



英和・和英辞典で「social construction」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「social construction」の部分一致の例文検索結果

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(Employment increased in social insurance, social welfare and care services, and decreased in construction, manufacturing and wholesale)例文帳に追加

(増える社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業、減る建設業、製造業、卸売業) - 厚生労働省

Castle: the construction of castle declined rapidly due to the social stability and the regulations of the shogunate government.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

城郭:社会の安定と幕府による規制のため急激に衰えた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Joint reform of the taxation and social security systems’, which is being conducted currently, is the first step towards the construction of a new Social Security System in Japan.例文帳に追加

現在進められている「社会保障と税の一体改革」は、新たな日本の社会保障の構築に向けての第一歩。 - 厚生労働省

Gyoki was a monk who engaged in social work such as the construction of bridges and the introduction of irrigation during the Nara period and he also built many temples.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

行基は奈良時代に架橋、灌漑などの社会事業を行い、多くの寺を建てた僧である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The shogunate government obliged daimyo to live in Edo every other year (Sankinkotai) and compulsory service in construction work, which were determined according to their social status.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

大名には幕府によりその格式に定められた参勤交代と御手伝いの義務が課せられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To promote construction of new human relationship on a social network service.例文帳に追加

ソーシャルネットワークサービス上で新たに人間関係が構築されるのを促進する。 - 特許庁

To reduce expenditures for a project of construction, which are combined with construction costs for construction work itself, by reducing a social and economic loss to the utmost in the construction of a bridge.例文帳に追加

橋梁を構築するにあたって社会的、経済的な損失をできるかぎり抑え、工事自体の施工費と合わせた整備事業の支出を少なくする。 - 特許庁

While the employment structure is showing the trend toward the service economy, the number of the employed increased in the industries of social insurance, social welfare and care services, and decreased in the industries of construction, manufacturing, wholesale trade, etc .例文帳に追加

就業構造のサービス化が進む中で、近年就業者数が増えた産業は社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業、減った産業は建設業、製造業、卸売業等である 。 - 厚生労働省

In this case, kakushi nenbutsu asked some people to donate money toward the construction of an asylum for the aged, using a list of donators who occupied high social positions.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

このときには、養老院建設の寄付を募るため地位のある寄付者名簿を見せて勧誘した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The story of the construction of Lake Biwa Canal, which Kitagaki and Tanabe had worked together hand-in-hand, was once on an elementary school textbook of social studies published by Osaka Shoseki Co., Ltd.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

田辺と二人三脚で挑んだ琵琶湖疏水工事の物語が大阪書籍の小学校社会科教科書に掲載されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Partly because of construction works for repeated transfers of the capital, people's emotions got further confused, and, as epidemics and natural disasters continued, social anxiety was further increased.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

相次ぐ遷都による造営工事もあって人心はさらに動揺し、そのうえ疫病や天災もつづいたので社会不安はいっそう高まった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, it served as estimation standard to determine social status of daimyo and hatamoto, or military service to be borne such as tetsudai-fushin (construction service which the cost was borne by each domain) or sankinkotai.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、大名・旗本の格式や、参勤交代、手伝い普請などの形で負担すべき軍役の算出基準となる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To reduce the expenditure of a maintenance business including a construction cost of work itself by minimizing social and economic loss when constructing a bridge.例文帳に追加

橋梁を構築するにあたって社会的、経済的な損失をできるかぎり抑え、工事自体の施工費と合わせた整備事業の支出を少なくする。 - 特許庁

The construction industry plays an important role in developing the social infrastructure and implementing public investment as economic policy.例文帳に追加

建設業は、社会基盤の整備や経済政策としての公共投資の関連で重要な役割を担っている。 - 経済産業省

To provide a risk management support system for gas infrastructure to determine social risk generated by the gas construction based on gas construction information performed on a lifeline forming a gas infrastructure.例文帳に追加

ガスインフラを形成するライフライン上で実施されるガス工事情報に基づき、当該ガス工事によって発生する社会リスクを求めるガスインフラリスク管理支援システムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a risk management support system for water supply infrastructure to determine social risk generated by the water supply construction based on water supply construction information performed on a lifeline forming a water supply infrastructure.例文帳に追加

水道インフラを形成するライフライン上で実施される水道工事情報に基づき、当該水道工事によって発生する社会リスクを求める水道インフラリスク管理支援システムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a risk management support system for electric power infrastructure to determine social risk generated by the power supply construction based on power supply construction information performed on a lifeline forming an electric power infrastructure.例文帳に追加

