





該当件数 : 58



Many immigrants are from Eastern and Central Europe because of differences in wage level and geographical factors (see Figure 3-1-3-16). - 経済産業省


The level of the current account balance would not seem to be determined by the factor ofcompetitiveness”. - 経済産業省


Below, we examine factors that have an impact on the level of entry and exit rates. - 経済産業省


A possible factor contributing to the low level of household income in Japan is a low ratio of interest and dividend income of household income. - 経済産業省


In order to analyze the reason for this, a look will be taken at the factors which have an effect on SME wage levels. - 経済産業省


A plurality of analyzed objects are set up, by assigning each standard of each design factor to an orthogonal table of an experimental planning method. - 特許庁


One underlying factor is the weak exchange rates in East Asian countries and regions compared to pre-crisis rates. - 経済産業省


Then, the shrink amount and the measurement reproduction error amount in a combination of levels of each factor are calculated by multi-way layout from the result of the experiment. - 特許庁


In fact, prices of crude oil and other resources have remained at extremely high levels, and this has been a factor in higher costs for business. - 経済産業省

2011 年(暦年)については、前年からの上昇分である約4.4 兆円(2008 年時の上昇分の約6 割の水準)に対し、価格要因は約4 兆円であり、数量要因については約3,000 億円しかない。例文帳に追加

As to 2011 (calendar year), out of about 4.4 trillion yen in an increase in import amount from the previous year (about 60% of the increase in 2008), the unit factor accounted for about 4 trillion yen and the quantum factor occupied about 300 billion yen only. - 経済産業省


When enterprises choose business locations, market conditions are an important factor, while the burden levels of social security and others, including effective corporate tax rate, are also important. - 経済産業省


Therefore, it can be assumed that the variance in labor productivity levels between large enterprises and SMEs is one of the main reasons for the gap in wage levels among permanent large enterprise employees and permanent SME employees. - 経済産業省


Therefore, the depreciation of the yen should work positively for each factor of exports. Yet, as pointed out by Arai (2012), it should be noted that an excessive level of the depreciation of the yen raises a concern that it might lead a negative impact by the unit factor of imports to become larger. - 経済産業省


Its causes are multi-faceted, but we expect that demand will likely stay high as emerging economies and developing countries grow. The international community should respond with an integrated approach that addresses the immediate effects of the crisis as well as underlying causes of food insecurity.発音を聞く  - 財務省


When wage levels are compared to the United States and the United Kingdom, there are many professional and technical occupations with relatively lower wage levels in Japan. - 厚生労働省


Concerns over large fiscal deficits and rising debt levels in some countries have also become a source of uncertainty and financial market volatility.発音を聞く  - 財務省

足下の中古住宅の在庫販売比率は2006 年水準の約 6 か月にまで低下しているが、いわゆる隠れ在庫の存在が住宅価格下落の要因となっているとみられている。例文帳に追加

Recent stock-sales ratio of existing homes has declined to 6 months at the level of 2006, but the presence of what is called shadow inventory is regarded to be a factor of housing price decline. - 経済産業省


Some say that an inferiority complex about having narrow gauge has made today's Japanese high-level railway technology that can be seen in passenger transport systems such as Shinkansen Super Express.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The impact of exchange rate volatility on export volume is indicated in terms of coefficients, on the premise that export volume is dependent on foreign income factors, level of exchange rate, relative price of export goods and volatility of exchange rate. - 経済産業省


However, the factors which are shrinking these imbalances are just temporary and in the future while global trade recovers, cash flows improve and product prices are stable at a high level, the imbalance in current accounts is projected to remarkably increase. - 経済産業省


Accompanying the gradual loss of relevance of many of these factors, the household saving srate slowly began to slip as of the mid-1970s, although still remaining relatively high. In the 1980s, the average rate was 15 percent; in the 1990s, 13 percent. - 経済産業省


Looking at the reasons for choice of place of work by employed persons, however, one finds that level of wages and fringe benefits are not necessarily determinants of choice of place of work. - 経済産業省


One of the factors that led to the rapid modernization of Japan in the Meiji period was the high educational standards that Terakoya had provided the ordinary citizens.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an engine starting control device for a heat pump system which gradually tunes the whole parameter relating to starting control in accordance with a level of factors contributing to startability. - 特許庁


Location advantage here means factors such as the abundance of natural resources, cost factors (wage levels, etc.), infrastructure, market size and government incentives for direct investment, that together determine locational conditions. - 経済産業省


When factors related to the location of new manufacturing plants (parts production and assembly of finished products) are compared between Japan and ASEAN4, many Japanese companies cited the existence of supporting industries as an important element in choosing such location along with other factors, including technological levels, inheritance of industrial technologies, technological and market needs, and easiness for exchanging customer and other information. (Figure2.2.28) - 経済産業省


Conceivable factors behind this weakness in the income environment include: (1) weak upward pressure on wages in the labor market due to a historically high unemployment rate, despite its improvement during the present recovery phase; and (2) wages being pushed down by the emergence of a shift from regular employment to non-regular employment - 経済産業省


Since the collapse of the bubble economy, the curve of the capital stock cycle (Fig. 1-1-12) has tended to shift leftwards in response to the downward trend in expected growth rates, and the capital stock level considered adequate by enterprises has fallen. However, the recent rebound in the expected growth rate has supported a revaluation of the necessary capital stock level and growth in capital investment. - 経済産業省


