





該当件数 : 39



I intend to participate in this on January 20th.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I plan on going back to my hometown for a week.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I intend to study English for about 1 hour tonight.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I plan to take a holiday on the 30th January.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I plan on enjoying life in Canada until January 31st.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


The term of validity for these quotes is 1 month.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I have another question about the procurement of the products. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


I will round out my education by studying in the US for one year. - Eゲイト英和辞典

サーバ は 1つもしくはそれ以上のファイルシステムを エクスポートするリモートのマシンです例文帳に追加

The server is the remote machine that exports one or more of its filesystems.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


I will move on to the second question. Sunday, March 11 will mark the first anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The help disk 1 prepares an answer to the question, and evaluates and sets relevancy between the use environment and the question item. - 特許庁


A user writes a question item and the use environment of merchandise related with the question item in a question ship provided from a question ship providing part 11 of a help system 10, and transmits it to a help disk 1. - 特許庁


This method for press-molding the molding material for a parting corner accessory is to mold the molding material 1 to the outside corner shape and mold an uneven pattern on each outer surface 1a of the molding material 1 using two molding tools 2 corresponding to two outer surfaces 1a, on the outside corner side, of the molding material 1. - 特許庁


Two molds 2, which are used for molding the molding material 1 into an outside corner shape and correspond to two outer surfaces 1a of the outside corner of the molding material 1, are used and moved in the direction vertical to the respective outer surfaces 1a of the molding material 1 to press the molding material 1 to mold uneven patterns 3 on the respective outer surfaces 1a of the molding material 1. - 特許庁


Therefore, from the standpoint of disaster victims, I am proposing to use such accessible facilities as contact points for applications and mediation - although the actual administrative work may be done by a single general incorporated association in each prefecture - so that they can obtain relevant information there.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


A theory that 'sushi in pairs came to be counted as one kan as a remnant of serving of one kan of sushi cut into two pieces in olden days' frequently appeared in the media at the same time, but there were no periods when it was standardized to serve Nigiri-zushi cut into two pieces.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Furthermore, since the resistance to slip can be secured without having irregularities on the surface of the supporting member 1, the cleaning can be easily performed while the resistance to slip is secured. - 特許庁


I have one more question. There have been media reports which mentioned the amount of lost funds or which asserted that the company had provided false explanations. Will you consider filing criminal accusations?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In relation to the previous question, I understand that the Enterprise Turnaround Initiative Corporation of Japan has mostly handled cases involving SMEs.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I would like to ask a specific question in connection with the question that Mr. Iwakami has just asked. I also asked a related question last time, but please allow me to point to an incident that I believe took place when the Incubator Bank of Japan was in the process of acquiring its banking license, where Mr. Kimura got paid 100 million yen for entering into a licensing consultation service agreement while he was an incumbent advisor to the FSA. This constitutes a case of someone in the position of a part-time civil servant as an advisor who went ahead to work as a licensing administration consultant at the same time and got paid for it - doesn't that carry any issues?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Spec is conferred between the consumers accessing a public information means 1 publicly informed by an enterprise by a consumer conference means 2, and assentors form the community, and requests an estimate of the enterprise. - 特許庁


I am asking this once again in view of the unfolding circumstances where the committee that you mentioned is now scheduled to be established and the provisional payback percentage has just been set this weekI would like to know what kind of thoughts you have on the fact that Mr. Taira, an LDP Diet member, was among the founding directors of the Incubator Bank of Japan and I believe still is, at least formally, a director. In short, I would first like to hear once more about the issue of his responsibility and any other related matters.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


It is said that a size determined as 'one and a half bites' changed to the current size during a period from around the Middle Meiji period to the prewar times, and there is a description that sushi was served one piece each until the Middle Showa period even after the size had changed.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the continuous casting method for the molten steel, mold powder having hydrogen absorbency is added to the molten steel 5 in a casting mold such that the hydrogen included in the molten steel 5 in the casting mold 1 is absorbed into the mold powder and therefore, the heat extraction defect due to the hydrogen can be prevented and the operation can be stabilized. - 特許庁


