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be under repairの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 35


Whether a flag is set or not, the vehicle is easily controlled whether it is under repair or not and the completion of the repair work can be accurately recognized.例文帳に追加

フラグの有無により、当該車両が手直し中であるか否かを簡易に管理でき、かつ手直し作業の完了時点を正確に認識できる。 - 特許庁

By putting the repair liquid bottle 18 under the condition that guide ribs 128 are provided on a casing 11, the tilting of the repair liquid bottle 18 under the state that the repair liquid bottle 18 is put on the casing 11 can be suppressed.例文帳に追加

ケーシング11にガイドリブ128を設け、補修液ボトル18を装着することで、補修液ボトル18がケーシング11に装着された状態で、補修液ボトル18の傾倒を抑制することができる。 - 特許庁

To provide a hot casting repair material capable of forming a cast, without scattering, at an inclined site that needs to be repaired when thrown against the site under a situation where the operation rate is high and only a short time can be spared for repair.例文帳に追加

操業度が高く、補修時間が長くとれない状況下で、傾斜した要補修部位をめがけて投げ込みした際に、その場所で飛散することなく施工体を形成できる熱間焼付け補修材を提供する。 - 特許庁

To provide a die repair welding material of low cost, capable of performing good repair welding by effectively avoiding the occurrence of defective welding even under the constraint of a posture in repair welding work, and capable of allowing a hardness as welded to be a proper hardness against the hardness of aluminum die casting die.例文帳に追加

補修溶接の作業姿勢に制約がある中でも溶接不良の発生を有効に回避して良好に補修溶接を行うことができ、また溶接まま硬さをアルミダイカスト金型の硬さに対して適正な硬さとすることができ、コストも安価な金型補修溶接材料を提供する。 - 特許庁


(b) The following repair or alteration to be performed for an aircraft set forth in item (ii) under paragraph (4), Article 10 of the Act and other repair or alteration which is likely to affect noise of the aircraft 例文帳に追加

ロ 法第十条第四項第二号の航空機について行う次に掲げる修理又は改造その他の当該航空機の騒音に影響を及ぼすおそれのある修理又は改造 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(c) The following repair or alteration to be performed for an aircraft set forth in item (iii) under paragraph (4), Article 10 of the Act and other repair or alteration which is likely to affect engine emissions of the aircraft 例文帳に追加

ハ 法第十条第四項第三号の航空機について行う次に掲げる修理又は改造その他の当該航空機の発動機の排出物に影響を及ぼすおそれのある修理又は改造 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

To repair the failure of personal digital assistant to be generated under a radio environment changing every moment.例文帳に追加

時々刻々変換する無線環境下で発生する携帯型情報端末機器の不具合を改修することができるようにする。 - 特許庁

To provide an injection nozzle for a concrete structure repair agent capable of being inserted without the fear of backflow or removal even in case of injection under high pressure, while enabling a nozzle body to be used repeatedly, and enabling a plurality of repair agents to be injected at the same time.例文帳に追加

高圧の注入にも逆流や脱抜の恐れがなく確実に差し込むことができ、また、ノズル本体を繰り返し使用することができ、さらに、複数の補修剤を同時に注入することが可能なコンクリート構造物における補修剤の注入ノズルを提供する。 - 特許庁

To enable a repair agent to be injected under as uniform pressure as possible, wherever a gap may be made, so as to prevent the gap in a cracked state from being accidentally widened by the injection of the repair agent, when a crack appears inside a concrete wall with stuck tiles.例文帳に追加

コンクリート壁にタイルが貼着してあるもので、内部に亀裂が生じた場合、補修剤の注入によりこの亀裂状態の隙間が拡大する事故を防止するため、この隙間が何処で発生しても、補修剤をできるだけ均等な圧力で注入すること。 - 特許庁


A guarantee system process 180 receives repair request information through the Internet 184 including an intranet system 182 and the (i) mode and judges whether an object component requested to be repaired is under warranty.例文帳に追加

保証システム処理180は、イントラシステム182やiモードを含むインターネット184を介して修理依頼情報を受け付け、修理依頼対象の部品が保証期限内か否かを判断する。 - 特許庁


