御魂・霊・神などの不可知な物質ではない生命の本質としてのものの概念や、常世(とこよ・神の国や天国や地獄)と現世(うつしよ・人の国や現実世界)からなる世界観と禁足地や神域の存在とそれぞれを隔てる端境とその往来を妨げる結界や、祈祷・占い(シャーマニズム)による祈願祈念とその結果による政(まつりごと)の指針、国の創世と人の創世の神話の発生があげられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the amended system, the government cannot bestow the medals for merit like 'the XXX Order of Merit,' but the Decrees of Cabinet still stipulates 'Six Classes' as the concept of the medals for merit without individual naming; therefore, the decorations conferred under the new system belong to any of the medals for merit, which is divided into six without individual naming, so that the bestowal (or receipt) of the decoration virtually means, if not explicitly, the bestowal (or receipt) of the medals for merit. 例文帳に追加

制度改正により、新制度下で「勲○等」の勲等を授与することはできなくなったが、太政官布告の規定上は「六級」(6つの級)という個別呼称のない概念としての勲等が引き続き存置されており、新制度下の勲章はそれら個別名称を持たない6区分の勲等のいずれかに属しているものとなっているため、勲章を授ける(受ける)ことの意義の中に(明示的ではないが)事実上勲等の属性を帯びたものとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The basic act for the reform of the civil servant system has been enacted as a program law, through coordination of views within the government and with the support of the Democratic Party of Japan, despite a difficult situation created by the divided Diet (the House of Representatives controlled by the ruling parties and the House of Councillors dominated by the opposition camp).I intend to properly promote this reform toward the next step. The people will appreciate the reform, only after they begin to see its benefits, as we steadily implement one necessary measure after another. 例文帳に追加

渡辺前大臣のおやりになった仕事というか成果は非常に大きかったなと、こんなふうに私は感じているところでありますし、なかなかこの国家公務員制度の改革の基本法についても、ねじれ国会における相当難しいのではないかという中で、政府内でもしっかり調整を進め、そして国会においては民主党の協力も得て、一定の成果を上げてこのプログラム法ができたわけでありますから、これをしっかり推進していく、次のステップに入ったと、こういう思いでありまして、それを一つ一つ実現することによって、成果として見えて初めて国民としては良かったなと思える。 - 金融庁

Basically, the People's New Party and the DPJ have maintained an alliance for five years, as I mentioned earlier. After the election to the House of Councillors, the DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and the People's New Party together held the majority of seats. As I said in my meeting with Prime Minister Noda today, we formed a parliamentary group called the DPJ-Shin Ryokufu-kai- the People's New Party-Nippon and conducted activity in the divided Diet for two years. We achieved the change of government by forming an alliance in the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

基本的には、私は国民新党、民主党、さっき言いましたように5年の歴史がありまして、参議院の選挙が終わったとき、民主党と社民党と国民新党で参議院の過半数を超えていましたので、今日も党首会談で申しましたけれども、民主党・新緑風会・国民新・日本という会派を組んで、約2年間、参議院の議会活動、当時ねじれ(国会)でございましたけれども、逆の意味で、そのことを結集して政権交代がかなったというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


Inspections on items as specified in II. 3. (2) (except for inspections separately instructed by the government): When over 1/2 of the maximum limits for radioactive cesium has been confirmed in the relevant food categories in April 2013 or after in the prefectures, 3 or more samples are inspected per municipality, in areas where such a level of radioactive cesium has been detected in the relevant items. In other areas, 1 or more samples are inspected per municipality (prefectures may be divided into multiple areas across municipal borders, from which 3 or more samples are collected).例文帳に追加

Ⅱ3の(2)の検査(別に定める場合を除く。)は、平成25年4月以降、当該食品分類で基準値の1/2を超える品目が確認された自治体で、当該品目から基準値の1/2を超える放射性セシウムを検出した地域においては市町村ごとに3検体以上、その他の地域においては市町村ごとに1検体以上(県内を市町村を越えて複数の区域に分割し、区域単位で3検体以上とすることもできる。)、それぞれ実施する。 - 厚生労働省


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