電力インフラを形成するライフライン上で実施される電力工事情報に基づき、当該電力工事によって発生する社会リスクを求める電力インフラリスク管理支援システムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a general infra-risk management support system for determining social risk generated by the general construction based on general construction information performed on a lifeline forming a general infrastructure.例文帳に追加

総合インフラを形成するライフライン上で実施される総合工事情報に基づき、当該総合工事によって発生する社会リスクを求める総合インフラリスク管理支援システムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide a communication infrastructure risk management support system for determining social risks caused by a communication related construction, which is implemented on a life line forming a communication infrastructure, based on construction related information.例文帳に追加

通信インフラを形成するライフライン上で実施される通信関連工事情報に基づき、工事によって発生する社会リスクを求める通信インフラリスク管理支援システムを提供することを目的とする。 - 特許庁

To provide the framework of a structure capable of freely selecting usage and floor plan in response to the change of social conditions and the change and preference of the family make-up of a tenant in not only design modification during construction but also after construction.例文帳に追加

建設中の設計変更はもとより建設後においても、社会情勢の変化、入居者の家族構成の変化や好みなどに応じて用途や間取りを自由に変更できる構造物の軸組を提供する。 - 特許庁

Since his youth he had visited various provinces as a lay disciplinant, implemented social projects such as construction of roads, bridges and temples with reciting Myogo (Amida's name) of Namu Amidabutsu, and gathered followers widely without regard to their affluence or poverty.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

若い頃から在俗の修行者として諸国を廻り、南無阿弥陀仏の名号を唱えながら道・橋・寺などを造るなど社会事業を行い、貴賤(きせん)を問わず幅広い帰依者を得る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He entered the priesthood in 681, learned the methods of education and learning such as Hosso sect at Kandai-ji Temple, and formed a new group committed to social activities, including relief for the poor, flood control, and bridge construction mainly in the Kinki Region.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

681年に出家、官大寺で法相宗などの教学を学び、集団を形成して近畿地方を中心に貧民救済・治水・架橋などの社会事業に活動した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is estimated that there was a wish of the Emperor Shomu to remove these social unrests and stabilized the nation behind the construction of the Kokubun-ji Temples and the Great Buddha in Todai-ji Temple.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

聖武天皇による国分寺の建立、東大寺大仏の造立には、こうした社会不安を取り除き、国を安定させたいという願いが背景にあったものと推測されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, there were monks such as Gyoki who violated these restrictions and preached to the general public, and, although he was suppressed, he was also supported by general public for his efforts in social work such as provision of irrigation systems and fuseya (aid station or rest house) as well as road construction.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

しかし、行基のように禁令にそむいて民間への布教をおこない、弾圧されたものの灌漑設備や布施屋の設置、道路建設などの社会事業に尽力し、民衆の支持を集める僧侶もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To supply a high-quality high-rise building capable of serving as social assets, by shortening a construction period of a reinforced concrete building and providing a base-isolated structure, while learning the lessons of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.例文帳に追加

阪神淡路大震災の教訓を生かし、鉄筋コンクリート建物の工期短縮と免震構造を提供し、社会資産になり得る高品質の高層建築物を供給する。 - 特許庁

Thereby, the feedback money presented by consumption of the consumer is further used for the consumers, whereby consumer confidence is stimulated on one hand and fund for social welfare and local construction is increased on the other hand.例文帳に追加

これにより、消費者が消費する時のフィードバック金が更に消費者のために使用されることになり、一方で消費者の消費意欲を刺激し、また一方で社会複利と地方建設の基金を増す。 - 特許庁

ASEAN countries, aiming at construction of ASEAN community by 2015, have different culture, social systems and diversity in their development stages and there are various difficulties to connect these countries (difficulty in connectivity).例文帳に追加

2015年までにASEAN共同体の構築を目指すASEAN諸国は、異なる文化、制度、発展段階で多様性があり、それを「つなぐ(コネクティビティ)」には多くの困難が存在。 - 経済産業省

Looking at the increase or decrease of workers in and after 2005 by medium industrial category, we can see thatthe number of workers increased in the industries of social insurance, social welfare, and nursing care, includingwelfare for the elderly people, and medical and other health services including hospitals; on the other hand, thenumber of workers drastically decreased in the construction industry which is considered to be affected by thereduction of public works, and the employment and worker dispatching services, agriculture, and wholesale trade .例文帳に追加

2005年以降の就業者の増減を産業中分類別にみると、老人福祉・介護事業などの社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業や病院等の医療業で就業者数が増えた一方、大きく減少したのは、公共事業の見直し等の影響を受けたと考えられる建設業をはじめ、職業紹介・労働者派遣業、農業、卸売業などである。 - 厚生労働省