Article 24 Any repair or alteration which is to receive inspections to the extent specified by Ordinances of the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism which is to receive inspections pursuant to paragraph (1), Article 16 of the Act shall be listed in each item of the right column under the following table according to the classification of aircrafts listed in each item of left column under the same table. 例文帳に追加

第二十四条 法第十六条第一項の検査を受けるべき国土交通省令で定める範囲の修理又は改造は、次の表の上欄に掲げる航空機の区分に応じ、それぞれ同表の下欄に掲げるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 24-2 The scope of repair for which inspection is not required, as prescribed by Ministerial Ordinance for Transport under paragraph (1) of Article 16 shall be those repairs not falling into the subject of the repairs prescribed under the preceding Article, subparagraph 1. 例文帳に追加

第二十四条の二 法第十六条第一項の検査を受けることを要しない国土交通省令で定める範囲の修理は、第五条の六の表に掲げる作業の区分のうちの大修理であつて、前条の表第二号の下欄ロ及びハに掲げる修理に該当しないものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(8) The technology specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in row 5 (viii) of the appended table of the Foreign Exchange Order shall be technology (excluding programs) pertaining to the use of radio wave absorbers or conductive polymers that fall under Article 14, item (ii) (limited to those pertaining to installation, maintenance or repair). 例文帳に追加

8 外為令別表の五の項(八)の経済産業省令で定める技術は、第十四条第二号に該当する電波の吸収材又は導電性高分子の使用(据付、保守又は修理に係るものに限る。)に係る技術(プログラムを除く。)とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 165-3 Accidents related to aircraft prescribed in the Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism under item (v) of the paragraph (1) of the Article 76 of the Act shall be termed as the cases (excluding cases where the repair of a subject aircraft does not corresponding to the major repair work among the work classifications listed in the table under Article 5-6) where navigating aircraft is damaged (except the sole damage of engine, cowling, propeller, wing tip, antenna, tire, brake or fairing). 例文帳に追加

第百六十五条の三 法第七十六条第一項第五号の国土交通省令で定める航空機に関する事故は、航行中の航空機が損傷(発動機、発動機覆い、発動機補機、プロペラ、翼端、アンテナ、タイヤ、ブレーキ又はフェアリングのみの損傷を除く。)を受けた事態(当該航空機の修理が第五条の六の表に掲げる作業の区分のうちの大修理に該当しない場合を除く。)とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(viii) transactions through which technology designed to be used with certain goods is provided simultaneously when such goods are exported (except for programs and other technology specified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in a public notice) and where the minimum technology necessary for the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of said goods is provided to the buyers, the receivers or the users of said goods (limited to transactions through which such technology is provided on and after the date on which the permission for export was granted or the date on which the contract of export of the goods was effected, whichever date comes later); provided, however, that among said technology, the provision of technology for maintenance or repair shall be excluded when it falls under any of (a) to (c) below: 例文帳に追加

八 貨物の輸出に付随して提供される使用に係る技術(プログラム及び経済産業大臣が告示で定めるものを除く。)であって、当該貨物の据付、操作、保守又は修理のための必要最小限のものを当該貨物の買主、荷受人又は需要者に対して提供する取引(輸出の許可を受けた日又は貨物の輸出契約の発効した日のいずれか遅い日以降に提供されるものに限る。)。ただし、当該技術のうち、保守又は修理に係る技術の提供については、次のいずれかに該当するものを除く。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) For the time being, the national government may, within the scope of the budget, provide loans without interest to a prefectural or municipal government or a person engaged in the services necessary for improvement of the medical treatment environment for children in need of long-term medical treatment in a Medical Institution (hereinafter referred to as "Children under Long-term Treatment") for part of funds to be appropriated to expenses spent for such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement of lodging facilities for family members of Children under Long-term Treatment as falling under Article 2 paragraph (1) item (ii) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Infrastructure Development. 例文帳に追加

4 国は、当分の間、都道府県、市町村又は長期にわたり医療施設において療養を必要とする児童(以下「長期療養児童」という。)の療養環境の向上のために必要な事業を行う者に対し、長期療養児童の家族が宿泊する施設の新設、修理、改造、拡張又は整備で社会資本整備特別措置法第二条第一項第二号に該当するものに要する費用に充てる資金の一部を、予算の範囲内において、無利子で貸し付けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) When any operator of an aircraft with airworthiness certification other than an aircraft described in the preceding paragraph performs maintenance or alteration of the aircraft (excluding any repair or alteration of aircraft under Article 16 paragraph (1)), the said aircraft shall not be operated, unless the operator certified that such aircraft complies with the standards specified in Article 10 paragraph (4) item (i). 例文帳に追加

