例文 (216件) |
該当件数 : 216件
第一条 この法律は、我が国を取り巻く国際経済環境の変化等に伴い、我が国がアジア地域その他の地域における国際的な経済活動の拠点となることが重要となっていることに鑑み、我が国において新たに研究開発事業及び統括事業を行おうとする特定多国籍企業の活動を促進するための特別の措置を講ずることにより、新たな事業の創出を図るとともに、就業の機会の増大に寄与し、もって国民経済の健全な発展に資することを目的とする。例文帳に追加
Article 1 The purpose of this Act is to facilitate the creation of new business and contribute to the expansion of work opportunities by taking special measures to promote the activities of Specified Multinational Enterprises that intend to newly engage in Research and Development Business and supervisory business in Japan, given the growing importance of Japan becoming the center for global economic activities in Asia or other regions in the midst of changes in the global economic environment surrounding Japan and other circumstances, thereby aiming to contribute to the sound development of the national economy. - 経済産業省
We must examine the global financial economy while appropriately taking that into consideration. Now that the United States has made a major policy change, Japan’s action in the same vein will not lead to an interpretation by other countries that the Japanese market has adopted standards unique to Japan. As I said earlier, I do not doubt the need for the internationalization of accounting standards. I believe that appropriate internationalization has already been achieved. - 金融庁
Indonesia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing (Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); and (3) amending and implementing laws or other instruments to fully implementing the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism (Special Recommendation I). - 財務省
下記の商標は登録を受けることができない。 ―企業の商品又は役務と他の企業の商品又は役務とを区別することができない不明確な商標 ―国家の道徳風俗と公共秩序に反する標章 ―特に商品又は役務の原産地、性質又は特徴について、公衆又は商業界に混同・誤認を生じさせる標章 ―国家、政府間の国際組織又は国際公約に基づいて設立した組織の紋章、旗又は記章、国家の特有文化又は歴史遺跡、ある国家の名称又は略称と同一、類似又はそれを構成要素とする標章、並びに、国家又は国際組織のコントロールと証明に関る公的な標識又は品質証明を含む標章(当該国家又は組織の承諾を得ているものを除く) ―商品又は役務の商標又は商号で、広く知られているものと同一又は類似の標章例文帳に追加
A trademark cannot be registered if: An unclear trademark which is incapable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises is submitted; A mark is contrary to the national cultural morality and the public order. A mark is likely to mislead the public or trade circles, in particular as regards the geographical origin, nature or characteristics of the goods or services. - 特許庁
At that time, I also established two advisory groups on international issues, as I recognized the need to promote the internationalization of IT and formulate an Asia strategy in particular. The establishment of such groups was very effective at least in the field of IT, and it will be important to make use of private-sector knowledge and various personal views of experts for the conduct of administration, including the handling of a variety of financial issues. - 金融庁
We have also agreed to: regulatory oversight, including registration, of all Credit Rating Agencies whose ratings are used for regulatory purposes, and compliance with the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) code; full transparency of exposures to off-balance sheet vehicles; the need for improvements in accounting standards, including for provisioning and valuation uncertainty; greater standardisation and resilience of credit derivatives markets; the FSF's sound practice principles for compensation; and the relevant international bodies identify non-cooperative jurisdictions and to develop a tool box of effective counter measures. - 財務省
(2) 発明の主題が,微生物を含有している若しくは微生物が関係する方法の使用によって取得される物,又は微生物が関係している方法に関するものである場合は,発明の明細書は発明の実施態様の中において,その微生物の分類群統合,形態学的及び生化学的特徴,その微生物の名称,国際寄託当局への微生物の寄託に関する整理番号及び日付,並びに使用される微生物の寄託先である国際寄託当局の名称を記載しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) If the subject-matter of the invention relates to a product containing a microorganism or it is obtained by means of a process involving a micro organism, or to a process in which a microorganism is involved, the description of the invention shall contain in the embodiment the tax on integration, the morphological and biochemical features of the micro organism, denomination of the microorganism, number of order and date of depositing the microorganism with the international depository authority as well as the denomination of the international depositary authority where the used microorganism has been deposited. - 特許庁
More specifically, (1) user-friendly systems need to be designed so that the knowledge and technology created by universities and other public research institutions lead to the creation and fostering of ventures and small and medium enterprises; (2) appropriate protection and distribution needs to be provided for digital content in line with the advent of the network society; while internationally, (3) counterfeits and other infringements of the intellectual property rights of Japanese companies abroad need to be dealt with appropriately, and (4)intellectual property systems need to be internationally harmonized in response to the globalization of patent applications. - 経済産業省
