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該当件数 : 4722



To safely carry out water temperature control in either of normal or accident time when two thyristors 19 and 41 are connected serially. - 特許庁


The connection regions 411 are formed in the same processing step as for opposite conductivity-type regions 401 for the economy of processing. - 特許庁


Risk evaluated values of the respective operation problem items are calculated by multiplying self-causing degrees calculated based upon choices by a plurality of operators by occurrence frequencies calculated based upon choices by the plurality of operators, and then output. - 特許庁


In a related human retrieval server, information which combines a human ID that is an ID for identifying a human and face image data of a human, and a management table for managing game time and a position of a game machine are stored. - 特許庁



To provide a recording material judging apparatus for judging a recording material while accurately reading an image for judging the recording material or controlling an image forming apparatus corresponding to the recording material regardless of the secular change of the apparatus and bringing about no delay of the time required in the formation of the image, and the image forming apparatus. - 特許庁



To provide a method for manufacturing pentaerythritol dichlorophosphite having excellent stability as a raw material for manufacturing a pentaerythritol diphosphite compound of high quality by an industrially advantageous, excellently productive method. - 特許庁


To prevent the reversion of articles on a runway surface, particularly a plurality of continuous articles on the runway surface by an air jet or the like from the front side and to prevent a delay in article supply caused by the reversion of the articles. - 特許庁


A method for producing purified water includes a process of treating the reverse osmosis membrane of the reverse osmosis membrane treatment device with the rejection rate improving agent composed of the polymer as a principal constituent periodically or when the rejection rate of the reverse osmosis membrane treatment device is decreased. - 特許庁

第三十六条 審議会は、この法律の規定によりその権限に属させられた事項を処理するほか、農林水産大臣又は関係各大臣の諮問に応じ、この法律の施行に関する重要事項を調査審議する。例文帳に追加

Article 36 (1) The Council shall study and deliberate important matters for implementing this Act, in response to the consultations by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or other ministers concerned, in addition to deal with the matters authorized under this Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



A work item history correction part 50 of the work item history storage apparatus 1 creates a work item history from operation event information about a terminal used for a user's work and information in a personal correspondence table database 120 for associatively managing user operation event information and work items. - 特許庁



To prevent such a failure that sole segments are too soft and soles are liable to wear in manufacturing made of, for example, a lightweight and thin foamed resin by injection molding. - 特許庁


A next candidate for the reproducing music is set on the basis of an acquired biological-information of a listener for listening an audio reproduction output and the attribute information acquired by the 2nd acquisition means. - 特許庁


To provide a data management method capable of unitarily managing the logical information including string definition and index definition and the physical information including storage region definition and flexibly coping with the change of a DB (database) structure. - 特許庁


To surely avoid that temperatures of air ports or other ports of a black liquor recovery boiler and structures of a furnace wall in the vicinity are not raised too high in view of corrosion, temperature changes, cracking and tightness. - 特許庁


A predictive processing part 14a predicts an information file which is acquired next on the basis of each kind of attributive information written in the location information list 16 and rearranges the list 16 in the order of priority. - 特許庁


To simply and promptly set a seam welding machine in a seam welding working place without flawing the main plate surface of a cover metal envelope body during seam welding working or without generating shifts each other in joint places, which are failures experienced especially with a conventional type seam welding machine in a self-traveling type seam welding machine performing seam welding to the joint part of the cover metal envelope body. - 特許庁


To provide a manufacturing device and manufacturing method for a battery in which a distortion is not caused in a case such as a lid portion even if an excess thickness is produced in a burring portion due to an excessively large press load on the burring portion, and to provide the battery. - 特許庁


Hypochlorous acid or its salt is added to the heavy metal-contained powder in a step of kneading heavy metal-contained powder such as heavy metal-contained ash containing ammonia or ammonium salt in the presence of water. - 特許庁

第二百四十四条の二 信託財産についてのこの法律の規定による破産手続開始の申立ては、信託財産に属する財産又は受託者の住所が日本国内にあるときに限り、することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 244-2 (1) A petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings under the provisions of this Act against the trust property may be filed only if the property that belongs to the trust property or the trustee's domicile exists in Japan.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When successively reproducing the video specified by the input device 4, the video reproduction control means 33 fast-forwards the section from the point where the start point of the common portion is set to the point where the end point of the common portion is set. - 特許庁


The control apparatus accesses the data structure for performing flush operation and conveniently deletes pages more than one identified as being deletable on the list. - 特許庁


To provide an L-shaped reinforcing metal fitting which effectively absorbs vibration energy while maintaining a joint of structural members of a construction, prevents misalignment or separation of the joint, and prevents deformation or collapse of the whole construction when the construction receives strong vibrations due to an earthquake. - 特許庁


To provide the bendable extension tube of a vacuum cleaner in which spatial organization is improved so that a user can easily do cleaning working by bending an extension tube by easy button operation without bending down or taking a low posture. - 特許庁


To provide a method of manufacturing a multilayer chip type ZnO varistor having low temperature sintering characteristics and using pure silver in an internal electrode. - 特許庁


