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A situation decision unit 3 generally performs processing of target information concerning to sensors 4 and processing for imparting a shooting task to a firearms 5.例文帳に追加

センサ装置4に関する目標情報の処理と火器装置5に射撃任務を付与する処理を状況判断装置3にて統括的に行うものである。 - 特許庁

A firing request is carried out to a firepower control facility from a sensor having found a target, various pieces of information are integrated to carry out analysis processing of the target, and the optimum combination of firearms and sensors is selected from an analysis result.例文帳に追加

(1)目標を発見したセンサから火力調整所等に対して射撃要求を行い、(2)各種情報を統合し、目標の分析処理を行い、(3)分析結果から、火器及びセンサの最適な組合せを選定する。 - 特許庁

The firing information Sp at this time includes direction information indicating direction of shooting, position information indicating a position of the A trainee 1, person information related to the A trainee 1, firearms information that the A trainee 1 uses, and current time information.例文帳に追加

このときの発射情報Spは、射撃の方向を示す方向情報、A訓練者1の位置を示す位置情報、A訓練者1に関する人物情報、A訓練者1が使用する火器情報、および現在の時刻情報である。 - 特許庁

Target information owned by individual air defence system and information from the external are clarified by an unit operational system, and the dispersed air defence systems (firearms) are collected up.例文帳に追加

部隊運用システムにより個々の防空システムが持っている目標情報や外部からの情報を一元化し、ばらばらになっている防空システム(火器)をまとめる。 - 特許庁


To provide a metal detector for highly accurately detecting metal articles such as firearms and swords without passing through any inspector's hand regardless of electronic recording media or the like.例文帳に追加

銃砲刀剣、電子記録媒体等に関わらず、また検査員の手を介することなく、金属物品を高い精度で検出することのできる金属検出機を提供する。 - 特許庁


The shell drum 110 designed to be installed on the firearms has at least two shell channels 118 arranged around a drum longitudinal shaft 112.例文帳に追加

火器上に装着するために設計された弾丸ドラムは、ドラム縦軸(112)のまわりに配置された少なくとも2本の弾丸チャンネル(118)を有する。 - 特許庁

Around the middle of the Sengoku Period (inJapan), the introduction of firearms retired bows and arrows from actual fighting in battlefields, but Kyujutsu kept the same status as a martial art even after departing the actual fighting, and remained popular as a martial art for Samurai and a way to discipline the mind and body in the peaceful Edo Period. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)中頃には鉄砲の登場により弓は戦場の一線から退くが、実戦から離れても弓術は武術としての地位は変わることなく、時代を経た泰平の江戸時代の世においても弓術は武士の武術(日本)として、また心身鍛錬の道として依然人気は高かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time, since Nagasaki was the only city in Japan open to overseas, Shuhan, who grew up there, was astonished to find such a large gap between Japanese gunnery and Western gunnery, so he studied Dutch and foreign gunnery on his own, gathered firearms and so on with his private money, and in 1834, completed the Takashima ryu hojutsu. 例文帳に追加

当時、長崎は日本で唯一の海外と通じた都市であったため、そこで育った秋帆は、日本砲術と西洋砲術の格差を知って愕然とし、自らオランダ語や洋式砲術を学んで、私費で銃器等を揃え1834年(天保5年)に高島流砲術を完成させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, 'Sulfate paper,' the brown wrapping paper used today, is derived from the Dutch 'patroon' paper which at the time meant kamihayago (an ammunition cartridge made with paper), and the 'custom of firearms' of those times that continue to be used in the every day lives of Japan today can be discerned from these words. 例文帳に追加

また、現代の褐色包装用紙である「ハトロン紙」は当時の紙早合(かみはやごう=紙製弾薬包)の意のオランダ語「パトロン」用紙の系譜を引くもので、当時の「銃文化」が今日の日本人の生活にもかかわっていることが、これらの語からわかる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, when the siege was decided Nobushige built a (crescent-shaped) branch castle made of dirt called the Sanada-maru (Sanada Barbican) outside Tamatsukuriguchi and the south of Sannomaru (outer part of the castle) which was the weak point of the Osaka-jo Castle, and provoked the Tokugawa side using troops with firearms, and gave the advance party a black eye. 例文帳に追加