2 前項の航空機以外の航空機であつて、耐空証明のあるものの使用者は、当該航空機について整備又は改造をした場合(第十六条第一項の修理又は改造をした場合を除く。)には、当該航空機が第十条第四項第一号の基準に適合することについて確認をし又は確認を受けなければ、これを航空の用に供してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry may, when he/she finds that Gas Facilities to be used for a General Gas Utility Business do not conform to the technical standards established by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry under the preceding paragraph, order the General Gas Utility to repair or alter the Gas Facilities to ensure conformity to the technical standards, or order the General Gas Utility to relocate the Gas Facilities or suspend the use of them, or restrict the General Gas Utility from using them. 例文帳に追加

2 経済産業大臣は、一般ガス事業の用に供するガス工作物が前項の経済産業省令で定める技術上の基準に適合していないと認めるときは、一般ガス事業者に対し、その技術上の基準に適合するようにガス工作物を修理し、改造し、若しくは移転し、若しくはその使用を一時停止すべきことを命じ、又はその使用を制限することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

If goods are offered for sale under a particular trade symbol, and if thereafter a person other than the proprietor of the trade symbol substantially alters them by modification or repair or in another comparable manner, the trade symbol may not be used when the goods are once again offered for sale in Finland unless the alteration is clearly pointed out or announced, or is otherwise plainly apparent. 例文帳に追加

商品が特定の取引表象の下に販売され,その販売後に当該取引表象の所有者以外の者が改造,修理又はその他の方法で当該商品を実質的に改変した場合において,当該商品を再びフィンランドで販売するときは,当該改変が明確に指摘若しくは発表されるか又はその他の形で明白な場合を除いて,当該取引表象を使用してはならない。 - 特許庁

As for (b), considering the nature of the program that can easily be repaired, the user should not demand damages after rejecting the offer of the Vendor to promptly repair the program or the provision of a replacement under the principle of good face and trust, as is usually preferable to the Vendor. 例文帳に追加

また、イ)についても、容易に修補可能というプログラムの財としての特殊性を考慮すれば、前述したようにベンダーが速やかに自己にとって負担の少ない修補又は代物の提供を申し出ており、ユーザーが承諾しさえすれば直ちに当該瑕疵修補・代物提供を受けうる状態になっている時に、これを拒否して損害賠償を求めることは信義則上許されない。 - 経済産業省

(iv) in addition to what is listed in the preceding three items, fire defense equipment, etc. installed in a department store, hotel, hospital, underground mall, multi-purpose property under fire prevention measures (limited to those specified by Cabinet Order) or any other property under fire prevention measures set forth in Article 17, paragraph (1) specified by Cabinet Order as a property to which a number of people have access (hereinafter referred to as a "specified property under fire prevention measures"), which exists at the time of the enforcement or application of the provisions of the Cabinet Order concerning the technical standards for fire defense equipment, etc. set forth in paragraph (1) of said Article or of an order issued thereunder or the provisions of the municipal ordinance under the provision of paragraph (2) of said Article, or fire defense equipment, etc. to be installed in a specified property under fire prevention measures which is under work for new construction or an extension, reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling at the time of the enforcement or application of said provisions. 例文帳に追加

四 前三号に掲げるもののほか、第十七条第一項の消防用設備等の技術上の基準に関する政令若しくはこれに基づく命令又は同条第二項の規定に基づく条例の規定の施行又は適用の際、現に存する百貨店、旅館、病院、地下街、複合用途防火対象物(政令で定めるものに限る。)その他同条第一項の防火対象物で多数の者が出入するものとして政令で定めるもの(以下「特定防火対象物」という。)における消防用設備等又は現に新築、増築、改築、移転、修繕若しくは模様替えの工事中の特定防火対象物に係る消防用設備等 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) With regard to both fire defense equipment, etc. installed in a specified property under fire prevention measures that exists as of April 1, 1977 (with regard to the specified property under fire prevention measures set forth in Article 17-2, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the new Act (hereinafter referred to as the "specified property under fire prevention measures" in this paragraph) other than a department store, underground mall and multi-purpose property under fire prevention measures, April 1, 1979; hereinafter referred to as the "Date of Partial Enforcement") and fire defense equipment, etc. to be installed in a specified property under fire prevention measures that is under construction work for new construction, extension, reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling and that exists as of the Date of Partial Enforcement, for which the provision of Article 17-2, paragraph (1) or Article 17-3, paragraph (1) of the former Act was applicable as of the date immediately preceding the Date of Partial Enforcement, the provision of Article 17-2, paragraph (1) or Article 17-3, paragraph (1) shall not apply after the Date of Partial Enforcement. 例文帳に追加

