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英語 Nakaiwata 1-chome



該当件数 : 15



This separated-type wig including a vertex part 1 and a peripheral part 2 forming a natural hair style of one kind as a whole is such that a fastener connectable to the peripheral part and own hair is set on the vertex part 1, and it is possible to use properly in 3 ways of using only the vertex part 1, using only the peripheral part, and using the vertex part 1 and the peripheral part together. - 特許庁

サブプライムローンとは、一般的には、米国における「信用力の劣る借り手1に対する住宅ローン」のことを言い、約 10 兆ドル(約 1,100 兆円)の米国住宅ローンの中でその約 13~15%(約 1.3~1.5 兆ドル、約 140~170 兆円)を占めていると言われている2。例文帳に追加

It is said that of the total U.S. mortgage market of approximately $10 trillion (approximately \\1.1 quadrillion), subprime mortgages account for approximately 13-15 percent (approximately $1.3-$1.5 trillion, or \\140-\\170 trillion)2.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The name 'Kanro Philosophy' is said to have been coined by Masachika NAKANE (developer of Nakane Method of Stenography), President of Ryoyo Gakuen School, who read the manuscript of "Kanro Tetsugaku Part 1 - Clarification of Absolute Truth" written by Yoshimasa MIURA in 1956.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fastening tool 4 is constituted by arranging a flexible tubular expansion body 1 on the outer periphery of the discharge cylinder 5 in the state where the bag opening part 61 of the powder storage bag 6 is fitted to the discharge cylinder 5, and by arranging a regulating ring 3 for regulating expansion of the tubular expansion body 1 to the outer peripheral side on the outer periphery of the tubular expansion body 1. - 特許庁


The following 11 families and the Yoshikawa clan of Suo Iwakuni Domain, who had been raised to the peerage since the Meiji era, received the title of Baron: 5 families who owned more than 10,000 koku of crop yields as the attendant chief retainer of three privileged branches - the Ando family of the Kii Tanabe Domain, the Takenokoshi family of the Mino Imao Domain, the Nakayama family of the Hitachi Matsuoka Domain, the Naruse family of the Owari Inuyama Domain and the Mizuno family of the Kii Shingu Domain, and 6 families of kotaiyoriai, a family status of samurai warriors in the Edo period, who owned more than 10,000 koku of rice during the Meiji Restoration - the Ikeda family of the Harima Fukumoto Domain, the Ikoma family of the Dewa Yashima Domain, the Hirano family of the Yamato Tawaramoto Domain, the Hondo family of the Hitachi Shizuku Domain, the Yamazaki family of the Bitchu Nariwa Domain and the Yamana family of the Tajima Muraoka Domain.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A virtual dialog system 1 comprises a keyword extraction means 8 for extracting a predetermined keyword from a sentence inputted from a client terminal 2; a response database 6 for storing a character response corresponding to the keyword; and a response control means 9 for retrieving a character response corresponding to the keyword extracted by the keyword extraction means 8 from the response database 6 and delivering it to the client terminal 2. - 特許庁



One of the five principles set forth when the Postal Service Privatization Act was enacted prescribes that funds totaling more than 200 trillion yen should flow to vulnerable regions, remote islands to which economic benefits have not reached, and depopulated regions so that Japan as a whole can be invigorated. The way that fiscal loan and investment funds were used was questioned, so one of the principles prescribed that the funds should be used for vulnerable people.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 15



However, if the business operator indicates that possibility without explaining that hedging may lack economic rationality in some cases, as the customer must pay double fees and may incur losses depending on the interest rate differential between currencies (hereinafter referred to as the “Swap Point”) and must bear an additional burden regarding the price difference (what is known as “the spread received by over-the-counter financial futures business operators) between the sale and purchase prices with the median price as a base point, the business operators act shall be deemed to fall under the category of “other similar practicesspecified under Article 117(1)(xxvi) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


It is a document that lodged a very outright criticism against the fact that excessive competition policies implemented by Mr. Koizumi, or Mr. Takenaka, led to a considerable loss of Japan's social stability, including the so-called safety nets. As Policy Research Committee Chair (of the PNP), I wrote that point at the very beginning of the six items in the common policy platform, which was put together in the run-up to the election, and I also articulated in writing that even after the change of government, Mr. Koizumi's excessive competition policies had substantially damaged various social safety nets or regional economies. Further still, the three-party agreement spelled out that the per-household income level dropped by one million yen in the course of ten years during which the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power. While I may not use expressions as sharp as those of (PNP) Chief Kamei, I am still intending to take a firm stance, keeping in mind the original intention behind the change of government, in addition to the points I've just made.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

