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Would kill to...の部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 33


I would never want to kill anyone.例文帳に追加

私は一度も人を殺めたいと思ったことはない。 - Weblio Email例文集

I would rather kill myself than reconcile myself to my fate.例文帳に追加

運命に甘んじるくらいなら自殺したほうがいい。 - Tatoeba例文

I would like to kill time with you, against me.例文帳に追加

あなたが私に寄せ掛けて暇をつぶしたい。 - Tatoeba例文

I would rather kill myself than reconcile myself to my fate. 例文帳に追加

運命に甘んじるくらいなら自殺したほうがいい。 - Tanaka Corpus


As one student answered 'Yes it would be excusable', the views on the education policy of Tetsugakukan was summarized as follows: 'if it is excusable to kill superiors, it would be excusable to kill an Emperor and this thought would endanger the fundamental character of the nation'. 例文帳に追加

これに対して学生が「許される」としたため、哲学館の教育方針は「目上を殺してよいということは天皇も殺してよいということだ。この思想は国体を危うくする恐れがある」という見解をまとめた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


I would kill to see them live. Thanks so much for uploading this. 例文帳に追加

どうしても彼らを生で見てみたい。アップロードしてくれて本当にありがとうございます。 - Weblio Email例文集

The soldierscounsel was to kill the prisoners, so that none of them would swim out and escape. 例文帳に追加

兵士たちは,囚人たちを殺して,だれも泳いで逃げることのないようにしようと相談した。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 27:42』

The reason for this was that if one slice ('hito-kire' which also means to kill someone) of takuan was served the samurai would become angry and said, 'Are you trying to tell me to kill someone,' and, if three slices ('mi-kire' which also means to cut oneself or to commit harakiri) of takuan was served the samurai would also become angry and said, 'Are you trying to tell me to commit harakiri?' 例文帳に追加

それは、沢庵を一切れだけ出した場合、侍は「一切れ(人を斬れ)と申すのか!」と怒り出し、また、三切れ出した場合は「三切れ(身斬れ、つまり腹を切る)と申すのか!」と怒り出すためである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that he was cold towards his retainers on purpose so that they would not kill themselves on the death of Kanbei, or so that his retainers would devote their fidelity to Nagamasa who was the head of the Kuroda clan at that time. 例文帳に追加

これは殉死者を出さないためとも、当主の長政に家臣団の忠誠を向けさせるためとも言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When Taketoki's wife Asaji heard everything from him, she told Taketoki that Kuniharu would definitely kill him threatening the position of the lord if Kuniharu was to know the prediction of the old woman, and she encouraged Taketoki to kill Kuniharu before being killed, which made his heart waver. 例文帳に追加

武時から一部始終を聞いた妻・浅茅は、老婆の予言を国春が知れば、城主の地位を脅かすものとして武時を殺すに違いない、そうなる前に彼を殺せとそそのかし、武時の心は揺れ動く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Jokyuki," Masako grieved so deeply that she wanted to kill herself, but Yoritomo stopped her, saying that her death would make Ohime's afterlife worse. 例文帳に追加

『承久記』によれば政子は自分も死のうと思うほどに悲しみ、頼朝が母まで死んでしまっては大姫の後生に悪いからと諌めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

asking a favor against him, that he would summon him to Jerusalem; plotting to kill him on the way. 例文帳に追加

自分たちに好意を示して,彼をエルサレムに呼び出してくれるよう求めた。彼を途中で殺すことを企てていたのである。 - 電網聖書『使徒行伝 25:3』

This baby grew teeth while being born and at around the ages of seven and eight he would kill deer and wild boar by throwing stones to eat them. 例文帳に追加

その子供は産まれながらにして歯が生えそろっており、7、8歳の頃には石を投げてシカやイノシシを仕留めて食べていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the farmer tried to kill it with his cane, Raijin begged for its life and said that if the farmer saved it, it would return a favor by ensuring that the farmer begets a child as strong as Raijin. 例文帳に追加

農夫が杖で殺そうとすると雷神は命乞いをし、助けれくれれば恩返しとして、雷神のように力強い子供を授けると言った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A letter dated on September 21 says, "If we let the man whom our deceased lord risked his life to kill go unpunished, the spirit of the samurai would break down. 例文帳に追加

差出日8月19日(旧暦)(9月21日)の書状では「亡君が命をかけた相手を見逃しては武士道は立たない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI from the Mito Domain tried to end the affairs and offered the Imperial Court that he himself would track down and kill Tenguto. 例文帳に追加

