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Yoshinori favored Sadamura AKAMATSU, a branch family of the Akamatsu clan, and confiscated the territory of Yoshimasa AKAMATSU (younger brother of Mitsusuke) in the Settsu Province and gave it to Sadamura in April, 1440. 例文帳に追加

義教は赤松氏の庶流の赤松貞村を寵愛し、永享12年(1440年)3月に摂津国の赤松義雅(満祐の弟)の所領を没収して貞村に与えてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On July 21st, Mitsusuke invited Yoshinori to his residence in Nishinotoin to show wild ducks in his residence' pond and Matsuhayashi (Akamatsu-hayashi: traditional Akamatsu clan's Noh performance) as a celebration of the triumph of the Yuki War. 例文帳に追加

6月24日、満祐は、結城合戦の祝勝の宴として邸の池にいる鴨の親子と松囃子(赤松囃子・赤松氏伝統の演能)を見てもらいたいと称して西洞院二条にある邸へ義教を招いた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Just after that, shoji (a paper sliding door) were opened and armored warriors burst into the place for feast and Yukihide AZUMI, the bravest and strongest man in the Akamatsu clan, drew a sword hardened Chigusa-tetsu (special iron for sword) in the Harima Province and cut Yoshinori's head off. 例文帳に追加

その直後、障子が開け放たれるや甲冑を着た武者たちが宴の座敷に乱入、赤松氏随一の剛の者安積行秀が播磨国の千種鉄で鍛えた業物を抜くや義教の首をはねてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is an incident or a war which originated from confrontation between Mochiuji ASHIKAGA, Kamakura Kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region) and Norizane UESUGI, Kanto Kanrei (a shogunal deputy for the Kanto region), and for which Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, the sixth shogun of the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), ordered to suppress Mochiuji. 例文帳に追加

鎌倉公方の足利持氏と関東管領の上杉憲実の対立に端を発する、室町幕府6代将軍足利義教が持氏討伐を命じた事件、戦いである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After Yoshimochi's death his younger brother Yoshinori assumed shogun, but Mochiuji opposed to this and took disobedient attitudes toward the bakufu, for example, Mochiuji continued to use Shocho era even after the name of the era had been changed from 'Shocho' to 'Eikyo'. 例文帳に追加

義持の没後、弟の義教が将軍に就任すると、持氏はこれに反発し、1429年に元号が「正長」から「永享」に改元されても持氏は正長の元号を用い続けるなど、幕府に対する不服従の態度を示した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the bakufu the sixth shogun Yoshinori ordered Mitsunao ASHIKAGA of Sasagawa Gosho (an administrative organization for governing the Tohoku regions, settled by the Kamakura bakufu in the Muromachi period: it also refers to its head Mitsunao ASHIKAGA.) and Noritada IMAGAWA, shugo (a provincial constable) of the Suruga Province, to help Norizane and also dispatched the bakufu army including Zenshu's sons, Mochifusa UESUGI and Noritomo UESUGI. 例文帳に追加

幕府では6代将軍義教が篠川御所の足利満直や駿河国の守護今川範忠に憲実の救援を命じ、さらに禅秀の子上杉持房、上杉教朝らをも含む幕軍を派遣する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On this occasion, Yoshinori asked Emperor Gohanazono, making use of authority of the imperial court, for Jibatsu Rinji (a written document for imperial edicts to hunt down and kill emperor's enemies) and the Imperial standard for the first time since the days of the third shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA. 例文帳に追加

このときに義教は朝廷権威を利用し、後花園天皇に対して3代将軍足利義満時代以来であった治罰綸旨と錦御旗の要請を行う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The theory says that due to the call from Takenokoshi Hyobu shoyu, the Fuigo party went down to Edo with princeling Yoshinori and supported for the bakufu army. 例文帳に追加

江戸在府中の竹腰兵部少輔の呼びかけに応じ、ふいご党が幼君義宜を擁して江戸へ向かい、幕府軍に加勢する、という動きがあったというもの。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This war undermined the authority of Kofuku-ji Temple and strengthened the rule of Yoshinori but, as early as in 1440, the army of bakufu was forced to go back into battle to subdue the Ochi clan who made a move connected with Yuki War. 例文帳に追加

この乱により興福寺の権威は揺らぎ義教の支配が強まったが、永享12年(1440年)には早くも、結城合戦と関連した動きを見せた越智氏討伐のため幕府軍が出陣している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the July 24, 1431 entry of "Mansai Jugo Nikki" it is stated that `Under the order of Shogun Yoshinori, Mochiyuki replaced Kazai with Naito Bizen Nyudo as Shugodai (deputy of Shugo (provincial constable)).' 例文帳に追加

