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該当件数 : 1017



Then the information service effectively uses the feedback metadata to target community members of the user community accurately for future advertisements. - 特許庁


To enable a child to easily play a small-sized guitar and small-sized bass and to easily smoothly play an ordinary guitar and ordinary bass in future. - 特許庁


To provide a wireless terminal and the like for following the fluctuation state of wireless quality and adaptively changing measurement intervals of the wireless quality without requiring a large amount of calculation in estimating future wireless quality. - 特許庁


To provide a bone restorer that can promote active neogenesis of bone by applying to an exodontics wound in which an implant is to be set in the future. - 特許庁



To attain proper customization by determining whether obtained customization information of UI is applicable and storing customization information which becomes available in the future. - 特許庁



To make a resource perform effective processing under a condition and a peripheral condition which may occur to the resource installed in a movable body now and in the future. - 特許庁


To prevent and treat future periodontal disease effectively by improv ing bloodstream in dental root alveolar part and ostein by stimulating dental root alveolar part with biting action in a short time. - 特許庁


To provide an operation support system allowing an information processor side to automatically select control supporting operation to be performed in the near future on the basis of an operation history of an operator to improve operability. - 特許庁


To provide a navigation system capable of acquiring traffic information in the future at an arrival time in a point distant from a current position, and capable of knowing accurately a required time until arriving at a destination from the current position. - 特許庁



To provide a box for pipe connection which enables the user to efficiently arrange and connect a pipe to pass a cable, coping flexibly with the future extension of a cable, too. - 特許庁



To perform accurate prediction even when a past fluctuation tendency is differed from a current fluctuation tendency, in a prediction system configured to take a past value of continuous time-series data as a sample and predict a future value from the sample. - 特許庁


To respond easily and flexibly with a foreseeable increase in molding speed by avoiding faults to cause cost rise while attaining compact small size of a whole three-dimensional molding machine. - 特許庁


To enhance the reliability of maintenance period and costs relating to constituent elements of a building and of future management costs, and to expedite paperwork on the billing for a tenant of the building. - 特許庁


The server access part 16a periodically issues a distribution request of second schedule data based on the reservation information 21 of a future prescribed period whose basic point is a time point of the distribution request. - 特許庁


To store and manage the contents and result of execution for each kind of business process or for each project independently of a data format so that they may be traced in future. - 特許庁


To provide an intervertebral spacer which has a sufficient strength, is expected to conglutinate to a futuristic bone matrix, does not scrape the end plate of a vertebra during insertion, and can be prevented from coming off after insertion. - 特許庁


To support young people, on a website via a communication network, so that they can make a future plan by themselves positively in consideration of reality of the society. - 特許庁


A demand amount caused by reservation to be accepted after current time and predicted to occur in the future is estimated as discrete value time series of continuous or equal time interval. - 特許庁


To provide a sealing structure between segments and a sealing method for the segments capable of preventing the damage of a sealing member when a widening segment is widened and, ensuring cut-off efficiency even in the case that a seam opening is generated between the segments in the future. - 特許庁


When an abrupt refrigerant pressure rise temporarily occurs in this engine-driven air conditioner, an estimated physical quantity calculating means firstly calculates the value λ of a physical quantity which is estimated to be measured in future. - 特許庁


To provide an information processing technique for flexibly predicting the future revenue and expenditure of a medical insured person with high precision by reflecting an intrinsic situation in the individual insured person. - 特許庁


To manage proper inventory of medical equipment into the future until an inspection date by accurately recognizing medical equipment to be used in accordance with an inspection order of medical inspection and amount of use of the medical equipment. - 特許庁


To provide an intervertebral spacer having enough strength expectable of future adhesion to a bone substrate without shaving an endplate of a vertebral body during insertion, and preventing from falling off after insertion. - 特許庁


To more accurately grasp the work progressing situation of a software developing project, and to predict the regression of the work in the further, and to easily estimate a time required for the prospective work. - 特許庁


To exactly estimate a certainty for a driver to meet an unexpected accident in the future by evaluating driving characteristics not only from the driving state of a present vehicle but also from the driving state of the other vehicle. - 特許庁


To provide a restoration method of a structure in which the structure can be returned to the original location while using an existing underground structure and a soft ground around the underground structure can be stabilized at the same time to prevent subsidence of the ground in the future. - 特許庁


To obtain a movement state display device which can present information regarding the current, past, and future group activities at any time to people who have the save common purpose and move in a group so that the information can be shared. - 特許庁


To return a counterfeit note to a well-intended user under predetermined conditions, thereby preventing the user from having a resistance to a device and to stop a transaction in a case of a malicious person, thereby reducing a distribution rate of the counterfeit note in the future. - 特許庁


