
「弱起」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 359



This should be done before any other parts of the destruction have occurred, but is only required if the weak reference list is non-NULL: - Python


Though these types of hot springs are suitable for everybody, minimal inflammation could occur, depending on the strength of alkaline, on the areas where skin is sensitive.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the same year, on attaining manhood, Kagetora won a victory in his first campaign for subduing local ruling families in Echigo Province who had rebelled against the sickly Harukage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These appearance-changing phenomena occur because kosa sand grains prevent the penetration of some of the sunlight, reducing the strength of the light, and scatter the remaining light.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Permanent magnets are asymmetrically arranged inside openings 42 formed in the laminated board to reduce torque vibration caused by a harmonic component of magnetic flux. - 特許庁



By adding the octupoles having a relatively week excitation to a part of the quadrupoles, correction of the anisotropic coma aberration of the objective lens can be achieved. - 特許庁


To efficiently take out weak fluorescence for observation when observing fluorescence by using excitation and absorption filters. - 特許庁


The local region linear projections reflect to weaken the component orthogonal to the first direction of the light entered. - 特許庁


To precisely measure a very weak acoustic signal induced by energy absorption of irradiation light. - 特許庁



To form an electron gun of high degree of precision by excluding a weak welding portion a crack caused by a shear drop associated with a pressing in a welding point. - 特許庁



To provide a light-emitting device which eliminates vulnerability resulting from junction of a first light-emitting element and a second light-emitting element, and to provide a method of manufacturing the light-emitting device. - 特許庁


To provide a cap of a PET bottle easy to open for persons with less strength by forming semispherical projections on the cap. - 特許庁


To provide a system and a program where the number of questions can be reduced by rousing a user to notice without weakening scientific basis. - 特許庁


Moreover, since the minium, having an average particle diameter of 2 μm or smaller is mixed, uneven distribution of parts in which active material intensity is weak is less apt to occur. - 特許庁


To eliminate vulnerability due to a one-variable polynomial equation in a public key cryptosystem using an algebraic curved surface. - 特許庁


In general, the resin 5 has low adhesion properties and hence dust is hard to attach to the resin 5, and the resin itself has high resistance to oil and hot water so that it is hard to be soiled. - 特許庁


At the time of field weakening control, vector control is performed, while sustaining a constant internally induced electromotive force at the time of switching. - 特許庁


Then by compression of gaps in the soil aggregate after the soil aggregation due to the weight of the fill, consolidation settlement of the ground is quickly generated, and thus the soft ground is improved. - 特許庁


The main body 1 is connected to the projection part 2 with low connecting strength in comparison with the destructive strength caused by respective bending breakage of the body 1 and the projection part 2. - 特許庁


To provide an aid for correctively training the diaphragm which causes shoulder breathing attributed to the atrophy of the diaphragm functionally declined. - 特許庁


To eliminate vulnerability resulting from a one-variable polynomial in a public key cryptosystem using an algebraic surface. - 特許庁


The eddy flow around the liquid flow forming member 51 is weakened by a horizontal projection part 29 located near the horizontal part of the liquid flow forming member 51. - 特許庁


To prevent balls from malfunction such as congestion and wasteful consumption caused by weak hitting apt to happen in the starting of a game. - 特許庁


To provide an improving method for a soft ground and a construction method for a structure in a soft ground capable of preventing settlement, land slide, uplift, and collapse of ground from occurring in the peripheral ground of the soft ground to be improved. - 特許庁

「我が国企業の海外事業戦略に関するアンケート調査」(2012 年)によれば、①自社、②取引先、③国内一般、のそれぞれについて、国内の空洞化がきているかどうかについて聞いたところ、「国内一般」は 7 割の企業、「取引先」は 5 割の企業がそれぞれ空洞化が「きている」と回答した。例文帳に追加

According to the Questionnaire Survey of Overseas Business Strategy of Japanese Enterprises (2012) asking (i) the company, (ii) business partner enterprises and (iii) general domestic enterprises about whether domestic hollowing-out has occurred, "just below 70% of "general domestic" enterprises and just below 50% of "business partner" enterprises replied that hollowing-out "has occurred". - 経済産業省


Yoshimitsu ASHIKAGA, who sought to weaken dominant shugo daimyo, put pressure on Yoshihiro and provoked him to go to the capital in 1399, but Yoshihiro refused Yoshimitsu's order and rose in revolt (the Oei War) together with Mitsukane ASHIKAGA who was Kamakura kubo (Governor-general of the Kanto region).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The cellular phone receives weak radio waves for starting, is started in a software rewriting mode, and receives data from a software rewriting server, and the software is rewritten. - 特許庁


To provide a motor control device which can effectively suppress the generation of torque ripples caused by the distortion of an induction voltage waveform even at the time of executing weak magnetic field control. - 特許庁


The motor system prevents to generate the damage of the devices by being applied to the inverter from excessive counter electromotive voltage induced in the motor by drive control on an alternating-current motor MG by weak field control is continued when the motor is revolving at high speed. - 特許庁


