
「仕払」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(5ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 225



These methods were novel to the kimono fabric business, for in those days, it was customary that payment was done on credit until a later day, and the unit of trade was in 1 tan (length app 10.6 m and width apploximately 34 cm); and this new system was useful for the customers, too, for while demanded to pay in cash, merchandise in good quality might be bought in the amount necessary for a good price (since there was no danger of welshing the credit, there was no need to tack on for that risk).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To enable a subsidiary company to easily grasp the settlement method of accounts payable or information such as the displacement of a creditor, and to smoothly carry out journalizing based on the information during a period when payment processing of self-accounts payable is carried out through a payment mediator when a parent company equipped with a capital management system carries out the payment of the accounts payable of the subsidiary company through the payment mediator. - 特許庁


The liquefied gas delivery amount calculated from a post- purchase truck scale measure and a post-delivery truck scale measure is compared with a liquefied gas charging amount calculated by a liquefied gas measuring means provided at a lorry or the like to ensure a liquefied gas trading amount based on the liquefied gas charging amount. - 特許庁


To reduce a control load for handling (incorporating, putting out, and the like) game media and adjust the amount of credit according to the game state of a player by providing generality to specifications of the credit including the execution/non-execution of an automatic credit mechanism and an upper limit value in the automatic credit. - 特許庁



In this way, accounting auditors enter into an audit contract with and receive the audit fee from the managers of the audited company. Such a system contains "incentive distortions," and the question of how to overcome these is an important issue.  - 金融庁



The slip journaling/issuing method has a course attendance receiving step for receiving a course to be taken by a user and user's attributes and a slip preparation step for comparing a group to be advertised by the course taken by the user with the user's attributes and determining an item of a charge to be paid by the advertising group as the price of advertisement. - 特許庁


A rear projection film is stuck to the outside surface of a windshield of the actual vehicle, and animation data (including specification information of the actual vehicle, animation of a traveling condition, payment simulation information or the like) are projected from the outside by a projector so that a prospective customer can view the information while being on board in the actual vehicle with a salesperson. - 特許庁


The separating parts B1 and B2 each have a cutting mechanism and a rotary blade 7, and are provided detachably for the separating parts B1 and B2 and reception portions A and delivery parts C as other components, According to user's requirement specifications, they are suitably selected and assembled, altered, extended, or removed. - 特許庁


A microcomputer 50 changes the total pay-out number of medals according to the big prize winning probability value set by the player. - 特許庁



Furthermore, with regard to stock lending transactions, while transactions are being conducted bilaterally among financial institutions, institutional investors and so forth, compared to purchase-sale transactions of stock and JGB transactions, no system exists for delivery-versus-payment (DVP) settlement (where the delivery of securities and the payment of funds are performed simultaneously), and so settlement risk is not being reduced.  - 金融庁



Other new financing schemes include schemes for payment on success and bonds with warrants that provide funds to startups or new business operations which, though they may have high profit potential, are high risk businesses (these funds are known as "risk money"). This type of financing is being introduced and promoted primarily by government-affiliated SME financial institutions. - 経済産業省


To propose a new business scheme by which a user can purchase an article or enjoy service in advance even when the user has no price to be paid at hand and the user can appropriate a wage for a prescribed work for a part or the entire of the price of the purchase, etc., after that. - 特許庁


In order to address such concerns, a type of deposit should be provided as a safe and secure means of payment and settlement, which is a deposit to be protected fully in the event of a failure of a financial institution (“payment and settlement deposit”).  - 金融庁


This is a scheme using a trust account which separates the “payment and settlement deposit” from other types of deposits, and which limits the investment of funds in this account to that in safe and liquid assets (such as JGBs).  - 金融庁


In accepting an advance registration of the receiver and the purpose of remittance from a customer, a Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. shall introduce and instruct the content of the regulations on trade-related payment that are in force, and also understand information, such as the name of goods, the place of origin, and the region of shipment, in order to confirm that the remittance is not an outgoing remittance subject to economic sanctions such as asset freeze.  - 財務省


The principal amount (borrowing amount) written on the pledge bill was equivalent to the servant's value and the interest of the debt was equivalent to servant's labor during the debt period, and the servant was bounded by his master i.e. creditor until he as debtor wiped off the principle amount, but in fact it was fudai genin by de facto human trafficking under the name of pledge.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Cobalt (II) ions penetrated into a printed matter for a voucher are not easily masked, but when the cobalt (II) ions are previously wiped out by filter paper into which sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate solution allowed to be easily masked is impregnated to mask ions such as externally stuck iron (II) ions as chelate metals, the accuracy of authenticity determination is improved by performing the luminol reaction using cobalt (II) ions. - 特許庁


