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Kumamoto Castleの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 93


When Kato clan was forfeited, Katsunari and Katsutoshi acted as a shogunate government witness of forfeit of the Kumamoto-jo Castle, and at that time they took Seijo-in to Fukuyama. 例文帳に追加

加藤家断絶の時に勝成・勝俊は熊本城受け取りの役目を勤め、この時に清浄院を福山に引き取った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Additionally, Tadaoki moved to the Kumamoto Domain in Higo Province in 1632 and invited Tadataka to Yatsushiro-jo Castle to formally reconcile in 1642. 例文帳に追加

なお1632年(寛永9年)肥後の熊本藩に移った忠興は、1642年(寛永19年)に忠隆を居城の八代城に招いて正式和解した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Kumamoto-jo Castle, there is a room named 'Shokun no ma' and there is a tradition that this room was Hideyori's living room. 例文帳に追加

熊本城には「昭君の間」という部屋があり、ここが秀頼の居室であったとの伝承が残されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1876 he concluded the Treaty of Ganghwa (Japan-Korea Treaty of Amity), and in the Seinan War in 1877 he contributed to the release of Kumamoto-jo Castle that was surrounded by the enemy. 例文帳に追加

1876年に日朝修好条規を締結し、1877年の西南戦争では熊本城の解囲に功を立てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Then Kumamoto-jo Castle was surrounded by the enemy, and the main government force coming from the north led by Aritomo YAMAGATA was struggling to release it. 例文帳に追加

このとき熊本城は包囲され、北から来る山縣有朋の主力軍が解囲戦に苦戦していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Kuroda landed near Yatsushiro City in order to attack the enemy from behind, started a fight on March 30, continued to advance, and reached Kumamoto-jo Castle on April 15. 例文帳に追加

黒田は敵の背後をつくため八代市付近に上陸し、3月30日から交戦をはじめ、前進を続けて4月15日に熊本城に入った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

A bereaved child of Danjo KIYAMA who called himself Goro YOKOTE and was proud of his phenomenal strength, was watching for an opportunity to take revenge for his father's death working as a laborer in the construction site of Kumamoto-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

木山弾正の遺児は横手五郎と名乗り怪力が自慢であったが、熊本城築城の人夫となり敵討ちの機会をねらっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Seinan War in 1877, he defended Kumamoto-jo Castle at all cost from the attacks by Saigo's army for 52 days, which contributed to the victory of the government army. 例文帳に追加

明治10年(1877年)、西南戦争の際には52日にわたって西郷軍の攻撃から熊本城を死守し、政府軍の勝利に貢献した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Murata, along with Kunimoto SHINOHARA and Shinsuke BEPPU, directed the backside of the besiegers; however, Kumamoto-jo Castle was a strong fortress and hard to destroy. 例文帳に追加

村田は篠原国幹・別府晋介とともに背面軍を指揮したが、熊本城は堅城ですぐには陥ちなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On July 23, 1592, he seized the Sashiki-jo Castle while the castellan of the Higo-Kumamoto area, Kiyomasa KATO, who controlled Ashikita, was away fighting in Korea. 例文帳に追加

文禄元年6月15日、葦北を治める肥後熊本城主加藤清正の朝鮮出征中の隙を突く形で佐敷城を占拠する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Before Saigo's army entered the town of Kumamoto Castle, the government had issued an Imperial edict to defeat the army and mobilized troops to intercept it. 例文帳に追加

西郷軍が熊本城下に着かないうちにすでに政府側は征討の詔を出し、西郷軍の邀撃(ようげき)に動き出していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Kumamoto Castle was so sturdy against the Satsuma army's all-out attack that it was considered to be impregnable. 例文帳に追加

一方、総攻撃した熊本城は堅城で、この日の状況から簡単には攻め落とせないとみなされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kijima in the Nagamine area pushed forward Batto-tai troop so bravely that they were likely to break through the left flank of the detached 5th brigade and invade Kumamoto Castle. 例文帳に追加

長嶺地区の貴島は抜刀隊を率いて勇進し、別働第五旅団の左翼を突破して熊本城へ突入する勢いを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in April, they got an information that the government army entered into Kumamoto-jo Castle, while they struggled to persuade their surrounding people. 例文帳に追加

しかし、周囲の説得に苦慮している間に、4月に政府軍が熊本城に入城したとの情報を得た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the 400-year-old Kumamoto Castle, serious damage was caused to all 13 of the buildings there that have been designated as national important cultural properties.例文帳に追加