During 5 years since 2005, the medium industrial category in which the number of the employed increased the most was the industry of "social insurance, social welfare, and care services" (such as welfare and care services for the elderly people), followed by "industries unable to classify," "medical and other health services," "postal activities," "manufacture of general-purpose machinery" and "food take out and delivery services .The number of the employed decreased the most in "construction" followed by "employment and worker dispatching services," "agriculture," "wholesale trade," "postal services" and "manufacture of textile mill products ." (Increasing professional and engineering workers) Looking at the long-term transition of the employment composition by occupation, the ratio of "professional and engineering workers" increased from 6 .6% in 1970 to 14 .5% in 2010, and the ratio of "clerical workers" increased from 14 .0% in 1970 to 18 .4% in 2010 (Figure 16) .(Decrease in public capital formation which greatly affected regional employment) By plotting the relationship between the changes in the composition ratio of public capital formation to the gross prefectural product and the changes in the regional increase rate of the employed and the ratio of the number of workers in the construction industry to the number of workers in the region, we can see that the decrease of public capital formation had a more profound effect on the decrease of the number of workers in the regional blocks including Hokkaido, Tohoku and Shikoku, than the 3 major urban regions, i .e .例文帳に追加

産業中分類別に、2005年からの5 年間で最も就業者数が増えたのは老人福祉・介護事業などの「社会保険・社会福祉・介護事業」であり、以下「分類不能の産業」「医療業」「郵便業」「はん用機械器具製造業」「持ち帰り・配達飲食サービス業」と続く 。 - 厚生労働省

Such unity of politics and religion was not limited to the central government, however; in the provinces, towns and villages of Japan, festivals were held to determine whether the area in question could expect to enjoy good fortune or to conduct construction work so as to raise funds for 'autonomous matsurigoto' and, based on the results of the fortune telling, to determine when to start social infrastructure work and provide guidance for the administration.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

またこうした政と祭りに一致は中央政府に限らず、地方や町や集落でも、その年の吉凶を占う祭りや、普請としての祭りが行われ、「自治としての政」に対し資金調達や、吉凶の結果による社会基盤の実施の時期の決定や執政の指針とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Emperor Shomu, who was a deep believer in Buddhism, wanted to settle social unease based on the ideology of Chingokokka (keeping the nation tranquil by the reciting of Buddhist prayers and other Buddhist ceremonies) and issued in 741 an Imperial edict establishing Kokubunji (state-supported provincial temples) and, in 743, an Imperial edict for construction of Rushana daibutsu (a large statue of Buddha).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

かねてより厚く仏教を信仰していた聖武天皇は鎮護国家の思想により、社会の動揺をしずめようと考え、741年(天平13年)に国分寺建立の詔、743年(天平15年)には盧舎那大仏造立の詔を発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Gyoki and his religious community moved around various districts, performing both missionary and social works, and were involved in the construction of Todaiji-ji Temple rushanabutsuzo (the statue of Birushana Buddha), and therefore it is really conceivable that he possessed or was making in some way or other the maps to facilitate these activities.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また、行基とその教団は諸国を移動して布教活動及び各種社会事業を行っており、後の東大寺盧舎那仏像建立にも関与していることから、当然こうした活動を円滑化するための地図を何らかの形で所持あるいは作成を行っていたことは十分考えられるのである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To efficiently provide a funeral hall of good quality that is a social pressing need extensively to the society where aging is rapidly progressing by solving the problem in the development of a new funeral hall that complicated and difficult works by not only a land owner and an undertaker but also various traders related to the construction must be progressed.例文帳に追加

急速に進む高齢化社会にあって、新たな斎場を開発し、広く社会に提供する事が急務となっているが、その為には地主、葬儀社のみならず建設にまつわる多種多様な業者、そして、複雑難解な作業を進めなければならない。 - 特許庁

Next, a breakdown of foreign workers by industry sector shows that high proportions of foreign workers are in the mining and manufacturing industry (20.5 percent), the construction industry (16.7percent), the medical care, education and social services industry (12.3 percent), the wholesale, retail and hotel industries (18.3 percent), and other service industries (18.7 percent).例文帳に追加

続いて、外国人労働者の産業分野別内訳であるが、鉱工業で20.5%、建設業で16.7%、医療・教育・社会サービス業で12.3%、卸・小売業・ホテル業で18.3%、さらにはその他サービス業で18.7%と高い比率を示している。 - 経済産業省

Move forward with the construction of local taxation systems that provide stable revenue and whose revenue gaps among jurisdictions are small. To this end, we will review local corporate taxation, and will consider enhancing the local consumption tax system from the perspective of promoting government decentralization and securing central and local government stable revenue sources for social security programs.例文帳に追加