We are committed to the Basel Committee’s Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision and tasked the FSB, in consultation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to report to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in October 2010 on recommendations to strengthen oversight and supervision, specifically relating to the mandate, capacity and resourcing of supervisors and specific powers which should be adopted to proactively identify and address risks, including early intervention. - 財務省
The integration of the publication of patent applications issued by Japan Patent Office and the international publication of unexamined applications from WIPO makes it possible to retrieve, browse, store and manage the entire patent information applied for by the Japanese applicant in Japanese to thereby be able to accelerate browsing work of the patent information and reduce its work load. - 特許庁
As seen above, comparing only the amounts of exports in 2011, there were great divergences between the four countries in the degree of centralization towards high technology/capital-intensive exports, the dependence on the EU, the form of advancement into emerging markets, and other attributes. And, by looking at the secular change in trade balances broken down by major region/item, the four countries' characteristics and transitions from the perspective of international competitiveness are clearer. - 経済産業省
As it is difficult to differentiate products and increase their added value independently item by item, efforts should be taken to comprehensively combine local history/culture, traditional lifestyle or nature and goods or services specific to the region, so as to emphasize the uniqueness of the region. This is effective in that it reveals the intrinsic value of Japanese regional resources and raises their profile in international markets. - 経済産業省
経済産業省(特許庁)は、2007 年1月、外国特許庁との協力強化、制度の国際調和の推進、模倣品対策の強化等によるグローバルな権利取得の促進と知的財産保護の強化、特許庁による審査迅速化・効率化、企業における戦略的な知的財産管理の促進、地域や中小企業の知的財産活用に対する支援の強化等の4分野26項目からなる「イノベーション促進のための特許審査改革加速プラン2007(AMARIプラン2007)28」を策定し、知的財産制度の整備・強化のための取組を行っている。例文帳に追加
The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan Patent Office) formulated the Advanced Measures for Accelerating Reform toward Innovation Plan in Patent Examination (AMARI Plan 2007)68 in January 2007. This plan is composed of four areas and 26 items covering efforts to develop and strengthen the intellectual assets system, such as closer cooperation with foreign patent offices, promotion of international harmonization of systems, promotion of global rights acquisition and stronger intellectual assets protections by stronger counterfeit goods countermeasures, etc., faster and more efficient examinations by the patent office, promotion of strategic intellectual assets management in companies, stronger support for utilization of intellectual assets of the regions and in medium and small companies, etc - 経済産業省
Turkmenistan should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets without delay (Special Recommendation III); (2) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning FIU (Recommendation 26); (3) developing collaboration between the FIU and domestic counterparts, including supervisory authorities; and (4) strengthening international cooperation. - 財務省
特に、中間部品の貿易量が急激に増加していることは、日本と東アジア間において高度な国際分業体制が築かれつつあることを示している。 これにより、部品や素材産業の主な担い手である中小企業にとって、特に大きな経営環境の変化が起きていることを明らかにしたい。例文帳に追加
In particular, the rapid growth in the volume of trade in intermediate parts demonstrates the formation of an advanced system of international division of labor between Japan and East Asia, and we intend to demonstrate that as a result, the business environment faced by SMEs, which are leading players in the parts and material industries, is undergoing particularly major change. - 経済産業省
In this latter regard, we urge the OECD, FSB, and FATF to intensify their work in conducting objective peer reviews of countries' efforts to strengthen international standards in taxation, prudential supervision, and AML/CFT, respectively, and to identify non-cooperative jurisdictions and develop a toolbox of effective countermeasures. - 財務省
We recognise that special efforts need to be made at the international level for co-operation on developing clean technology, including by reinforcing green ICT activities, fostering market mechanisms, and augmenting, streamlining and accelerating financing and other support to developing countries in their fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity, and support in their water management. - 経済産業省
このためMAI は成立しなかったが、OECD では早期から投資に係る国際取り決めに取り組んでおり、1961年に成立した資本移動自由化規約(Code of Liberalizationof Capital Movements)では幅広い投資形態を対象とし、特定の留保以外は原則取引を自由化することが定められたが、紛争処理規定がないため強制力の弱いものとなっている。例文帳に追加
Thus, the negotiation on the MAI was not concluded. However, ever since its early days, the OECD has been tackling the issue of international arrangements regarding investment. Although the Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements enacted in 1961 covers a wide range of investment types and provides for the liberalization of transactions except in certain cases, its enforceability is weak as it lacks dispute settlement provisions. - 経済産業省
