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be outside [out of] one's field  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Chemistry is out of my domain.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


being beyond the bounds of a particular field of study  - EDR日英対訳辞書


This is outside my area of expertise. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文



Samsung Electronics established a foreign market specialist training system in 1990 as part of its human resources development program. - 経済産業省



1. Nurturing and pooling internationally competent experts in finance, law and accounting  - 金融庁


To confirm buried jori remains, excavation is required, but it is possible for people other than specialists to find other jori remains.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Regarding foreign workers working in "specialized and technical sectors," it is necessary to seriously consider the acceptance of foreign workers in sectors not considered to be specialized and technical, while bearing in mind the trends in society and the economy, and continuing to maintain the basic policy of "actively accept foreign workers in specialized and technical sectors." - 経済産業省


Also, since it is located in a suburban area, it is often used as a site where professional bass anglers are filmed, and often appears on TV, in specialized fishing magazines, and in fishing newspapers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



This system aims to train specialists who have in-depth knowledge of foreign markets and enhance the company’s marketing capabilities. - 経済産業省



The 16 status of residence categories ranging from "diplomat" to "skilled labor" which grant the permission to work to the extent stipulated by the Immigration Act are generally referred to as "specialized and technical fields." However, of these foreigners working in specialized and technical fields, foreign workers possessing knowledge or skills that are, for instance, so that advanced countries must vie with each other to acquire those people with specialized knowledge or skills are defined as "highly-skilled human resources" in this White Paper. The same definition applies to "highly-skilled foreign human resources" whenever it appears in the White Paper. - 経済産業省

国人投資の苦情処理機構である国企業苦情処理チーム」は、各分野の専門家で構成されたホームドクター(Home Doctors)が、国人投資企業に関する1対1のサービスを提供し、問題が解決するまでサポートしている。例文帳に追加

The “Complaint handling team for foreign companies,” which is a body handling grievances from foreign companies, sendsHome Doctors”, consisting of experts in various fields, to provide one-to-one service and support, until the issue is resolved. - 経済産業省


The model appearance drawing is prepared by preferably coloring the plural exterior elements by a color coordinator, who is an expert of coloring, while harmonizing colors. - 特許庁


To provide a general-purpose external antipruritic agent capable of corresponding to all pruritus-generating factors accompanying skin inflammation and capable of being combinedly used with a steroid external preparation used as treatment by medical specialists. - 特許庁


They need to select the strategically important industry in their region, implement acomprehensive approach to the promotion of industry and support of new businesses, and secure anddevelop human resources. - 厚生労働省


Under these circumstances, the combination of superior minds and skills of highly-skilled foreign human resources such as managers, intra-enterprise transferees, workers in specialized professions, workers with highly specialized qualifications, and researchers, as well as exceptional college students who are the reserves of the previously mentioned highly-skilled human resources, is beginning to be recognized globally as an issue capable of swaying the future of industries in various countries. - 経済産業省


In the latter half of the Edo period, as the Japanese became aware of the trends affecting foreign countries, it became clear that the Shogun's samurai retainers would not be able to master the bewildering array of specialized fields by themselves.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To easily measure a precise blood flow velocity by anyone other than a specialist without blood sampling, and to highly and precisely calculate the blood flow velocity by reducing the influence of noise. - 特許庁


To provide a front cover for an automatic dispenser easily attached by anyone that is not an expert but not easily removed. - 特許庁


To allow anyone to easily arrange flowers spherically and three-dimensionally in a flower vase though it is difficult for anyone but a specialist to stably and diagonally arrange flowers in the flower vase at an angle because the inner wall of the flower vase is slippery etc. - 特許庁


To provide a trackball device which dispenses with the removal of the trackball device from an operation panel and thus can be maintained and cleaned even by a person, other than professionals, and to provide an ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus provided with the device. - 特許庁


In addition, a situation concerning human resources policy within the East Asian region that cannot be ignored is the outflow of highly-skilled human resources such as researchers, specialized workers, and students(considered the advanced human resources of the future) to areas outside of the region, mainly the U.S. - 経済産業省


