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該当件数 : 51


○ 企業開示制度の一層の充実例文帳に追加

Further enhancement of the corporate disclosure system  - 金融庁


(3) Further upgrading of the accounting and disclosure systems  - 金融庁


(2) Review of Disclosure Rules and Operations  - 金融庁




(5) ライツ・オファリングが円滑に行われるための開示制度等の整備例文帳に追加

(5) Development of the Disclosure Rules for Smooth Implementation ofRights Offering  - 金融庁



(2) Development of System to Expand the Scope of English Language Disclosure by Foreign Companies, etc.  - 金融庁


This is the first year of implementation for the system of mandatory disclosure of officers’ remuneration on an individual basis.  - 金融庁


(ii) Study of Japanese Nomad (system for support for disclosure after listing)  - 経済産業省


A corporate contents disclosure system, also called a disclosure system, is a system that aims to protect investors. - Weblio英語基本例文集



Disclosure of Status of Large Volume Holding of Share Certificates is a regulation which is aimed at preventing an inadequate buyout. - Weblio英語基本例文集



The accounting and disclosure systems are an essential infrastructure for ensuring a high level of confidence in the financial and capital markets.  - 金融庁


Case 1 When the disclosure of all grading information by a examination-implementing institution likely to seriously impede the maintenance of examination system  - 経済産業省


In this system of the disclosure of information on prior art documents, it is prescribed to carry out the notice under Article 48-7 when the examiner acknowledges that it does not comply with the requirements for disclosure of information on prior art documents.  - 特許庁


Examples of such measures from an institutional perspective may include the acceptance of corporate information disclosed in English and other languages besides Japanese and complying with major accounting standards such as the International Accounting Standards and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles197. - 経済産業省

投資家保護を図りつつ外国企業のニーズを踏まえた英文開示制度を整備するため、現在、継続開示書類に限られている英文開示の対象書類を、発行開示書類に拡大する等の方策について、開示制度ワーキング・グループにおいて検討しているところであり、検討の結果を踏まえ、必要に応じ、関連法案の早急な国会提出を図るほか、関連政府令の改正を平成 23年度中を目途に行う。例文帳に追加

The scope of English language disclosure documents is currently limited to continuous disclosure documents. In order to develop an English language disclosure system which considers the needs of foreign companies while working to protect investors, the Disclosure System Working Group is currently studying the expansion of the scope of English language disclosure to include certain issuance disclosure documents. Based on the results of its study, the FSA will urgently work to submit a related bill to the Diet, and amend a series of related Cabinet Orders and Cabinet Office Ordinances as needed, with a target of FY2011.  - 金融庁


While the evaluation and disclosure of intellectual assets, as to be discussed later, should be following the "evolution of private-sector practices" rather than the "homogenous systematization," it is doubtless Japan should actively participate in international systematization discussions. - 経済産業省


With the view to supporting listed companies in terms of maintaining their capacities for disclosure after going public, instead of excessively tightening examination for listing, Japan might as well examine whether it should also introduce a system under which third parties (advisors) help companies with disclosure, something like the Nominated Adviser (Nomad) of AIM in the United Kingdom, the OTCQX system made by Pink Sheets in the United States, and the GEM system in Hong Kong.  - 経済産業省


I understand that business leaders are opposing the proposed disclosure requirement because companies are already disclosing their total amount of executive remunerations(paid to all executives), and I also suppose that the opponents are referring to problems related to the protection of personal information  - 金融庁


The FIEA provides for the administrative monetary penalty system that imposes fines on offenders in order to deter illegal acts, such as the submission of a disclosure document containing false information.  However, acts that assist illegal acts are not subject to the administrative monetary penalty system.  - 金融庁


It can be achieved only after a lengthy process of developing institutional frameworks relating to disclosure, business operators, exchanges, settlement, trading rules and implementing a series of reform measures related to business practices and customs  - 金融庁


Further consideration should be made with a view to institutionalizing the disclosure requirement so that, it would be possible to obtain information on cross shareholdings that are occurring under explicit or implicit agreements to hold shares reciprocally or multilaterally.  - 金融庁


Imposing administrative monetary penalties Under the current system, an order of submission of correction reports is designed as an administrative measure against disclosed documents with false statements. False statements and an infringement of the order of submission are subject to criminal penalty.  - 金融庁


Developing the necessary infrastructure constitutes a key requirement in fostering bond markets in Asia. Elements of such infrastructure include accounting standards, disclosure rules, settlement systems, rating agencies, and rules and regulations concerning transactions. - 財務省


Whether a Japanese Nomad is introduced or not, securities firms, which sponsor ventures and other companies for listing, should more willingly provide them with support and advice for their disclosure after they are listed.  - 経済産業省


In other words, the political system, laws, and accounting systems, and disclosure of corporate information are not as organized as those in the US and Europe, and because of the small number of credit rating agencies, it is difficult to measure the risk levels and to identify the source of risks. - 経済産業省