『満済准后日記』の永享3年(1431年)7月24日に持之将軍義教ノ命ニヨリ守護代ヲ香西ヨリ内藤備前入道ニ替エルと記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


While Yoshimochi, who was said to be on bad terms with Yoshimitsu, left Muromachi dai Palace after Yoshimitsu's death, the palace remained the residence of the Shogun for a long time, as the sixth Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA lived there. 例文帳に追加

義満と不和であったとされる義持は義満の死後に室町第を離れるが、6代将軍の足利義教が住むなど長く将軍の邸宅であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, since they had gained too much power, Yoshitsura Isshiki, who was the family head of the Isshiki clan, was killed by Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, the sixth-generation shogun of the Muromachi, and an attack by the Takeda clan resulted in the weakening of family power. 例文帳に追加

しかし、力をつけすぎたために室町幕府の第六代将軍・足利義教に時の一色氏の当主一色義貫が殺害されてしまったうえ、武田氏の攻撃を受け勢力を縮小させてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When the power of Kamakurafu eroded as the result of the Eikyo Disturbance in the era of sixth shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, Nobumitsu's son Nobushige TAKEDA achieved distinguished war service in the Battle of Yuki and seized the opportunity to restore the clan. 例文帳に追加

6代将軍足利義教の頃には永享の乱で鎌倉府が衰亡し、信満の子の武田信重の代に結城合戦で功績を挙げ再興のきっかけをつかんだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Mochitsune HOSOKAWA, the fourth family head counting from Akiharu, gained trust from the sixth shogun, Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, and he served as an additional post of the Shugo of Mikawa Province, replacing Yoshitsura ISSHIKI who was said to have died in a battle in 1440. 例文帳に追加

詮春から数えて4代目の細川持常は、6代将軍足利義教の信任が厚く、永享12年(1440年)に戦死したとされる一色義貫に代わり三河国守護職も兼任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, because the death of Yoshitsura ISSHIKI was a plot of Yoshinori, the remnants (of a defeated party) of Isshiki fiercely resisted when Mochitsune and his successor Shigeyuki were establishing the authorization of Shugo in Mikawa Province, and they made a great sacrifice. 例文帳に追加

しかし一色義貫の死が義教の陰謀によるものであったため、持常とそれを継いだ成之が三河国に守護権を確立する際には、一色残党の激しい抵抗に遭い、多大な犠牲を払った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinori YAMANA, the illegitimate child of Yoshishige NITTA (also known as Tarosaburo), adopted the name when he resided in Yamana-go in the Togo Country of Kozuke Province, present day neighboring areas of Yamana-machi in Takasaki City in Gunma Prefecture; the clan name Yamana originated from this. 例文帳に追加

新田義重の庶子・山名義範(または太郎三郎とも)が上野国多胡郡(八幡荘)山名郷(現在の群馬県高崎市山名町周辺)に住して山名三郎と名乗ったことから、山名氏を称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1441, Mochitoyo YAMANA, or Sozen YAMANA, served successfully as a supreme commander for the subjugation of the Akamatsu clan after Yoshinori ASHIKAGA was assassinated by Mitsusuke AKAMATSU in the Kakitsu War. 例文帳に追加

山名持豊(山名宗全)は、嘉吉元年(1441年)、将軍・足利義教が赤松満祐によって暗殺(嘉吉の乱)されると、同年、赤松氏討伐の総大将として大功を挙げた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Yoshiatsu SHIBA, a grandchild of Yoshimasa who had been given the Kanryo shoku (a post of Chief Adviser) in 1409, was soon dismissed, the Shiba clan had been treated coldly by Bakufu for a long time until the inauguration of the sixth Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA. 例文帳に追加

1409年に管領職を譲られた孫の斯波義淳もまもなく解任され、足利義教が6代将軍に就任するまで長い間、幕府から冷遇される事となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the death of Akitaka, the pressure from the Nanbu clan increased and at the time of Akinao SHIBA, Kichibe TAKADA, a younger brother of Masazane KUNOHE who was adopted into the family of his bride, switched to the side of the Nanbu clan and seduced Yoshinori IWASHIMIZU and Hideshige OGAYU. 例文帳に追加

