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該当件数 : 41



untangle a financial problem  - Weblio英語基本例文集


The problem is financial, not legal.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典

記事に書かれた弊社の財政上の問題は無実無根であります。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Our financial problem in the article is groundless.  - Weblio Email例文集

記事に書かれた弊社の財政上の問題は無実無根であります。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Our financial problem in the article is contrary to the fact.  - Weblio Email例文集


記事に書かれた弊社の財政上の問題は無実無根であります。メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

Our financial problem in the article is just a rumor.  - Weblio Email例文集



Developing countries suffer from difficulties of fiscal problems. - Tatoeba例文


Developing countries suffer from difficulties of fiscal problems.  - Tanaka Corpus


His magniloquent western name was the moral umbrella upon which he balanced the fine problem of his finances.  - James Joyce『母親』


The zoo had to close because of financial difficulties and aging of the facilities.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave



It was financial and personnel affairs besides political issues that brought about more dispute and confrontation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


このような状況下に生じた債務限引問題 136 では、財政赤字削減計画を巡る政治的対立が激化した。例文帳に追加

In the issue of raising the debt ceiling136 arising under these circumstances, political frictions intensified over the deficit-cutting plan. - 経済産業省


We would like to ask for your help in clearing up our financial problems with your company. - Tatoeba例文


We would like to ask your help in clearing up our financial problems with your company.  - Tanaka Corpus


If you are having temporary financial problems and it is the cause of your outstanding account, let us know about it. - Tatoeba例文


If you are having temporary financial problems and it is the cause of your outstanding account, let us know about it.  - Tanaka Corpus


In 823 Emperor Saga stepped down from the throne and passed the position to Prince Otomo, although FUJIWARA no Otsugu opposed this with respect to the financial problems (there was too great a financial burden to have two retired emperors).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To exclude the prime minister from the final decisions on the policy for national defense meant that the implementation of the policy could not be guaranteed by the government and, in fact, adding two more divisions was rejected due to the financial problem.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Consumer confidence sharply declined mainly reflecting the concern over the U.S. economic slowdown that surfaced between the summer and autumn, the distrust toward fiscal policy influenced by the fights over the raising federal debt ceiling issue, and the concerns over the European debt crisis. - 経済産業省


The view is prevalent that against the backdrop of concerns over the Spanish fiscal and financial problems, there are moves to avert risks in the market, as shown by stock price declines, the euro’s drop and a rise in the yields on government bonds issued by peripheral European countries.  - 金融庁


One can take the view that the government bonds of countries burdened with problems of public finance or current accounts were attacked in the bond markets, resulting in falling bond prices and soaring interest rates, instead of their currency being attacked in the foreign exchange markets.  - 財務省


In particular, the forecast was revised downward by 3.9 percentage points in total in a short period from the second half of 2011. Thus, the rapid deterioration of the economic situation of the country is clearly shown. Greece is not the only county faced with such a problem. In Spain, which has similarly been implementing a strict fiscal reconstruction measures, the fiscal deficit in 2011 was 8.5%, far exceeding the target of 6.0%, and the 2012 target was raised from the initial 4.4% to 8.5%. - 経済産業省


In this context, it is timely that the latest edition of the Report of Economic and Social Progress in Latin America has made a proposal to strengthen competitiveness in such areas as the financial sector, human capital, and science and technology.  - 財務省


In the tenth general election of members of the House of Representatives, the Seiyu party won 187 seats, and almost became the majority; Aritomo YAMAGATA, who feared the stability of the party, reported to the throne that the cabinet was not effective in its financial policy or regulation of socialism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


For advancing the financial consumer protection agenda, we take note of the discussion on the Statutes of the International Financial Consumer Protection Network (FinCoNet) and on the issues of formal structure and financial support to ensure the exchange of best practices.  - 財務省


Deeply conscious of such a problem, on June 10, 2003, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Minister of State for Economic and Fiscal Policy worked out the “Plan for Independence and Challenges of Young Peopleas a package of policy measures designed to help enhance the capacity of young people and facilitate employment for them. - 経済産業省


