
「商品展開」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 商品展開の意味・解説 > 商品展開に関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 102



To provide a method for processing woven or knitted fabric composed of thermal fusion bonding yarns having high strength, enabling development of goods having an arbitrary shape and capable of being inexpensively produced in a short time. - 特許庁


When the order information of articles or the like is received, an inter-enterprise cooperation managing part 24 expands this information into a process composed of a plurality of work processes and stores it in an enterprise data base 21. - 特許庁


The category is successively developed, and the [+] part existing in the forefront of the category name of the lowest position is pushed down so that a commodity name related to this category is displayed. - 特許庁


To provide a technique for adopting new criteria and developing an efficient sales policy when selecting candidates of sales floors for mainly performing sales among sales floor groups where a plurality of kinds of commodities is sold. - 特許庁



Furthermore, there are also cases where companies have succeeded in securing competitive advantage and gaining profits through development of activities that utilize the strengths of their management resources (core technologies, financial power, product competitiveness,etc.). - 経済産業省



Self-inking stamp using their open-cell material received great attention from foreign stationary makers and toy manufacturers. - 経済産業省


There are two main ways to develop overseas business: (1) actually setting up retail shops in overseas locations to supply products and (2) operating a mail order business for overseas consumers. - 経済産業省

同社の販売社員は900名おり、全国700店舗の百貨店や量販店で、フォーマルコーナーでの展開と、「BON CILIE」のブランド名で商品を販売しているほか、直営店(「robe de tisse」)も運営している。例文帳に追加

The company is supported by a 900-person sales staff at 700 department stores and mass-merchandisers nationwide, which sell their products at formal wear sections under theBON CILIE” brand. Lovely Queen also operatesrobe de tissedirect sales outlets.  - 経済産業省

また、ショップでの販売(2011年12 月末時点で86 店舗)を展開し、店頭で商品を見て理解してもらう手法(手に触れさせ、子供が楽しむ姿を保護者が見て判断できる)をとっている。例文帳に追加

Also, it sells products in stores (86 stores as of the end of December 2011) by employing a method to let customers see and understand the products in stores (have children touch the products so that the parents can judge by looking at their children enjoying). - 経済産業省



Many multinational companies as well as African companies invested their gain from commodity market in Africa to expand their businesses by establishing new offices and promoting new investments. - 経済産業省


味の素株式会社(本社 東京)は、アジアや欧米、アフリカなど21の国・地域で事業を展開し、現地の食文化に適合する商品の開発に取り組んできた。例文帳に追加

Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (headquartered in Tokyo) has developed businesses in 21 countries and regions including Asia, Europe, America and Africa and has committed to developing products adapted to local food cultures. - 経済産業省


Yellow Hat Ltd., a company engaged in the business of auto parts and goods sales, launched business in China in 2004. - 経済産業省


In overseas business expansion, not all Japanese retailers have tried to attract local consumers by appealing to their identities as distributors of Japanese brand products. - 経済産業省


Japanese manufacturers and retailersmust actively promote product marketing, while responsively accommodating Chinese people’s feedback in regards to Japanese brand consumer goods that are supported by media contents. - 経済産業省


The company is pushing the evolution of its d-torso brand by developing and marketing new products besides mannequins, including packages and miniatures that are sold as assembly kits. - 経済産業省


Conversely, from the perspective of commercial and industrial businesses there are expectations for the utilization of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries management resources to widen business opportunities and expand the development of new products and new businesses. - 経済産業省


By expanding the sale on the Japanese market of cosmetics and supplements based on the approach of traditional Chinese medical science, Company E is considerably enhancing its product development capabilities. - 経済産業省


So far, many Japanese companies have introduced their products and services of high function or of high added value targeting at markets mainly in developed countries or the high-income group in developing countries backed by their high technology. - 経済産業省


Apart from fair trade, a Japanese company named Mother House Co. & Ltd. has attracted attention as a company exporting products from one of the least less developed countries to industrialized countries, by positively responding to the market needs. - 経済産業省


We plan to expand Japan's "Good Design Awards" to the "Asia Good Design Awards" so as to increase the added value of Asian goods and services. To achieve this, we will promote improved design capability in all Asian countries by recognizing excellent Asian designs t We aim to contribute to the vitalization of Asian consumer markets through the expansion of Japan's high-quality service industry in Asia. - 経済産業省


To provide an electronic shelf tag, an electronic shelf tag system server, an electronic shelf tag system and an electronic shelf tag display method, in which stock information of commodities displayed in display shelves can be efficiently displayed in a store which sells marchandise in a short cycle based on large-item small-scale, so that a shop employee or a customer can easily acquire stocks of commodities. - 特許庁