The decorative outside angle material M constituted by adhering a melamine decorative material 2 on a surface of an aluminum made base material 1 is formed to make thickness t2 of both end edge parts 12, 12 in the shorter direction of the base material is thicker than thickness t1 of an intermediate part 11 and the thickness t1, t2 is respectively equalized in the longitudinal direction of the base material 1. - 特許庁


I know what you mean. However, at the extreme opposite, DBJ is underwriting convertible bonds issued by a company that is operating department stores and other retail facilities in Tokyo. In addition, last year, DBJ was often involved in syndicated loans to projects that could have been undertaken by the private sector on its own. I have no intention of blaming DBJ. DBJ cannot be blamed as it is not sure about its own identity. It does not know whether it is a private-sector or public-sector institution. As the government has left DBJ’s status unclear for as long as one year, the bank has fallen into this situation. That is what I have been pointing out all along.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


That is a question with a grand scope. The financial sector has undergone significant progress especially since the days of (former British Prime Minister) Margaret Thatcher and (former US President) Ronald Reagan, under so-called neo-conservatism: in particular, investment banks in the United States have come to generate huge profits by taking advantage of financial engineering, which evolved especially with the advance of information technology. Apparently, stocks are purchased and sold in 2 milliseconds at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Stocks are purchased and sold in 1 or 2 milliseconds at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, which I visited the other day. This is the kind of world we are talking about.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Yesterday, Minister for Economic and Fiscal Policy Yosano said that the Japanese economy may have entered a recession near the end of last year. I would like to first ask you about your assessment of the current economic condition, and my second question concerns the increasing number of bankruptcies, which has led to a rise in major banks' non-performing loans, as shown by their first quarter financial results. In light of this, although it may partly overlap with my first question, how do you assess the management condition of financial institutions?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The method for patterning on the surface of the rock wool board comprises the steps of forming the stripe-like grooves 2 on the surface of the rock wool board 1 by cutting, and thereafter continuously pressing the stripe-like rugged part by the patterning roll 5 having the pins 4 of different diameters and protruding lengths and implanted thereto to form the rugged pattern 6. - 特許庁


According to the above figure, Germany, which recorded the first negative growth (0.2%) quarter-on-quarter in eleven quarters since the 1st quarter of 2009, has exceeded France and has been the only major country at a high level beyond 100, markedly different from other major countries. In addition, Germany's real GDP growth rate throughout 2011 was 3.0%, far exceeding the 1.5% of the euro area average. - 経済産業省


Let me correct one factual matter concerning a previous question about the numbers. I said that the total amount of deposits exceeding 11 million yen is 23.4 billion yen and the number of such depositors is 1,233. Those people have more than 11 million yen in deposit but they are protected up to 10 million yen, which means that the overflow portion in excess of the 10 million yen amounts to approximately 10 billion yen of the 47.1 billion yen that I referred to. That is the only information I would like to add.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I am expecting to receive questions about events that happened this year or how I look back at the past half year after I assumed office. I have been a doctor for 40 years. And I have been a Diet member for 25 years and, on June 11 of this year, I was appointed to the post of the Minister for Financial Services and the Minister for Postal Reform. After reassuming ministerial office after a long while, I paid a courtesy call on Mr. Nakasone, who has been my mentortogether with Mr. Michio Watanabefor the past 27 years.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


