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"Japanese sword"を含む例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 132


Before modern times, in a battle field, an enemy general was beheaded with a Japanese sword after being pushed down, which was called Kumiuchi. 例文帳に追加

近世以前、戦場では敵将を倒し組み伏せて、日本刀でその首をとる事がなされたが、これを組討という。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Other than water, some of other cutting tools are quenched in oil, and as were Japanese military swords during the war, but today, it seems to be reare that a Japanese sword is quenched in oil. 例文帳に追加

水以外にも、油で焼きを入れる事などが他の刃物類では有り、日本刀の場合では戦中の軍刀などで行われた事が有るが、現在では油で日本刀に焼きを入れる事が行われる事は少ないと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The blade of a Japanese sword is made thin to keep sharpness of blade and to make it lighter, so it can be easily bent or broken depending upon the direction of force. 例文帳に追加

日本刀は刃の鋭さを保つ為、また軽量化のために刀身が薄く造られており、力を加える方向によってはすぐに曲がったり折れたりする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Moreover, there is also a rebuttal from the viewpoint of the momentum that the fixed Japanese sword overwhelmed the bullets with intense motion energy. 例文帳に追加

さらには、固定されている日本刀が強力な運動エネルギーを持っている弾丸に対して圧勝している、という運動量的観点からの再反論もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


An experimental where Hiroshi FUJIOKA, a Japanese actor, tried to cut a car door with a hard metal sword to compare the sharpness of the Japanese sword. 例文帳に追加

日本の俳優である藤岡弘、が超硬合金製の刀を用い、日本刀と切れ味を比較するために行われた車のドアを斬るという実験結果。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


After explaining that 'Ken (double edged sword) is mainly for stabbing' and 'Katana is mainly for cutting' as the difference between both, they introduced a Japanese sword, which is a Katana, but also good for stabbing attacks. 例文帳に追加

「剣は突き中心」「刀は斬撃中心」と両者の違いを説明した上で、刀でありながら突き攻撃でも引けをとらない、として日本刀が紹介された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Iaido is a self-discipline that represents not only training in technique but also the maturing of the person by learning how to use a Japanese sword such as drawing it, sheathing it and other manners. 例文帳に追加

居合道とは、日本刀を用い、抜刀から納刀、および諸作法を通し技能の修練のみならず人格の涵養なども含めた各自による自己修練のこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Some martial arts, notably kendo (Japanese art of fencing) and iaido (art of drawing the Japanese sword), may prescribe that men also sit with the knees together (to protect the crotch), or sit with two fist widths of distance between them. 例文帳に追加

いくつかの武道(剣道と居合道)においては、(急所を守るため)男性もひざを閉じて座る場合があり、また、ひざの距離は拳2つ分の幅とする場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Instead of the then existing straight swords, curved swords which were more suitable for cutting persons or those suitable for fighting on horseback were developed, and the original model of the current Japanese sword was created. 例文帳に追加

さらに、従来の真っ直ぐな剣から、湾曲して人を斬りやすく、また馬上での戦いに適した形に進化し、やがて現在まで伝わる日本刀の原型ともいえる剣が登場する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Eventually, a style combining the Japanese sword, which was an indispensible item for the samurai and had the potential ability to kill or wound persons instantly, and Kenjutsu was established around that time. 例文帳に追加

これにより平時において、瞬時に人を殺傷し得る能力を持った、武士に不可欠な日本刀と剣術とを組み合わせた様式は、この時代までには確立された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, in iaido (the art of drawing the Japanese sword) and jodo (a form of martial art using a cane staff) the regular iai form of the All Japan Kendo Federation Iai and the regular jodo form of the All Japan Kendo Federation Jodo are provided respectively, and for both of them the forms of each school are also called koryu. 例文帳に追加

なお居合道、杖道では全日本剣道連盟居合の制定居合形、全日本剣道連盟杖道の制定杖道形に対し、各流派の形を古流とも呼ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the shape of kaisaki, a different rule is adopted by each school of tea ceremony, with shapes being roughly divided into the following categories: oval, straight line, a shape like the edge of a Japanese sword, a shape like tokin (a hood), hiramaru (flat round), leaf-shaped, and a bulb. 例文帳に追加