The store side can confirm the collected questionnaire result on Web in real time, so that the customer trend and the business trend can be precisely grasped to be useful for examining the future commodity line-up, development of a commodity, and sales development including research for the opening of a new store and staff's dealing with the customer. - 特許庁


Many companies responded that their sales strategies aimed at developing and selling products and services that were acceptable in any country or region or that were successful in other countries such as Japan. Thus, with the expansion of the middle class in East Asia, Japanese companies are moving to sell products with the same quality as those they sell in Japan and major Western countries. - 経済産業省


Furniture is the main product handled by this company. Furniture is essentially a heavy and large volume product, resulting in high storage and transport costs, so even if low cost products are purchased from foreign countries, they cannot compete on price with domestically produced goods which have low storage and transport costs. This is one reason that there are limitations on international distribution accompanying expansion. - 経済産業省


To manufacture a glass product having same functional characteristics as tourmaline and excellent moldability capable of forming or molding various sizes and shapes and capable of developing various products. - 特許庁


To provide a display substrate that meets the following requirements: (1) it is a standard article corresponding to various paper types and the standard of paper, or a universal article; (2) the allowance of creating the design is large; (3) it has a design effect (attention effect); and (4) various merchandise developments are allowed. - 特許庁


To provide a glitter flake inhibiting the apparent intensity reduction of interference reflection light by white-reflection light, having a light-emitting function having the light interference-generated color and chromatic color jointly and capable of being developed to a merchandise field requiring an excellent esthetic property. - 特許庁


To provide a composite fiber having a new light interference color-developing function, suppressing the apparent intensity reduction of the reflected interference light caused by white reflected light, having a color-developing function having both of the light interference-developed color and a chromatic color and capable of being developed into a commercial field requiring an excellent esthetic property. - 特許庁


To provide a packaging box which can box the content of a commodity by bending processing of the inner box part and the outer box part from a sheet of developed figure sheet, suppress a packaging cost low by sealing immediately after assembling is completed, and be kept under a locked condition by a purchaser after unsealing, and is excellent in safety and convenience. - 特許庁


To provide a packaging container which is not easily broken when normally packing an article or during transportation, which is broken when slightly large force is applied when unsealing, so that it can be unsealed without excessively applying large force or using a tool such as a cutter, and which can be easily developed into a plane sheet. - 特許庁


To precisely provide membership services according to a rank of a customer in a purchase by an application of the customer after the purchase, even if forgetting to bring a membership card, in a store providing the individual membership services according to the rank for every article by ranking each member. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a knitted fabric, which enables the production of a bias filling-free knitted fabric by a plain knitting method, even when using woolen single yarns or the like, and the wider development of commodities in a knitted fabric industry, and has highly excellent practicality and applicability, and to provide a yarn for plain knitting. - 特許庁


To provide an acceptance of order and ordering support system in which security of information on a transaction price is secured and and the transaction price is easily acquired in developing on a web page order reception/order placement for commodities intervened by a plurality of distributors. - 特許庁


To manufacture an accessory regarding a dress such as a garment, bag and the like having an entirely new function such as soft touch feeling, transparent feeling or the like following the trend of the times and decorativeness, free insertion of a metallic parts or the like or very wide development of a commodity with much higher productivity than before. - 特許庁


The trunk 2 is made fittable into the body 1 by folding a sheet material S bearing a description of information on the article housed in the body 1, and can be pulled out from the body 1 to unfold the sheet material S flat. - 特許庁


So far, efforts have been made to promote Japan's regional resources, as typified by traditional crafts, through overseas export, display at conventions, and other means. However, since foreigners are unfamiliar with the cultural and historical backgrounds and thus do not understand their value, only a small group of products have succeeded. - 経済産業省


This is a fund financed by both the government and private sectors to provide not only financial support through investment, but also business support for the development of new business, a tricky area for SMEs due to lack of knowhow about product development and market expansion compared with large enterprises. - 経済産業省

次いで1988 年に台北支社(台湾)を開設し、翌年から就学前の年長児向けの家庭学習商品「こどもちゃれんじ」(台湾では「巧連智」)事業を始め、対象学齢を拡大した(現在は幼児向け講座と小学1、2 年生向けの低学年版、3、4 年生向けの中学年版を展開)。例文帳に追加

In 1988, it opened the Taipei Branch (Taiwan) and started the business of study-at-home material for pre-school children called the “Kodomo Challenge” (“in Taiwan) from the following year, then expanded the target school age (currently, there are infant courses, early elementary grades version for first- and second-grade primary school students, and the version for third to sixth grades). - 経済産業省