しかし籠城の策と決すると、信繁は大坂城の弱点であった三の丸南側、玉造口外に真田丸と呼ばれる土作りの出城(三日月形)を築き、鉄砲隊を用いて徳川方を挑発し先方隊に大打撃をあたえた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the cases of battles like the Battle of Ichijodani-jo Castle in October of 1573, Nagashima Ikko Ikki (an uprising of Ikko sect followers in Nagashima) in August of 1574, and the Battle of Nagashino in June of 1575, it has been verified that Toshiie took part in these wars as a teppo bugyo (commander of the firearms troop) along with Narimasa SASSA, Masanari NONOMURA, HIdekatsu FUKUTOMI, Naomasa BAN and others. 例文帳に追加

天正元年(1573年)9月の一乗谷城の戦い、天正2年(1574年)7月の長島一向一揆、天正3年(1575年)5月の長篠の戦いなどでは佐々成政、野々村正成、福富秀勝、塙直政らと共に鉄砲奉行としての参戦が確認されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was after losing in the World War II when the police succeeded in confiscating and destroying completely these large amount of swords, spears, and firearms, the symbols of the right of Jikendan, under the guise of elimination of militarism and backed by the force and prestige of the occupation forces. 例文帳に追加

自検断権の象徴たるこれらの膨大な刀槍、銃器が完全に廃棄されたのは、第二次世界大戦の敗戦後、警察が軍国主義の排除という名目と占領軍の武力と威光を背景に、没収の実行に成功してからであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the time of a battle in Japan, gunners (teppo-ashigaru, foot soldiers fighting with firearms) were organized in small groups under the command of high-ranking warriors, and these units vied for exploits of war, therefore accuracy rate of individual gunners was of high concern. 例文帳に追加

日本の合戦では戦闘時、上級武士の指揮下に少人数ずつの銃手(鉄砲足軽)が組織化されて、この戦闘単位ごとに勲功を競うといった運用形態をとっていたこともあり、個々の銃手の命中率が重要視されたのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Teppoki" (a history book on the introduction of guns), firearms were first brought to Tanegashima Island on October 3, 1543 by a Chinese ship tossed ashore on Nishinoura Bay of Tanegashima Island, Osumi Province (Kagoshima Prefecture) and a Confucian scholar from Ming onboard, who identified himself as Goho, worked as a translator for Oribe NISHIMURA by using written messages. 例文帳に追加

『鉄炮記』によれば、種子島への鉄砲伝来は天文(元号)12年8月25日(旧暦)(ユリウス暦1543年9月23日)の出来事で、大隅国(鹿児島県)種子島西之浦湾に漂着した中国船に乗っていた「五峰」と名乗る明の儒生が西村織部と筆談で通訳を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The use of guns spread from the Kyushu and Chugoku regions to the eastern part of Japan, and Nobunaga ODA of Owari Province, who was promoting the unification of Japan, strategically used guns in battles including the Battle of Nagashino in 1575, opening the new era of military technology in which firearms became the main weapon in battle. 例文帳に追加

九州や中国地方の戦国大名から、やがて天下統一事業を推進していた尾張国の織田信長が1575年(天正3年)に武田氏との長篠の戦いをはじめとする戦で、鉄砲を有効活用したとされ、鉄砲が戦争における主力兵器として活用される軍事革命が起こる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Hachiman Gudokun," in the middle of the battle, a fire started, probably from firearms, in Hakozaki-gu Shrine, where warriors of the Kamakura shogunate decided as their base for interception and prayed for the gods' help, and it burned down the main building of the shrine, but they managed to save goshintai (object of worship believed to contain the spirit of a god) and other materials by carrying them out in a chest. 例文帳に追加

『八幡愚童訓』によると、この戦いの最中、鎌倉武士団が迎撃の拠点として加護を祈った筥崎宮から兵火によるものか出火し、社殿は焼け落ちたものの御神体その他は唐櫃に納めて運び出し、辛くも避難出来たという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A stream ship Dai-ni Tatsumaru, carrying 49 boxes of firearms, 40 boxes of ammunition and coal, etc. ordered by a Portuguese weapons merchant in Macao, left Kobe, was captured by four patrol boats of , Qing in the water area before Macao, deprived of the Japanese (rising sun) flag and taken to Guangdong, on a charge of smuggling arms. 例文帳に追加

澳門のポルトガル人銃砲商が発注した銃器94函、弾薬40函及び石炭等を積載して神戸を出た汽船第二辰丸は、澳門前面の水域において清国拱北関の巡視船四隻に武器密輸の嫌疑で拿捕され、日章旗を撤去、広東に廻航された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1568, however, Yoemon UGAKI, his important senior vassal, was killed by Naoie UKITA, and Hisataka IGA, the lord of Kogura-jo Castle, went over to the other side by Naoie's plot, and in August in the same year, Kanagawa-jo Castle was attacked by the Ukita's forces, and Mototeru was killed by the firearms troop of Hisataka IGA. 例文帳に追加

