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Hosokawa Clanの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 387


It is said that Masashige KUSUNOKI used tetsuhau (gun) to hold a castle, and it is recorded that the military force of the Hosokawa clan used tetsuhau (gun) or fire arrows in the Onin War. 例文帳に追加

伝承としては、楠木正成が篭城戦でてつはうを使ったとされているほか、応仁の乱では、細川氏の軍勢がてつはうや火箭(ロケットのこと)を使用したとの記述が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The 'Fujito-ishi' (Fushito stone) placed on the front side was originally in the residence of the Hosokawa clan, a kanrei-ke family (a family in the post of kanrei, or shogunal deputy), and Hideyoshi had the stone brought here from the Jurakudai residence. 例文帳に追加

正面に据えられている「藤戸石」は、元々は管領家の細川氏の邸宅にあったもので、秀吉が聚楽第から運ばせたものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masamoto HOSOKAWA's army seemed to keep Yosazaemon JINBO as Joshu (castellan), but braced for possible attacks by Hisanobu HATAKEYAMA's army making the armies of Motokazu YAKUSHIJI and Nagatada YAKUSHIJI brothers, and Motonaga KOZAI and the Naito clan (Tanba line) enter the castle. 例文帳に追加

細川政元軍は神保与三佐衛門を城主としていたようだが、薬師寺元一、薬師寺長忠兄弟、香西元長、内藤氏内藤氏(丹波系)軍も入城させ、畠山尚順軍からの攻城戦に備えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Miyoshi clan, the Shugodai (the acting Military Governor) of Shugo (military governor) family of Awa and which one of Masamoto's adopted children Sumimoto HOSOKAWA was from, advanced into Kinai region and their power came to overwhelm that of the head family. 例文帳に追加

政元の養子の一人細川澄元の出身の阿波守護家の守護代三好氏が畿内に進出し、その勢力は主家を凌ぐようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Nobunaga ODA backed up the 15th shogun, Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA and drove the Miyoshi clan out from the Kinai region, Akimoto HOSOKAWA served Nobunaga and became the husband of Nobunaga's younger sister, but never retrieved the reins of power in his old days. 例文帳に追加

織田信長が15代将軍足利義昭を擁立して、畿内から三好氏の勢力を一掃すると、細川昭元は信長に属しその妹婿となったが、昔日の権勢を回復することはなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Yashu family possessed its nature as a shogun attendant, but on the other hand, they maintained the close relationship with the Keicho family and the Tenkyu family, as a result, it is assumed, they had contributed to the involvement of the Hosokawa clan in bakufu. 例文帳に追加

野州家は将軍近習としての性格を有した一方で、京兆家、典厩家とも密接な関係を保ち、結果として細川氏一門の幕政関与に貢献したと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tadatsune NAGAOKA and Tadaharu NAGAOKA, who were born between Kyumu and his second wife Kiku, were invited to Kumamoto, Higo by Mitsunao HOSOKAWA after the death of Kyumu and became the Nagaoka-naizen family, a vassal of the Kumamoto clan. 例文帳に追加

後妻・喜久との間に生まれた長岡忠恒・長岡忠春は、休無の死後に細川光尚から肥後熊本に招かれて熊本藩の一門家臣長岡内膳家となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That Tadaoki served many lords including Ashikaga, Oda and Tokugawa while ensuring that the Hosokawa clan continued to prosper is testament to his political skills; however, he was not a man given to forgive, even when it was someone close to him, and this led him to fall out with his father Yusai HOSOKAWA after he (Yusai) surrendered a castle to the enemy during the Battle of Sekigahara (for details refer to the paragraph on the Battle of Tanabe Castle). 例文帳に追加

足利氏、織田氏、豊臣氏、徳川氏と多くの主君に仕えながら細川氏を生き延びさせた政治手腕の反面、身内の者にも容赦を加えない苛烈な側面もあり、関ヶ原の合戦中、実父の細川幽斎が居城を敵に明け渡した(詳細は田辺城の戦いの項を参照のこと)ことから一時不和になっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the generation of Yoshimichi ISSHIKI, Yoshimichi was killed in 1579 as a result of the invasion of an army led by Yusai HOSOKAWA, as ordered by Nobunaga ODA, and thereafter Yoshimichi's son Yoshisada ISSHIKI and Yoshimichi's younger brother, Yoshikiyo ISSHIKI tried hard to fight against the Hosokawa army; however, they were killed in 1582, and this resulted in the complete downfall of the Isshiki clan in Tango. 例文帳に追加