4 昭和五十二年四月一日(新法第十七条の二第二項第四号に規定する特定防火対象物(以下この項において「特定防火対象物」という。)で百貨店、地下街及び複合用途防火対象物以外のものにあつては、昭和五十四年四月一日。以下「一部施行日」という。)において現に存する特定防火対象物又は現に新築、増築、改築、移転、修繕若しくは模様替えの工事中の特定防火対象物に係る消防用設備等で、一部施行日の前日において旧法第十七条の二第一項又は第十七条の三第一項の規定の適用を受けていたものについては、一部施行日以後、新法第十七条の二第一項又は第十七条の三第一項の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) For the time being, the national government may, within the scope of the budget, provide loans without interest to a prefectural government or a Designated City, etc. with regard to the expenses spent for such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement (excluding those for which the national government provides subsidies for expenses pursuant to the provision of Article 56-2 paragraph (3)) of institutions that is intended for the services for providing the aid for children or pursuing sound upbringing of children and that falls under Article 2 paragraph (1) item (ii) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Infrastructure Development. If such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement is implemented by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc., the loans from the national government shall be provided for part of funds to be appropriated to the expenses spent therefor by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc., and if implemented by a municipal government or a social welfare corporation other than Designated Cities, etc., the loans from the national government shall be provided for part of funds to be appropriated to the expenses subsidized therefor by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc. 例文帳に追加

3 国は、当分の間、都道府県又は指定都市等に対し、児童の保護を行う事業又は児童の健全な育成を図る事業を目的とする施設の新設、修理、改造、拡張又は整備(第五十六条の二第三項の規定により国がその費用について補助するものを除く。)で社会資本整備特別措置法第二条第一項第二号に該当するものにつき、当該都道府県又は指定都市等が自ら行う場合にあつてはその要する費用に充てる資金の一部を、指定都市等以外の市町村又は社会福祉法人が行う場合にあつてはその者に対し当該都道府県又は指定都市等が補助する費用に充てる資金の一部を、予算の範囲内において、無利子で貸し付けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(4) No machine or tool, etc. subject to inspection shall be sold or displayed for sale unless a label as set forth in Article 21-9, paragraph (1) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 21-11, paragraph (3); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) is affixed to it, and no machine or tool, etc. subject to inspection which is a machine or tool or equipment used for fire defense shall be used for construction work under contract for the installation, change or repair thereof unless a label as set forth in Article 21-9, paragraph (1) is affixed to it. 例文帳に追加

4 検定対象機械器具等は、第二十一条の九第一項(第二十一条の十一第三項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定による表示が付されているものでなければ、販売し、又は販売の目的で陳列してはならず、また、検定対象機械器具等のうち消防の用に供する機械器具又は設備は、第二十一条の九第一項の規定による表示が付されているものでなければ、その設置、変更又は修理の請負に係る工事に使用してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

.Clauses which shield the Vendor from any and all liability to indemnify the consumer for damages caused by a product defect; provided, however, that these clauses would be valid if it is stipulated in such contract that the Vendor should be responsible, when a latent defect is found in the subject item under such contract, to provide replacement or repair such defect (Subparagraph 1, Paragraph 2, Article 8 of said Act) or if a Vendor.s affiliate bearing a certain relation to such Vendor is held responsible (Subparagraph 2, Paragraph 2, Article 8 of said Act). 例文帳に追加