が、永禄11年(1568年)、宇喜多直家に主力の重臣である宇垣与右衛門を謀殺され、さらに直家の調略により虎倉城主の伊賀久隆に寝返られ、同年7月、宇喜多勢に金川城を攻撃され元輝は伊賀久隆の鉄砲隊により討死。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide an evacuation apparatus having enhanced shock resistance against a mightier handgun, enhanced heat resistance or fire resistance against attack by firearms such as a burner, and resistance to cutting against attack by machine tools such as a hand grinder while suppressing the increase of an evacuation device.例文帳に追加

避難装置の重量の増加を抑えつつ、より強力な拳銃に対する耐衝撃性の向上に加えて、バーナーなどの火器による攻撃に対する耐熱性、耐火性とドリルやハンドグラインダーなどの工作工具による攻撃に対する対切削性を向上させること。 - 特許庁

Consequently, reflection of radar wave radiated from an intimidatory radar, e.g. a firearms control radar, can be reduced and since the possibility of a flying aircraft being captured by an intimidatory radar, e.g. an air-to-air or air-to-surface radar, can be reduced, stealthiness is enhanced resulting in an aircraft flying in safety.例文帳に追加

これにより、火器管制レーダ等の脅威レーダから照射されるレーダ波の反射量を低減でき、飛行中の航空機が空対空レーダ、空対地レーダ等の脅威レーダからの捕捉される確率を少なくすることができ、ステルス性を高め、安全に飛行できる航空機とすることができる。 - 特許庁

Unlike the existing art of gunnery, emphasis was placed not on a hitting accuracy but on a mass attack strategy like a heavy barrage of fire; it was characterized by the tactics plus gunnery for the use of firearms with a perfectly coordinated teamwork performed by 'Gorei,' which was absent in Japan by then (It was said that not 'Gorei' [a word of command] but 'Meirei' [order] existed in Japan). 例文帳に追加

これはこれまでの砲術と異なって、命中精度より集団運用による所謂「弾幕を張る」等の用兵が主であり、それまで日本に無かった「号令」(日本には「命令」はあっても「号令」は無かったと云う)による一糸乱れぬチームーワークで火器を駆使するための戦術プラス銃砲術の性格を持ったものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the end of the Edo period, the Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and its domains were forced to eliminate their 'matchlock infantry' armed with matchlocks and to form a 'musket infantry' or 'musket unit' armed with Western style firearms, however, the number of ashigaru (common foot soldiers) was sometimes not enough to form these infantries or units and, in these cases, new members were recruited to create a musket infantry similar to the ashigaru troops in the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States). 例文帳に追加

幕末になって江戸幕府及び諸藩は、火縄銃装備の「鉄砲組」を廃止し、洋式銃装備の「歩兵隊」や「銃隊」を作る必要に迫られたが、従来の足軽身分のものだけでは不十分なケースが多々見られ、こうした場合、新たに人員を募集し戦国時代の足軽隊に似た歩兵部隊を創設することがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the facts that the mechanism of early matchlock guns is similar to that of the choju (guns for bird hunting) of Southeast Asia with a pressurized serpentine arm and the use of matchlock guns in Southeast Asia preceded to use in Japan, some researchers (such as Takehisa UDAGAWA) argue that matchlock guns were introduced into Japan not via Europe, as typified by the introduction of firearms to Tanegashima Island, but through illicit trades with Southeast Asia by wako. 例文帳に追加

鉄砲の伝来は、初期の火縄銃の形式が東南アジアの加圧式火鋏を持った鳥銃に似ている事や東南アジアにおいても先行して火縄銃が使われていた事などから、種子島への鉄砲伝来に代表されるようなヨーロッパ経由でなく倭寇などの密貿易によって東南アジア方面から持ち込まれたとする説がある(宇田川武久説)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While "Teppoki" records firearms that were introduced into Japan in 1543, several theories about the date exist including some materials from the Portuguese side do not even cover the event and "Nihon Kyokai Shi" (História Da Igreja Do Japão) compiled by the Society of Jesus mentions that it was in 1542 and the "Toyo Henreki Ki" (Peregrinacao) by Fernão Mendes Pinto states that it was in 1545. 例文帳に追加