そして一色義道の時代には、織田信長の命令を受けた細川幽斎軍の侵攻に遭って義道は1579年に殺され、その後を義道の子の一色義定や、弟の一色義清も継いで細川軍と懸命に戦ったが、最終的には1582年に両者も殺されて、丹後における一色氏は完全に滅亡してしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In 1506, they received a request from Masamoto HOSOKAWA and launched a revolt against Sadakage ASAKURA (the ninth head of Echizen Province) but were defeated by the Asakura clan led by Soteki ASAKURA, Kagemoto ASAKURA and Kagezane HORIE, after which Yoshizaki Gobo was destroyed and the believers of Shinshu sect in Echizen were driven out of the province. 例文帳に追加

永正3年(1506年)、細川政元の依頼を受けて越前国の朝倉貞景(9代当主)討伐の一揆を起こすが、朝倉宗滴・朝倉景職・堀江景実が率いる朝倉氏に敗れて逆に吉崎御坊は破壊されて越前の真宗信者は国外に追放されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The pictures of the front stage of Yasukuni-jinja Shrine (formerly, Mt. Momiji) at Kudan in Tokyo were painted by a painter living in Kyoto; the pictures of the stage in a villa of the Hosokawa clan at Fujimi-cho, Kojimachi in Tokyo were painted by Shosen KONDO; the pictures of the stage of the Umewaka head family at Minami-motomachi, Asakusa in Tokyo wee painted by Shuka TSUCHIYA; and the pictures of the stage for Kamakura-nohgaku-kai society in Sasamegayatsu, Kamakura were painted by Hyakusui HIRAFUKU. 例文帳に追加

東京九段の靖国神社(旧紅葉山)舞台は京都の某画家、東京麹町富士見町の細川公別邸舞台は近藤樵仙、東京浅草南元町の梅若宗家舞台は土屋秀禾、鎌倉笹目谷の鎌倉能楽会舞台は平福百穂による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshitane ASHIKAGA, the tenth shogun, subjugated the Rokkaku clan in 1491 by leading Hokoshu, went on a journey for subjugating Yoshitoyo HATAKEYAMA in the Kawach Province in 1493, but while he was on the journey, Masamoto HOSOKAWA, deputy to shogun, abolished the shogun position (Coup of Meio), effectively dismantling the Hokoshu system. 例文帳に追加

10代将軍の足利義稙(義稙)は、1491年(延徳3)に奉公衆を率いて六角氏討伐を行い、1493年(明応2)には河内国の畠山義豊を討伐するために出陣するが、出陣中に幕府において管領の細川政元が将軍廃立を行い(明応の政変)、奉公衆の制度も事実上解体された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masanao TOYOTA, another instructor of Niten Ichi-ryu and a vassal of the Matsui clan who had served the Hosokawa family as Hitto karo (the head of chief retainers), wrote the Musashi biography "Buko-den" in 1755, and recorded tales by Musashi's direct disciples, which Masatake TOYOTA (Masanao's father) had gathered before. 例文帳に追加

細川家筆頭家老松井氏の家臣で二天一流師範、豊田正脩が宝暦5年(1755年)に完成させた『武公伝』には、正脩の父・豊田正剛が集めた武蔵の弟子達が語った生前の武蔵に関する伝聞が記載されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response, Mototsune sided with Harumoto and fought Ujitsuna, but since one of close retainers of Harumoto, Nagayoshi MIYOSHI, betrayed his master and sided with the Hosokawa clan, Mototsune's army was defeated (in the Battle of Eguchi), and his territory was eventually bereaved by Nagayoshi. 例文帳に追加

これに対して元常は晴元と共に氏綱と戦ったが、天文18年(1549年)に晴元の重臣・三好長慶が裏切って氏綱に味方したために敗れ(江口の戦い)、結果的には細川氏の所領は長慶によって奪われる形となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From about 1500 when the political situation of Owari Province was stable, he changed a strategy; changed in New Shogun Yoshizumi AHIKAGA group from Yoshiki group, got Masamoto HOSOKAWA's support, appealed to Akisada UESUGI, Kanto Kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region) for cooperation, and planed to attack the Imagawa clan from the east and west. 例文帳に追加