However, SAIONJI's refusal on grounds of fiscal problems stemming from the Russo-Japanese War and of issues of international relations led to UEHARA driving the Saionji administration to mass resignation by taking advantage of the law requiring that the military-related ministers to be named from among active-duty military officers in order to form an army-led administration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the same time, to address the long-term fiscal challenges amid the rapidly ageing society, the government is determined to promote the comprehensive reform of social security and tax, including raising the consumption tax (value-added tax) rate in two stages from the current 5 percent to 10 percent by 2015.  - 財務省


Regarding the financial and economic situations in Europe, various media organizations are conducting opinion polls ahead of Greece's re-election scheduled for June 17. In the market, the view is prevailing that there are moves to avert risks, as shown by movements in exchange rates of the euro and other currencies, and a rise in government bonds issued by peripheral European countries, against the background of uncertainty over fiscal consolidation efforts so far made in Europe, and the recent concerns over fiscal and financial problems in Spain.  - 金融庁


In the market, the view is prevailing that there are moves to avert risks, as shown by stock price drops, the euro's decline, the yen's rise and a rise in government bonds issued by peripheral European countries, against the background of concerns over the Greek re-election scheduled for June 17, and fiscal and financial problems in Spain. As well as uncertainty over recovery in the U.S. employment situation.  - 金融庁

マーケットの動向に対する所見ですけれども、ギリシャの再選挙は間もなくまいります。 スペインの財政金融問題に対する懸念を背景に、市場では株価の下落やユーロ安、それから欧州周縁国債の利回り昇など、リスク回避の動きが生じているとの見方が多いということです。例文帳に追加

As for my view on market developments, the Greek re-election will be held soon. The view is prevalent that against the backdrop of concerns over the Spanish fiscal and financial problems, there are moves to avert risks in the market, as shown by stock price declines, the euro’s drop and a rise in the yields on government bonds issued by peripheral European countries.  - 金融庁

まず、我が国金融システムを巡る状況について申しげます。 このところ、欧州の財政・金融問題を巡る不確実性が再び高まっているほか、世界経済の成長率が低下していること等を背景に、市場にリスク回避の動きが生じ、金融・資本市場では不安定な動きが見られております。例文帳に追加

First, I will explain the current situation surrounding Japan's financial system. Recently, there have been moves to avert risks, causing instability in the financial and capital markets, against the backdrop of the growing uncertainty over the European fiscal and financial problems, and the slowdown in the growth rate of the global economy.  - 金融庁


I am worried that the economic problem and fiscal and debt crises in Europe may not be moving toward stability. However, I am hoping that Europe will take appropriate measures and strive to eliminate concern over these problems. I am strongly hoping that such efforts will resolve the problems.  - 金融庁


However, soaring food and fuel prices together with the global financial market turmoil triggered by subprime mortgage crises have made it difficult for developing countries to steer their economies both in terms of fiscal and financial policies.They also inflict damage to the lives of the poor who are the most vulnerable to such exogenous shocks, and threaten to destroy the achievements of years of development efforts.  - 財務省


But a host of problems remain regarding such insurance. First, insurance premiums deposited with a fund are short as the ratio of active workers per one retired worker declined to 3 from 5 at the end of the 1980s.(Fiscal deficits are expanding while contributions from the fund are increasing) The second problem is money not being sent to individual accounts set up for the fund. Third, investment of money deposited with the fund is confined to government bonds and bank deposits, making it difficult to ensure investment returns that surpass hikes of prices and wage increases. Because of these problems, insurance subscribers are not completely free from concern. - 経済産業省


Despite the existence of an unpredictable world economy due to uncertain prospects of monetary policies by the United States and Europe, debt problems in Europe, China's stance of further monetary tightening, maintenance of worldwide economic expansion in markets backed by continued concern about tight supply of crude oil caused by strained situation in Middle East and North Africa, recovery of the monetary systems, active economic activities in the emerging economies and confidence in the advanced economies of recovery, and the continued rise of crude oil prices. - 経済産業省


As for the European situation, long-term interest rates have been fluctuating recently. While the Greek problem is said to have been brought under control for the moment, a general election was held in Spain. Yesterday, I happened to see a TV program pointing out that support for established parties has been declining sharply, and it occurred to me that in Japan, a similar phenomenon may arise.  - 金融庁