櫂先にも茶道各流派により形状の決まり事があるが、おおまかに丸形、一文字形、剣先形、兜巾形、平丸形、葉形、宝珠形と分類される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that obidome was invented by geisha in iromachi (a district where geisha is operating) who happened to pass a metal piece called 'tsuba' (a round or squarish guard at the end of the grip of a Japanese sword) of their customers or lovers through 'obihimo' (a string tied around the waist) in the latter part of the Edo period. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代後期に色街(いろまち)の芸者がお客や恋人の脇差の金具(鍔=つば)を帯紐に通したのがその始まりとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, unlike other arms, a Japanese sword was consistently worn in person from the Heian period mainly to show social status, and was regarded as a supplementary outfit for practical purposes. 例文帳に追加

因みに日本刀は他の武器とは異なり、平安時代より一貫して自身が持つ武器であるが、これは身分を示すものとして佩用されるのが主な理由で、実用としては副武装の位置にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shihan (grand master) is a job title, a license, or a title of an instructor of martial arts including swordplay, iaido (art of drawing the Japanese sword), kendo (Japanese art of fencing), aikido (art of weaponless self-defense), and karate (traditional Japanese martial art), and other accomplishments, and it is also called shihan go (title of grand master.) 例文帳に追加

師範は剣術、居合道、剣道、合気道、空手などの武道、その他、芸道における指導者の職位或いは免許、称号を意味し、師範号とも称される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nihon-to (Japanese sword) is brittle and often broken in the middle of fights; in order to avoid that, Musashi began to prepare two wooden swords. 例文帳に追加

二本差しや木刀を用いるようになったのは、日本刀の刀身が構造上壊れやすくなっているので、勝負の最中に刀が折れるのを嫌ったため。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in the field of swords and arms, there obviously existed a style specific to this period, which is exemplified by the long Japanese sword - popular in this period - so that this period is commonly distinguished from the Kamakura period. 例文帳に追加

ただし、刀剣武具の分野に関しては、長大な大太刀の流行など、明らかな「南北朝時代様式」があり、鎌倉時代とは別の時代とされることが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is because paintings from Japan increased their reputation being exported to Western countries after the end of Edo period, started to be called 'Japanese paintings' to distinguish them from the traditional Western paintings, and likewise, the term Japanese sword in contrast to Western swords became established. 例文帳に追加

その理由として、幕末以降、西欧に流出して評価が高まった日本の絵画が従来の西洋の絵画と区別して「日本画」と呼称されるようになった事に対応して、西洋の刀剣に対して日本刀という呼び方が定着した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The term Japanese sword has been seen connected to nationalism mainly since the Showa period, and such swords were considered just relics of the previous period where in the Meiji period, saber style swords were adopted for the military until the Manchurian Incident. 例文帳に追加

日本刀という呼称がナショナリズムと結び付いて語られるようになったのは主に昭和に入ってからの事であり、明治時代には刀など前時代の遺物でしかなく、満州事変の頃までは軍刀としてサーベル様式の刀剣が採用されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

There is a big differences in polishing Japanese swords compared to other cutting tools; ensuring ornamental elements of a Japanese sword, as a craftwork, is focused on as well as assuming sharpness as a cutting tool, and the whole body, not just the blade part, is polished. 例文帳に追加

日本刀研磨は、他の刃物砥ぎと、かなり相異する点としては、刃物としての切れ味を前提としつつ、工芸品としての日本刀の美的要素を引き出す事を主眼としている点、刃部のみで無く、刀身全体に砥ぎを施す事等である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although this hard metal cutting tool developed in Germany is strong against compression stress, it is known in the die level that it will be broken when stretching stress is generated, and a Japanese sword is structured to generate pronounced stretching stress, which makes some people doubt the credibility of this experiment. 例文帳に追加