To solve a problem in which, when a chair is adjusted to a position of a shampoo bowl with the backrest lowered, a space between the backrest and the shampoo bowl becomes too small with the backrest raised, making it difficult for an operator to perform permanent wave, hair dying or the like in the back of the client. - 特許庁


Further, the CPU 11 displays next image data when a specified time elapses after the image data are displayed, detects image data related to the image data, and registers them in the related file list 151. - 特許庁


A face recognition apparatus specifies a person name registered in a face dictionary, extracts, from a face image list, face images each having similarity between a registered face image of the specified person name and the face image in the face image list within a predetermined range indicating that they are not so similar, and displays face images satisfying a specific condition among the extracted face images. - 特許庁


The performance control parameter is set to a predicted value depending upon the complexity measure and at least one further processing stage is performed on the at least one data block at the predicted value of the performance control parameter. - 特許庁


A technique for processing a digital image (76) in which an operator selection (72) of an imaging areainduces the automatic selection of a shrink rate (72), so that the image processing and the image quality are uniform regardless of the operator selection. - 特許庁


To reduce scrapped parts accompanying cutting or the like as small as possible and to improve the yield when manufacturing a hot-rolled metal band in a hot rolling line. - 特許庁


Make it mandatory for managers to report to the authorities on their managed assets (leverage usage, etc.) on an ongoing basis, from risk management and other perspectives  - 金融庁


To reduce the manufacturing cost of a fuel cell as low as possible while assuring reliable sealing. - 特許庁


To provide a magnet system in which a coil main body and a magnet yoke can be manufactured with a material as little as possible. - 特許庁


The method for producing the fish meat processed food comprises the following process: adding 5-30 wt.% of fish meat paste to finely cut fish meat to get mixed; molding the resultant mixture; heating the molded mixture; coating the heated mixture; and cooking the coated mixture with oil. - 特許庁

第十四条の二 実用新案権者は、次に掲げる場合を除き、願書に添付した明細書、実用新案登録請求の範囲又は図面の訂正を一回に限りすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 14-2 (1) Except for the following cases, a holder of utility model right may correct the description, scope of claims, or drawings attached to the application only once.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A terminal control system includes a CPU 1 and a plurality of terminal electronic equipment 100 which are connected to the CPU 1 in a daisy chain and processes information from the CPU 1. - 特許庁


To provide a pattern display having rich variety/game property without increasing the number of substrates for a light emitting device or complicating a structure by varying pattern displays while using clarity of the light emitting device. - 特許庁


In conducting required image processing for an input image data by a combination of a plurality of image processing means 11 to 13 for respectively conducting different image processing, a work area managing means 20 for collectively managing a work area (memory group) 30 most suitably assigns the respectively required work areas to the work area 30 according to each processing content and the processing mode by the respective image processing means 11 to 13. - 特許庁


To provide an improved adhesive tape for roll change in operation, not having the defects in the conventional techniques and having such high storage stability that the adhesive does not lose or reduce its adhesive force. - 特許庁


Then an attribute value list acquisition process part 104 refers to attribute structure definition information 103 and expands the attribute values that show the elements of a structural body into related attribute values. - 特許庁


To achieve efficient data move control by effectively suppressing the increase in total capacity of management information for data management without increasing the size of a data move unit between storage media with respect to a storage medium control device which controls a plurality of storage media by HSM. - 特許庁

.LP関数XmbTextPropertyToTextList ,XwcTextPropertyToTextList ,Xutf8TextPropertyToTextListは、与えられたXTextProperty構造体が持つ要素(NULL 文字で区切られている)を表すテキスト文字列のリストを返す。例文帳に追加

The XmbTextPropertyToTextList,XwcTextPropertyToTextList and Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList functions return a list of text strings representing the null-separated elements of the specified XTextProperty structure. - XFree86


To provide a technology for correctly determining whether a motor-driven structure stopped normally or collided against an obstacle, and isolating the structure from the obstacle when the structure collided against the obstacle. - 特許庁


To provide an inspection device, in which a cable is not twisted or broken even when a card type pachinko game machine is rotated with the inspection device connected to the game machine, and the inspection device can be easily removed from the game machine when intended. - 特許庁


While some argued the unfairness of engaging in free trade with countries taking a protectionist stance, the United Kingdom maintained its free trade policy through to the end of World War I. - 経済産業省


A control value previously set based on the image information is sent to the exposure means 9 and the carrying means 8 as a control signal by the control means, and the exposure processing of the image data is executed by the control means in prescribed resolution at a prescribed feeding speed. - 特許庁


The LNG management system comprises the LNG storage tank 2, and a central control computer 42 for controlling LNG stored in the tank. - 特許庁


To provide a shared work space for a participant to easily perform connection between conference systems or sharing of information with another conference participant. - 特許庁


The swift labor market reforms pursued in the 1980s in the United Kingdom pared back labor market regulations to among the most minimal in the world, but also caused social problems such as greater poverty and high youth unemployment rates. - 経済産業省



To provide technology capable of particularizing the manufacturer and the model name of an apparatus for generating image data on the basis of managed image data in an image management system for reading a scan object to generate the image data and managing the image data. - 特許庁


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