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該当件数 : 39



All input read from non-interactive files has the same form:  - Python


Link information 121 and 122 is embedded in a main content 101 with a non-audible form. - 特許庁


To provide a dynamic and asynchronous operation in an access interface to NDB (network database) of a format other than for NDB. - 特許庁


Use permission information is visibly embedded in an image and is also invisibly embedded in an operably form. - 特許庁



The management unifying means 1 manages the atypical information by a unified list form, and unifies management in a list form without changing the data format. - 特許庁



To provide a CAD which makes it possible to make a choice between a graphic form and a nongraphic form using characters and numerals for an input method and converts input data in one form into the other form automatically so that data of both the formats are considered to have been inputted. - 特許庁


To provide a turbine cascade form having a very large stage pressure ratio and practical stage efficiency relative to a design condition having very small volume flow rate of an operation medium. - 特許庁


To read aloud even contents which are not fixed information, but in non-fixed format and dynamically change when electronized contents are read aloud in voice. - 特許庁


Since legitimate government organs established by the Ritsuryo codes were the Emperor and the Daijokan, Chiten no kimi who had no legal basis had to use such an informal form of official document to issue an order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



At present, 'O-mato Zenkoku Taikai' (The National Competition of Arrow Shooting at Large Targets) is held at Sanjusangen-do Hall around the middle of January every year, but the competition is such that the participants take aim at targets located 60 meters away, which is similar in appearance to, but different in substance from, Toshiya.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Actually, a number of keyword arguments are recognized which influence the parser to accept certain non-standardconstructs. - Python


Such noisy patterns may further be used for other authentication purposes, such as determining whether the portion of the analog form that has the noisy pattern has been altered and to carry hidden messages. - 特許庁

wbits の値が負の場合、標準な gzip ヘッダを出力しません。 これは zlib ライブラリの公開仕様であり、unzip の圧縮ファイル形式に対する互換性のためのものです。例文帳に追加

When wbits is negative, the standardgzip header is suppressed; this is an undocumented feature of the zlib library, used for compatibility with unzip'scompression file format. - Python


Since the Joseon Dynasty was the government by law and reason rather than by military force, the envoy observed formalism so strictly that the Japanese government had to treat them more carefully than the Imperial order.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an electronic document management system wherein documents in any forms are linked with non-fixed document management attributes and can be flexibly and easily unitarily managed as electronic documents. - 特許庁


In one embodiment, the open time of a valve is calculated dynamically on the basis of a non-linear system by the electronic controller in a pistol-shaped wireless self-completion type pipetter case. - 特許庁


A piezoelectric driver (for example a rotary actuator, a linear actuator) selectively compresses and expands a metal bellows hermetically sealed within a biocompatible and nonferromagnetic case such as titanium. - 特許庁


To provide a derivation process of a boundary filtering strength which is capable of efficiently eliminating or deminishing blocking artifacts while the main concept of a conventional deblocking filtering process is not changed, and a deblocking filtering method and apparatus using the derivation process. - 特許庁


A data provision side tool 10 sends exchange data 20 constituted of a method information storage part 21 for storing information for performing access to data which is not compliant with a standard data exchange system and an exchange format based part 22 and an exchange format incompliance part 23 for storing data itself as the object of exchange, to a data reception side tool 30. - 特許庁


To provide a method for producing a 3-alkoxyacrylonitrile, comprising catalytically removing an alcohol from a 3,3-dialkoxypropionitrile, which can industrially simply be realized, can particularly be performed in an ordinary stirring type reactor in a discontinuous operation style, and simultaneously gives a high yield. - 特許庁


To apply only the minimum of basic programs as resident programs, to store other management programs in the external in a state of being divided into a plurality of function programs broken up by functions, and to execute the function programs corresponding to the necessary function in accordance with purposes in a non-resident state. - 特許庁


The whole nation is in sorrow after hearing about the Emperor's death, especially people who were with the Emperor and were looked after in many ways from morning to night, and who endeavored to achieve a higher position with the Emperor's support,' although the formal words or morning were being used, he criticized the Emperor for becoming a believer in Buddhism and made fun of the sorrow his close aides expressed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide an output presenting device and an output presentation program for realizing, in a general-purpose manner, a mechanism for presenting the content included in array type and non-array type tabular form data by a cell unit in many kinds of presentation forms and in a form which is easy to understand by the user. - 特許庁


They have a reactionary aspect of taking in the styles of 'kumiuta' (koto suites of songs) and 'danmono' (most important type in shirabemono [the koto solo instrumental music]) and also modern aspects of taking in the scale of Ming and Xing-era Chinese music (as popularized in Japan before the First Sino-Japanese war) that was popular at the time and employing a very precise and complicated koto duet at high and low pitches.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To minimize repetition of data and to record the mutual relationship between events by writing the position of an even in an event log file to an event index file and logging the events in an event storage mechanism. - 特許庁


A piezoelectric driver (for example, a rotary actuator, a linear actuator) selectively compresses and expands the metal bellows hermetically sealed within a biocompatible and nonferromagnetic enclosure or case such as titanium. - 特許庁


The formation is capable of normally moving about a standard video camera recorder type device, and also, communicating to a device or an intellectual device, as well as operating as an intellectual power supply battery and a non-intellectual power supply battery capable of displaying a discharge status without using an additional terminal. - 特許庁

一段階目で自己雇用者だと回答しても、二段階目で法人形態の事業を営んでいると回答した者は給与労働者へ分類されるのであるが、これは見方を変えると、事業が法人化されているかいないかの形式な違いが存在するだけで、自己雇用者(法人自己雇用者)と実態が変わらない法人事業者層(incorporated self-employed(以下「法人自己雇用者」という))を「CPS」は把握しているということになる25。例文帳に追加