第一条 この法律は、地球の広範な部分を占める海洋が人類をはじめとする生物の生命を維持する上で不可欠な要素であるとともに、海に囲まれた我が国において、海洋法に関する国際連合条約その他の国際約束に基づき、並びに海洋の持続可能な開発及び利用を実現するための国際的な取組の中で、我が国が国際的協調の下に、海洋の平和的かつ積極的な開発及び利用と海洋環境の保全との調和を図る新たな海洋立国を実現することが重要であることにかんがみ、海洋に関し、基本理念を定め、国、地方公共団体、事業者及び国民の責務を明らかにし、並びに海洋に関する基本的な計画の策定その他海洋に関する施策の基本となる事項を定めるとともに、総合海洋政策本部を設置することにより、海洋に関する施策を総合的かつ計画的に推進し、もって我が国の経済社会の健全な発展及び国民生活の安定向上を図るとともに、海洋と人類の共生に貢献することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, with regard to the oceans, to stipulate the basic principles, to clarify the responsibilities of the State, the local governments, business operators and the citizens as well as to formulate the basic plan with regard to the oceans and other basic matters with regard to the measures on the oceans, by establishing the Headquarters for Ocean Policy in order to promote measures with regard to the oceans comprehensively and systematically, through contributing to the sound development of the economy and society of our State and to improve the stability of the lives of citizenry as well as to contribute to the coexistence of the oceans and mankind, in consideration of the fact that the oceans, occupying broad portion of the globe, is an indispensable factor for maintaining the lives of the living beings including mankind, and the fact that it is important to realize a new oceanic State in harmonization of the peaceful and positive development and use of the oceans with the conservation of the marine environment, under the international cooperation, as our State surrounded by the oceans, based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other international agreements as well as on the international efforts on the realization of the sustainable development and use of the oceans.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Regrettably, more than 5,000 people are still missing, and one year is too long a time to wait for the adjudication of disappearance due to emergency. Therefore, the FSA's director-general in charge held very tough negotiations with the Ministry of Justice, which is responsible for matters related to the certification of the death of missing people. As a result, it has been agreed to allow the death of missing people to be certified three months after their disappearance based on a notification submitted to municipal governments through a simplified procedure. While an arrangement like that is made behind the scenes, life insurance sales women are going from mortuary to mortuary with the relatives of missing people. As I am a doctor by profession, I know well what a great mental shock it is for ordinary people to see the body of a person killed in a disaster like that, but insurance sales women are going as far as to do that. As I told you previously, Ishinomaki Shoko Shinkumi, which could not be contacted for four days after the earthquake, continued to provide loans, with employees working by candle light. In that sense, I am very grateful to various people in the financial sector, including financial institutions, life and non-life insurance companies and securities companies, for dealing with the unprecedented earthquake and tsunami disaster through private-public collaboration. However, I am not so complacent as to believe that we have done enough.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Furthermore, in the inspection and supervision of financial institutions, we take action in a stringent manner as necessary based on the confirmed facts pursuant to laws and regulations if violations of laws and regulations or problems in user protection are found as a result of on-site inspections, day-to-day supervision and other such activities. Likewise, we have endeavored to inspect and supervise the Incubator Bank of Japan in a stringent manner. The FSA had to properly conduct the first inspection and, in particular, the second inspection, according to law as an executive branch of government. Unless there is an obvious violation of law, an executive branch of government cannot take any arbitrary action. The third inspection, however, clearly revealed a violation of law as you know—what I am trying to tell you is that our action must be based on laws and facts. That is how an executive branch of government works. In that sense, although I can see at the emotional level why we are being criticized for not taking action earlier from the start, I believe as the head of an executive branch of government that regulation and supervision involves giving guidance based on objective facts in accordance with law, and should have as little room as possible for demands based on likelihood and arbitrariness. I believe this is an important quality for a person in charge of regulation and supervision based on laws and facts. Nevertheless, given that the Bank consequently failed, the FSA shall learn a lesson from this and continue to endeavor to stabilize the financial system.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In this context, if we are to proceed with postponing the expiration of the Act, we will properly request various organizations to submit data or conduct interviews with them. When I served as Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry twenty years ago, I was in charge of SMEs as required as the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of International Trade and Industry appointed from the House of Representatives back then for one year and three months under (former) Minister of International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao. Based on such experience, I have been told by SMEs how extremely helpful the Act has been. I may have also told you previously that according to what I have been informed by bureaucrats, a megabank attended a gathering of various financial institutions-a gathering of shinkin banks and credit unions at one of the financial bureaus-for the first time ever since the establishment of the Act. In that sense, my intuition as a politician is that the Act is proving to be extremely effective against the backdrop of the strong yen at this stage when we are considering the possibility of postponing its expiration.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