The acceptance of foreign students is an effective way to make an international contribution to the cultivation of human resources in developing countries and elsewhere, and to secure outstanding foreign human resources who potentially possess special and/or technical skills. - 経済産業省


For the expansion of external securities investments from household budgets, each household is required to upgrade their knowledge on investments. It will also be essential to improve the availability of reliable professionals (fund managers, etc.). - 経済産業省

九 研修評価を行うための五人以上の委員により構成される委員会を有すること及び当該委員の半数以上が国人の研修について専門的知識又は識見を有する者であること。例文帳に追加

(ix) The juridical person shall have a committee consisting of 5 or more members to conduct training evaluations, and half or more of the members shall have expert knowledge or expertise in the training of foreign nationals.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A media report asserted that the FSA had been tipped off about problems related to AIJ Investment Advisors by overseas authorities and the publisher of a journal specialized in pension affairs.  - 金融庁

(1) 特許庁内の専門機関である審判委員会は、本法第22 条(6)及び同条(10)、第23 条(3)及び第29 条(2)に従って提出された異議申立書に関する紛争の裁判の審理を管掌する当局とする。例文帳に追加

(1) The Board of Appeal, a specialized structural unit within Kazpatent, shall be the competent authority entrusted with extrajudicial consideration of disputes relating to the notice of opposition filed in accordance with Article 22(6) and (10), Article 23(3) and Article 29(2) of this Law. - 特許庁


Ruboa Co., Ltd. (28 employees and capital of 10million yen) is located in the glove producing region of Higashikagawa City in Kagawa Prefecture. Through cooperative work with a specialist from outside the community, Ruboa Co.,Ltd. was able to establish a company brand and succeed in cultivating a market for its products in an urban area. - 経済産業省


In addition, NISA may hear the views from the members of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Subcommittee and other experts other than the opportunity of discussion in the above councils when the safety regulations should be implemented. - 経済産業省


Priority 2 shall be adopted since no officially approved methods are available for testing long-term chronic aquatic toxicity. Judgment of exclusion from chronic aquatic toxicity shall be rendered by experts. - 経済産業省


JETRO and SME Support, Japan (the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises and Regional Innovation, JAPAN), which play core roles in the "Conference on Supporting SMEs in Overseas Business," have jointly provided SMEs with expert advices, support for exhibition at overseas trade fairs, and support for exhibition at domestic trade fairs that attract a lot of overseas buyers. - 経済産業省

1. 発生前の段階から、務省や在公館などとも連携し、海情報を含めた感染 症の情報収集及び情報発信機能を抜本的に高めるとともに、国民への広報やリス クコミュニケーションを専門に取り扱う組織を設け、人員体制を充実させるべき である例文帳に追加

1. From a stage prior to any outbreak, the capacity to collect and disseminate information about infectious diseases, including global information, should be drastically improved in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign diplomatic missions. An official structure specialized for public relations and risk communication should be established and its staffing system should be also strengthened. - 厚生労働省


When wage levels are compared to the United States and the United Kingdom, there are many professional and technical occupations with relatively lower wage levels in Japan. - 厚生労働省

1. 国は、ウイルスの病原性や症状の特徴、国内での発生状況、諸国における水際対策の情報等を踏まえ、専門家の意見を基に機動的に水際対策の縮小などの見直しが可能となるようにすべきである例文帳に追加

1. The national government should be able to consider revisions to expeditiously limit quarantine policies based on the pathogen city of virus, characteristics of symptoms, epidemic situation within the country and abroad, information from foreign countries on quarantine measures, and expert opinions. - 厚生労働省


Therefore a patient with a bent nail can readily correct it with this corrector 1 at a small cost and simply remove the corrector 1 from the nail after the correction by himself/herself at home without the help of a doctor or specialist. - 特許庁


Nevertheless, although the number of foreigners working in specialized and technical fields is rising on the whole, approximately 65,000 of the roughly 186,000 such people are in the entertainment field and in recent years the number of newly accepted foreigners has risen only in this field. - 経済産業省

