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該当件数 : 33



a principle of international trading called a {"free and indiscriminate trading principle"}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


That concerns the issue of the principle of equal treatment of domestic and foreign companies, and we have repeatedly been reminded of it.  - 金融庁

1. セーフガード措置の問題につき無差別の原則に基づいて多角的交渉を行う。例文帳に追加

1. There shall be multilateral negotiations on the question of emergency safeguard measures based on the principle of non-discrimination. - 経済産業省

WTOでは、物品の貿易においてWTO 加盟国はすべてのWTO 加盟国の産品を同等に扱うという、いわゆる無差別原則を基本としている。例文帳に追加

WTO observes the rule of non-discrimination, which requires every member country to equally treat products of other members in trade of goods. - 経済産業省


⑦ NAFTA 等のFTA 締約国の除外が無差別原則に違反(セーフガード協定第2条2項、GATT 第1条1項違反)例文帳に追加

(g) The measures that except imports from Israel, Jordan, Canada and Mexico (WTO Members which are FTA partners such as NAFTA) violate the principle of most-favored-nation treatment and violate Article 2.2 of the Agreement on Safeguards and Article I:1 of GATT 1994; - 経済産業省



To hold comprehensive discussions on the rules for foreign capital control, which is an exception to the non-discriminatory treatment - 経済産業省


To stipulate principles and other matters necessary for development of environment and rules concerning e-commerce. - 経済産業省


As explained above, the WTO Agreement is based on the concept of reducing trade barriers and applying nondiscriminatory rules. These ideals are embodied in the following basic principles of the WTO. - 経済産業省


In addition, the state government discriminates between companies depending on whether they are on the list, which may also be inconsistent with Article III:1 of the 1994 Agreement, which mandates both national treatment and non-discrimination. - 経済産業省



As is the case with the 1979 Agreement, the 1994 Agreement defines the principles of national treatment and nondiscrimination and requires fair and transparent procurement procedures. The 1994 Agreement reinforces and improves the 1979 Agreement in the following aspects. - 経済産業省


○ 金融庁の行動規範(code of conduct)の確立(行政指導の一層の透明化・ルール化、行政処分等の透明性の確保を含む)、内外無差別原則の確認例文帳に追加

Establishment of the FSA’s “Code of Conduct” (including further enhancement of the transparency and rules of administrative directives, and ensuring further transparency of administrative actions) and reconfirmation of the equal treatment principle of domestic and foreign financial institutions  - 金融庁


However, the WTO is now faced with a number of new challenges: erosion of the principle of nondiscrimination caused by the expanded networks of regional EPA/FTAs around the world; wave of antiglobalization; more complicated and prolonged decision-making procedures due to the increased number of participants, etc. - 経済産業省

このような政策がアジア太平洋地域で拡散することを抑止するべく、2011 年の APEC首脳会議において「効果的、無差別かつ市場主導型のイノベーション政策を促進するための共通原則」に合意した。例文帳に追加

To avoid such policies from spreading into the Asia-Pacific region, the APEC top-level meeting in 2011 agreed on the common principle of the promotion of effective, non-discriminatory, and market-driven innovation policy. - 経済産業省


Strengthen implementation of WTO principles such as non-discrimination, transparency, and promoting the use of the international standards and conformance infrastructure in regulatory approaches;  - 経済産業省


This means that the WTO Agreements are structured, for the purpose of introducing market economy principles into international trade, on the basis of the two ideals: (1) reducing trade barriers, and (2) applying nondiscriminatory rules. - 経済産業省

一方、EPA /FTAでは、WTOにおける無差別原則の例外的な措置として、当該協定の締約国に対してのみ関税を削減又は撤廃することが可能である。例文帳に追加

However, as a measure exceptional from this WTO principle, EPAs/FTAs make it possible for their signatory countries to reduce or abolish tariffs among themselves. - 経済産業省


Unlike the two above-mentioned EPAs, the last sentence of paragraph 1 of Article 135 provides that “[a]ny measures shall be taken in conformity with the principles of transparency, nondiscrimination and procedural fairness.” - 経済産業省

GATT 及びGATS において、政府機関が政府用として物品・サービスの調達を行う場合に内国民待遇を適用除外しているところ、本協定は内国民待遇と無差別原則を規定している。例文帳に追加