築400年の熊本城では,国の重要文化財に指定されている13の建物すべてが深刻な損傷を受けた。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

In Kumamoto, he was treated incredibly well as a guest (without becoming a vassal); he was given a rice stipend of sichi-nin fuchi eighteen koku (3.25 cubic meters, equivalent of an annual rice stipend for seven vassals), goryokumai (rice given to help the poor) 300 koku (54.12 cubic meters), and a residence in Chiba-jo Castle (east of Kumamoto-jo Castle), what's more, he was allowed to practice falconry which usually only vassals in the status over Karo (chief retainer) were allowed to do. 例文帳に追加

7人扶持18石に合力米300石が支給され、熊本城東部に隣接する千葉城に屋敷が与えられ、家老以上の身分でなければ許可されない鷹狩りが許されるなど客分としては破格の待遇で迎えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that the Hosokawa clan considered the popularity of Kiyomasa carefully and entered the territory with a memorial tablet of Kiyomasa at the head of the procession, after which the lord of the domain, Tadatoshi HOSOKAWA, went up to the Honmaru of the Kumamoto-jo Castle, knelt down toward Honmyo-ji Temple (Kumamoto City) where the mausoleum dedicated to Kiyomasa was located, and said 'Please let me look after your castle,' which was exceptional conduct. 例文帳に追加

その人気を慮って、細川氏は清正の霊位を先頭にかざして入部し、藩主細川忠利は熊本城本丸に登り、清正の祀る廟所がある本妙寺(熊本市)へ拝跪して「あなたのお城を預からせていただきます」と異例の所作をしたと云われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Two-story turrets were normally used in modern citadels and small three-story turrets were used for large castles for the sumi yagura (corner towers) that were built at corners of a citadel, but were cases in which a turret that had a structure equivalent to tenshu (castle tower) were built, for example, the three-story turret in the honmaru (the keep of a castle) of Osaka-jo Castle and the five-story turret in Kumamoto-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

郭の角にある隅櫓は、近世城郭では通常二重櫓、大きな城などでは小規模な三重櫓が用いられることもあったが、中には大坂城本丸にあった三重櫓や熊本城にある五階櫓のように天守に匹敵する構造を持つ櫓があげられていた例がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From 1586, Kiyomasa followed Hideyoshi in an expedition against Kyushu and when Narimasa SASSA, who entered Higo Province, was punished by being deprived of his fief due to his misgovernment, Kiyomasa was given about 195,000 koku, half of Higo Province, and made Kumamoto-jo Castle his castle where he usually resided. 例文帳に追加

天正14年(1586年)からは秀吉の九州征伐に従い、肥後国に入った佐々成政が失政により改易されると肥後の半国のおよそ19万5,000石を与えられ、熊本城を居城とした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At the sight of the troops on his side charging into Kawajiri, YAMAKAWA made a snap decision that he must not miss the opportunity, divided his soldiers and led the pick of the troops by himself and rushed towards Kumamoto Castle, and entered the castle town. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、友軍の川尻突入を見て、機逸すべからずと考え、兵を分けて、自ら撰抜隊を率いて熊本城目指して突入し、遂に城下に達した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Yatsushiro City of Kumamoto Prefecture which had been the castle town of the Matsui clan, historical materials of the Matsui clan are displayed at the Yatsushiro Municipal Museum and Matsui Bunko Library, and in its vicinity, there remain sites of Yatsushiro-jo Castle and Shohinken which used to be Matsui clan's ochaya (rest house). 例文帳に追加

松井家の城下町であった熊本県八代市の八代市立博物館や松井文庫には松井歴代史料が展示されており、近くには八代城跡や松井家の御茶屋だった松浜軒(しょうひんけん)もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Satsu-gun (including the allies) was defeated at the battle of Tabaruzaka on March 20 and the battle of Anseibashi-guchi on April 8, on the verge of being attacked from multiple sides by the Government army, who were going south, and the backside of the Kumamoto Chindai Army; on April 14, Satsu-gun retreated to Kiyama by breaking the siege on Kumamoto-jo Castle. 例文帳に追加

3月20日、田原坂の戦いに敗れ、次いで4月8日の安政橋口の戦いで敗れて政府南下軍と背面軍・熊本鎮台軍に挟撃される形になった薩軍(党薩各派を含む)は4月14日、熊本城の囲みを解いて木山に退却した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the council of war, they once agreed in further storming the castle according to the plan of SHINOHARA and others, but Kohei and Oshisuke NOMURA, who arrived later, strongly opposed that; in the council held again in the midnight, they agreed in storming Kumamoto Castle, while dispatching part of the army to blitz Kokura. 例文帳に追加