目的物に隠れた瑕疵があるときに、当該瑕疵により消費者に生じた損害を賠償する事業者の責任の全部を免除する条項(ただし、このような条項も同時に当該契約において、当該契約の目的物に隠れた瑕疵があるときに当該事業者が瑕疵のないものをもってこれに代える責任又は当該瑕疵を修補する責任を負うこととされている場合(同法第8条第2項第1号)や、当該事業者と一定の関係にある他の事業者が責任を負うこととされている場合(同法第8条第2項第2号)には、無効とならない - 経済産業省

(ix) transactions through which technology designed to be used with a certain program is provided simultaneously when such program is provided (except for programs and other technology specified by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in a public notice) and where the minimum technology necessary for the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of said program is provided to the other party of the transactions concerning said program or the users (limited to transactions through which such technology is provided on and after the date on which the permission for service transactions was granted or the date on which the contract for the provision of the program was effected, whichever date comes later); provided, however, that among said technology, the provision of technology for maintenance or repair shall be excluded when it falls under any of (a) to (c) below: 例文帳に追加

九 プログラムの提供に付随して提供される使用に係る技術(プログラム及び経済産業大臣が告示で定めるものを除く。)であって、当該プログラムのインストール、操作、保守又は修理のための必要最小限のものを当該プログラムの取引の相手方又は需要者に対して提供する取引(役務取引の許可を受けた日又はプログラムの提供契約の発効した日のいずれか遅い日以降に提供されるものに限る。)。ただし、当該技術のうち、保守又は修理に係る技術の提供については、次のいずれかに該当するものを除く。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 17-2-5 (1) If any fire defense equipment, etc. (excluding a fire extinguisher, escape equipment and any other equipment specified by Cabinet Order; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and the following Article) installed in a property under fire prevention measures as set forth in Article 17, paragraph (1) which exists at the time of the enforcement or application of the provisions of the Cabinet Order concerning the technical standards for fire defense equipment, etc. set forth in paragraph (1) of said Article or of an order issued thereunder or the provisions of the municipal ordinance under the provision of paragraph (2) of said Article, or any fire defense equipment, etc. to be installed in a property under fire prevention measures set forth in paragraph (2) of said Article which is under work for new construction or an extension, reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling at the time of the enforcement or application of said provisions, fails to conform to these provisions, said provisions shall not apply to the fire defense equipment, etc. In this case, the provisions then in force concerning the technical standards for the fire defense equipment, etc. shall apply thereto. 例文帳に追加

第十七条の二の五 第十七条第一項の消防用設備等の技術上の基準に関する政令若しくはこれに基づく命令又は同条第二項の規定に基づく条例の規定の施行又は適用の際、現に存する同条第一項の防火対象物における消防用設備等(消火器、避難器具その他政令で定めるものを除く。以下この条及び次条において同じ。)又は現に新築、増築、改築、移転、修繕若しくは模様替えの工事中の同条同項の防火対象物に係る消防用設備等がこれらの規定に適合しないときは、当該消防用設備等については、当該規定は、適用しない。この場合においては、当該消防用設備等の技術上の基準に関する従前の規定を適用する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(9) When an entrepreneur of juridical person, the appointment and dismissal of officers or the conduct or existence in business of which is controlled by another entrepreneur of juridical person whose capital or total contributions exceeds 10 million yen, receives a manufacturing or other contract from the said entrepreneur and subcontracts of all or a considerable part of the act of manufacture, repair, creation or provision pertaining to such manufacturing or other contract with a third entrepreneur (excluding the cases where a person coming under items (i) or (ii) of Paragraph 7 above concludes the manufacturing or other contract with another person who falls under items (i) or (ii) respectively of the preceding paragraph and cases where a person falling under items (iii) and (iv) of the paragraph above concludes an information-based product creation contract or a service contract with another person who falls under items (iii) and (iv) respectively of the preceding paragraph), and when the entrepreneur who receives such subcontract would fall under the items of the preceding paragraph if he were to receive the said manufacturing or other contract directly from the said entrepreneur who controls the appointment and dismissal of officers, or conduct or existence in the business, the entrepreneur who concludes such subcontract shall be deemed, in the application of this Act, to be a main subcontracting entrepreneur and the entrepreneur who receives such subcontract shall be deemed to be a subcontractor. 例文帳に追加