『鉄炮記』には「天文(元号)癸卯」(1543年)と記されているが、一方でポルトガル側の史料には鉄砲の伝来を記さないものや、イエズス会の『日本教会史』には1542年(天文11年)の出来事、フェルナン・メンデス・ピントの『東洋遍歴記』には1545年(天文14年)の出来事であると記されているなど年代には諸説が存在する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They were also built in the Middle Ages together with tradesmen's houses (merchant's houses), and in modern times, with the arrival of firearms, lime plaster stud wall techniques were also used on castles for fire-proofing and bullet-proofing, and mud walls over 30 centimeters thick as Dozo-zukuri style were extensively used on defensive structures such as guard towers and turrets keep from the late Azuchi-Momoyama period to around the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

中世にも町屋(商家)などと共に建てられており、近世、鉄砲の伝来の影響により城郭にも防火・防弾のために漆喰大壁の技術が用いられ、30cm以上の分厚い壁を多用したことで安土桃山時代後期から江戸期前後の櫓や天守などの防御施設は土蔵造りとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unlike a cover method of conventional repair work, the places and quantity of the door sills damaged during work in a newly built construction site are confirmed without using firearms and electric tools, and stainless steel plates are machined and manufactured by a bender based on shape and dimensions according to a steel fittings drawing and delivered into the site to execute a door sill bonding cover method.例文帳に追加

従来の改修工事のカバー工法と異なり、火器、電動工具を使用する事なく、新築建設現場の工事中に傷付いた沓ずりの場所と数量を確認し、鋼製建具図面より形状、寸法をもとにステンレス製鋼板をベンダーで加工製作し、現場に納入して、沓ずり接着カバー工法で施工する。 - 特許庁

To securely prevent an eye disorder, in security devices for threatening/capturing by firing a net or for jetting/firing a lachrymator/coloring agent, or firearms such as a launcher of a rubber bullet and a rifle, the disorder being caused by a laser beam that is emitted to a target etc. from a laser emitting device used for sight of such devices or practice.例文帳に追加

ネットを発射して威嚇・捕獲を行う防犯装置や催涙・着色剤を噴射・発射する防犯装置や、ゴム弾の発射機や小銃などの火器において、その照準や、練習に使用されるレーザ発光装置から発射されるレーザ光によるターゲットなどの目の障害を確実に防止する。 - 特許庁

Article 5 (1) The SDF personnel under Operations may conduct an examination of the personal belongings or the body of the person in captivity pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article (hereinafter referred to as "captive person(s)") as to ascertain possession of dangerous goods (i.e. firearms, bayonets, bullets, explosives and other military arms and any object equivalent to the above, and which endanger human lives or bodies. The same shall apply in the following paragraph) or military documents (i.e. maps, military rules, written orders, plans and other documents to be used for military purposes. The same shall apply hereinafter). 例文帳に追加

第五条 出動自衛官は、前条の規定により拘束した者(以下「被拘束者」という。)については、その所持品又は身体について危険物(銃砲、銃剣、銃砲弾、爆発物その他の軍用の武器及びこれらに準ずる物であって、人の生命又は身体に危険を生じさせるものをいう。次項において同じ。)又は軍用書類(地図、軍用規則、命令書、計画書その他の軍用に供する書類をいう。以下同じ。)を所持しているかどうかを調べることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


For example, there was the regulation that for rusui and oban gashira, 5000 koku was set as the standard and a person whose chigyo was below this was given 1000 hyo; shoinban gashira and koshobangumi gashira whose chigyo were below 3000 koku were given 1000 hyo; ometsuke, machi bugyo, and kanjo bugyo (commissioners of finance) whose chigyo were below 3000 koku were given 700 hyo; hyakuningumi kashira whose chigyo was below 3000 koku were given 500 hyo; sakuji bugyo, fushin bugyo, yari bugyo, and mochiyumitsutsu gashira whose chigyo were below 2000 koku were given 300 hyo; sakite gashira and shinban gashira whose chigyo were below 1500 koku were given 300 hyo; rusuiban, metsuke, tukaiban, shoinban kumigashira, koshogumi kumigashira, kachi gashira, and kojunin gashira whose chigyo were below 1000 koku were given 300 hyo and teppogata (officer handling firearms) whose chigyo were below 1000 were given 200 hyo. 例文帳に追加

例えば、留守居・大番頭は5000石を基準としてそれ以下に1000俵、書院番頭・小姓番組頭は3000石以下に1000俵、大目付・町奉行・勘定奉行は3000石以下に700俵、百人組頭は3000石以下に500俵、作事奉行・普請奉行・槍奉行・持弓筒頭は2000石以下に300俵、先手頭・新番頭は1500石以下に300俵、留守居番・目付・使番・書院番組頭・小姓組組頭・徒頭・小十人頭は1000石以下に300俵、鉄砲方は1000石以下に200俵などの決まりがあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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