この軍議では、一旦は篠原らの強襲策続行に決したが、遅れて到着した小兵衛や野村忍介の強い反対があり、深夜に開かれた再軍議で熊本城を強襲する一方、一部は小倉を電撃すべしと決した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Higo-Chikurin school was temporarily discontinued after the Imperial restoration, however, it was later inherited by the family of karo (chief retainer of daimyo - Japanese territorial lord) of the former Kumamoto Domain by the Matsui clan, which was the eighth owner of the castle, and it has succeeded from generation to generation up to the present time. 例文帳に追加

肥後竹林派は維新後一時絶えたが、その後旧熊本藩家老家で八代城主であった松井氏に相伝され、現在まで代々受け継がれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Saga attacked the Kumamoto Chindai Army which was stationed in Saga-jo Castle, which served as the prefectural office, and was commanded by Takatoshi IWAMURA, injuring approximately half of their forces and causing them to flee. 例文帳に追加

佐賀軍は県庁として使用されていた佐賀城に駐留する岩村高俊の率いる熊本鎮台部隊半大隊を攻撃、その約半数に損害を与えて遁走させた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1580, in cooperation with Tadatomo NIIRO and Masatoshi KAMATA, he attacked and defeated Korefuyu NAKAMURA, the lord of Yazaki-jo Castle (Uto County in Kumamoto Prefecture) in the land of the Aso clan in Higo Province. 例文帳に追加

天正8年(1580年)、新納忠元、鎌田政年らと共に肥後国・阿蘇氏領の矢崎城(熊本県宇土郡)城主・中村惟冬を攻めこれを討ち滅ぼす。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In April 1611, he exercised his good offices by mediating a meeting between Ieyasu and Hideyori TOYOTOMI in Nijo-jo Castle, however, he became ill on the ship on his way back home and died on August 2, 1611 in Kumamoto. 例文帳に追加

慶長16年(1611年)3月には二条城における家康と豊臣秀頼との会見を取り持つなど和解を斡旋したが、帰国途中の船内で発病し、6月24日に熊本で死去した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to cope with this, siege of the Kumamoto-jo castle was left to Ikegami, Nagayama was to control the coast line, Shinohara (with six platoons) proceeded to Tabaru, and Murata and Beppu (with five platoons) to Kidome. 例文帳に追加

これに対処するために、熊本城攻囲を池上にまかせ、永山に海岸線を抑えさせ、篠原(六箇小隊)が田原に、村田・別府(五箇小隊)が木留に進出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the defeat in the battle of Tabaru on March 20 and the battle of Anseihashiguchi, the Satsuma army (and the pro-Satsuma forces) discontinued the siege of Kumamoto-jo Castle and retreated to Kiyama, when Kirino brought up the rear and commanded the retreating troops at Nihongi. 例文帳に追加

3月20日の田原の戦い、4月8日の安政橋口の戦いで敗れ、4月14日、薩軍(党薩各派を含む)が熊本城の囲みを解いて木山に退却したとき、桐野は殿りとなり二本木で退却軍を指揮した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On May 2, samurai of Kumamoto clan took over Kurume Castle and arrested top officials of the clan (Dairaku escaped in the last minute) under orders from the government, and Michiteru OTAGI was arrested on May 3. 例文帳に追加

13日(5月2日)には政府の命令を受けた熊本藩兵が久留米城を接収して藩幹部を拘束(大楽は直前に逃亡)し、14日には愛宕通旭が捕縛された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 26, in the Satsuma army with the reduced besieging army, KIRINO adopted an advice from the Kumamoto-tai troop and dammed up the Tsuboi-gawa River and Iseri-gawa River with stony embankments to flow the land surrounding the castle. 例文帳に追加

長囲軍が減少した薩軍は、桐野が熊本隊の建策を入れて、3月26日、石塘堰止を実行し、坪井川・井芹川の水を城の周囲に引き込んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response to the report of disembarkation of the government army at Yatsushiro, the Satsuma army dispatched five companies led by Commander of the 3rd battalion Yaichiro NAGAYAMA, Miyakonojo troop, and the 2nd battery from the besieging army at Kumamoto Castle. 例文帳に追加