尾張国内の政情が安定化した明応9年(1500年)頃から義寛は戦略を変更、義材派から新将軍足利義澄派に切り替え、細川政元の支持を得、信濃国小笠原氏、関東管領上杉顕定にも協力を呼びかけ、今川氏を東西から挟撃しようと目論む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This sort of tendency is a striking feature of the Muromachi period; Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA being assassinated by the Akamatsu clan (in the Kakitsu Revolt), Shogun Yoshiki ASHIKAGA being driven from power by Masamoto HOSOKAWA and replaced (in the Meio Coup), and Shogun Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA's assassination by Hisahide MATSUNAGA can all be understood as examples of shukun oshikome (shutting away/ neutralizing their lords) against the Shogunal family. 例文帳に追加

こうした傾向は室町期に顕著となり、赤松氏による将軍足利義教の殺害(嘉吉の乱)、細川政元による将軍足利義材の廃立(明応の政変)、松永久秀による将軍足利義輝の殺害は、いずれも将軍家に対する主君押込めとして理解することが可能である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to these examples, there were frequently cases, such as the Protector family of Kawachi Province and the Hosokawa clan, who held the position of Kanrei, where deputy Protectors (shugo) drove their lords from power and replaced them; other cases of shukun oshikome include when Harukata SUE engineered the banishment and annihilation of Yoshitaka OUCHI, and when Shingen TAKEDA brought about the exile of his own father, Nobutora TAKEDA. 例文帳に追加

またその他、河内守護家畠山氏や管領家細川氏では守護代による主君廃立がたびたび行われ、陶晴賢による大内義隆の追放・討滅、武田信玄による父武田信虎の追放なども主君押込めの一例とされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Accordingly, provincial constables of neighboring provinces started seeking approval for the application of "Hanzei," and permission for "Hanzei" spread to the Province of Kawachi (provincial constable: KO no Moronao), the Province of Izumi (provincial constable: the Hosokawa clan), the Province of Iga (provincial constable: Yoshinaga NIKI), the Province of Ise (provincial constable: Yoshinaga NIKKI) and the Province of Shima (provincial constable: Yoshinaga NIKI) by August of the following year. 例文帳に追加

周辺国の守護も半済の適用を求め、翌8月には、河内国(守護:高師直)・和泉国(守護:細川氏)・伊賀国(守護:仁木義長)・伊勢国(守護:仁木義長)・志摩国(守護:仁木義長)へと半済が拡大した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

With this coup, in which the Kanrei, a retainer of the Shogun, deposed the Shogun, Masamoto managed to create a hereditary monopoly over the position of Kanrei for his Keicho branch of the Hosokawa clan, and moreover arrogated to himself the right to depose and appoint the Shogun, but such a state of affairs did not continue for long. 例文帳に追加

家臣である管領が将軍を廃したこの事件によって政元は細川京兆家による管領職の世襲化と独占状態を確立し、さらに将軍の廃立権をも手中に収めたのだが、その天下も長くは続かなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for a well-known example of jikimu daikan, in 1461, farmers of the shoen, Niimi no sho in Mimasaka Province, dismissed the ukeoi daikan Chian YASUTOMI, a vassal of Hosokawa clan, and asked To-ji Temple, which was the feudal lord, to send jikimu daikan; and the request was realized. 例文帳に追加

直務代官の著名な例としては寛正2年(1461年)に美作国新見荘の請負代官であった細川氏家臣安富智安を現地農民が排除して、領主である東寺に直務代官の派遣を要請して実現させた例が知られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Sengoku period (period of warring states) when the imperial court and court nobles started selling their official court ranks due to financial difficulties, Ukyo no daibu, pronoun of Shogunal Deputy the Hosokawa clan which was the samurai family of pedigree, was believed to be the nifitiest official court rank for Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period) in provinces (especially for daimyo in the Tohoku region) who wanted to add dignity. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代になり、朝廷や公家が経済的に困窮し、官位が売られるようになると、武家の名門である、管領細川家の代名詞とも言える右京大夫は、地方の戦国大名(特に東北地方の大名)にとって箔付けのために最も人気のある官位であったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the Gojo family's prestige as Sumai no Tsukasa family became tarnished when a vassal of the Lord of the Kumamoto Domain Hosokawa Clan, Oikaze YOSHIDA, the thirteenth head of the Yoshida Tsukasa family, actively organized professional sumo performances and issued yokozuna licenses in Edo zumo (Edo sumo wrestling). 例文帳に追加