Thus, in order to complete such payment and settlement transactions, it is appropriate to clearly segregate the funds for payment and settlement in process,and to take the necessary measures to provide temporary funding such as loans from the Deposit Insurance Corporation.  - 金融庁


There can also be cases in which payment and settlement transactions cannot be completed for transactions in process, even if the resolution procedure for failed financial institutions is promptly accomplished.  - 金融庁


The breakdown and details of the benefits are: pregnancy benefit (provision of 80% of the remuneration for a maximum of 50 days if a women cannot work due to pregnancy), parental benefit (provision of 80% of the remuneration for 390 days and 60 kronas (minimum insurance amount) for the remaining 90 days when taking child care leave), and temporary parental benefit (in principle, provision of 80% of the remuneration for 60 days per child when taking a leave to nurse children under 12 years old). - 経済産業省


In acting before the Registry, Agents may avail themselves of employees or assistants who, under their control, surveillance and liability, shall perform the material steps inherent to the Agent's task - such as the payment of fees, filing of documents, appearance to collect official notifications, collection of title documents or the like - for which purpose they shall present the corresponding authorization, which shall be sealed and approved annually by the Secretary General of the Registry. - 特許庁


In any case, as the government provides reinsurance for earthquake insurance exposures, up to 5.5 trillion yen may be covered, as I remember it. There is an appropriate scheme including the reinsurance, although I am aware of the media report that the payment amount may exceed one trillion yen. However, in addition to the reinsurance provided by the government, private-sector non-insurance companies as a whole have a substantial amount of reserves. The government has reserves of 1.3 trillion yen and the private sector holds reserves totaling one trillion yen for earthquake insurance claims.  - 金融庁


Where the regulations on trade-related payment are in force, in making a remittance pertaining to a transaction related to the buying and selling of goods involving the movement of goods between foreign states with a non-resident (hereinafter referred to asBrokerage Transaction”), does the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. carry out confirmation while keeping the following points in mind, in order to confirm that a remittance is not one pertaining to a transaction related to the buying and selling of goods involving the movement of goods from a third country to a country subject to the regulations or a transaction related to the buying and selling of goods exported from a country subject to regulations, which is the region of shipment, to a third country?  - 財務省

また、顧客から得た必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合又は貿易に関する支規制に抵触することが考えられ慎重な確認が必要であると認められる場合(以資産凍結 20下「必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等」という。)には、売買契約書、輸入許可書又は船荷証券等送金の理由となる資料の提示等を求め、確認を行っているか。なお、必要情報の真偽に疑いがある場合等の確認については、電話回線、インターネット等(以下「電話回線等」という。)を経由して顧客から向送金を受け付ける場合においても、同様に適用されることに留意する必要がある。例文帳に追加

In addition, where there is a doubt about the truth of the Necessary Information obtained from a customer or where careful confirmation is recognized as necessary as a remittance could violate the regulations on trade-related payment (hereinafter referred to asWhere There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information”), does the Remittance Handling Financial Institution, etc. request the customer to present materials that give reasons for the remittance, such as a sales contract, an import permit, and a bill of lading, to carry out confirmation? Incidentally, it is necessary to keep in mind that confirmation in cases Where There Is a Doubt about the Truth of the Necessary Information applies in the same manner to cases of receiving a request for an outgoing remittance from a customer via a phone line, the Internet, etc. (hereinafter referred to asPhone Line, etc.”).  - 財務省



Subsidized Company may employ electromagnetic means (the means specified by the Minister based on the provisions of Article 26-4, Paragraph 1 of the Budget Execution Act. The same shall apply hereinafter) for the application for the Subsidy pursuant to paragraph 1 of the preceding article, the withdrawal of the application pursuant to Article 7, the application for approval for change of plan pursuant to Article 9, Paragraph 1, the notification of conclusion of a contract pertaining to the implementation pursuant to Article 10, Paragraph 2, the application for approval for assignment or transfer of the rights pursuant to Article 11, Paragraph 1, an Accident Report pursuant to Article 12, a Progress Report pursuant to Article 13, a Project Result Report pursuant to Article 14, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2, the request for payment pursuant to Article 16, Paragraph 2, a report after determination of the amount of tax deductions for taxable purchase for consumption tax, etc. pursuant to Article 17, Paragraph 1, or the application for approval for asset disposal pursuant to Article 20, Paragraph 3 (hereinafter referred to asApplication for the Subsidy, etc.”).  - 経済産業省

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