第三十八条 地方委員会は、仮釈放を許すか否かに関する審理を行うに当たり、法務省令で定めるところにより、被害者等(審理対象者が刑を言い渡される理由となった犯罪により害を被った者(以下この項において「被害者」という。)又はその法定代理人若しくは被害者が死亡した場合若しくはその心身に重大な故障がある場合におけるその配偶者、直系の親族若しくは兄弟姉妹をいう。次項において同じ。)から、審理対象者の仮釈放に関する意見及び被害に関する心情(以下この条において「意見等」という。)を述べたい旨の申出があったときは、当該意見等を聴取するものとする。ただし、当該被害に係る事件の性質、審理の状況その他の事情を考慮して相当でないと認めるときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 38 (1) The Regional Board shall, as provided for by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Justice, hear the opinions or feelings of the victims (those persons who have suffered damage as a result of the crimes which are the grounds for the punishment rendered to the person subject to examination, hereinafter referred to as "victims", including their statutory agents or in the case of the victim's death or their suffering from severe mental or physical disorders, their spouse, lineal relatives or siblings) regarding the parole of the person subject to examination and regarding sentiment on damage by the crimes whenever, in its deliberation period, victims ask this of the Board. The Regional Board however has the discretion not to hear from victims when it finds that there is good reason to consider that hearing from them is not appropriate, in light of the nature of the case, the circumstances of the parole examinations and other related circumstances.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


5. 我々は、一次産品価格の潜在的な過度の変動の影響についての懸念を議論し、我々の代理に対し、国際機関と協働して、根底にある動きと、こうした趨勢が消費国と生産国双方に与える課題について我々に報告し、可能性のある対応策の検討を求めた。我々は、この変動が食糧安全保障に与える影響に留意しつつ、途上国の農業セクターへの長期的な投資の必要性を改めて表明した。我々は、石油データイニシアティブ共同機構(JODI oil)の質、適時性及び信頼性を高めるための IEF、IEA 及び OPEC による中間報告を歓迎し、最終報告で詳述されるこれらの提言を実施するための戦略について更に取り組むことを求める。1 月 24 日にリヤドで開催されたシンポジウムに基づき、我々は、IEF が 2011 年 2 月 22 日の次の会合において、産消対話を改善するための具体的な戦略を提供することを奨励する。首脳の要請を受け、我々は、IMF 及びIEF 並びに IEA、GECF 及び OPEC に対し、石油の価格変動に関する G20 の作業をガスと石炭に拡大するための具体的な提言を2011 年 10 月までに策定することを求める。我々は、次回会合において、以下の報告を議論することを期待している:価格報告機関に関する IEF、IEA、OPEC 及び IOSCO の報告、現在関連する国際機関によって作業が行われている食糧安全保障に関する中間報告、及び、特に、透明性を強化し、市場の濫用に対処するための商品デリバティブ市場の規制・監督に関する IOSCO の提言及びFSB の次のステップの検討。例文帳に追加

5. We discussed concerns about consequences of potential excessive commodity price volatility and asked our deputies to work with international organizations and to report back to us on the underlying drivers and the challenges posed by these trends for both consumers and producers and consider possible actions. Keeping in mind the impact of this volatility on food security, we reiterated the need for long-term investment in the agricultural sector in developing countries. We welcomed the interim report by the IEF, IEA and OPEC to improve the quality, timeliness and reliability of the Joint Organization Data Initiative Oil (JODI oil) and call for further work on strategies to implement these recommendations to be detailed in their final report. Building on the Riyadh symposium held on January 24th, we encourage the IEF to provide concrete strategies to improve the producer-consumer dialogue at its next meeting on February 22nd 2011. Following our Leaders' request, we call on the IMF and IEF, as well as IEA, GECF and OPEC, to develop by October 2011 concrete recommendations to extend the G20's work on oil price volatility to gas and coal. We look forward to discussing at our next meeting the report of IEF, IEA, OPEC and IOSCO on price reporting agencies as well as the interim report on food security currently being undertaken by the relevant international organizations, and IOSCO's recommendations, and the FSB's consideration of next steps, on regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets notably to strengthen transparency and address market abuses.発音を聞く  - 財務省


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