詮高の死後には南部氏の圧力が増し、斯波詮直のときに入婿していた九戸政実の弟高田吉兵衛が南部氏に寝返り、岩清水義教や大萱生秀重を諜略した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Akinao issued mobilization orders in his territory, many of the retainers were estranged and surrendered to the Nanbu forces or were confined to their residences, and the only small number of retainers including Yoshinaga IWASHIMIZU, an elder brother of Yoshinori, Karo (chief retainer) Hosokawa Nagato no kami (Governor of Nagato Province) and Oinosuke INEFUJI rushed to the Kosuiji-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

詮直は領内に動員令を発したが、多くの家臣は離反し南部軍に投降するか屋敷に篭り、高水寺城に駆けつけたのは義教の兄岩清水義長、家老細川長門守、稲藤大炊助など少数だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the successor, Mochiyo OUCHI, who was a person as good as Morimi, received the confidence of Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, and established an Ouchi clan's priority in northern Kyushu, as well as conquering the Shoni clan and Otomo clan. 例文帳に追加

しかし、後継の大内持世は盛見に匹敵する人物であり、足利義教の信任を受け少弐氏・大友氏を征伐するなど、大内氏の北九州における優位を確立した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the period of the sixth shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, it established the position of 'the master of kyuba' of the shogun family and often managed the official ceremonies of bakufu such as Mato-hajime and Uma-hajime (first horse riding in beginning of year) as the key player of yusoku kojitsu of samurai families around that time. 例文帳に追加

6代将軍の足利義教の頃には将軍家の「弓馬師範」としての地位を確立し、以後的始め、馬始めなど幕府の公式儀礼をしばしば差配し、当時における武家の有職故実の中心的存在となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the family, his nephew, Yoshikane ASHIKAGA, his child, Yoshinori YAMANA and his grandchild, Yoshinari SATOMI, etc. called on Yoritomo and joined in the army, however, Yoshishige himself ignored the request to join in the camp and kept watching the circumstances. 例文帳に追加

一族の中には、甥足利義兼や子山名義範、孫里見義成など、鎌倉を本拠とした頼朝のもとへ参じて挙兵に加わるものもあったが、義重自身は参陣の要請を無視し、静観していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And also thereafter, Sadakata NITTA who is assumed to be a Yoshimune's child, Sadakuni NITTA, a Sadataka's child and Yoshinori WAKIYA, reportedly a Yoshimune's child, etc. had continued resistance, however, they were defeated by the army of the Kamakura kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region), and the resistance by the Nitta clan came to be settled. 例文帳に追加

その後も、義宗の子とする新田貞方とその子新田貞邦や、義宗の子とも伝わる脇屋義則などが抵抗を続けるが、鎌倉公方の軍に破れ新田氏の抵抗は収束していった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1441, Mitsusuke AKAMATSU and his son Noriyasu AKAMATSU deliberately murdered the sixth Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA at a feast celebrating the victory of the Yuki War, leading to the Kakitsu War. 例文帳に追加

嘉吉元年(1441年)、赤松満祐・赤松教康父子が結城合戦の祝勝会で、第6代将軍・足利義教を謀殺するという嘉吉の乱が起こった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Yoshinori Shimizu, professor emeritus at Hitotsubashi University and a senior fellow professor at the Graduate School of Commerce and Management, Hitotsubashi University, presented the paper "The Global Financial Regulations and Asian Financial System: Lessons from the Financial Crisis." 例文帳に追加

清水啓典氏(一橋大学名誉教授兼一橋大学大学院商学研究科特任教授)は、「グローバルな金融規制とアジアの金融システム:金融危機からの教訓」と題する論文を発表した。 - 金融庁

Kobayashi Yoshinori, the director of the movie, said, "The movie can be enjoyed by people of all ages. I hope everyone comes to see Kinako on the screen to cheer her on." 例文帳に追加

この映画の小林義(よし)則(のり)監督は「あらゆる年代の人に楽しんでいただける映画になっている。スクリーンのきな子を見に来て,きな子を応援してほしい。」と話した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

On Oct. 3, Sweden's Karolinska Institute announced that this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Osumi Yoshinori, an honorary professor at Japan's Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech).例文帳に追加

10月3日,スウェーデンのカロリンスカ研究所は,今年のノーベル生理学・医学賞を日本の東京工業大学の大(おお)隅(すみ)良(よし)典(のり)栄誉教授に授与すると発表した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

Osumi Yoshinori, a cell biologist and an honorary professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech), received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his research on autophagy.例文帳に追加