If we compare the sequence of events after the bursting of Japan’s economic bubble with the evolution of the financial turmoil that has begun in the United States, it is obvious that the current crisis is spreading further and quicker. It took about seven years from the bursting of Japan’s economic bubble to the bankruptcies of Yamaichi (Yamaichi Securities Co.) and “Takugin” (Hokkaido Takushoku Bank) and the injection of public funds into banks. In the United States, things have been happening very rapidly: the subprime mortgage problem came to the surface in the summer of 2007, then major investment banks collapsed and the use of public funds was decided in less than one year. Frankly speaking, things have been happening over the past month or so more quickly than I expected. Also, I think that the pace and extent of the current and past crises are different.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The global economy, including the European economy, has been undergoing significant change, or has been growing unstable, since the Lehman shock. That is the greatest change. To be more specific, U.S. SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) Chairwoman Schapiro said that calls for the application of IFRS from U.S. companies and investors are not very strong. According to a report recently issued by Keidanren, during the two years since the introduction of a voluntary application of IFRS, only three of the 3,600 eligible Japanese companies have applied it. That roughly means only one in 1,000 companies.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The other question regarding Shinsei Bank basically relates to the management of an individual bank; I would like to refrain from commenting on the management of any individual financial institution on behalf of the FSA as a public institution and a government agency. Generally speaking, however, we intend to conduct examinations in light of the so-calledThree Principlesof DICJ, that is, the soundness of the financial institution’s management, avoidance of a public burden, and stability of the financial system, as mentioned earlier. Our policy is to accept the repayment of public funds based on these Three Principles, unless there are any particular problems.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

(1) 登録官は,次に掲げる標章若しくはそれらの標章のいずれかにほぼ類似しており,その標章と取られる可能性のある標章を含む又はそれらから構成される商標登録出願を拒絶することができる。 (a) 「特許」,「特許権取得済」,「王室特許状による」,「登録済」,「登録意匠」,「著作権」,「これを改ざんすることは偽造です」という言葉又は同じ効果を有する記号 (b) 国王若しくは王室の一員の表示 (c) 次に掲げるものの表示 (i) 王室紋章,クレスト,紋章,記章若しくは意匠 (ii) 王冠のすべて,又は (iii) 女王陛下の領土の一部の国旗,又は (d) 出願人が王室若しくは政府の任命権若しくは権限を有する若しくは有していたと人に思わせる可能性のある「ロイヤル」又はその他の言葉若しくは文字若しくは意匠 (e) 国旗,国章,国の標語若しくは国の印章の表示,又は地方の旗,章,標語若しくは印章の表示 (f) 市町村等の地方自治体の旗若しくは章の表示,又は国家機関若しくはパプアニューギニア国内の下部機関の旗若しくは章の表示 (g) 本条の適用上,禁止標章として規定された標章例文帳に追加

(1) The Registrar may refuse to accept an application for the registration of a trade mark which contains or consists of any of the following marks or a mark so nearly resembling any of those marks as to be likely to be taken for that mark: - (a) the word or wordsPatent”, “Patented”, “By Royal Letters Patent”, “Registered”, “Registered Design”, “Copyright”, “To counterfeit this is a forgery”, or a word or words or symbol or symbols to the like effect; (b) a representation of the Sovereign or of a member of the Royal Family; (c) a representation of (i) the Royal Arms, crests, armorial bearings, insignia or devices; or (ii) any of the Royal crowns; or (iii) the national flag of a part of the Queen’s dominions; or (d) the wordRoyalor any other word, or any letters or device, likely to lead persons to think that the applicant has or has had Royal or Government patronage or authority; (e) a representation of the National Flag, National Emblem, National Motto or National Seal or of the flag, emblem, motto or seal of a province; (f) a representation of the flag or emblem of a city or town or Local-level Government or of a statutory body or instrumentality in Papua New Guinea; (g) a mark prescribed as being, for the purposes of this section, a prohibited mark. - 特許庁



Among the G-20 and G-7 countries, and even in the United States, the need for regulation has been recognized, as indicated by the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, which strengthens financial regulations, as opposed to neo-conservatism, which basically pursues the thorough deregulation of the financial sector and the minimization of government involvement. Following the enactment of that act, the United States is working out the details of regulations, including the Volcker Rule. As for European banks, U.K. banks are rather closer to the U.S. style of finance as you know, while Germany and France have continental financial systems, which are conservative, like the Japanese financial system. As to the first question, which concerned neo-conservatism, the mood around the world some time ago was such as to encourage financial institutions to create any type of financial product in exchange for accepting full self-responsibility, and Japan was no exception. However, now, the mood has changed very much even on Wall Street. In that sense, I think that countries have a feeling of contrition about the wave of neo-conservatism that swept through the world at one time.発音を聞く  - 金融庁






One, too






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