地域主権改革の推進及び国と地方を通じた社会保障制度の安定財源確保の観点から、地方消費税を充実するとともに、地方法人課税のあり方を見直すことなどにより、税源の偏在性が小さく、税収が安定的な地方税体系を構築。 - 厚生労働省

In the Meiji period, an ordinance for granting rewards was prescribed by imperial edict -- such that rewards were to be granted to the most conspicuous among: those who saved a life; koshi; junson; giboku; hard-working businessman; a person who involved in invention and innovation; and those who served the public interest by devoted themselves to education, hygiene, social service, projects to prevent epidemics, repair and construction of road, alveus, bank, and bridge, construction of school and hospital, and development of farms and fields.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

明治になって、勅令によって褒章条例がさだめられ、人命救助者、孝子、順孫、義僕、精励実業家、発明改良家、教育、衛生、社会事業、防疫の諸事業、道路、河渠、堤防、橋梁の修築、学校、病院の建設、田野の墾闢などにつくして公衆の利益をはかり、成績のすこぶる顕著なものにたいして褒章をあたえることにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

To provide a construction method of a tunnel entrance branch/confluent width expanding part, capable of securing maintenance of a social environment and a surrounding environment by restraining excavation surplus soil to a necessary minimum, capable of performing safety construction by minimizing influence on the surrounding ground, and capable of simplifying joining work by shortening a joining distance between a main track tunnel and an entrance tunnel.例文帳に追加

掘削残土を必要最少限に抑制して社会環境、周辺環境の保全を確保することができ、しかも、周辺地盤への影響を最小限とした安全施工を行うことができ、さらには、本線トンネルと出入り口トンネルの接合距離の短縮化による接合工の簡素化を図ることのできるトンネルの出入り口分岐・合流拡幅部の構築方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

Article 56-2 (1) In the case falling under any of the following items, a prefectural government and a municipal government may subsidize not more than three-quarters (3/4) of the amount of expenses spent for new construction (limited to new construction of child welfare institutions set up by social welfare corporations formed pursuant to the provision of Article 31 paragraph (1) of the Social Welfare Act), repair, renovation, expansion or improvement (hereinafter referred to as "Construction, etc.") for child welfare institutions set up by persons other than the national, prefectural and municipal governments pursuant to the provision of Article 35 paragraph (4); provided, however, that the total amount of the amounts subsidized by the prefectural and municipal governments for any one child welfare institution shall not exceed three-quarters (3/4) of the expenses spent for Construction, etc. of said child welfare institution:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第五十六条の二 都道府県及び市町村は、次の各号に該当する場合においては、第三十五条第四項の規定により、国、都道府県及び市町村以外の者が設置する児童福祉施設について、その新設(社会福祉法第三十一条第一項の規定により設立された社会福祉法人が設置する児童福祉施設の新設に限る。)、修理、改造、拡張又は整備(以下「新設等」という。)に要する費用の四分の三以内を補助することができる。ただし、一の児童福祉施設について都道府県及び市町村が補助する金額の合計額は、当該児童福祉施設の新設等に要する費用の四分の三を超えてはならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

However, the government could not stop Gyoki leading the development of new rice field and other social activities, or the religious community mainly consisted of local clans and ordinary people; the government also recognized that Gyoki's activities did not have any 'anti-government' intentions, which the government feard; so, the government weakened the suppression in 731, and made full use of Gyoki's powers in technology and gathering peasants for the construction of Sayamashimo-ike Pond in Kawachi in 732.例文帳に追加

だが、行基の指導による墾田開発や社会事業の進展や地方豪族や民衆らを中心とした教団の拡大を抑えきれなかったこと、行基の活動が政府が恐れていた「反政府」的な意図を有したものではないことから、731年(天平3年)禁圧を緩め、翌年河内の狭山下池の築造に行基の技術力や農民動員の力量を利用した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not only the roles as part of social contributions of companies that is required from private operators, but, rather, it is a construction of a new business model that "provides the values of new services (convenience, inexpensiveness, watching, etc.) also to those who do not feel any inconvenience in the lives as of present in order to acquire customers from a wide range of segments under the circumstances of decreasing population and aging."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

民間事業者に求められるのは、何も企業の社会貢献の一環としての役割だけではなく、むしろ、「人口減少や高齢化の中で幅広い層の顧客を獲得するために、現時点では生活上の不便を感じていない人にも新しいサービスの価値(便利さ、安さ、見守り等)を提供していく」という新しいビジネスモデルの構築である。 - 経済産業省