細胞生物学者で東京工業大学の栄誉教授である大(おお)隈(すみ)良(よし)典(のり)さんが,オートファジーの研究でノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞した。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In the Muromachi period, Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, who was formerly known by Gien and had once been a temple head priest of the Tendai sect, was familiar with the military power and high-handedness of Sohei to conduct massive military operations in order to crack down on Enryaku-ji Temple (Nobunaga conducted similar operations later). 例文帳に追加

室町時代に、かつて義円と名乗り天台座主だった足利義教が、僧兵の軍事力と粗暴さを熟知しているため、延暦寺討伐に動き出して大規模の弾圧を実施した(後年の信長も同様のことをやっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the special bugyo were in a position between the special strong temples and shrines and the bakufu, they were often bribed by the temples or on the other hand they extorted the temples and shrines. (example: Confrontation between Enryaku-ji Temple and Tametane INOO who was Sanmon bugyo under Yoshinori ASHIKAGA) 例文帳に追加

これらの別奉行は特定有力寺社と幕府の連絡を把握する立場にあったために、寺社側から多額の金品を送られたり反対に寺社側と奉行の対立が政治問題化する場合もあった(例足利義教の山門奉行飯尾為種と延暦寺の対立)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Yoshimitsu, however, only four of the Ashikaga shogun were appointed to Genji choja, namely Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA, Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA and Yoshitane ASHIKAGA, and the total number was five persons inclusive of Yoshihisa ASHIKAGA, who was de facto choja (He served as the betto of both Junnain and Shogakuin. Some people asserts that he served as Genji-choja as well). 例文帳に追加

ただし、義満以後、源氏長者に就任した足利将軍は足利義持・足利義教・足利義政・足利義稙の計4名、長者の宣旨を受けなかった事実上の長者(淳和奨学両院別当のみ務めた。ただし、宣旨を受けたとする説もある)足利義尚を含めても5名であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even at the time of Yoshimochi and Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, there could be seen many cases of the kamon ando (guarantee to a family) by the Muromachi dono (the Shogun), but after the Kakitsu Incident, it was mainly the emperor who first provided the ando authorization to the families, which was then followed by the shogun providing the ando authorization to keryo territories. 例文帳に追加

義持・足利義教の時代に入っても室町殿による家門安堵の例が多く見られるものの、嘉吉の変以後はもっぱら天皇が家門を安堵し、それを受けて室町殿が家領の安堵する形式がほとんどとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Further, in contrast to the keryo ando which was handled by the shogun, there was the confiscation of the shoryo properties of the kuge who had objected a decision of the shogun, as the Hirohashi family who was deprived of the keryo property by Yoshimochi and Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, the two successive seii taishogun (literally, the "great general who subdues the barbarians"). 例文帳に追加

また、室町殿による家領安堵とは反対に室町殿の意向に反した公家の所領没収も行われる場合もあり、広橋家のように足利義持・義教の2代の征夷大将軍から家領を没収された例もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

25th head priest Mansai, who became the adopted son of Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, was appointed head priest of Godai-ji Temple in 1396 before being given the imperial title Ju-Sango and later going on to become referred to as 'Kokui no Saisho' (Buddhist priest who also serves as a government minister) for his backing of the Muromachi Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA. 例文帳に追加

特に足利義満の猶子となった25世満済は、応永3年(1396年)に醍醐寺座主に任じられ、続いて准三后となり、後には足利義教の室町幕府征夷大将軍擁立にも活躍したため、「黒衣の宰相」と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1428 when Emperor Shoko was in critical condition, the Second Southern Court began revealing their active political ambitions, the 6th Shogun in the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), Yoshinori ASHIKAGA protected Prince Hikohito in the Fushimi Imperial Palace, and demanded Retired Emperor Gokomatsu, Chiten no kimi (ex-emperor who is in control of politics by ruling the cloister government), to appoint a new emperor. 例文帳に追加

1428年に称光天皇が危篤に陥ると後南朝勢力などが活動の気配を見せ、室町幕府6代将軍の足利義教は伏見御所にいた彦仁王を保護し、治天の君である後小松上皇に新帝指名を求める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The era issue mentioned above was resolved owing to a compromise by Mochiuji but his relationship with the the government remained volatile because of the Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple curse issue, and also because, in 1438, Mochiuji ignored Yoshinori and named his son himself when he reached adulthood (according to the custom of that time, one of the Chinese characters used in the shogun's name was given). 例文帳に追加