また、平成18 年7 月からは、家電製品(テレビ、エアコン、冷蔵庫、洗濯機、電子レンジ、衣類乾燥機)、パソコンについて、製品含有物質の情報開示制度を導入しました(図- Ⅱ - 8)。例文帳に追加

Moreover, a new information disclosure system with information on materials contained in the product (home electric appliances and PCs) was planned to be introduced in July 2006.  - 経済産業省


The report pointed out that the reforms of corporate information disclosure and accounting systems described above should influence respective players in the corporate community (corporate managers, financial institutions, rating agencies, analysts, etc.). - 経済産業省


The proposed amendment of the Financial Products Trading Act, now before the Diet, is to introduce a system similar to Nomad into “professional exchanges” (see (4) (v)), a category of bourse to be founded under the amended Law. While monitoring how the system is operated inprofessional exchanges,” examination should be conducted whether and/or how a mechanism of third parties (advisors) offering support for disclosure should be used in other exchanges.  - 経済産業省


Second, improvements in policy and institutional environments.There emerges a consensus that having good policy and institutional environments is a prerequisite for aid to achieve good performance.Each developing country should identify the problems in its policy and institutional environments and aim to address them in its own PRSP.Donors including the World Bank, on the other hand, should allocate financial resources based on the good policy and institutional environments of developing countries or efforts made to improve.To promote all this, we believe that the World Bank’s Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) should be fully disclosed promptly.  - 財務省


In the area of corporate law, holding company regulations were amended in 1997 through amendment of the Anti-Monopoly Law, while amendment of the Commercial Code in 1999opened the way for the introduction of stock-swap and stock transfer systems. In 2001, a company spin-off system came into being, as well as a treasury stock system. At last year’s extraordinary Diet session, Commercial Code amendments were passed which included enhancement of the stock option system, use of IT in the operation of stockholdersmeetings,and review of the derivative lawsuit system, while bills have been submitted to this year’s regular Diet session for sweeping Commercial Code amendments regarding corporate organization, accounting and disclosure, and stock holding systems. - 経済産業省


Generally speaking, it is appropriate that main creditor banks grasp the situation properly. Even so, as corporate governance has become a very prominent issue now and we have implemented such measures as J-SOX (Japanese version of the Sarbanes Oxley Act), which has reformed the governance system, I believe that companies should make specific efforts regarding information disclosure.  - 金融庁


In other words, not being content with "value creation by utilizing intellectual assets" at the level of individual company management, it is necessary for Japan, as the state, to participate actively in discussions on corporate law, the image of the company, information disclosure and other systems that are likely to be held internationally in the future, and also to launch domestic discussions on these issues in preparation for global debate. - 経済産業省


The regulations on the system for exempting offers of newly issued securities limited to qualified institutional investors (so-called "private offerings to professionals") from disclosure requirements will be revised by end-March 2008 in order to relax the provision on notification periods for becoming qualified institutional investors (currently twice a year).  - 金融庁


If it takes time to reach a conclusion on the design of the entire system, it is necessary to provide a sufficient time period for preparation (e.g., five years) and extend transitional measures (continued acceptance of disclosure using US GAAP), so that the industry would not incur unnecessary costs for preparation.  - 金融庁


This signifies disclosure to investors of "significant issues which must be improved" regarding internal control over financial reporting, as items which should be considered when using the content of financial reports written in the annual securities report.  - 金融庁

なお、日本ではカーボンフットプリント制度試行事業(73 のPCR を策定、459 製品のCFP マークを検証)や、エコリーフ(タイプⅢ環境ラベル、469 製品の環境負荷データを開示)等の取組がある。また、電気製品の環境評価ツールとして米国を中心にEPEAT が拡大している。例文帳に追加

In Japan, for example, initiatives in practice include Carbon Footprint of Product (CFP) Pilot Project (with 73 PCRs established and 459 products verified for CFP labeling) and Eco Leaf labeling scheme (Type III environment label, disclosing data of 469 products on environmental burden). Meanwhile, as an evaluation tool for environmental performance of electric devices, EPEAT is widely used, mainly in the United States.  - 経済産業省


~ Improvement of the environment for open innovation ~ Joint R&D requires partners to disclose their trade secrets to each other and use the secrets together. - 経済産業省


Second, in the same way, the evaluation and disclosure of intellectual assets and the resulting new image of the company are likely to start international discussion on systemic reform, as explained in the examples of Denmark and the UK. - 経済産業省

市場のニーズ及び投資家保護の観点を踏まえつつ、企業の過度な負担を軽減する観点から、発行登録における追補目論見書交付義務等の開示制度について見直しを検討し、必要に応じ、関連法案の早急な国会提出を図るほか、関連政府令の改正を平成 23年度中を目途に行う。例文帳に追加