しかし、相撲の司家としての五条家の名声は、熊本藩主・細川氏の家臣である13代吉田司家当主吉田追風が積極的な相撲興行を展開し、江戸相撲において横綱免許を発給するようになってから失墜することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Muromachi period, Toshikage ASAKURA (Eirin Takakage) came to oppose his lord Yoshitoshi SHIBA with Tsuneharu KAI, and in the Onin War, which broke out from the internal squabble of the Ashikaga Shogun family over the family reign, he switched from the West army lead by Mochitoyo YAMANA (Sozen) to the East army lead by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA, and he expelled the Kai clan from Echizen Province. 例文帳に追加

室町時代には朝倉敏景(英林孝景)が守護代甲斐常治とともに主である斯波義敏と対立し、足利将軍家の家督争いなどから発展した応仁の乱では山名持豊(宗全)率いる西軍から細川勝元率いる東軍に属し、越前から甲斐氏を追う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on the historical materials, the following facts were confirmed; the Kaminokuni family usually used the name of Minato family, and at latest in the Tenmon era, the family was raised to Kyoto fuchishu (warriors from Kanto or Tohoku region in the Muromachi Period, who served Seii taishogun in Kyoto under a direct master-servant relationship), and that, the family had a certain connection with the central government as associating with Hongan-ji Temple and the Hosokawa clan, and the family proclaimed itself 'Saemon no suke' (assistant captain of the Left Division of Outer Palace Guards) for generations. 例文帳に追加

上国家は、一般的に湊家と称し、遅くとも天文(元号)年間には京都扶持衆となっていること、代々「左衛門佐」を名乗り本願寺や細川氏とも誼を通じるなど中央との交流があったこと等が史料から確認されていること。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

But in 1506, when Jitsunyo agreed to Masamoto HOSOKAWA's request to cooperate in the subjugation of Yoshihide HATAKEYAMA, Jodo Shinshu followers from Settsu and Kawachi Provinces, who had strong ties to the Hatakeyama clan, furiously opposed him, and consequently Jitsunyo's younger brother by a different mother, Jitsugen, himself descended from the Hatakeyama clan, demanded, with the backing of Ishiyama Gobo (later became Omi Province's Shotoku-ji Temple), that he replaced Jitsunyo as Hoshu (high priest) of the Jodo Shinshu Sect. 例文帳に追加

だが、1506年(永正3年)、細川政元の要請を受けて畠山義英討伐への協力に応じると、畠山氏との関係が深かった摂津国・河内国の門徒が猛反発し、実如の異母弟で畠山氏の血を引く実賢(後に近江国称徳寺)を石山御坊にて擁立して法主交替を求める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1895, when Koremichi TAKEHARA died, since there were no men in the family, Yusai's seal, the family record, books and others were put under Baron Tadamasu HOSOKAWA's charge (a lord of the Nagaoka Gyobu family, a relative of the Hotokawa clan) and the Matsui clan (old Karo, the chief retainer family, the eighth castellan) and followers preserved the tradition until they gave them back to Masafumi, the heir of the Takehara family in 1930. 例文帳に追加

