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該当件数 : 2079



His grave is located at the Oi park (4 chome, Higashi-Ooi, Shinagawa Ward) where the suburban residence of the Tosa Domain used to be.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


June 1946: Masao TAKEUCHI took office as the fourth mayor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The system is characterized by a large enlargement of the illuminated region in the image plane, wherein the enlargement factor of more than 4 can be realized. - 特許庁

我が国からのマイコンの輸出は、輸出額が4 兆円超の電子部品類のうち、約4.3% を占める約1,800 億円である。例文帳に追加

The export of microcomputers from Japan is approximately 180 billion yen, account for approximately 4.3% of export of electronic parts of more than 4 trillion yen10. - 経済産業省



A tip of the hinge pin 4 and the O-ring 5 are protruded from a second box main body side hinge 2b, and the O-ring 5 is locked to an end of a the second box main body side hinge part 2d to prevent the hinge pin 4 from coming off. - 特許庁



Therefore, it is possible to easily control to desired resistance values (surface resistance: 10^4 to 10^11 Ω/cm), in particular to a lower value (10^4 Ω/cm). - 特許庁


The overhang piece 2 is extended in the longitudinal direction on an outside surface of this central piece 4. - 特許庁


A limiter (22) to receive the movement of the regulator (4) to a fuel increase side (R) is disposed turnably corresponding to the regulator (4). - 特許庁


The laser chip 4 has a short wavelength side light emitting point 31 and a long wavelength side light emitting point 30 on one laser beam emitting end face 5. - 特許庁



In the ultrasonic inspection method, the flaw inspection of the raceway surface 4a of an inner ring 4 as the inspected surface is performed, while the inner ring 4 is rotated axially. - 特許庁


小手姫像(川俣町) 1992年(平成4年)に川俣町が同町中央公園に建立例文帳に追加

Kawamata-machi erected the statue of Otehime in Chuo-koen Park in the town in 1992.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Where the Hungarian Patent Office does not give any notice of provisional refusal under paragraph (4), the date following the expiry of the time limit fixed for provisional refusal shall be the date of registration. - 特許庁


When an igniting operation is performed, a cooking burner is ignited, and the afterburner 4 is ignited when a set cooking menu is fish cooking and the afterburner 4 is not ignited when it is other than the fish cooking. - 特許庁


A jig 2 used for the butt welding is provided with a V arm 4 having a V-shaped supporting surface 4a, and an axial adjustment of the V arm 4 to a center part 3, is beforehand performed to secure the axial precision of this V arm 4. - 特許庁


A frame-side hinge plate 106, which is engaged with a hinge shaft 8 of the upside hinge 4, is equipped with a receiving member so that an upper end of the hinge shaft 8 cannot greatly protrude from a top surface of the hinge plate 106. - 特許庁


A translucent member 4 having light diffusion performance is arranged in the inner side face of the light control mirror 3. - 特許庁


Also, the air conditioner 1 is provided with an outdoor unit 2, an outdoor air conditioner unit 5, an air supply/dehumidification unit 4, and a humidity conditioning/control section 8f. - 特許庁


If the provisions contained in paragraph (3) apply, the Office shall indicate that that is the case in the notification provided for in paragraph (4), specifying the invention or group of inventions with respect to which the search was conducted. - 特許庁


Late at night on October 26, 1878, 26 villagers led by Yaemon KANMURI set fire to the house of Choemon MATSUKI, and murdered seven people and injured four people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thus, the photoreceptor 3Y and the charging roller 4 are cleaned by the cleaning brush 8 for a long term, and the photoreceptor 3 is properly charged by the charging roller 4, over a long term. - 特許庁


The system sends the generated compressed long-term predicted ephemeris to a portable telephone 4 according to a request from the portable telephone 4. - 特許庁


This yarn breakage-preventing device is characterized by having tension-relaxing means (3, 4; 3, 4, 13) for positively delivering a yarn (Y1) on the downstream side at a delivery rate corresponding to a tension, simultaneously when the tension of the yarn (Y1) exceeds a preliminarily set tension. - 特許庁

(4) 本条に基づいて裁定されるべき損害賠償又は相応のロイヤルティの額を決定する目的で,裁判所は,行われるべき調査を指示することができ,かつ,適切と認める調査を実施する手続を定めることができる。例文帳に追加

(4) For the purposes of determining the amount of any damages or reasonable royalty to be awarded under this section, the court may direct an enquiry to be held and may prescribe such procedures for conducting such enquiry as it may seem fit. - 特許庁


A passing surface 3 for permitting ultrasonic waves to pass and a cutting-off surface 4 for cutting off ultrasonic waves are provided to the surface 2b on an object side of a delay chip 2. - 特許庁


The pressurizing band (3) deforms a tip center of a nail (4) downward to allow both side ends of the end of the nail (4) to be deformed outward and upward, for alleviating the degree of curvature of the nail (4). - 特許庁

キャスター(4) により床面上を移動可能に構成された踏み台(1) において、キャスター(4) を本体部(2) に対して弾力的に支持するバネを少ない荷重で撓むようにしても、長期間にわたってバネが劣化しないようにする。例文帳に追加

To provide a footstool (1) that is structured so as to move on a floor by castors (4) in which a spring elastically supporting the castors (4) on the body (2) does not degrade for an extended period even if the spring is made to warp under a low load. - 特許庁