While considering the perspectives of capital market needs and investor protections, from the perspective of lightening excess burdens on companies, the FSA will study to review the disclosure system, such as the obligation to deliver the Prospectus pertaining to the Shelf Registration Supplements. It will urgently work to submit a related bill to the Diet, and amend a series of related Cabinet Orders and Cabinet Office Ordinances as needed, with a target of FY2011.  - 金融庁


In this regard, a report recently issued by the Financial System Council's Study Group on the Internationalization of Japanese Financial and Capital Markets, entitled "Toward Stronger Corporate Governance of Publicly Listed Companies," recommends that information disclosure concerning the status of shareholdings should be institutionalized, as such information is important for investment decisions.  - 金融庁


When there is a large number of inventions described in publications relating to the invention for which a patent is sought, it is desirable to describe appropriate number of inventions with higher relevancy among them, because it may hinder the understanding of the invention for which a patent is sought and go against the purpose of the system for disclosure of information on prior art documents if all of them are described.  - 特許庁


After the 1990's, accounting systems of Asian countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and South Korea have been revised to have almost the same contents as the International Accounting Standards. Such revisions were made due to: (1) globalization of corporate accounting standards; (2) necessity of financing from international capital markets; and (3) recognition of the importance of information disclosure in the wake of the Asian currency and economic crisis. - 経済産業省


He adds that in order to reduce the possibility of bubble occurrence and to protect the financial system from the effects of a bubble, micro-level policies are necessary.Some examples he cites are: (i) supervisory action to ensure capital adequacy in the banking system, stress-testing of portfolios; (ii) improvement of transparency in accounting and disclosure practices; and (iii) improvement of financial literacy.12 - 経済産業省


Amendments to the Financial Products Trading Act necessary to set up such exchanges are now under deliberation before the Diet. The amended Law, once the bill passes the Diet, is to allow exchanges to be designed in a way their features as a professional market can be exploited effectively: stocks listed there are exempted from the internal control reporting system; quarterly reporting can be replaced by annual disclosure; and disclosure documents written in English can be accepted.  - 経済産業省


This agreement stipulates most-favored-nation treatment and national treatment for intellectual properties, such as copyright, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs, patents, IC layout designs and undisclosed information. In addition, it requires Member countries to maintain high levels of intellectual property protection and to administer a system of enforcement of such rights. It also stipulates procedures for the settlement of disputes related to the agreement (see Chapter 12 "Protection of Intellectual Property Rights"). - 経済産業省


As the impact of intellectual assets on company performances increases and the overlap grows between the factors covered by CSR and the factors included in intellectual assets, moves are under way internationally to establish systems for the evaluation and disclosure of information on intellectual assets. These are intended to improve understanding of company value creation capacity as a whole. Based on such systems, efforts are also being made to redefine the concept of the company within corporate law. - 経済産業省


Utilization of relations with stakeholders as an intellectual asset differs from traditional Japanese-style management in two respects: (i) these relations are formed in a globally competitive environment; and (ii) the evaluation and disclosure of intellectual assets and the resulting new image of the company are open to international discussion on systemic reform. - 経済産業省

第一条 この法律は、企業内容等の開示制度を整備するとともに、金融商品取引業を行う者に関し必要な事項を定め、金融商品取引所の適切な運営を確保すること等により、有価証券の発行及び金融商品等の取引等を公正にし、有価証券の流通を円滑にするほか、資本市場の機能の十全な発揮による金融商品等の公正な価格形成等を図り、もつて国民経済の健全な発展及び投資者の保護に資することを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 The purpose of this Act is, inter alia, by developing systems for disclosure of corporate affairs and other related matters, providing for necessary matters relating to persons who engage in Financial Instruments Business and securing appropriate operation of Financial Instruments Exchanges, to ensure fairness in, inter alia, issuance of the Securities and transactions of Financial Instruments, etc. and to facilitate the smooth distribution of Securities, as well as to aim at fair price formation of Financial Instruments, etc. through the full utilization of functions of the capital market, thereby contributing to the sound development of the national economy and protection of investors.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Mechanisms will be developed to enable consumers, investors, financial institutions, and other interested parties to invest and consume appropriately, thereby accelerating the formation of a sustainable, self-sustaining low carbon society. This will be achieved by providing support for initiatives undertaken by businesses themselves to calculate and disclose information on their carbon dioxide emissions in accordance with international standards. The program will therefore promote low-carbon investment and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions by SMEs through use of the Domestic CDM and other mechanisms, facilitating the recycling of funds within Japan and balancing environmental and economic needs. (New)  - 経済産業省



As described above, as the impact of intellectual assets on company performances increases and the overlap grows between the factors covered by CSR and the factors included in intellectual assets, moves are under way internationally to establish systems for the evaluation and disclosure of information on intellectual assets.These are intended to improve understanding of company value creation capacity as a whole.Based on such systems, efforts are also being made to redefine the concept of the company within corporate law. - 経済産業省


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