しかし、このドイツで開発された超硬合金製の刃物は圧縮応力には強いものの、引張り応力が発生すると破損することが金型では知られており日本刀は顕著な引張り応力が発生する構造なのでこの実験の信憑性を疑うものもいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this program, however, a white muscular ITF Taekwondo martial artist introduced by swinging, and the superiority of the Japanese sword was not explained specifically or compared with other weapons, so some people think the program had an image-oriented direction and doubt its credibility. 例文帳に追加

しかしこの番組では筋骨隆々な白人のITF系テコンドー家が振り回して紹介したり、日本刀の優位性について具体的な根拠や他の武器との比較が説明されず、イメージ優先の演出で信憑性に疑問を持つ意見もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In budo such as karate, kyudo (Japanese art of archery), and iaido (art of drawing the Japanese sword), "zan-shin" refers to a movement after attacking the opponent, such as bracing oneself in a certain form ("kata", or a position of the body), selecting a manner of counterattack by considering the distance from the opponent, and sheathing a sword after a pause. 例文帳に追加

武道の中には、空手・弓道・居合道など、技を行った後に特定の形(型かた。体の構え)で身構える、相手との間合いを考慮して反撃方法を選ぶ、一拍おいて刀をおさめるといった一挙動を「残心」と呼ぶ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The armor which 2-year-old Yoshiie wore, 'Genta ga Ubuginu' (the baby clothes of Genta), and the katana (Japanese sword) called 'Hige kiri' (beard cutter) that was named for cutting off the bearded heads of a thousand prisoners, became treasures passed down to the Kawachi-Genji clan heir, and there is an anecdote in the "Heiji Monogatari" (The Tale of Heiji) that Yoritomo MINAMOTO used it during the Heiji no ran (Heiji Rebellion). 例文帳に追加

義家が2歳のときに用いた「源太が産衣」という鎧と、生け捕った敵千人の首を髭ごと切ったことから「髭切」と名付けられた刀は、河内源氏嫡子に伝えられる宝となり、後の平治の乱では源頼朝が用いたという逸話が鎌倉時代初期の『平治物語』にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kenkichi invented 'Yamatozue, ' a wooden sword with a lock with which to hang it from one's belt (and which he called 'tsue' (stick), though different from 'jo' used in jujutsu, out of consideration for the government) to replace 'Uchigatana' (a Japanese sword) as well as 'Ganko Ogi,' a wooden fan which was a substitute 'Wakizashi' (short sword). 例文帳に追加

鍵吉は、打刀代わりの「倭杖」(やまとづえ)と称する、帯に掛けるための鍵が付いた木刀(政府に遠慮して杖(つえ、杖術で使用する「じょう」ではない)と称していた)と、脇差代わりの「頑固扇」と称する木製の扇を考案した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ornamental pieces he made were mainly mitokoromono (three attachments for a Japanese sword) i. e., kozuka (hilt of a small sword or the small sword itself), kogai (a metal rod attached to a sword sheath), and menuki (a hilt ornament); there were many pieces that had thick relief engraving on the underdrawing painted by painters, such as Motonobu KANO; the patterns, such as a dragon or a lion, drawn by such painters were engraved on the metal, such as gold or copper. 例文帳に追加

作品は、小柄(こづか)、笄(こうがい)、目貫(めぬき)の三所物(みところもの)が主で、金や赤銅の地金(じがね)に龍・獅子などの文様を絵師狩野元信の下絵により高肉彫で表したものが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the beginning of this Kagura, after a maskless male dancer dances a sword dance using a Japanese sword, Amenouzume, who appears in the second half, dances a spinning Chinese sword dance called a "shiken," holding a tree branch designed to imitate bamboo leaves in her left hand and an isuzu (literally "50 bells") adorned with nusu (symbols of divinity made of cloth or paper) in her right hand. 例文帳に追加