We will create a virtuous cycle of fostering new seeds of growth (including the construction of compact cities and Eco-Towns; energy conservation and new energy businesses; the development of decentralized energy systems; social security services suited to regional needs; and turning agricultural, forestry, and fishery industries into value-added sextic industries, etc.) and expanding capital demand (promoting private investment through funds and encouraging the use of private finance initiatives and public-private partnerships, etc.).例文帳に追加

新たな成長の芽(コンパクトシティ、エコタウンの建設、省エネ・新エネビジネス、分散型エネルギーシステムの展開、地域のニーズに合った社会保障サービス、農林水産業の6 次産業化等)の育成と資金需要拡大(ファンド等による民間投資の促進やPFI・PPP の活用促進等)の好循環を形成する。 - 経済産業省

In the Government Work Report of the National People’s Congress (NPC) held in March 2004, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao set the 2004 goal for economic growth at around 7 percent, aiming at balanced sustainable economic and social growth, and cited the moderate curtailment of the scale of fixed asset investment and stoppage of blind investment and substandard redundant construction that is being observed in some industries and regions as important issues for macroeconomic adjustment in 2004.例文帳に追加

また、本年3月に開催された全国人民代表大会の政府活動報告においても、温家宝総理は2004年の経済成長目標を7%前後とし、経済と社会がバランスのとれた持続可能な成長を目指し、「固定資産投資の規模を適度に抑制し、一部の産業や地域で見られる盲目的な投資・低水準の重複建設に歯止めをかけることが2004年のマクロ調節の重要課題」と指摘している。 - 経済産業省

The Japanese government currently strives to actively confront environmental and resource constraints by establishing and revising appropriate laws and guidelines. They include the Containers and Packaging, Recycling Law, Home Appliance Recycling Law, Construction Materials Recycling Law, Food Recycling Law, End-of-Life Vehicles Recycling Law, Green Purchasing Law, Promotion of Utilization of Recycled, Resources and Waste Disposal Law. Most importantly, however, the government should seek to establish a society in which environmentally concerned economic activities are highly appreciated through implementation of the 3Rs of every citizen, using it to penetrate into a range of economic activities and social engagements.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

現在、政府においては、この循環型社会の構築に向けて、循環型社会形成推進基本法をはじめとた関係法令(容器包装リサイクル法、家電リサイクル法、建設リサイクル法、食品リサイクル法、自動車サイクル法、グリーン購入法、資源有効利用促進法、廃棄物処理法)や各種ガイドラインの整備や見しを進めていますが、何よりも大切なのは、国民一人ひとりが日々の生活の中で「3R」を実践し、さままな経済活動や社会の取組に浸透させ、環境に配慮した経済活動がより高く評価される社会を作っいくことです。 - 経済産業省


(3) For the time being, the national government may, within the scope of the budget, provide loans without interest to a prefectural government or a Designated City, etc. with regard to the expenses spent for such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement (excluding those for which the national government provides subsidies for expenses pursuant to the provision of Article 56-2 paragraph (3)) of institutions that is intended for the services for providing the aid for children or pursuing sound upbringing of children and that falls under Article 2 paragraph (1) item (ii) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Infrastructure Development. If such new construction, repair, renovation, expansion or improvement is implemented by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc., the loans from the national government shall be provided for part of funds to be appropriated to the expenses spent therefor by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc., and if implemented by a municipal government or a social welfare corporation other than Designated Cities, etc., the loans from the national government shall be provided for part of funds to be appropriated to the expenses subsidized therefor by said prefectural government or Designated City, etc.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 国は、当分の間、都道府県又は指定都市等に対し、児童の保護を行う事業又は児童の健全な育成を図る事業を目的とする施設の新設、修理、改造、拡張又は整備(第五十六条の二第三項の規定により国がその費用について補助するものを除く。)で社会資本整備特別措置法第二条第一項第二号に該当するものにつき、当該都道府県又は指定都市等が自ら行う場合にあつてはその要する費用に充てる資金の一部を、指定都市等以外の市町村又は社会福祉法人が行う場合にあつてはその者に対し当該都道府県又は指定都市等が補助する費用に充てる資金の一部を、予算の範囲内において、無利子で貸し付けることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム






social connectionの意味を調べる

social contagionの意味を調べる


「social construction」に近いキーワードやフレーズ



「social construction」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






social /sóʊʃəl/
社会の, 社会に関する, 社会的な
construction /kənstrˈʌkʃən/
建造, 築造, 建設, 架設

「social construction」を解説文の中に含む見出し語


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  • 違うキーワードを使ってみてください。
  • より一般的な言葉を使ってみてください。



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