官軍の八代上陸の報を得た薩軍は、熊本長囲軍の一部を割き、三番大隊指揮長永山弥一郎率いる5箇中隊・都城隊・二番砲隊を八代に派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Here, KIRINO proposed that they should take back Kumamoto Castle, considering that the siege by the government army was quite tight, the terrain was rugged and therefore, it would be difficult for all forces of the Satsuma army to break through the siege. 例文帳に追加

ここで桐野は官軍による包囲が極めて厳重であり、地形が非常に険しいことから薩軍の全軍が突破することは困難であると考え、熊本城の奪取を提案した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This is a troop that Saigo's army organized when they reformed large-sized troop to medium-sized troop after their withdrawal to Yabehama Town lifting a siege around Kumamoto-jo Castle due to the defeat at the battle of Takase-Tahara in the Seinan War. 例文帳に追加

西南戦争のときに高瀬・田原の戦いに敗れ熊本城の包囲を解いて矢部浜町に退却した西郷軍が大隊を中隊に編制替えしたときにつくられた部隊である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After that, he had to deal with the situation that the Southern Government army and Government army were suspected to have landed, and the Kumamoto Chindai, thus, he left the siege of Kumamoto castle to Ikegami and had Yaichiro NAGAYAMA control the shoreline, and sent the shotai platoon separately with Kunitomo SHINOHARA (Rokka-shotai platoon) to Tahara, meanwhile Murata and Beppu (Goka-shotai platoon) were at Kitome, and Kirino (Sanka-shotai platoon) was at Yamaga, thus they tried to attack the Government army from both sides and capture Takase.例文帳に追加

これより、南下政府軍、また上陸してくると予想される政府軍、熊本鎮台に対処するために、熊本城攻囲を池上にまかせ、永山弥一郎に海岸線を抑えさせ、篠原国幹(六箇小隊)は田原に、村田・別府(五箇小隊)は木留に、桐野(三箇小隊)は山鹿に分かれ、政府軍を挟撃して高瀬を占領することにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of his works remaining at present are considered to have been made in his late years in Kumamoto; originally they had been kept in the Matsui family which had been Karo (chief retainer) of the Hosokawa family and the lord of Yatsushiro-jo Castle, and in the Terao family since Kumanosuke (Motomenosuke) Nobuyuki TERAO had attended to Musashi in his late years; later owners of those works changed. 例文帳に追加

現在残る作品の大部分は晩年の作と考えられ、熊本での作品は、細川家家老で八代城主であった松井家や晩年の武蔵の世話をした寺尾求馬助信行の寺尾家を中心に残されたものが所有者を変えながら現在まで伝えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Shozan SATAKE, a feudal lord known for his association with the lord of the Kumamoto clan Shigekata HOSOKAWA who was known for his hot temper, Yoshimi SATAKE, the family head of the Northern House of the Satake clan (the Keeper of Kakunodate-jo Castle), as well as statesmen including Tadakuni TASHIRO, Katsutaka OGITSU, Torakichi SUGAWARA and Torazo SUGAWARA, a painter of the Kubota clan, were all among Naotake's painting disciples. 例文帳に追加

直武の絵画における弟子としては、蘭癖大名として知られる熊本藩主細川重賢とも交流のあった藩主佐竹曙山、北家当主(角館城代)佐竹義躬、藩士田代忠国・荻津勝孝・菅原寅吉、久保田藩御用絵師菅原虎三などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On April 17 when troops of the Satsuma army retreated from Kumamoto Castle and Ueki one after another, KIRINO and others decided to establish a new 20-km plus line of defense from the right flank in Otsu, Nagamine, Hotakubo and Kengun to the left flank in Mifune with the headquarters in Kiyama at the center to make a stand against the government army that was coming towards the south and to annihilate the government army. 例文帳に追加

薩軍諸隊が熊本城・植木から逐次撤退してきた4月17日、桐野らは本営木山を中心に、右翼は大津・長嶺・保田窪・健軍、左翼は御船に亘る20km余りの新たな防衛線を築き、ここで南下する官軍を迎え撃ち、官軍を全滅させる作戦をとることにした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On April 23 when the siege of Kumamoto Castle was released, the national government sent an army-and-navy-mixed troop whose main forces were composed of the detached 1st brigade (led by Commander Tomonosuke TAKASHIMA) and two battalions of the detached 3rd brigade (led by Lieutenant Colonel Yoshiaki TANABE) to Kagoshima with Sangun Sumiyoshi KAWAMURA, Vice Admiral of the Imperial Navy, as the Supreme Commander. 例文帳に追加