To provide a proposal type auto-lease system for reducing a user initial load in the case of selling a new car by positively securing the value of a lease object vehicle to be high in the future. - 特許庁


In order to preserve the benefits of an open world economy based on market principles, we express our determination to implement reforms that will improve effective regulations and help prevent future financial crises.  - 経済産業省


However, trade and investment climate in Asia will be improved through the promotion of EPAs and other frameworks, such as tariff reduction and faster customs procedures, so that major Asian cities are expected to be more competitive with regional cities in Japan. - 経済産業省


From 2002 foreign-invested companies also became subject to the system, and in the future all companies, including limited liability companies and other Chinese companies will become subject. - 経済産業省


When we asked in a fact-finding consumer survey about consumer dispositions regarding the operation of or employment at a small or medium size store, a full25% of respondents indicated that, including future prospects, they have inclinations to operate or work at small or medium size stores. - 経済産業省

・ ロシア中央銀行のウリュカエフ第1 副総裁は29 日、外貨準備における米国債比率を引き下げる計画はないとした上で、将来的にはカナダドルや豪ドルなどを加える可能性があることを明らかにした。例文帳に追加

- Central Bank of Russia First Deputy Chairman Ulyukaev made clear on the 29th that there was no plan to reduce the ratio of U.S. treasuries held in foreign reserves in addition to the possibility that the Canadian dollar or Australian dollar could be added in the future. - 経済産業省

事業者にとってスコープ3 排出を把握することは、将来な規制にかかわる計画を立てる一助となり、事業者の調達にかかわる決定や製品設計の指針となりうる。例文帳に追加

Understanding scope 3 emissions helps companies plan for potential regulations and can guide corporate procurement decisions and product design.  - 経済産業省


The Subcommittee will create evaluation criteria and test criteria for cryptographic modules by March 2005, while watching the trends of ISO and other international standards and envisaging adoption of them as governmental procurement standards.  - 経済産業省


In addition to the outflow of enterprises to China, etc., there will be risks of a full-scale hollowing-out in South Korea, such risks as a rise of emerging economies such as China, further increase of wages, exchange rate fluctuations, etc. - 経済産業省


At the same time, investors consider the “expected devaluation in exchange ratebetween the dollar and their own currencies (if the dollar appreciates in the future, current investments in US assets denominated in the dollar will become more profitable). - 経済産業省


The provision of products and services reflecting the characteristics of these markets may lead to the exploration of new markets, which will be comparable to developed countries' markets in the future. - 経済産業省


Asian nations are expected to further expand their consumption of energy and mineral resources as they maintain their economic growth in the future, and the decline in self sufficiency is expected to continue. - 経済産業省


For successful human resources development, companies should hire new graduates every year and hand down accumulated knowledge and skills to them through in-house training and educational programs in order to foster future core workers. - 厚生労働省


On the other hand, according to the inspection results obtained so far, the concentration of radioactive materials in tap water fluctuates in time. Therefore, it is difficult to forecast fluctuation in the long-term. - 厚生労働省


On the other hand, according to the inspection results obtained so far, the concentration of radioactive materials in tap water fluctuates in time. Therefore, it is difficult to forecast fluctuation in the long-term. - 厚生労働省


However Zensho Co., Ltd. announced that it would not absorb or merge it but maintain the brand of Nakau in parallel with Sukiya, because it highly appreciated its name recognition in Kansai and its uniqueness of the menus.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


During this time, Kowashi INOUE convinced Kaoru INOUE, a sworn ally of Ito (Inoue thought of introduction of parliamentary Cabinet system in future), and asked Ito to cooperate with Satsuma domain clique and decide on establishment of a constitution and the time of opening a parliament.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a system and method for navigation that enables the user of the system to accurately check the shortest route and estimated necessary time to its destination at a future departure day and time. - 特許庁


To provide a transaction system of a painting which enables a purchaser to purchase the painting in consideration of fluctuation of a future value and a net present value when the purchaser purchases the painting. - 特許庁


To shorten a construction period, and to reduce a cost as much as possible when constituting a flat roof expected to enlarge a roof, particularly, a living room in the future or to arrange a solar unit and a base isolation device. - 特許庁


To provide a tubular multiple dwelling house having good comfortability, degree of freedom of planning, and future remodeling property by forming a wide and open living floor space in a dwelling unit zone at the corner part of a building. - 特許庁



To provide a foreign matter mixing inspection method and a device in a cylindrical electrode material, which can certainly detect even a small metal object that may bring about an internal short circuit in the future. - 特許庁


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Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
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