先の年号問題は持氏の妥協でケリが付いたものの、比叡山の呪詛問題、それに1438年(永享10年)には嫡子の元服の際に義教を無視し勝手に名前をつけた(当時は慣例として将軍から一字を拝領していた)ことなどから幕府との関係は一触即発となっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The heads of the shogunate including Yoshinori thought that because Daikaku-ji was a temple that had a relationship with the Southern Court and further, Kogakubo, Mochiuji ASHIKAGA was clearly anti-shogunate, Gisho escaped while allied with either of them, and the shogunate ordered to search for Gisho elsewhere across the Kinai area. 例文帳に追加

義教以下幕府首脳は大覚寺が南朝(日本)ゆかりの寺院であり、更に古河公方足利持氏も反幕府の動きを見せていたことから、義昭はそのどちらかと結んで出奔したと判断して畿内各地で捜索を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As an envoy of the sixth seii taishogun (literally, "great general who subdues the barbarians") of Muromachi bakufu, Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, as well as of other feudal clans, such as the Shiba clan, Shibukawa clan, Otomo clan, and Shoni clan, he worked as the representative in trade with Korea, and in 1425 he was granted special privileges in trading (Tosho), which was the sign of trade permission with Korea, and was appointed as Jutoshonin (Japanese given Korean government evidence to be granted special privileges in trading). 例文帳に追加

室町幕府6代征夷大将軍足利義教や斯波氏・渋川氏・大友氏・少弐氏などの使節として朝鮮貿易を代行し、1425年(応永32年)には朝鮮から貿易を許す印である図書を与えられ、受図書人となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While Yoshinori strongly supported Onami, he turned a cold eye on Zeami and Motomasa; performances of Zeami and Motomasa at Sento Imperial Palace were cancelled in 1429 and Gakuto-shiki (the right to perform sarugaku) of Daigo-ji Temple, Kiyotaki-miya Shrine was taken away from Zeami to be given to Onami. 例文帳に追加

義教は音阿弥を熱烈に支援する一方で世阿弥父子を冷遇し、永享元年(1429年)には、世阿弥と元雅の仙洞御所での演能が中止となり、翌年には世阿弥の有していた醍醐寺清滝宮の楽頭職が剥奪され、音阿弥に与えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since 1988 to 2002, he established "Hibiki," a group of Noh actors with Nohgaku hayashikata (the accompanists of Noh play) of the same generation in Osaka, including Kosuke SHIMIZU (the Okura school of kotsuzumi-kata), Tetsuya YAMAMOTO (Noh actor) (the Okura school of otsuzumi-kata [large hand drum player]), Yoshinori MORIYA (the Kanze school of otsuzumi-kata), and Hiromi NAKATA (the Konparu school of taiko-kata [stick drum player]). 例文帳に追加

1988年より清水晧祐(小鼓方大倉流)・山本哲也(能楽師)(大鼓方大倉流)・守家由訓(大鼓方観世流)・中田弘美(太鼓方金春流)ら、大阪の能楽師囃子方の同世代と共に能楽グループ『響』を結成(~2002年)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1988, he formed a Noh group "Hibiki" (- 2002) together with Noh-hayashikata players (instrumentalist for Noh plays) of his generation who lived in Osaka, such as Kosuke SHIMIZU (Kotsuzumi-kata [a small hand drum player] of the Okura school), Tatsushi NARITA (a small hand-drum player of the Ko school), Yoshinori MORIYA (a knee-drum player of the Kanze school) and Hiromi NAKATA (Taiko-kata [a stick-drum player] of the Konparu school). 例文帳に追加

1988年より清水晧祐(小鼓方大倉流)・成田達志(小鼓方幸流)・守家由訓(大鼓方観世流)・中田弘美(太鼓方金春流)ら、大阪の能楽師囃子方の同世代と共に能楽グループ『響』を結成(-2002年)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, Mitsuhira, who lived in Kyoto, had even his home confiscated and retired to seclusion at Mt. Koya-zan; Akihide was ordered by Yoshinori to travel to the capital, and as he arrived at Owari with his 9-year-old grandchild was stopped by the provincial governor Kageyu ODA and forced to commit suicide at Tokimune's dojo. 例文帳に追加

その上、京都にいた満平は邸宅まで没収され高野山へ遁世し、詮秀は義教から上洛を命ぜられたため、9歳の孫を連れて尾張まで来たところを守護代・織田勘解由に止められ、時宗の道場で自害させられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore the Muromachi bakufu, which was a coalition government of shugo daimyos based on a consultative principle, had provided no solid basis for the Shogun's power since its very beginning except under the rule of the Third Shogun Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA and the Sixth Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA, and shugo daimyos were under the strong influences of emerging shugodais and their key vassals. 例文帳に追加