明治28年に竹原惟路が没した時に男子がなかったため、細川興増男爵(細川氏一門の子飼細川家〈長岡刑部家〉当主)に幽斎の印・伝統系図・伝書類などが預けられ、松井氏(旧家老家、八代城主)ら門人により伝統が守られたが、昭和5年に竹原家の後継者正文に返還された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States), the Miyoshi clan, who were a vassal of sankanrei Hosokawa clan and a family of Shugodai (deputy of Shugo, provincial constable), were listed as Shobanshu (officials who accompany the Shogun) of the bakufu and were granted Jushiinoge, and this led to their vassal, Hisahide MATSUNAGA, also being promoted to Jushiinoge like his master family, and appointments were made according to real abilities rather than parentage or social status. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代に入ると、そもそもは三管領細川氏の家臣で守護代の家柄であった三好氏が幕府相伴衆に列し従四位下に叙せられたのに伴い、その家臣である松永久秀も主家同様に従四位下に昇るなど家柄や身分によらず実力に応じた除目も行われるようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the fall from power of Yoriyuki HOSOKAWA, who was Kanrei (Shogun's deputy), during the Koryaku no Seihen (the Koryaku Coup), the third Shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who was alarmed about the Yamana clan gaining power and taking advantage of the situation in the Yamane clan after the death of Tokiyoshi, ordered Ujikiyo and his nephew Mitsuyuki YAMANA to subdue Tokihiro and Ujiyuki YAMANA; as ordered, Ujikiyo expelled Tokihiro. 例文帳に追加

康暦の政変で管領の細川頼之が失脚し、山名氏の強大化を懸念していたと考えられる3代将軍足利義満は、時義死後の家中分裂に伴い、将軍令として氏清とその甥にあたる山名満幸に対して時煕、山名氏幸の討伐令を下し、氏清はこれに応じて時煕を攻めて追放した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Tomiko HINO, the wife of Shogun Yoshimasa, had a son (Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA), he not only plotted to out Yoshimi ASHIKAGA, Yoshimasa's younger brother, to whom Yoshimasa had promised that he would hand over the shogunate, but also interfered in the succession dispute in the Shiba clan, one of the three Kanrei (family in the post of shogunal deputy to the Muromachi Shogunate), but he fell from power along with Sadachika and others in the Bunsho Coup caused by the opposition such as Katsumoto HOSOKAWA in 1466. 例文帳に追加

義政夫人の日野富子に子(足利義尚)が誕生した後は義政が次期将軍と約束していた弟の足利義視を排斥しようとして策謀し、三管領の1つの斯波氏の家督問題にも介入し、1466年(文正1年)に対立する細川勝元らによる文正の政変で貞親らとともに失脚する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The actual political power of the Ashikaga Shogunate, however, was not long-lived and, after the mid Muromachi Period, San-ke Shi-shoku (三家), except for the Hosokawa clan, declined and, rather than the Shogunate rein, the coalition government due to some powerful shugo, became stronger and this created a power struggle among factions that lead to frequent wars, such as the Onin War, breaking out. 例文帳に追加

しかし、足利将軍職の政治的実権は長くは続かず、室町時代中盤以降となると、三家四職も細川氏を除いてはおしなべて衰退して、幕府統制と言うよりも有力守護らによる連合政権的な色彩を強めて派閥闘争を生み、応仁の乱などの戦乱が頻発するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition to that, he also gave the letter () in his given name to various daimyo like Terumoto MORI (), Terumune DATE (伊達), Kenshin UESUGI (Terutora UESUGI ()) and Teruuji ASHIKAGA(足利), who was one of the Ashikaga clan. (The letter () in his previous name () was also assigned to the people such as Yusai HOSOKAWA (Buddhist name), Fujiuji AHIKAGA (足利藤氏), Junkei TSUTSUI (Buddhist name). 例文帳に追加

さらに自分の名である『輝』の字を毛利輝元や伊達輝宗・上杉謙信(上杉輝虎)などの諸大名や足利一門の足利輝氏などに与えたりもしている(前名の『藤』は細川幽斎(出家して細川幽斎)や足利藤氏、筒井順慶(出家して筒井順慶)などに与えている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By contrast, the information that Gisho was in Shikoku was brought to the shogunate, while the punitive force chasing the shadow of Gisho ordered by Yoshinori in Yoshino, and in April 1438, it turned out that Gisho was placed under the protection of the Sagawa clan, a Kunishu (samurai) of Tosa Province through an order to Kunishu of Tosa and Awa Provinces written in Gonaisho (official document) by Mochiyuki HOSOKAWA, kanrei (shogunal deputy). 例文帳に追加