第三十四条の三 裁判長が期日において専門委員に説明を求めた場合において、その説明を求めた事項が訴訟関係を明瞭にする上で重要な事項であるときは、裁判所書記官は、当事者双方に対し、当該事項を通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 34-3 (1) In the cases where the presiding judge has requested a technical adviser to give an explanation outside an appearance date, if the matter on which the explanation was requested is important for clarifying the matters related to the suit, a court clerk shall notify both parties of said matter.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


According to Fig. 2-2-11, the percentage of consumers that choose small and medium stores as the location and type of business they utilize on an ordinary basis was less than the percentage for large stores, volume sales specialty stores, convenience stores, and mail order/Internet. The percentage was 40% for small and medium stores in the neighborhood and approximately 20% for small and medium stores outside the neighborhood. - 経済産業省


For purposes of the PRA, in the Proposing Release, we estimated that the total annual increase in the paperwork burden for all companies to prepare the disclosure that would be required under the proposed rules would be approximately 153,864 hours of company personnel time and a cost of approximately $71,243,000 for the services of outside professionals. - 経済産業省


To provide a system for minor repairing of vehicles devised so that it can go to an optional place such as a parking lot and a gas station where vehicles are usually parked, other than a repair shop, and carry out easily and sanitarily repairing work of comparatively minor scratches and dents of vehicles. - 特許庁

5-2)なお、例的に、in vivo のデータがないものの、複数の指標の in vitro 変異原性試験(例えば、ほ乳類培養細胞を用いる染色体異常試験と細菌を用いる復帰突然変異試験)で強い陽性を示す物質については、区分2に分類するのが妥当な場合があるため、専門家の判断を仰ぐ。例文帳に追加

5-2) Exceptionally, substances showing strong positivity in the mutagenicity test of plural indicators (for example, a chromosome aberration test using mammalian cultivated cells, and a reverse mutation test using bacteria) are sometimes properly classified as Category 2, and therefore, the decision of an expert should be sought. - 経済産業省


The high salaries were partly due to the fact that the yen was extremely weak internationally, but mainly because of the difficulty in convincing top-class experts in technology and knowledge to come to Japan, which from the perspective of Westerners was a country on the extreme eastern edge of the Far East, a country moreover that held considerable physical danger for foreigners.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For this reason, the acceleration of the pooling of various market experts not only in financial firms but also in related professional services such as law and accounting is required, as well as the construction of an urban environment where both domestic and international players can take active roles in the markets safely and comfortably.  - 金融庁


Nevertheless, it has been suggested that there are cases where the effectiveness of audits is inadequate, the independence of outside auditors is low, and their specialized finance and accounting knowledge is insufficient.  - 金融庁


The immigration control system of Japan is operated according to the government policy of proactively accepting professionals and engineers, and accordingly, is vested with the discretion to allow non-Japan nationals to enter and stay in excess of its liberalization commitment under GATS. - 経済産業省


However, it is essential to address the matter of accepting workers other than those with special and/or technical skills with sufficient care, based on a national consensus, because they are expected to exert a tremendous impact on Japan’s economic society and its people’s daily lives. - 経済産業省


The third feature is the partnership with local communities. One example is that aside from advisors at job centers, experts in communities and employees of relevant organizations are deployed as mentors to create an effective mentoring system responsive to local conditions. - 経済産業省


A trainee in this training system is allowed to stay in an overseas potential market area for a year. While actually living in the area, he or she focuses on learning about the local history, culture, and potential customerstastes inorder to become an expert of the potential market. - 経済産業省


Depth of accumulation of technology refers to the specialization of enterprises in manufacturing and fabrication processes, enabling enterprises to respond flexibly to the times, such as by diversifying their products and moving upmarket, and the accumulation of human resources with specialist skills inside and outside the company, providing easier access to skilled labor. - 経済産業省



The small scale of operations at SMEs means the limited cost effectiveness of having an IT-dedicated employee, and additionally a recruitment environment for SMEs has become harsher because of the increased demand of large enterprises in a recovering economy. For those reasons, it has become difficult for SMEs to secure IT personnel from outside the enterprise. - 経済産業省


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