This PET bottle cap with protrusions, is provided with a protrusion for a finger to catch on the outer peripheral face of a cap body so that a person with a weak grip or wearing a glove can easily open/close the cap. - 特許庁


While the first optical fiber 11 is irradiated with the refractive index change induction light of relatively strong power, the second optical fiber 12 is irradiated with the refractive index change induction light of relatively weak power. - 特許庁


The reactor is started at an output weaker than that, at which the unstable phenomenon can occur, and then when the cooling medium in the vicinity of a reactor core in the subcooled state has approached the saturation state, normal operation is started. - 特許庁


To provide a legless chair for assisting rising capable of being continuously converted from a legless chair condition to a rising assist condition through a chair condition, being reclined and folded down, and contributing to independent life of a person with an advanced age, a sickly person, and a person under challenging. - 特許庁


Furthermore, even when the fixing power of either protrusions 4, 5, 6, or 7 weakens on the refill 3, other protrusions sufficiently supplement the fixing power onto the refill. - 特許庁


In either case, even when the protrusion of the content thrusts and breaks the inner layer 3, the layer 3 and the layer 2 are separated by the layer 5, and the protrusion is prevented from thrusting through the layer 2. - 特許庁


The standing up-assisting chair 10 assists standing up of the user, even when the legs of the user are weak, by supporting mainly the buttocks of the user using the rear seat section 15b and supporting the thighs using the front seat section 15a. - 特許庁


To provide a cap opener with which even a child, a woman, an elderly person and the like who has weak gripping strength and physical force or even a person with physically handicapped hands and fingers, can easily remove a cap from a PET bottle, and which is free from slipping or skidding when in use. - 特許庁


A processor 14 for a fire wall storage-holds in a storage part 15 the rule set for blocking the weakness of a software and an attack on security caused by the weakness, for example, unauthorized access and a virus, to be correlated each other, in an information processor 1. - 特許庁


In the case of performing weakish magnetic flux control at high-speed revolution, the motor controller computes the γ-axis current command for weakish magnetic flux control, using the estimate value of the interlinked magnetic flux of the armature winding of the motor or the estimate value of the induced voltage generated by the above interlinked magnetic flux and the rotation of the motor. - 特許庁


Since a fragile part 20 is arranged on an installing piece 16 of a cover 11, when the air bag body 12 inflates by operating an air bag device 10, the cover 11 bends with the fragile part 20 as a starting point by this inflating pressure, and promotes the springing-up behavior of the lower end part. - 特許庁


The method of detaching a thin film from a source substrate includes the steps of: implanting ions 2 or gaseous species 2 in the source substrate 1 so as to form therein a buried zone weakened by the presence of defects; and splitting in the weakened zone 3 leading to the detachment of the thin film 5 from the source substrate 1. - 特許庁


To provide an objective optical system for endoscopes and an endoscope system wherein the leakage of the excitation light caused by oblique incidence on an excitation light cutoff filter can be effectively prevented and even feeble fluorescent light can be observed without flare with respect to the excitation light. - 特許庁


To provide a chair which is convenient in sitting-down and standing-up by mitigating an impact to a user, especially, an inrobust aged person when the user sits down from a standing posture, and also assisting the standing-up movement from a seated state. - 特許庁


For these reasons, the number of sites per unit area in the low-adhesion material 3 becomes smaller than in Y_2O_3 due to its smaller ionic radius, and the force of bonding to a basic substance becomes weaker than in Y_2O_3 due to its basicity. - 特許庁


When the induced voltage is higher than the battery voltage, a weak field current in response to the revolutions of the motor is generated under the control of the field, and voltage is not induced, and the battery is prevented from being charged without limit with the induced voltage. - 特許庁


To provide a washing machine and a washing/drying machine for which a power module for inverter drive is prevented from being destroyed by the counter electromotive force of a high voltage induced by a DC brushless motor even when weak field control is canceled carelessly while the weak field control of the DC brushless motor is performed and a dewatering operation is performed at high speed. - 特許庁


In the engine combustion efficiency improving method, material 3 emitting weak infrared lights is made to contact with air 1, to excite molecular vibration in water vapor contained in the air by the weak infrared lights, and the air containing the excited water vapor is blown to an engine room 6 as air for engine combustion. - 特許庁


To provide a standing and moving action supporting device which can support smooth movement from a sitting state to a standing state and a standing state to a walking state respectively even if muscle power of a user is weak, and suppress lowering of exercise ability of a user, a standing and moving action supporting program, and a standing and moving action supporting method. - 特許庁


a bacterial toxin that has been weakened until it is no longer toxic but is strong enough to induce the formation of antibodies and immunity to the specific disease caused by the toxin  - 日本語WordNet



Before Code Red awakens for its monthly exercise, you might find it valuable to assess vulnerable systems and ensure that you're not contributing to a network slowdown.  - コンピューター用語辞典


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