Sources: Nanbo OTA, 'Kansei 10 nen, Bogo, Edonin betsu' from vol. 26 of "Ichiwa Ichigen" (1820); Shigetami YAMASHITA, 'Edo shigai Tokei Ippan' from vol.1 (pp. 18-26) of "Edokai zasshi" (1889); Kaishu KATSU, 'Edo Jinko Shoki' from "Suijinroku" (1890); Yasusuke KOMIYAMA, 'Funai no Jinko' from vol. 2 (pp. 1923) of "Edo kyujiko" (1891) and vol. 9 (pp. 1210–1243) of "Nihon Zaise Keizai Shiryo" (1922); Juzo YUZUKI and Yasuzo HORIE, 'Honpo jinko hyo' from vol. 7 (pp. 188–210) of "Keizaishi Kenkyu" (1930); Shigetomo KODA, 'Edo no Chonin no Jinko' from vol. 8 (pp. 1–23) of "Shakai Keizai gakkaishi" (1938); Yasujiro TAKAMI, 'Edo no Jinko no Kenkyu' from the 7th conference (pp. 5983) of "Zenkoku Toshi Mondai kaigi" (1940); Bonsen TAKAHASHI, "Nihon Jinkoshi no Kenkyu" from Sanyusha publishing (1941), Naotaro SEKIYAMA, "Kinsei Nihon no Jinko Kozo" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1958); Kazuo MINAMI, "Bakumatsu Edo Shakai no Kenkyu" published by Yoshikawa Kobunkan Inc. (1978).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the Japanese economy has remained stuck in deflation, while prices of foods, oil and other products have surged around the world and the growth in personal income has stagnated in Japan. In addition, over the past one year or so, the violent turmoil in the securitization product market caused by the subprime mortgage problem in the United States has put Japan in a precarious situation, although its damage is limited compared with other countries because we had already suffered from the bitter experience of the bursting of the economic bubble. So, it is important that we respond to this situation properly and quickly with all of us Japanese working as one. As both fiscal management and financial management are the vital elements of economic management, the Prime Minister has appointed me to serve concurrently in these two posts.  - 金融庁


Also, I talked with Minister (for Economic and Fiscal Policy) Yosano about a variety of issues related to an emergency economic package intended to ensure safety and security, including how to facilitate financing for small- and medium-size enterprises and the clarification of the treatment of subordinated loans under the Financial Inspection Manual. Speaking at a recent press conference, he appeared to suggest that the economic package should include items that will be discussed as part of the tax revision to be decided at the end of the year. I will consult with him on that point again and include such items in the economic package if necessary.  - 金融庁


As I have stated earlier, obviously there is demand for consumer finance from sound borrowers but, on the other hand, moneylenders obviously have to make their business financially viable. Taking this into account, the amended Money Lending Act was unanimously adopted. As far as I know, various moneylenders have collaborated with banks by taking a medium- and long-term perspective. With this in mind, it is extremely important to improve the soundness of the management of moneylenders, so we firmly acknowledge this as a problem.  - 金融庁



Growth in Africa remains robust, though it is still susceptible to shocks, including rising food and energy prices, which pose great challenges to the most vulnerable populations. As high, stable growth is critical to attaining broad-based development and the Millennium Development Goals, we are committed to working together with African countries to foster sustainable, private sector led growth, building on our commitments to double aid to Africa. In support of country specific growth strategies, we propose to focus on two pillars in our ''G-8 Action Plan for Private Sector Led Growth in Africa'': improving the investment climate; and strengthening the financial sector. In this regard, we are increasing contributions for the development of reliable infrastructures, such as cross-border transport corridors. We will support capacity building of small- and medium-sized enterprises and help African countries' efforts to promote their capacity to trade including through Aid for Trade. We affirm the importance of good financial governance, including long-term fiscal discipline for resource rich countries, and of broader implementation of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Furthermore, we underline the necessity of enhancing a greater access to the formal economy. We will help strengthen local financial institutions, promote local currency financing for African borrowers, enhance local bond market development in African countries, and facilitate remittance flows.  - 財務省


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