Thereby, when the top plate 4 is expanded by the heat of the lamp 1, stress applied to a contact point between the socket 3 and the top plate 4 is relaxed by the spring 5. - 特許庁

しかしながら、貿易の絶対額をみると、被災5 県からの2010 年の貿易額は輸出が約1 兆3,800 億円、輸入が約2 兆4,300 億円であり、我が国全体に占める割合は輸出で約2%、輸入で約4%にとどまる。例文帳に追加

However, from the point of absolute amount of the trade, the trade value of 2010 from 5 disaster-affected prefectures were in export approximately 1,380 billion yen, and in import approximately 2,430 billion yen. The percentage in entire Japan value, remain at the level of approximately 2% in export and approximately 4% in import. - 経済産業省


The 'picture scroll of the Sumida River' is one of his most important works and the total length of the whole four volumes is 60 meters.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Over the full length in longitudinal direction of the tube, a cut 4 reaching the center open hole 3 is formed in addition. - 特許庁


Kosho, a grandheir to Kozui, was then two years old, so that entourages of Otani family, like Sonjo CHIKAMATSU, kept the office of deputy chief abbot in four generations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A front side glass 3 and a rear side glass 5 are stuck respectively to the front and rear surfaces of the liquid crystal display panel 2 by interposing frame-shaped both-sided adhesive tapes 4 in between. - 特許庁


The wave 4 arriving at the side 5 of the surface 2 is reflected at the side 5, propagated toward one side 3 of the incident position, and arrives at the one side 3 incident with the wave 4. - 特許庁


Especially, in the long I/O terminal 4, the metal plate 4g is not joined to an entire longitudinal surface, thus preventing stress from being applied to the I/O terminal 4 easily by the difference in the thermal expansion between the I/O terminal 4 and the metal plate 4g. - 特許庁


A carbonaceous belt-like foaming material 7 is installed on the sticking surface 5a side with a door body 4 in the belt-like sticking material 5. - 特許庁


When the full length screw bolt 13 is inserted into the female screw 4 divided into two parts and the device 1 is pressed, the female screw 4 divided into two parts nip the full length screw bolt 13 because the inside is tapered, and when a hexagonal pin 14 is turned, the full length screw bolt 13 can be tightened. - 特許庁


SHIMA's replacement, Michitoshi IWAMURA, took over the construction work of Sapporo City and the head office, and the Development Commission's office was moved in to Sapporo in May 1871.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Masako TOKUGAWA (November 23, 1607 - August 2, 1678) was the 5th daughter of Hidetada TOKUGAWA and Emperor Gomizunoo's Chugu (second consort of an Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It describes the period of time from 1602 when Yorinobu TOKUGAWA was born, to 1871 when Haihan-chiken (abolition of feudal domains and establishment of prefectures) was done and Mochitsugu moved to Tokyo Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to carry out an area modulation of the formed two-dimensional image data, the screen processing is performed in an image processing section 4. - 特許庁


In 1879, (After relocation to the Nisi Ogawa-Machi in Kanda Ward and then Fujimi in Kojimachi Ward) Imperial Prince Fushimi Sadanaru moved into this house address, at Kioi-cho 4, Kojimachi, Tokyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Operation timing is taken as shown in (2) of Fig. 2 among an outdoor expansion valve 4 (expansion valve on heat source side), indoor expansion valves 17A and 17B (expansion valves on use side), and an equalizing valve 9. - 特許庁


Both sided waterproof tapes 11 are adhered to respective surfaces of a side frame fin 5b and an upper frame fin 5c of the sash 4. - 特許庁


When the temperature of the optical sheet 4 rises and the sheet expands by turning on the fluorescent tube 2, the expansion is absorbed by the bimetal 6 to prevent wrinkles in the sheet 4. - 特許庁


The sealing member 5 contains a fluorescent material 8 emitting light with a wavelength different from the emission wavelength of the fluorescent material 7, is concentrically formed with the sealing member 4 outside the sealing member 4 in a plan view, and coats the plurality of light-emitting elements 3 mounted outside the sealing member 4. - 特許庁


The anchor bolts 4 etc. are arranged in a square shape in a plane-cross-section view at predetermined intervals around the pile head part 2a, and a hoop bar 5 is wound around the anchor bolts 4 etc. almost throughout the length of the anchor bolt 4 etc. - 特許庁


A water-inflatable rubber sealant 7 provided on the peripheral surface of the frame segment 4 is formed in a band shape and bonded via an adhesive to one or plural annular grooves 8 formed in the peripheral surface of the frame segment 4. - 特許庁


Ci is composed according to each tune that had the different form; for example, in "Okukonan (Recalling the south of the Chang Jiang River) " the number of characters in each line is determined as 3,5,7,7, and 5 characters, and the 2nd, 4th, and 5th lines should be rhymed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The hinge means 7 are constituted of male hinges 8 attached to the door bodies 6 and female hinges 10 attached to the enclosures 2, 3, 4, etc., and having recessed bearing sections 9 which rotatably hold the shaft sections 8c of the male hinges 8 inserted into the sections 9 and have L-shapes in their top views. - 特許庁



The present address of the shrine is Watanabe, 4-chome Kyutaromachi, Chuo Ward, Osaka City, but the area was called Watanabe-cho up until 1988.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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