The flow has the steps of obtaining the highest acceleration of the motor from the load inertial of the motor, further automatically setting the various type parameters of the motor and the levels of the parameters in response to a mechanical rigidity (resonance frequency), forming an orthogonal table and a cause effect diagram, and automatically extracting the parameters and the levels so that an SN ratio becomes high. - 特許庁


On the other hand, China’s CO2 emissions intensity is expected to remain higher than that of developed countries with differences in industrial structures, climate, geographical, and other factors taken into account. Russia, whose per capita CO2 emissions is higher than those of Japan and EU27, even as of 2005, is expected to increase CO2 emissions about 1.5 times between 2005 and 2030. - 経済産業省


Looking at distribution, as companies take their procurement, production and sales activities cross-border, the possibility of distribution services being provided in accordance with these needs has become a factor influencing international competitiveness, positioning the construction of distribution markets of an internationally competitive standard as a critical issue. - 経済産業省


Many institutions release country rankings regarding obstacles for business operations measuring various factors including political stability, corruption, infrastructure, finance, procedure to start a business, employment and education standard using indexes and totaling the points. - 経済産業省


The degrees of the interaction between a plurality of performance capabilities about the respective design parameters are calculated, and display specifications on a factor effect chart, in which the vertical axis shows performance values to the respective level values for each design parameter, are changed so that the calculated degrees of the interaction are reflected. - 特許庁


Some of the reasons for the success of the Meiji Restoration are that Japanese people in the Edo period worked hard, were well educated, and abided by laws, and they had enough knowledge to accept modern rational scientific spirit.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As previously stated, employees' aversion to the risks associated with entering business is increasing, and a major reason for employees' negativity about startups is the risk stemming from not knowing whether one will be able to maintain one's income level after startup. - 経済産業省


The previous topic compared various wage profiles such as seniority-based and performance-based wage systems, but here, what factors determine the high or low wage levels, as well as its growth will be analyzed with the help of statistical data and other sources. - 経済産業省

ただし、家計のバランスシート調整が継続する中、GDP の 7 割を占める消費は本格的回復には至っておらず、低下傾向にあるとはいえ高い水準にある失業率や低迷する住宅価格は米国経済下押しのリスク要因となっている。例文帳に追加

However, as household balance-sheet adjustments are continuing, consumption that accounts for 70% of the GDP has not fully recovered. And, a declining but high unemployment rate and slumping housing prices are risk factors of a depressed U.S. economy. - 経済産業省


Regarding, for example, the tendency for the average number of children born to be higher for female permanent employees working at SMEs than female permanent employees at large enterprises, could this be due to the tendency once observed in Japan for people on lower incomes to have more children? - 経済産業省


In the past, factors behind Japan’s high household savings rate (an average of 15 percent in the 1960s, 20 percent in the 1970s) included: (1) more disposable income as a result of high economic growth; (2) the motivation to save prompted by the low postwar level of household assets; (3) the bonus system; (4) the high percentage of young people in population composition; (5) people saving for their old age due to low public pensions; (6) undeveloped consumer credit systems; (7) tax breaks such as the preferred savings system; (8) government and Bank of Japan encouragement of saving; and (9) the nature of the Japanese people. - 経済産業省


The Thatcher administration which came to power in 1979 pinned this economic decline on(1) the lack of currency and fiscal control; (2) the strength of labor union influence; (3)government intervention and overly high tax levels; and (4) a lack of incentive to perform low wage labor due to high welfare levels. Rejecting former economic policy, the new government sought to break the economy free of its rut by emphasizing market principles. - 経済産業省

この電力不足の要因としては、国民の生活水準向上や進出企業の増加によって電力需要が増加している一方で、ベトナムの電力の約 4 割を水力発電が占めており、降水量や乾期の影響を受けるなど供給体制が不安定かつ渇水時の備えが脆弱であることが挙げられる。例文帳に追加

The causes of these power shortages include the rise in electricity demand generated by the improved living standards of the Vietnamese people and the increase in foreign companies operating in the country. In addition, since hydroelectric power accounts for about 40% of Vietnam’s electricity, the water supply system is affected by rainfall and dry periods and is thus unstable. It is also poorly prepared for droughts. - 経済産業省

以上、製造業の主要品目別の生産・設備稼働率・在庫の各水準につき、主要4 品目を中心に確認したところ、洪水によるHDD や輸送用機械等の生産急減の大きな要因の一つが、特定の電子部品をタイ国内で集中して生産している事業所*67 が浸水し、当事業所が生産停止に追い込まれたことにより、在庫が急速に払底したことにあると考えられる。例文帳に追加

As explained above, four major items in the manufacturing sector are examined based on the levels of production, capacity utilization rate, and inventory. One of the major reasons for rapid decline in the production of HDDs and transportation machinery, etc. due to the floods can be that production centers*67 producing specific electronics parts intensively in Thailand have been inundated and forced to suspend production, which led to a rapid depletion of inventory. - 経済産業省


Various factors, including the cultural commonality discussed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (2005)208, support the unification of the Asian market, but here, we offer discussions that focus on (a) the convergence of inter-city income levels, (b) the uniformity of consumption structure,(c) the spread of the Internet, and (d) the growing popularity of credit cards. - 経済産業省



Professor Philip Martin of the University of California in the U.S. says that“NAFTA will eventually reduce migration between the U.S. and Mexico arising from economic factors” and, regarding the fact that in the 1990s migration between the two countries actually increased rather than decreased, he insists that “this phenomenon does not negate the fact that the high levels of U.S.-Mexico migration in recent years will soon begin to decline for demographic and economic reasons. - 経済産業省







Standard of the factor











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