The needs for the companies to obtain patent rights are increasing in the foreign companies along with the globalization of the economy, and applications with the same content are submitted in order to obtain patent rights in the several countries. Under such circumstance, for efficient patent examination and prompt patent granting, international cooperation in patent examination is implemented between Japanese Patent Office and each country’s Patent Office. For example, the program of “Patent Examination Highway” has been initiated as the inter-Patent Office cooperation frame work. - 厚生労働省
第一条 この政令は、国際貿易の対象となる特定の有害な化学物質及び駆除剤についての事前のかつ情報に基づく同意の手続に関するロッテルダム条約が日本国について効力を生ずる日から施行する。ただし、別表第二の三五の項の改正規定は、平成十六年一月一日から施行する。例文帳に追加
Article 1 This Cabinet Order shall come into effect as from the day on which the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade comes into effect in Japan; provided, however, that the provision for revising row 35 of appended table 2 shall come into effect as from January 1, 2004. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Next, his first color motion picture, 'Kaidan,' which was based on Yakumo KOIZUMI's novel and adapted to film in an omnibus style, was a huge film of three hours that created an unearthly fantasy world, received another Jury Special Prize from the Cannes International Film Festival, and was then nominated for the Academy Awards, Best Foreign Film, and highly praised as one of the best Japanese films ever. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
It is also necessary to strive to implement supervisory processes in a manner suited to the increasingly diverse businesses of Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc. Regarding Financial Instruments Business Groups with international operations in particular, it is necessary to implement supervisory processes with due consideration of the viewpoints specified in the Guideline for Financial Conglomerates Supervision as well as the viewpoints necessary for the supervision of individual Financial Instruments Business Operators, etc. - 金融庁
Albania will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) implementing adequate customer due diligence provisions; (2) establishing and implementing an adequate legal framework for identifying, tracing and freezing terrorist assets; and (3) enhancing the framework for international co-operation related to terrorist financing. - 財務省
Indonesia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing; (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets; and (3) amending and implementing laws or other instruments to fully implement the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism. - 財務省
Indonesia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing; (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets; and (3) amending and implementing laws or other instruments to fully implement the Terrorist Financing Convention. - 財務省
To meet financing needs for infrastructure development in particular, we have to effectively use not only grants but also loans, giving deliberate consideration to debt sustainability, thus steadily fostering a credit culture.In this context, Japan made a new proposal to strengthen the role of International Financial Institutions in promoting private sector development in Africa. - 財務省
To this end, we support the development of and a greater use of available technologies, well-known practices and techniques such as soil fertility enhancement, minimum tillage and agroforestry, and call upon international organizations to provide a report on science-based options to improve the efficiency of water use in agriculture including in ways particularly suitable for small farms. - 財務省
compliance with these codes and standards, in particular through enhanced surveillance and publication of the results in the IMF's transparency reports and compilation of the various financial and economic policy standards and best practices into a common reference such as a compendium on international financial and economic policy standards; - 財務省
Consideration of ways to strengthen regulation of financial sector institutions in our own countries; in particular examining the implications arising from the operation of leveraged international financial organisations, including hedge funds and offshore centres - report by the 1999 Spring Meetings, consensus on how to proceed by the Koln Summit; - 財務省
As in Japan, international competitiveness became an issue in these countries as they were facing economic recession and rising unemployment. A way forward was sought through autonomous efforts by the state, local government, and companies, including strengthening industrial competitiveness, bolstering education and job training, and forming agglomerations which exploit regional economic features, promoting innovation. - 経済産業省
Therefore, it is essential to consider Japan’s future economic and industrial structure from a perspective of further strengthening international competitiveness, especially maintaining and reinforcing its pricing power, in order to mitigate effects from the increase in import prices caused by the current soaring energy prices and secure a certain level of not only an increase in export quantity but also an increase in export prices. - 経済産業省
In March, 2009, the Tourism Nation Promotion Strategy Conference (chairperson: Mr.Jiro Ushio, Chairman and Ushio Group Representative, USHIO INC.), established under the Council of Ministers on National Tourism, agreed that international tourism is an effective instrument for stimulating the Japanese economy, especially in regards to regional revitalization, and to increase the number of inbound tourists to 20 million by 2020. - 経済産業省