9 資本金の額又は出資の総額が千万円を超える法人たる事業者から役員の任免、業務の執行又は存立について支配を受け、かつ、その事業者から製造委託等を受ける法人たる事業者が、その製造委託等に係る製造、修理、作成又は提供の行為の全部又は相当部分について再委託をする場合(第七項第一号又は第二号に該当する者がそれぞれ前項第一号又は第二号に該当する者に対し製造委託等をする場合及び第七項第三号又は第四号に該当する者がそれぞれ前項第三号又は第四号に該当する者に対し情報成果物作成委託又は役務提供委託をする場合を除く。)において、再委託を受ける事業者が、役員の任免、業務の執行又は存立について支配をし、かつ、製造委託等をする当該事業者から直接製造委託等を受けるものとすれば前項各号のいずれかに該当することとなる事業者であるときは、この法律の適用については、再委託をする事業者は親事業者と、再委託を受ける事業者は下請事業者とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Notwithstanding any granted patent, spare parts and accessories for aircraft may be imported into Norway and used in Norway for the repair of aircraft registered in a foreign state that is a party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation of December 7, 1944 (the Chicago Convention) and that is either a party to the Paris Convention on Protection of Intellectual Property of March 20, 1883, or has patent legislation that recognizes inventions made by nationals of another state that is a party to the Chicago Convention and that provides such inventions with a level of protection that is essentially in conformity with the protection provided under the Paris Convention.例文帳に追加

航空機用の交換部品及び付属品は,特許の存在に拘らず,ノルウェーへの輸入が認められ,1944年12月7日国際民間航空条約(シカゴ条約)の加盟国であり,工業所有権の保護に関する1883年3月20日のパリ条約の加盟国であるか,又はシカゴ条約加盟国である他国の国民がなした発明を承認しパリ条約の保護と実質的に同一である保護を当該発明に対して提供する特許法制を有する加盟国である外国で登録された航空機の修理のためにノルウェーで使用することができる。 - 特許庁

Article 19 (1) When any operator of an aircraft with airworthiness certification, which is operated for air transport services as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, performs maintenance (excluding any minor preventive maintenance as specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism; hereinafter the same shall apply.) or alteration of such aircraft (excluding any repair or alteration of the said aircraft under Article 16 paragraph (1)), the aircraft shall not be operated unless a person approved for the capability specified by Article 20 paragraph (1) with regard to capability under item (iv) of the same paragraph performs maintenance or alteration subject to the said approval, and certifies that the said aircraft conforms to the standards shown under each item of Article 10 paragraph (4), in accordance with Ordinances of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 例文帳に追加

第十九条 航空運送事業の用に供する国土交通省令で定める航空機であつて、耐空証明のあるものの使用者は、当該航空機について整備(国土交通省令で定める軽微な保守を除く。次項及び次条において同じ。)又は改造をする場合(第十六条第一項の修理又は改造をする場合を除く。)には、第二十条第一項第四号の能力について同項の認定を受けた者が、当該認定に係る整備又は改造をし、かつ、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、当該航空機について第十条第四項各号の基準に適合することを確認するのでなければ、これを航空の用に供してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(9) For the time being, the State may, within the scope of the budget, provide a loan without interest of an amount equivalent to the amount that the State may subsidize pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (2) (in the case where any law or ordinance stipulates otherwise with regard to the proportion of subsidy by the State under these provisions, they shall include the provisions of said law or ordinance that stipulates otherwise; the same shall apply hereinafter) to a prefecture (in the case where the affairs under Article 74, paragraph (1), which are to be processed by a prefecture, are to be processed by a designated city, etc., pursuant to the provisions of Article 84-2, paragraph (1), this shall include said designated city, etc.; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and paragraphs (12) to (14) of the Supplementary Provisions) for the funds to be allocated to the expenses subsidized by said prefecture for the establisher of a public assistance facility other than said prefecture, with regard to a repair, renovation or expansion of a public assistance facility of which expenses may be subsidized by the State pursuant to the provisions of Article 75, paragraph (2) and which falls under Article 2, paragraph (1), item (ii) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Promotion of Social Infrastructure Development Through Use of Proceeds from Sale of the Stock of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (Act No. 86 of 1987). 例文帳に追加