While GATT and GATS exclude application of domestic treatment when a government agency procures goods/services for use by the government, GPA stipulates the domestic treatment and the rule of non-discrimination. - 経済産業省

GATT 第19条は、輸入急増に対応するためのセーフガード措置について規定しており、一定の要件(国内産業への重大な損害発生、輸入と損害の因果関係、無差別原則による発動)の下で輸入制限を行うことを認めている。例文帳に追加

Article XIX of the GATT permits the imposition of safeguard measures (that is, emergency import restrictions) to counteract sharp and sudden increases in imports. Under this Article, import restrictions may be imposed if certain conditions are met: experience of serious injury by the domestic industry, no discrimination in application, and causal relationship between imports and injury. - 経済産業省

なお、NAFTA やMERCOSUR 等の一部のFTA や関税同盟では、加盟国がWTOセーフガードを発動する際に、原則、他の加盟国をWTOセーフガード措置の対象から外す旨規定しており(例えばNAFTA 第802条等)、WTOセーフガード措置適用の無差別原則(第2.2条)との整合性が問題となる(「2.主要ケースの米国―溶接ラインパイプ・ケース(DS 202)等を参照)。例文帳に追加

Some FTAs and tariff unions such as NAFTA and MERCOSUR have provisions allowing a Member to apply WTO safeguard actions while in principle exempting other Member nations from WTO safeguards (e.g. NAFTA Article 802, etc.). This presents problems of compliance with the non-discrimination principle of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards (Article 2.2; see US ? Welded Carbon Quality Line Pipe Case (DS202)). - 経済産業省


Commitment to implement all aspects of the G20 financial regulation agenda, in an internationally consistent and non-discriminatory manner, including the commitments on OTC derivatives, compensation practices and accounting standards and FSB principles on reducing reliance on credit rating agencies.  - 財務省


Quantitative restrictions necessary to prevent sudden increases in imports from causing serious injury to domestic producers or to relieve producers who have suffered such injury (Article XIX); - 経済産業省


In 1985 during the Iran-Iraq War, when Iraq proclaimed indiscriminate attacks to any aircraft flew over Iran, the Japanese people in Iran were stuck in a crisis because the rescue by Self-Defense Force was not made according to the principle that the overseas dispatch of Self-Defense Force troops is prohibited, and Japan Airlines did not fly JAL international airplanes because of a union issue.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While negotiations are reducing the partial non-applicability provisions among the major countries, partial non-application of the Agreement still remains. This partial non-application remains an exception to the principle of non-discrimination prescribed in the Agreement. Japan hopes to see a full agreement applicable to procurement by sub-central and government-related entities soon. - 経済産業省


We consider this to be an attempt to use national security as an excuse to limit competition and thereby improve the competitiveness of the US industry. The expansion ofnational securityto includenational economic securitygoes against the spirit of the 1994 Agreement and its basic principle of non-discrimination. - 経済産業省

我々は、店頭デリバティブ市場に関する FSB 提言を実施するための法律・規制において、高水準で国際的に整合的かつ協調的で、無差別な要件を設けることにコミットし、規制の重複を避ける必要性を強調した。我々は、報酬に関する FSB 原則・基準を全ての国・地域が完全に実施するよう促す。例文帳に追加

We committed to set high, internationally consistent, coordinated and non-discriminatory requirements in our legislations and regulations implementing FSB recommendations on OTC derivatives markets and stressed the need to avoid overlapping regulations.  - 財務省

一方、MERCOSUR諸国を措置の発動対象から除外した点については、GATT 第24条8項は本件とは無関係としてパネル報告を破棄し、セーフガード協定第2条2項の無差別原則を理由として、関税同盟の構成国が関税同盟諸国を発動対象から除外する第Ⅱ部WTO協定と主要ケース268ことは許されないと判断した。例文帳に追加

With respect to the exclusion of MERCOSUR countries from the application of the safeguard measure, the Appellate Body overruled the Panel, determining that GATT Article XXIV:8 was irrelevant to the case. - 経済産業省

. 国際化や金融コングロマリット化の進展に伴い、海外監督当局との連携強化の必要性が増すとともに、規制・基準の収斂の動きが加速している。こうした状況を踏まえ、内外無差別の原則を貫徹し、わが国の金融システム及び金融市場を明確な理念及びルールに基づいた普遍性のあるものにすると同時に、金融に関する国際的なルール作りに受身ではなく、戦略的見地から積極的に参加し、主導的な役割を果たすべく努力する。例文帳に追加