熊本城の包囲が解けた4月23日、政府は参軍川村純義海軍中将を総司令官として別働第1旅団(旅団長高島鞆之助)・別働第3旅団2個大隊(田辺良顕中佐)を主力とする陸海軍混成軍を鹿児島に派遣した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The plan of Shinohara that all army attack the castle was chosen at the military meeting at first, but they had been laying siege to Kumamoto Castle for a time by the next military meeting, and decided that the part of them should attack Okura suddenly, so Shiro IKEGAMI left with several platoons on the 23rd, but they encountered the Governmental army, which was moving south at Tahara, Takase and Ueki, and the blitz tactics failed.例文帳に追加

この軍議では一旦は篠原らの全軍攻城策に決したが、のちの再軍議で熊本城を長囲し、一部は小倉を電撃すべしと決し、翌23日に池上四郎が数箇小隊を率いて出発したが、南下してきた政府軍と田原・高瀬・植木などで衝突し、電撃作戦は失敗した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In order to handle this situation, Ikenoue took charge of the siege of Kumamoto-jo Castle; Yaichiro NAGAYAMA was sent to watch the coastline; Toshiaki KIRINO (Sanka-shotai platoon) advanced to Yamaga and Kunimoto SHINOHARA (Rokka-shotai platoon) to Tahara; and Murata and Shinsuke BEPPU led the Goka-shotai platoon and built the temporary headquarters in Kitome, trying to attack the Government army from multiple sides and occupy Takase. 例文帳に追加

これに対処するために、熊本城攻囲を池上にまかせ、永山弥一郎に海岸線を抑えさせ、桐野利秋(三箇小隊)は山鹿へ、篠原国幹(六箇小隊)は田原へ進出し、村田は別府晋介とともに五箇小隊を率いて木留に出張本営を設け、政府軍を挟撃し、高瀬を占領しようとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this battle, Yaichiro NAGAYAMA, a brave general of the Satsuma army, encouraged his warriors through the following appeal but could not change the battle situation to their advantage: 'Why are you so cowardly?; If we allowed the enemy to seize this place, how the soldiers stationed outside Kumamoto Castle would become?; Only what is important is to defend this place to the last; It is for that achievement that you are to be praised as a good warrior, if alive, or a loyal retainer, if dead; Fight desperately until all of our weapons are used up' (according to "Satsunan Ketsurui-shi" (the history of Satsunan full of blood and tears)). 例文帳に追加

この時、薩軍の猛将永山弥一郎は「諸君何ぞ斯(かく)の如く怯なる、若し敵をして此地を奪はしめんか、熊本城外の我守兵を如何にせん、大事之に因て去らんのみ、生きて善士と称し、死して忠臣と称せらるゝは唯此時にあり、各死力を尽し刀折れ矢竭(つ)き而して後已(やまん)」(『薩南血涙史』)と激励したが、戦況を逆転することはできなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the same day, SAIGO held a council of war, and Kohei proposed the plan that 'the troops should attack Nagasaki from sea and then divide into two groups, one of which would raid Kobe and Osaka and the other of which would raid Yokohama and the headquarters in Tokyo', whereas Oshisuke NOMURA proposed the plan of heading east through three courses that 'the army should divide into three groups, one of which would go to Nagasaki by sea and head east from there, another of which would go to Shikoku and Osaka by sea through Buzen and Bungo Provinces and head east from there, and the other of which would head east by land through Kumamoto, Saga, and Fukuoka,' but both of the plans seemed to have little chance of succeeding for the Satsuma army, which had no warship but only three steamships; finally, they adopted the IKEGAMI's plan of 'deploying part of the army in Kumamoto Castle to defend the region and having the main force headed east by land.' 例文帳に追加

この日、西郷を中心に作戦会議が開かれ、小兵衛の「海路から長崎を奪い、そこから二軍に分かれて神戸・大阪と横浜・東京の本拠を急襲」する策、野村忍介の「三道に別れ、一は海路で長崎に出てそこから東上、一は海路から豊前・豊後を経て四国・大坂に出てそこから東上、一は熊本・佐賀・福岡を経ての陸路東上」する策即ち三道分進策が出されたが、小兵衛・野村忍介の策は3隻の汽船しかなく軍艦を持たない薩軍にとっては成功を期し難く、池上の「熊本城に一部の抑えをおき、主力は陸路で東上」する策が採用された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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