Even those who respond that they are self-employed at the first stage are classified as wage and salary workers if they answer that they run an incorporated business at the second stage. Considered from a different angle, the CPS ascertains the incorporated self-employed who do not differ in practice from the self-employed (unincorporated self-employed) based simply on the existence of a formal difference in terms of whether a business is or is not incorporated.25) - 経済産業省


The typical shape is selected from a group consisting of classified template shapes (650) according to the similarity, and a non-template shape (660) has at least one control point derived from at least one control point of the classified template shape based upon the segments of the input shape. - 特許庁


A separator 20b of this fuel cell is formed by plural conductors in contact with electrodes 25a, 25b, and an insulating support frame 27 supporting the conductors 26 in non-contact to each other, plural cells corresponding to the conductors 26 are formed in a cell functional part 20a, and power of various voltages is outputted by arbitrarily electrically connecting cells. - 特許庁


Therefore, if the speed, at which the digital audio signal is read from the dual port memory 15, is constant, the digital audio signal, which has been ATRAC-compressed, encoded and modulated, is continuously transmitted at a fixed speed without being interrupted, and the master mini-disc can be manufactured while inputting the digital audio signal of a non-compressed form. - 特許庁


To provide multimedia information retrieving method, device and program capable of retrieving contents required by a user even when the format of a retrieving key is different from that of contents to be retrieved (e.g. a text and an image) in a multimedia data base system capable of utilizing also non-text information such as an image as a retrieving key and to provide also a recording medium. - 特許庁

ポジティブリスト形式を採用しているFTA/EPA においてスタンドスティル義務を定める場合は、例えば、日フィリピンEPA 第75条第3項では、約束表において、SS(Standstillの略)のマークを付した分野(SS 分野)においては、記載できる条件及び制限につき、市場アクセス義務又は内国民待遇義務に整合な現行措置に基づいてのみ可能であるとされている。例文帳に追加

In cases where standstill obligations are provided in an FTA/EPA which adopts the positive list approach (for example, under paragraph 3 of Article 75 of the Japan-Philippines EPA, and with respect to the sectors marked asSS” (the abbreviation ofshort for standstill”) in the Schedule of Commitments attached thereto (such sectors are referred to as the “SS sectors”)), the conditions and restrictions therefor may be inscribed therein only in relation to existing measures which do not conform to either market access obligations or national treatment obligations. - 経済産業省


To provide a battery pack having very low price and capable of manufacturing by general molding method in addition to sufficient heat conductivity for drawing heat generated on the inside of a housing by a high performance battery and mechanical characteristics satisfying requirements for using as a battery pack housing material by improving a battery pack for a power source of an electrical machine having the housing at least partially made of plastic and housing at least one battery cell. - 特許庁


As a result, the relationship between the head temple and matsuji was complicated; there were various relationships that focused on the head temple's finances by making it matsuji in order to contribute a part of its income from shoen (a manor in medieval Japan) and offerings (particularly, it sought donations for temples of different sects and shrines as a matsuji, as insurance to keep its original school and sect), or as a completely systemized relationship.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

各カッコ中の字句 (...) は、定義済みのシンボルを記述する非形式的なやりかたです; 例えば、`制御文字' を書き表す必要があるときなどに使われることがあります。 字句と構文規則の定義の間で使われている表記はほとんど同じですが、その意味には大きな違いがあります: 字句定義は入力ソース中の個々の文字を取り扱いますが、構文定義は字句解析で生成された一連のトークンを取り扱います。例文帳に追加

A phrase between angular brackets (...) gives an informal description of the symbol defined; e.g., this could be used to describe the notion of `control character' if needed.Even though the notation used is almost the same, there is a big difference between the meaning of lexical and syntactic definitions:a lexical definition operates on the individual characters of the input source, while a syntax definition operates on the stream of tokens generated by the lexical analysis. - Python

第185条 著作権を有する著作物の公正な使用 185.1批評,論評,事件の報道,教室での使用のための複数の複製を含む授業,学問,研究その他類似の目のための著作権を有する著作物の公正な使用は,著作権の侵害ではない。独立して創作されたコンピュータ・プログラムと他のコンピュータ・プログラムとの間で適時情報交換することができることを達成するためのコンピュータ・プログラムの形式のコード及びトランスレ-ションの複製であると理解されるデコンピレ-ション(decompilation)も,公正な使用である。具体な事件において公正な使用であるか否かを決定するに当って考慮すべき要因には,次のものを含む。 (a)使用の目及び特性。使用が商業性質のものであるか否か又は営利の教育上の目の使用であるか否かを含む。 (b)著作権を有する著作物の性質 (c)著作権を有する著作物全体との関連における使用される部分の意義及び実質価値 (d)著作権を有する著作物の潜在市場における使用の効果又は同著作物の価値例文帳に追加

Sec.185 Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work 185.1. The fair use of a copyrighted work for criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching including multiple copies for classroom use, scholarship, research, and similar purposes is not an infringement of copyright. Decompilation, which is understood here to be the reproduction of the code and translation of the forms of the computer program to achieve the inter-operability of an independently created computer program with other programs may also constitute fair use. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is fair use, the factors to be considered shall include: (a) The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit education purposes; (b) The nature of the copyrighted work; (c) The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (d) The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. - 特許庁



To provide such a microscope which enables an operator to post focus an optical system acting for wide-angle observation during the time of visual procedure of the operator. - 特許庁


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