この神楽では、始めに素面で男性の舞手が日本刀の剣舞をした後、後半の舞で登場するアメノウズメは、左手に笹葉を模した木の枝を、右手に幣をつけた五十鈴を持って、中国の剣舞の「刺剣」の動作をしてスピン回転をしながら舞う。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, even if the attacker carries a large Japanese sword with him, the movement of the attacker is retrained by the handcuff-type bifurcated pole for a body, and by holding down the attacker by the handcuff type bifurcated pole for a leg, the attacker is made to fall down; and hence, the attacker can be apprehended in a safe and easy manner.例文帳に追加

たとえば、暴漢が長い日本刀などを持っている場合でも、胴体用の手錠式さすまた拘束具で動けなくし、脚用の手錠式さすまた拘束具で押さえつけることで転倒させ、暴漢を取り押さえておくことが、安全かつ容易に実施できる。 - 特許庁

Although the main point of 'A poem About the Japanese Sword' is to lament that books already lost in China still exist in Japan, and not about Japanese swords, it shows that the beauty of Japanese swords was already recognized by overseas curiosos from the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period as one of Japan's exports. 例文帳に追加

「日本刀歌」が歌いたいことは日本刀のことではなく、中国では既に散逸してしまった書物が日本には存在しているということを嘆いた詩ではあるが、日本刀の美しさが、平安時代後期-鎌倉時代初期に既に海外の好事家などにも認められており、輸出品の一つとされていたことを示している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the original viewpoint of 'Japanese swords as weapons to fight with,' each of the special blades became a perfect Japanese sword using modern technology and had an essential practical utility, but most of them have no taste of beauty in appearance (some swords including semi-forged Showa Swords of Seki have both), so, today, they are not supposed to be included together with Japanese swords, also from the standpoint of the production method. 例文帳に追加

本来の「戦いの武器としての日本刀」という観点では、各特殊軍刀々身は近代技術を取り入れらて完成された日本刀となり、肝心の実用性に於いては究められたものの、見た目の美的要素は皆無な物が多く(関の半鍛錬昭和刀の様に双方を兼ね備えた物もある)、今日では製造方法の上からも、日本刀の範疇には含まれない事にはなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The registration is for the gun, like with a Japanese sword, and a registered gun can be possessed by anyone, but in fact, concerning the shooting of live cartridges and blank cartridges, and the purchase, possession and consumption of gunpowder, every time you need to get permission from National Public Safety Commission through the police under jurisdiction (those who get permission to fire live must purchase gunpowder within one year and consume it within six months). 例文帳に追加

登録は日本刀などと同じく銃に対してなされ、登録を受けた銃器は誰でも所持・所有できるが、実際に実弾・空包の発砲及び火薬の入手所持消費に関しては、その都度(実弾射撃を許可された者は、火薬購入については1年間、また消費は6ヶ月間限定の)所轄の警察署を通じて公安委員会の別途の許可を受ける必要がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, appreciation of the Drawn Sword Squad in the Seinan War influenced the Japanese Army and Navy to keep using military swords as major weapons for officers, and it became standard to make Japanese swords with military sword fittings of saber style, then the proof of Japanese swords' effectiveness in close combats in the Russo-Japanese War as weapons in a modern war, and the increasing momentum of ultranationalism in the Showa era made the Army and Navy develop military sword fittings more suitable to store a Japanese sword with the motif of Tachi fittings in the Kamakura era, instead of military sword fittings of the saber style (at the same time, however, numbers of swords that had been used in ancient and modern wars as military swords were lost on the battleground). 例文帳に追加

一方で西南戦争における抜刀隊への評価から、日本陸海軍が将校の主要兵器として軍刀を採用し続け、サーベル様式の軍刀拵えに日本刀を仕込むのが普通となり、さらには日露戦争における白兵戦で近代戦の武器としての日本刀の有効性が確認され、また昭和に入り国粋主義的気運が高まった事から、陸海軍ともにサーベル様式の軍刀拵えに代わり鎌倉時代の太刀拵えをモチーフとした、日本刀を納めるのにより適した軍刀拵えが開発された(しかし同時に、軍刀として出陣した古今の数多くの刀が戦地で失われることともなった)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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