Nowadays, rice produced in Egypt has become an important export product. This may be regarded as a successful case whereby ODA paved the way for overseas development of Japanese technologies and the creation of business opportunities for Japanese-owned companies, and whereby a win-win relationship (i.e. a relationship which benefits both Egypt and Satake) was attained. - 経済産業省


At the same time, efforts such as the promotion of "endogenous development" through the "One Village One Product" campaignas well as the active provision of a place in the market for such productsis very important in terms of utilizing local African resources and promotion of a self-sustaining form of development. - 経済産業省


As pointed out in Nihon Brand Senryaku – Soft Power Sangyo wo Seicho no Gendoryoku ni,published by the Task Force on Contents and Japan Brand of Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters (2009), “In order to take full advantage of the reputation of the Japan brands already established overseas, and for making it lucrative as an actual business, it is necessary to strive to expand local markets and to actively pursue marketing strategies. Therefore, it is necessary that there is comprehensive assistance measures, such as assistance for overseas business expansion, covering production and development of contents and products focused on overseas business expansion, exploration of markets, etc. - 経済産業省


To provide a discoloring laminate having a high commercial value which makes a color tone by a low refractive index pigment be viewed/admitted in a dry state and can persistently visually recognize a clear color tone of a support containing a coloring agent or a colored layer set on the surface of a support in a liquid absorbed state and to make the discoloring laminate be used in various fields. - 特許庁


To provide an order acceptance sale introduction system which does not develop information after waiting for information from a customer, but judges a target industry based on record data so far, acquires the latest company information from a home page, etc., transmits articles and service information of a partner company to increase partner's sale opportunities. - 特許庁

また、高付加価値製品の東アジア市場への 投入が拡大し、当該市場における製品サイクルの短 縮化傾向が強まる中、日本企業には、現在より一層迅速な製品開発力を獲得し、開発した製品をグローバル商品としていち早く販売展開していくことにより、短期間に利益を回収・極大化していくことが求められている。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, amidst the expanding introduction of high value-added products into the East Asian markets and the ever stronger tendency toward shortening of the product cycle on those markets, Japanese companies are required to speed up and maximize the collection of profits through acquiring of even more responsive product development power and fast advancement of distribution of the developed products on a global level. - 経済産業省


In this type, the distribution companies that operate conventional stores which want to reduce the burden of their system investments will outsource homepage creation and management, delivery of merchandize, and so forth with external companies for their online supermarket business, which is adopted by Kinokuniya, Maruetsu, Tokyu Store, and so forth (this can be regarded as an outsourced form of a. store type).  - 経済産業省


Currently, the Japanese Tourism Agency, newly established in October, 2008 with the objective of the realization of Japan as a tourism nation, carries out the “Visit Japan Campaign,” wherein it promotes the attractiveness of travel to Japan to the world and creates and assists attractive package tours to Japan. - 経済産業省


Japanese companies expanding into the East Asian region, which is growing remarkably as a production base and consumer market, are expected to acquire new products, services and business models by adapting to diverse markets unlike Japans and utilize new production processes developed by adapting to different production environments. - 経済産業省


India imposes the following regulations on foreign companies that conduct direct investment in Indian retail industry: (i) A company should sell all the products under one brand. (A retail company may not have more than one brand as its own brands.) (ii) The brand used in the international market shall be used as it is. (It is not allowed to promote a brand that is uniquely developed for Indian market.), and (iii) A retail company that deals only one brand product should produce only the products. (A company is not permitted to sell products using different labels for their produced items and/or replacing labels of imported goods with their own brand label.) - 経済産業省


To provide an instrument such as a timepiece capable of enhancing a degree of freedom of design development as commodities and further dispensing with an exclusive magnetic shielding material and easily achieving miniaturization by sufficiently having surface property such as high easiness of working, hardness required as exterior components, anticorrosion and esthetic appearance, and using a housing provided sufficiently with a magnetic shielding function to a shielding constituent to be magnetized such as a movement. - 特許庁



Approximately 70% of enterprises are considering future involvement in projects utilizing an industrial heritage, such as participating in urban improvement that utilizes an industrial heritage, or in the development or handling of products related to an industrial heritage. Conversely, more than 20% of enterprises were negative regarding the future utilization of industrial heritage, citing such reasons as it not being the type of business that can utilize an industrial heritage, the low appeal of the industrial heritage itself, or the distance between the industrial heritage and the enterprise's location. - 経済産業省


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