9 国は、当分の間、都道府県(第八十四条の二第一項の規定により、都道府県が処理することとされている第七十四条第一項の事務を指定都市等が処理する場合にあつては、当該指定都市等を含む。以下この項及び附則第十二項から第十四項までにおいて同じ。)に対し、第七十五条第二項の規定により国がその費用について補助することができる保護施設の修理、改造又は拡張で日本電信電話株式会社の株式の売払収入の活用による社会資本の整備の促進に関する特別措置法(昭和六十二年法律第八十六号)第二条第一項第二号に該当するものにつき、都道府県以外の保護施設の設置者に対し当該都道府県が補助する費用に充てる資金について、予算の範囲内において、第七十五条第二項の規定(この規定による国の補助の割合について、この規定と異なる定めをした法令の規定がある場合には、当該異なる定めをした法令の規定を含む。以下同じ。)により国が補助することができる金額に相当する金額を無利子で貸し付けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 49 With regard to Transferred Specified Electrical Appliances and Materials pertaining to a product type for which approval under Article 18 or Article 23, paragraph (1) of the Old Electrical Appliance and Material Control Act or confirmation under Article 23-2, paragraph (1) of the Old Electrical Appliance and Material Control Act had been obtained at the time of enforcement of Article 10, or with regard to Class-B Electrical Appliances and Materials as set forth in Article 2, paragraph (2) of the Old Electrical Appliance and Material Control Act with structures pertaining to a notification under Article 26-2, paragraph (1) or Article 26-3, paragraph (1) of the Old Electrical Appliance and Material Control Act which fall into the category of Electrical Appliances and Materials set forth in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act, labeling under Article 25, paragraph (1) or Article 26-6, paragraph (1) may be affixed during the one year from the day of enforcement of Article 10 (with regard to those specified by Cabinet Order as Transferred Electrical Appliances and Materials that require a considerable period of time for the repair or alteration of manufacturing equipment accompanied with the change of labeling, the period specified by Cabinet Order for the relevant Transferred Electrical Appliances and Materials within a limit not exceeding three years from the day of the enforcement of Article 10), notwithstanding the provisions of Article 10, paragraph (2) of the Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act. 例文帳に追加

第四十九条 第十条の規定の施行の際現に旧電気用品取締法第十八条若しくは第二十三条第一項の認可若しくは旧電気用品取締法第二十三条の二第一項の確認を受けている型式に係る移行特定電気用品又は旧電気用品取締法第二十六条の二第一項若しくは第二十六条の三第一項の規定による届出に係る構造の旧電気用品取締法第二条第二項の乙種電気用品であって電気用品安全法第二条第一項の電気用品であるものについては、電気用品安全法第十条第二項の規定にかかわらず、第十条の規定の施行の日から起算して一年間(表示の変更に伴う製造設備の修理又は改造に相当の期間を要する移行電気用品として政令で定めるものにあっては、第十条の規定の施行の日から起算して三年を超えない範囲内において移行電気用品ごとに政令で定める期間)は、旧電気用品取締法第二十五条第一項又は第二十六条の六第一項の規定の例による表示を付することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 2 With regard to disaster prevention devices for residences specified in Article 9-2, paragraph (1) of the Fire Service Act after revision that, as of the time of enforcement of the provisions listed in item (ii) of the preceding Article, have already been installed in a residence specified in said paragraph (hereinafter referred to as the "residence" in this Article) (the devices shall hereinafter be referred to as the "disaster prevention devices for residences" in this Article) or such disaster prevention devices for residences to be installed in a residence that, as of that time, is under work for new construction, extension, reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling, which do not conform to the standards for the installation and maintenance of disaster prevention devices for residences as prescribed in paragraph (2) of said Article, the provision of paragraph (1) of said Article shall not apply to said disaster prevention devices for residences for the period until the date to be specified by the ordinances of the municipalities (in the case of a region where special wards have been established, the ordinances of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government). 例文帳に追加