それどころか、吉野で義教の命令を受けた幕府軍が義昭の影を追いかけていたところ、永享10年の3月に入ると、実は義昭は四国にいるという情報が幕府に伝えられ、やがて土佐国の国衆・佐川氏の保護下に置かれていたことが、管領細川持之発給の御内書などによる土佐・阿波国の諸国衆に対する命令で明らかとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After being divorced from the Hosokawa clan in 1600, Shunmoji lived together with disinherited Tadataka in Kyoto, and gave birth to a boy Kumachiyo, who died young, as well as Tokuhime (later, a wife of the minister of the left Saneharu SAIONJI), Yoshihime, Fukuhime (later, a wife of Michinori KUZE, the first generation of the Kuze family, a court noble in Kyoto), and Marihime (died young). 例文帳に追加

1600年に細川氏から離縁された後も、金沢に帰るまでは春香院は廃嫡された忠隆に付き添って京都で暮らしており、夭折した男子熊千代のほかに、徳姫(のちに左大臣西園寺実晴御台所)、吉姫、福姫(のちに京都公家・久世家初代の久世通式室)、萬姫(夭折)を生んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1376, Yoriyuki made his younger brother Yorimoto HOSOKAWA supreme military commander and dispatched him to counter the Southern Court's military maneuvers in the Kii peninsula, but Yorimoto failed to subjugate the area, and the third Shogun Yoshimitsu, who had now reached adulthood, had the leader of the Yamana clan, a member of the anti-Yoriyuki faction, to sent as a replacement; moreover, he granted appointments to others of the anti-Yoriyuki faction, including Yoriyasu TOKI and the rehabilitated Yoshimasa SHIBA, to command military activities in Yamato. 例文帳に追加

1376年には紀伊での南朝方の活動に対して頼之は弟の細川頼元を総大将とし派遣するが鎮圧に失敗し、成長した3代将軍義満は反頼之派の山名氏を派遣させ、また大和での軍事活動には復帰した斯波義将や土岐頼康ら反頼之派に軍勢を与える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Ikko ikki initiated dozens of large-scale assaults (including the Battle of Kuzuryu-gawa River) in an attempt to restore their control over Yoshizaki-gobo Temple in Echizen Province, which had been usurped by the Asakura clan, and later, they fought with such powerful men as Nobunaga ODA and Harumoto HOSOKAWA, who had begun to fear that the sheer size of the Ikko riots (ikki) threatened to shake the very foundations of warrior rule; in the end, the Ikko ikki itself became somewhat analogous to Sengoku daimyo (Japanese territorial lord in the Sengoku period), and fought for hegemony over Japan. 例文帳に追加

朝倉氏に奪われた越前国吉崎御坊を取り戻すため何十回となく大規模な戦を起こしたり(九頭竜川の戦い)、一揆の拡大によって武家政権の基盤を脅かされることを恐れた織田信長や細川晴元ら権力者との争いを展開するなど戦国大名化して覇権を争ってもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Unlike those people who were defeated in the battle inside the Northern Court (Japan), such as Naoyoshi ASHIKAGA and Takauji ASIKAGA who once submitted themselves to the Southern Court in the Kanno Disturbance or Yoshinaga NIKI and Kiyouji HOSOKAWA who shifted from the aids of Yoshiakira to the Southern Court side, Shiba clan obediently returned to Echizen Province instead of shifting to the Southern Court. 例文帳に追加

観応の擾乱において一時的に南朝へ下った足利直義や足利尊氏、義詮の側近から南朝へ転じた仁木義長・細川清氏のようなそれまでの北朝(日本)内部の争乱の没落側と異なり、斯波一族の場合は南朝方へ走ることはなく、おとなしく守護国の越前へと下った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This trend became eminent in the Muromachi period, and the murder of Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA by Akamatsu clan (Kakitsu War), dethronement of Shogun Yoshiki ASHIKAGA by Masamoto HOSOKAWA (Meio Coup) and the murder of Shogun Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA by Hisahide MATSUNAGA (Eiroku War) can all be understood as shukun oshikome of the shogun families. 例文帳に追加

このような傾向は室町時代に顕著となり、赤松氏による将軍足利義教の殺害(嘉吉の乱)、細川政元による将軍足利義材の廃立(明応の政変)、松永久秀による将軍足利義輝の殺害(永禄の変)は、いずれも将軍家に対する主君押込めとして理解することが可能である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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