特にブラジルは、インフレ抑制のための段階的な政策金利の引き上げに加え、2011 年8 月以降の国際金融情勢の悪化により、年後半は大きく減速した。鉱工業生産指数は、各国とも年後半にかけて低下が見られるが、ブラジルでは秋口以降前年比マイナスで推移している(第1-6-1-2 図)。例文帳に追加
The Brazilian economy, in particular, significantly slowed in the latter half of 2011 due to gradual increase in policy interest rates for inflation control as well as the worsening international financial situations after August 2011. The industrial production index of each country fell over the latter half of 2011, and that of Brazil has remained at a lower level compared to the previous year since early autumn (see Figure 1-6-1-2). - 経済産業省
An international comparison of the direct investment rate of return, which is the rate of return on overseas business activity, shows that Japan has a higher rate of return than Germany, France, China, and Republic of Korea but much lower than the U.S.and U.K.(see Figure 2-2-35). - 経済産業省
Pursuant to this declaration, debate focused on the following four points: (a)the propriety of selective application of safeguard measures and the terms of their authorization; (b) the clarification of requirements for implementation (such as the definition of "serious injury"); (c) the conditions of safeguard measures (especially the obligation to liberalize progressively, maximum duration of safeguard measures, and the obligation for structural adjustment); and (d) notification and consultation procedures, as well as the possibility of setting up an international surveillance. - 経済産業省
In addition, referring to the trade specialization index (competitiveness coefficient) based on the service trade balance in major service fields on major European countries and the United States from a viewpoint of service export expansion, it is found that the coefficients of continental Europe are generally lower than those of the United States and the United Kingdom, indicating that continental European countries lag the United States and the United Kingdom in international competitiveness. - 経済産業省
Vietnam will work with the FATF and the APG on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) improving the overall supervisory framework (Recommendation 23); (4) improving and broadening customer due diligence measures and reporting requirements (Recommendation 5, 13, and Special Recommendation IV); and (5) strengthening international cooperation (Recommendations 36, 40). - 財務省
Vietnam should continue to work with the FATF and APG on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) improving the overall supervisory framework (Recommendation 23); (4) improving and broadening customer due diligence measures and reporting requirements (Recommendation 5, 13, and Special Recommendation IV); and (5) strengthening international cooperation (Recommendations 36, 40). - 財務省
Syria has made a high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and MENAFATF to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adopting adequate measures to implement and enforce the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of - 財務省
Indonesia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising terrorist financing (Special Recommendation II); (2) ensuring effective criminalisation of money laundering (Recommendation 1); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); and (3) amending and implementing laws or other instruments to fully implementing the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism (Special Recommendation I). - 財務省
Meanwhile, as I said just now, it cannot be denied that the company had a problem from the viewpoint of the need to establish proper information management and business operation systems suited to its business diversification and internationalization. In addition, it is desirable for the company to establish a system that will enable it to identify and take the necessary additional measures without any delay once its business has diversified and internationalized further in the future or when the market environment changes - namely, an enhanced level of internal control system that will enable dynamic responses. We issued a business improvement order to the company from this perspective, with a view to protecting the public interest and investors. We will require the company to implement the recurrence prevention measures steadily and effectively and, as I said earlier, to establish an internal control system that will enable it to respond quickly to changes in the market environment. - 金融庁
Bangladesh will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); (3) implementing adequate procedures for the confiscation of funds related to money laundering (Recommendation 3); (4) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); (5) improving suspicious transaction reporting requirements (Recommendation 13 and Special Recommendation IV); and (6) improving international cooperation (Recommendations 36 and 39 and Special Recommendation V). - 財務省