As internationalization and financial conglomeratization progresses, the necessity of strengthening partnerships with overseas regulatory authorities is increasing, and the movement towards the convergence of regulation and standards is accelerating. Taking this situation into consideration, the FSA will strive to adhere to the equal treatment principle of domestic and foreign financial institutions; make the Japanese financial system and financial markets universal based on a clear philosophy and rules; and at the same time play a leading role in international standard-setting activities regarding financial services, participating actively, not passively, from a strategic standpoint.  - 金融庁


The WTO Agreement on Safeguards provides that, from the perspective of further expanding trade liberalization, where circumstances which were unforeseeable at the time of trade liberalization negotiations lead to a surge in imports of specific products, members may impose import restrictions (tariff measures, import quotas) pursuant to certain conditions(serious injury to domestic industry, causal relations between imports and injury, instigation of measures on the basis of the principle of non-discrimination) as an emergency avoidance measure (Fig. 3.2.1).A total of 150 safeguard measures were imposed between the inauguration of the GATT in1948 up until the end of December 1994, immediately prior to the entry into force of the Safeguards Agreement. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, I would like to refrain from commenting directly on the dispute involving Nipponkoa Insurance, as it is a matter concerning an individual company. Concerning the treatment of investors, our basic principle is to treat foreign investors and domestic investors equally. I believe that investors, including investment funds - whether they be domestic investors or foreign ones - should naturally follow market rules. Based on this premise, it is quite natural for an investment fund to make demands in its capacity as a shareholder.  - 金融庁

パネルは2001年10月29日に報告を発出し、①米国の導入した関税割当の一律的な一次税率枠割当は過去の輸入量に占めるシェアを無視しており、GATT 第13条の無差別原則に反すること、② GATT 第19条ならびにセーフガード協定は重大な損害またはそのおそれのいずれかを明示して認定することを求めるところ、ITCはこれを怠ったこと(ITC は「重大な損害またはそのおそれ」が存在するとした)、③因果関係の認定において、重大な損害の原因としての輸入増加とその他の要因の切り分けを怠ったこと等を理由として、当該措置のWTO設立協定違反を認定した。例文帳に追加

The panel issued its report on October 29, 2001, finding that the measures taken by the US violated the WTO Agreement because: (a) the uniform in-quota volume allocated by the US to each exporting country ignored the share of past import volume, thus violating the non-discrimination principle in Article XIII of GATT; (b) while Part II Chapter 7 Safeguards 357 Article XIX of GATT and the Agreement on Safeguards require a finding of either serious injury or the threat thereof, the ITC simply claimed that there was "serious injury or threat thereof"; and (c) in determining the causal link, the ITC failed to separate and distinguish increased imports from other factors which contribute to serious injury. - 経済産業省


Improvements were seen in July 1999 with a new agreement obligating institutions that were formerly exempt from the agreementlocal government institutions, education committees and other organizations using public funds to procure academic research, insurance or servicesto adhere to non-discriminatory, transparent and fair procedures in their procurement processes. However, Canada still maintains some exceptions. For example, institutions can give preferential treatment to domestic suppliers if the price difference is less than 10 percent, and can limit bidding to Canadian suppliers if Canadian markets are found to be sufficiently competitive and Canadian products are found to be sufficiently high in quality. - 経済産業省