水戸藩出身の一橋慶喜は事態の収拾を図るため自ら天狗党追討を朝廷に願い出た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Decisions were made on April 11 that Shigehira's departure from the capital to control the west would be cancelled and that the clan warriors led by Munemori would go to hunt down and kill the enemies, but Kiyomori came down with a febrile disease on the 12th. 例文帳に追加

2月26日には重衡の鎮西下向を中止し、宗盛以下一族の武士が東国追討に向かう事が決められていたが、清盛は27日に熱病に倒れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to avoid this, it is said that a ninja who acted as a liaison and watchdog would constantly observe the kunoichi, and if she showed even a slight sign of betrayal the ninja would kill her mercilessly. 例文帳に追加

それを防ぐために連絡役兼監視役の忍者が常に行動を監視し、裏切りの気配を見せたときには容赦無く殺害していたとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They also said in a stormy atmosphere 'we would like to ask the spirit about God's will and depending on the answer, we are willing to kill Konoe.' 例文帳に追加

また、「そこで、御神霊の意見を是非うかがって、その返答によっては近衛の殺害も厭わない」と述べ、かなり殺気だった雰囲気に包まれたと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He then suggested that all the retainers commit seppuku, and in the end, retainers of the Asano family came to a settlement to surrender the castle on condition that they would kill Kira as an act of revenge for their lord. 例文帳に追加

次いで藩士一同の殉死を主張、最後には吉良への仇討ちを前提とした開城へと誘導し、浅野家中は開城に意見がまとまる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Arufumi Vol. 2 (supplement volumes of explanatory notes in Nihonshoki), it is referred to as Amatsu Kami (god of heaven), and Futsunushi no Kami and Takemikazuchi no Mikoto say they would first kill an evil god called Amenokagaseo, otherwise known as Amatsumikaboshi in Takamanohara (plain of high heaven), before the conquest of Ashihara no nakatsukuni. 例文帳に追加

第二の一書では天津神となっており、経津主神・武甕槌命が、まず高天原にいる天香香背男、別名を天津甕星という悪い神を誅してから葦原中国平定を行うと言っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shinsengumi abandoned Ito's corpse on the streets of Aburanokoji, hiding themselves so that they could kill all the other members of Ito's group who would be coming to collect Ito's body. 例文帳に追加

新選組は油小路通七条通の辻に伊東の遺骸を放置し、その周りに伏せ、遺体を引き取りにきた同志をまとめて粛清しようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinaka demanded the issuance of an imperial decree or Migyosho (a document for informing people of the decision of Third Rank or upper people) to hunt down and kill MINAMOTO no Yorimoto ("Gyokuyo," entry of December 14), but in no way would Goshirakawa acknowledge the demand. 例文帳に追加

義仲は、頼朝追討の宣旨ないし御教書の発給(『玉葉』閏10月21日条)、志太義広の平氏追討使への起用を要求するが、後白河が認めるはずもなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The content was from one passage of the book written by Muirhead, and the question was 'If the motive is good, would it be excusable to kill superiors such as parents?' 例文帳に追加

この内容はミュアヘッドの書物の一節からとられたもので「動機が善ならば弑逆(親など目上の人を殺すこと)も許されるであろうか」という課題である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the spring in 1550, there was a rumor spreading that Takafusa would rise in rebellion, so Yoshitaka's close associate, Takatoyo REIZEI even proposed Yoshitaka to kill Takafusa. 例文帳に追加

天文19年(1550年)春になると、国内には隆房が謀反を起こすという伝聞が流れるまでになり、義隆の側近である冷泉隆豊は義隆に隆房の誅殺を進言するほどだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, his daring character is also introduced in the episode 25th titled "The story of Tanba no Kami (the governor of Tanba Province) TAIRA no Sadamori, who extracted the internal organs of an unborn baby" by a story that Sadamori not only cut open the belly of a pregnant woman to get her unborn baby's internal organs for the treatment of his arrow wound, but also plotted to kill the doctor who taught him the remedy for fear that such a cruel conduct would come to light. 例文帳に追加

また、第二十五話「丹波守平貞盛、児ノ肝ヲ取リシ語」の、妊婦の腹を裂き胎児の肝を得て自分の矢傷の治療をし、その秘密を守るため治療法を伝授した医師の殺害を企てた、という逸話とが述べられ、豪胆な人物に記述されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One opinion on this theory is that such a masterful intellect as Mitsuhide would not think that he could come into power through such a rebellion, and that it was the best chance for Mitsuhide to kill Nobunaga quickly because Mitsuhide had more than 100 times as many soldiers as Nobunaga did. 例文帳に追加