Turkmenistan will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) addressing the remaining issues with the criminalisation of money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II), (2) implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets without delay (Special Recommendation III); (3) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning FIU (Recommendation 26), (4) developing collaboration between the FIU and domestic counterparts, including supervisory authorities, and (5) strengthening international cooperation. - 財務省
Turkmenistan should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) addressing the remaining issues with the criminalisation of money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets without delay (Special Recommendation III); (3) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning FIU (Recommendation 26); (4) developing collaboration between the FIU and domestic counterparts, including supervisory authorities; and (5) strengthening international cooperation. - 財務省
Specifically, the matters as follows will be discussed and materialized: the review of regulations on land use, such as floor-area ratios and usage; opening of the operation of public schools to the private sector; approval of new construction and increase of beds in international medical centers through exceptional measures on regulations on the number of beds; facilitating the combination use of both services covered by public health insurance and advanced healthcare services not covered by the insurance; exclusion of traditional buildings used as lodging facilities from application of the Inns and Hotels Act;special measures to enhance competitiveness of agriculture. Through such deliberations,the government will take necessary measures, such as the submission of bills relevant to National Strategic Special Zones at the next extraordinary Diet session. - 経済産業省
同国はFATF及びAPG(アジア・太平洋地域のFATF型地域体)と協働して、①資金洗浄及びテロ資金供与の適切な犯罪化(勧告1及び特別勧告Ⅱ)、②テロリスト資産を特定し凍結するための適切な手続きの構築及び履行(特別勧告Ⅲ)、③1999年のテロリズムに対する資金供与の防止に関する国際条約 を完全に実施するための法もしくはその他手段の改正及び実施(特別勧告Ⅰ)を含む、資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策上の欠陥に対応することについて、ハイレベルでの政治的コミットメントを示した。例文帳に追加
Indonesia has made a high-level political commitment to work with the FATF and APG to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); and (3) amending and implementing laws or other instruments to fully implementing the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism (Special Recommendation I). - 財務省
Indonesia should continue to work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: (1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); (2) establishing and implementing adequate procedures to identify and freeze terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); and (3) amending and implementing laws or other instruments to fully implementing the 1999 International Convention for the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism (Special Recommendation I). - 財務省
If the IMF continues to advise crisis countries such measures that were appropriate in resolving crises arising from current account deficit, it would not only damage the country's chances to recover from the crisis, but also the reputation of the IMF itself. Recently, means for reforming the international architecture, so that it will remain stable in this new world of free capital flows, have already been discussed intensively in various international fora. Japan has been very vocal on the seissues. Specifically, we have proposed ways to improve IMF programs and its procedures. - 財務省
また、「知的財産推進計画 2007」においては、2005 年 4 月に改訂された「医薬の製造・販売のために医薬の新しい効能・効果を発現させる方法」の技術に係る特許審査基準の運用状況等を注視すること、2007 年度以降、先端医療分野における技術動向やその特許保護に関する国際的な議論の動向について、継続的な情報の収集、分析に努めることとされた。さらに、同計画には、遺伝資源等の国際的な知財政策に関する検討体制の強化や、医薬品等の製造販売業者が医薬関係者に医薬品等の適正使用に必要な情報提供を行う際の著作権の権利制限規定の整備に関する検討等についても盛り込まれた。例文帳に追加
Further, the “promotion program for intellectual property 2007” stated that operation status of patent criteria on technology of “how to produce the effect-efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs for manufacturing and selling of the pharmaceutical drugs” revised in April, 2005 should be observed and that continuous collection and analysis of information should be provided on the technology trend in the advanced medical field as well as the trends of international discussion regarding the patent protection since 2007. Furthermore, the same program includes reinforcement of the investigation system related to intellectual property policies (such as policies for genetic resources) and also includes investigations related to arrangement of the rules to restrict author's rights on the occasion for the drug manufacturer/distributor to provide formation related to proper use of drugs, etc. to healthcare professionals. - 厚生労働省
Angola will work on implementing its action plan to address these deficiencies, including by: 1) adequately criminalising money laundering and terrorist financing (Recommendation 1 and Special Recommendation II); 2) ensuring a fully operational and effectively functioning Financial Intelligence Unit (Recommendation 26); 3) establishing and implementing an adequate legal framework for identifying, tracing and freezing terrorist assets (Special Recommendation III); 4) ratifying the UN Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and the UN Convention on Transnational Organised Crime. - 財務省
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