6. 我々は、金融セクター改革を続けることにコミットしている。良い進捗はあったものの、まだ多くの作業が残っている。我々は、流動性基準について合意した観察期間と見直し条項を十分に考慮しつつ、合意した期限内に銀行に対するバーゼルⅢの新たな基準を完全に実施する。同様に、我々は、国際的に整合的かつ無差別な方法で、店頭デリバティブや信用格付会社の格付への依存抑制に関する FSB 提言を実施する。我々は、2011 年の FSB 作業計画において予定されている、システム上重要な金融機関に関し進行中の以下の作業を次回のサミットまでに完了することを期待している:指標となる基準を基にした、FSB 及び各国当局によるグローバルなシステム上の重要性を有する金融機関の決定/より密度の高い監督・監視、クロスボーダーの文脈も含めた実効的な破綻処理能力、各国の状況に応じて追加的な資本賦課・コンティンジェントキャピタル・ベイルイン条項付き債務を含み得る実行可能な選択肢のメニューを通じたより高い損失吸収力のための措置、負担金を含めた各国当局が決定するその他の補完的な措置、を含む包括的かつ多角的な枠組み。当初 G-SIFIs に適用される枠組みに合意したところで、我々は全ての SIFIs をカバーすべく速やかに動く。我々は、BIS、IMF 及び FSB によるマクロ健全性の枠組みについての報告、FSB、IMF 及び世界銀行が各国当局からのインプットを受けてまとめる新興市場・途上国における金融の安定に関する課題についての報告、の 2 つの報告が 10 月の会合までに最終化されることを期待している。我々は、シャドーバンキング及びシャドーバンキングと規制された銀行システムとの相互関係に伴うリスク、とりわけ裁定行為のリスクに実効的に対処するため、FSB が 2011 年半ばまでに策定することになっているシャドーバンキングシステムの規制及び監視に関する提言に期待している。我々は、IOSCO に対し、特に最新の技術発展がもたらすリスクを抑制するために市場の健全性及び効率性を促進する提言を 2011 年半ばまでに策定するよう求める。我々はまた、FSB に対し、FSB のガバナンス、リソース、アウトリーチを強化するための包括的な提言を次回の会合のために提出するよう求める。我々は、ピッツバーグにおいて G20 首脳により合意されたより健全な報酬慣行に関する FSB 原則及び基準を全ての国・地域が完全に実施するよう促し、FSB にこの分野における継続的なモニタリングの実施を求め、残っているギャップを特定するための徹底した第 2 回 FSB ピア・レビューの結果を本年半ばまでに受け取ることを期待している。我々は、OECD、FSB 及びその他関係する国際機関に対し、金融サービス分野における消費者保護についての共通原則を 10 月の会合までに策定するよう求める。我々は、バーゼル委員会の原則に基づく銀行の定期的なストレステストを含む、より実効的な監視・監督にコミットすることを再確認する。例文帳に追加

6. We commit to pursuing the reform of the financial sector. Despite good progress, significant work remains. We will implement fully the Basel III new standards for banks within the agreed timelines while taking due account of the agreed observation periods and review clauses in respect of the liquidity standards. Likewise, we will implement in an internationally consistent and non-discriminatory way the FSB's recommendations on OTC derivatives and on reducing reliance on credit rating agencies' ratings. We look forward to the completion by the next Leaders' Summit of the following ongoing work on systemically important financial institutions as scheduled in the FSB work program for 2011: determination of Global-systemically important financial institutions by FSB and national authorities based on indicative criteria, a comprehensive multi-pronged framework with more intensive supervisory oversight; effective resolution capacity including in a cross-border context; higher loss absorbency measures through a menu of viable alternatives that may include, depending on national circumstances, capital surcharges, contingent capital and bail-in instruments ; and other supplementary requirements as determined by the national authorities including systemic levies. Once the framework initially applicable to G-SIFIs is agreed, we will move expeditiously to cover all SIFIs. We look forward to the reports to be finalized by the BIS, IMF and FSB on macro-prudential frameworks and by the FSB, IMF and World Bank with input of national authorities on financial stability issues in emerging market and developing economies by our October meeting. We look forward to the recommendations that the FSB will prepare by mid-2011 on regulation and oversight of the shadow banking system to efficiently address the risks, notably of arbitrage, associated with shadow banking and its interactions with the regulated banking system. We call on IOSCO to develop by mid-2011 recommendations to promote markets' integrity and efficiency notably to mitigate the risks created by the latest technological developments. We also call on the FSB to bring forward for our next meeting comprehensive proposals to strengthen its governance, resources and outreach. We urge all jurisdictions to fully implement the FSB principles and standards on sounder compensation practices agreed by the G20 Leaders in Pittsburgh and call on the FSB to undertake ongoing monitoring in this area and look forward to receiving the results of a second thorough FSB peer review midyear to identify remaining gaps. We call on the OECD, the FSB and other relevant international organizations to develop common principles on consumer protection in the field of financial services by our October meeting. We reaffirm our commitment to more effective oversight and supervision, including regular stress testing of banks building on the Basel committee's principles.  - 財務省


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