また、守護大名による合議制の連合政権であった室町幕府は、3代将軍足利義満と6代将軍足利義教のときを除いて、成立当初から将軍の権力基盤は脆弱であり、同じように守護大名も台頭する守護代や有力家臣の強い影響を受けていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This sort of tendency is a striking feature of the Muromachi period; Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA being assassinated by the Akamatsu clan (in the Kakitsu Revolt), Shogun Yoshiki ASHIKAGA being driven from power by Masamoto HOSOKAWA and replaced (in the Meio Coup), and Shogun Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA's assassination by Hisahide MATSUNAGA can all be understood as examples of shukun oshikome (shutting away/ neutralizing their lords) against the Shogunal family. 例文帳に追加

こうした傾向は室町期に顕著となり、赤松氏による将軍足利義教の殺害(嘉吉の乱)、細川政元による将軍足利義材の廃立(明応の政変)、松永久秀による将軍足利義輝の殺害は、いずれも将軍家に対する主君押込めとして理解することが可能である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the political turmoil after the assassination of Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA in the Kakitsu War, the farming population lead by bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) in Omi Sakamoto in Kyoto rose up in rebellion to demand 'daihajime-no-tokusei (acts of virtuous government requested at shogun replacement)' (Tenkaichido no Tokuseirei (a debt cancellation order for all throughout the country)), which was directed by jizamurai (local samurai) and lead to an uprising by tens of thousands of people. 例文帳に追加

六月の嘉吉の乱で将軍足利義教が殺されると政治的混乱の中「代初めの徳政」を求めて(天下一同の徳政令)京都近江坂本の馬借を中心に農民が蜂起、地侍が指導し、数万人の一揆にふくれあがった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the Kakitsu Incident in which Yoshinori ASHIKAGA was assassinated, his deputy and other officials held consultations and immediately selected the succeeding Shogun, but, since Deputy Ujitsuna HOSOKAWA had died in 1563 before the Eiroku Incident, the position of deputy was unfilled, allowing the functions of the Bakufu to be virtually halted by the Shogun's death. 例文帳に追加

先に足利義教が暗殺された嘉吉の変では、管領らが協議して直ちに後継将軍が定められたが、永禄の変以前の永禄6年(1563年)に管領細川氏綱が死去して以後、管領は置かれておらず、将軍の死により幕府機能は事実上停止するに至った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, the poetry contest performed during the Mifunegokai was carried out during gyoko and although most decorations at Kitayamadono of Yoshimitsu or Muromachidono of Yoshinori were of karamono, they were not decorations that were Japanese that cannot be compared as dichotomic. 例文帳に追加

だが、その行幸のとき、三船御会の詩歌の会が催されたり、義満の北山殿の会所も義教室町殿の会所も、その飾りつけは唐物がほとんどだが、決して和物といえるものが飾られていないことから、二項対立だけでは語りつくせない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tamba Province was given to Yorimoto HOSOKAWA, Tango Province was given to Mitsunori ISSHIKI, Mimasaka Province was given to Yoshinori AKAMATSU, Izumi and Kii Provinces were given to Yoshihiro OUCHI, Tajima Province was given to Tokihiro YAMANA, Inaba Province was given to Ujiie YAMANA, Hoki Province was given to Ujiyuki YAMANA, and Oki and Izumo Provinces were given to Takanori KYOGOKU. 例文帳に追加

丹波国は細川頼元、丹後国は一色満範、美作国は赤松義則、和泉国・紀伊国は大内義弘、但馬国は山名時熙、因幡国は山名氏家、伯耆国は山名氏幸、隠岐国・出雲国は京極高詮にそれぞれ与えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As the successive shoguns including Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA (Yoshimasa's grandfather) and Yoshinori ASHIKAGA (Yoshimasa's father) had a strong taste for Karamono (things imported from China), they collected Chinese paintings (Karamono) of Sung (dynasty), Yuan (dynasty), etc., through trade between Japan and the Ming Dynasty, and the paintings were affixed with the seal of Kanzo in (a collector's seal, which was impressed on Sung and Yuan period paintings) such as 'Tenzan' and 'Doyu' 例文帳に追加

義政の祖父にあたる足利義満や父の足利義教ら歴代将軍は唐物志向が強く、日明貿易により宋(王朝)・元(王朝)などの中国絵画(唐物)を収集し、「天山」「道有」などの鑑蔵院が押された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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