この説に対しては「知将とされる光秀が、このような謀反で天下を取れると思うはずがない」という意見や、「相手の100倍以上の兵で奇襲できることは、信長を殺すのにこれ以上ないと言える程の機会だった」という意見がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The plan was as follows; Naramaro and others would rise an army to kill Nakamaro and relieve the Crown Prince of his position, then deprive ekirei (a bell needed for the exercise of imperial power) and Imperial Seal, enact the decree under udaijin (minister of the right) FUJIWARA no Toyonari, relieve the Emperor of his position and enthrone a new emperor among Prince Shioyaki, Prince Funado, Prince Asukabe and Prince Kibumi. 例文帳に追加

計画は、奈良麻呂らが兵を起こして仲麻呂を殺して皇太子を退け、次いで駅鈴と玉璽(ぎょくじ)を奪い、右大臣・藤原豊成を奉じて天下に号令し、天皇を廃して塩焼王、道祖王、安宿王、黄文王の中から天皇を推戴するというものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Aizan (Yakichi) YAMAJI wrote the following story in his commentaries entitled "Meikatsumika": when Akitsune tried to convince Aizan in his childhood (in Shizuoka) that he should learn "the way of merchant" from that time on, Aizan spoke out proudly as a son of samurai family that he would rather kill himself than become a humble merchant. 例文帳に追加

山路愛山(彌吉)は回想録『命耶罪耶』の中で子供の頃(静岡時代)に彰常より、これからは「商人の道」を学ぶように諭された時に武士の子としての誇りから「卑しむべき商人たらんよりは寧ろ自殺するこそよけれ」と叫んだことを記している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yokoyama was a thief who would kill travelers and steal their money and other valuables, and the Princess Terute was originally a child of a samurai warrior belonging to the Imperial Palace Guards on the north side who protected the Imperial Palace for Daijo Tenno (retired emperor) and Daijo Hoo (retired emperor who became a priest), but the Princess Terute was serving for Daizen YOKOYAMA for some reasons after she was bereaved of her parents at an early age. 例文帳に追加

横山は、旅人を殺し金品を奪う盗賊であり、照手姫は本来、太上天皇や太上法皇の御所をまもる武士である北面の武士の子であったが、早くに父母に死に別れ、理由があって横山大膳に仕えていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The content of his confession was that after the coup of August 18, the Choshu-jin (Choshu citizen,) etc. forced out of Kyo would set fire to the Imperial Palace on an certain very windy day in late June, thus confining Crown Prince Asahiko KUNINOMIYA, a Sabaku-ha (a group of feudal government supporters) court noble; and would then kill Katamori MATSUDAIRA and other Sabaku-ha Daimyo (feudal lords who supported the feudal government) and take the Emperor to Choshu. 例文帳に追加

その内容は、八月十八日の政変後、京を追われた長州人らが六月下旬の強風の日を選んで御所に火を放ち、佐幕派公家の久邇宮朝彦親王を幽閉し京都守護職の松平容保以下佐幕派大名を殺害し、天皇を長州へ連れ去ろうとするものだった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Before long, as the ritsuryo system became more relaxed after the mid-Heian period, with the Sekkan seiji (politics run by the sessho and kanpaku) and the shoen (manor) system becoming widespread, a custom developed in which 'illegal onmyoji,' who were not bureaucrats that belonged officially to the Onmyoryo, openly violated the ritsuryo by privately getting close to noblemen, starting what became a common practice of them secretly performing divinations to judge good and bad luck or ceremonies to prevent disasters; in some cases, people would even contract them to cast a spell to kill an adversary. 例文帳に追加

やがて平安時代中期以降に、摂関政治や荘園制が蔓延して律令体制がさらに緩むと、堂々と律令の禁を破って、正式な陰陽寮所属の官人ではない「ヤミ陰陽師」が私的に貴族らと結びつき、彼らの吉凶を占ったり災害を祓うための祭祓を密かに執り行い、場合によっては敵対者の呪殺まで請け負うような風習が横行した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Although Yoritomo regretted this order when the rumor turned out to be untrue later on, it was true that he was an extremely dangerous person for Yoritomo who wanted to establish a samurai government; Hirotsune had one of the largest armies among the Kamakura government armies and because of that he was behaving disrespectfully - in addition to which it seemed that he would rather defend local authority in the Kanto area than going to Kyoto to kill the Taira clan. 例文帳に追加

後に謀反の疑いは晴れて頼朝は後悔しているが、広常は鎌倉政権軍の中でも飛びぬけて大きな兵力を擁しており、その為に不遜な振る舞いが多く、また上洛して平氏を倒すよりも関東での割拠を指向しており、武家政権の樹立を目指す頼朝にとって危険な存在であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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