第二条 前条第二号に掲げる規定の施行の際、現に存する改正後の消防法第九条の二第一項に規定する住宅(以下この条において「住宅」という。)における同項に規定する住宅用防災機器(以下この条において「住宅用防災機器」という。)又は現に新築、増築、改築、移転、修繕若しくは模様替えの工事中の住宅に係る住宅用防災機器が同条第二項の規定による住宅用防災機器の設置及び維持に関する基準に適合しないときは、当該住宅用防災機器については、市町村(特別区の存する区域においては、都)の条例で定める日までの間、同条第一項の規定は、適用しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 21-16-2 No machine or tool, etc. used for fire defense, other than a machine or tool, etc. subject to inspection, which is likely to seriously hinder the prevention of or guard against fire, fire extinguishing activities or rescue of human life, etc. if it does not have a certain shape, etc. and which is specified by Cabinet Order (hereinafter referred to as a "machine or tool, etc. subject to self-labeling"), shall be sold or displayed for sale unless a label set forth in paragraph (1) of the following Article is affixed to it, and no machine or tool, etc. subject to self-labeling which is a machine or tool or equipment used for fire defense shall be used for construction work under contract for the installation, change or repair thereof unless a label set forth in said paragraph is affixed to it. 例文帳に追加

第二十一条の十六の二 検定対象機械器具等以外の消防の用に供する機械器具等のうち、一定の形状等を有しないときは火災の予防若しくは警戒、消火又は人命の救助等のために重大な支障を生ずるおそれのあるものであつて、政令で定めるもの(以下「自主表示対象機械器具等」という。)は、次条第一項の規定による表示が付されているものでなければ、販売し、又は販売の目的で陳列してはならず、また、自主表示対象機械器具等のうち消防の用に供する機械器具又は設備は、同項の規定による表示が付されているものでなければ、その設置、変更又は修理の請負に係る工事に使用してはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) Where a fire chief or fire station chief is requested to give consent pursuant to the provision of the preceding paragraph, if the plan for the building is not in violation of the provisions of any Acts or any order or prefectural/municipal ordinance thereunder (if a fire chief or fire station chief is requested to give consent in cases where a building official or designated confirmation and inspection body makes a confirmation pursuant to the provisions of Article 6, paragraph (4) or Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act (including cases where these provisions are applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87, paragraph (1) of said Act) for the construction, major repair (meaning a major repair as set forth in Article 2, item (xiv) of said Act), major remodeling (meaning major remodeling as set forth in Article 2, item (xv) of said Act) of a building set forth in Article 6-3, paragraph (1), item (i) or item (ii) of said Act or for a change of intended purpose of such building, or makes a confirmation for the construction of a building as set forth in Article 6-3, paragraph (1), item (iii) of said Act, the provisions of the laws and regulations concerning the building standards specified by Cabinet Order as set forth in Article 6, paragraph (1) of said Act as applied by replacing the relevant terms and phrases pursuant to the provision of Article 6-3, paragraph (1) of said Act shall be excluded), the fire chief or fire station chief shall give consent within three days from the day on which he/she was requested to give consent in the case falling under Article 6, paragraph (1), item (iv) of said Act or within seven days from the day on which he/she was requested to give consent in other cases, and give notice to the administrative agency or person delegated thereby or the designated confirmation and inspection body to that effect. In this case, the fire chief or fire station chief, when he/she finds any grounds on which he/she cannot give consent, shall give notice to the administrative agency or person delegated thereby or the designated confirmation and inspection body to that effect by such time limit. 例文帳に追加

2 消防長又は消防署長は、前項の規定によつて同意を求められた場合において、当該建築物の計画が法律又はこれに基づく命令若しくは条例の規定(建築基準法第六条第四項又は第六条の二第一項(同法第八十七条第一項の規定によりこれらの規定を準用する場合を含む。)の規定により建築主事又は指定確認検査機関が同法第六条の三第一項第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる建築物の建築、大規模の修繕(同法第二条第十四号の大規模の修繕をいう。)、大規模の模様替(同法第二条第十五号の大規模の模様替をいう。)若しくは用途の変更又は同項第三号に掲げる建築物の建築について確認する場合において同意を求められたときは、同項の規定により読み替えて適用される同法第六条第一項の政令で定める建築基準法令の規定を除く。)で建築物の防火に関するものに違反しないものであるときは、同法第六条第一項第四号に係る場合にあつては、同意を求められた日から三日以内に、その他の場合にあつては、同意を求められた日から七日以内に同意を与えて、その旨を当該行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は指定確認検査機関に通知しなければならない。この場合において、消防長又は消防署長は、同意することができない事由があると認めるときは、これらの期限内に、その事由を当該行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は指定確認検査機関に通知しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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