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Realm Ofの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 274


Gyogen (1717-1787), who served as monzeki (priest prince) during the mid Edo period and was the son of Kanpaku (chief advisor to the Emperor) Sukezane KUJO, attained the rank of Daisojo (high priest) but returned to secular life in 1743 when Tanemoto KUJO died at a young age and served as Kanpaku and Daijo Daijin (Chancellor of the Realm) under the name Naozane KUJO. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代中期の門跡であった堯厳(1717-1787)は、関白九条輔実の子で、大僧正に至ったが、九条稙基が夭折したことを受けて寛保3年(1743年)還俗し、九条尚実と名乗って関白、太政大臣の位に至っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Under the Ritsuryo system, the jugon hakase was considered indispensable for his spells, medical treatments of the sick and efforts to make childbirth safer, and at the same time, given the fact that the jugonshi were also casting Daoist incantations in order to ensure the stability and peace of the realm, jugon (the art of sorcery) was ranked among the 'kokka yodo' (arts vital to the state), along with astronomy and calendrical science. 例文帳に追加

律令制においては呪禁は病気治療や安産のために欠かせないものとされ、同時に国家安泰のための道教呪術を行う存在として、天文学・暦学ともに「国家要道」の学と位置づけられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kiyomori became Dajo-daijin (Chancellor of the Realm) in March, 1167, but since the time when FUJIWARA no Nobunaga was appointed to Dajo-daijin after losing to FUJIWARA no Morozane in the competition for the sekkan post during the reign of Emperor Shirakawa, the Dajo-daijin post was only an honorary post with no actual power, and Kiyomori therefore resigned from this post only 3 months after his appointment. 例文帳に追加

翌仁安(日本)2年(1167年)2月に太政大臣になるが、太政大臣は白河天皇の治世に藤原師実と摂関を争って敗れた藤原信長が就任してからは実権のない名誉職に過ぎず、わずか3ヶ月で辞任する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After establishing an international reputation with "In the Realm of the Senses," he mainly produced works with foreign funds or when he planned to have the films released abroad, such as "Empire of Passion" (1978), "Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence" (1983) and "Max Mon Amour" (1986). 例文帳に追加

『愛のコリーダ』により国際的な評価を確固たるものにしてからは、『愛の亡霊』(1978年)、『戦場のメリークリスマス』(1983年)、『マックス、モン・アムール』(1986年)など外国資本もしくは海外で公開されることを前提とされる作品が中心となっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He climbed up Mount Hiei after he underwent shukke and studied under Kakunin and received Ryobu Kanjo a ceremony to confer the rank of Ajari (a master in esoteric Buddhism; a high priest)) on July 26, 990 before becoming the elder disciple of Kokei to receive Taizokai (Womb Realm and physical principles) and Vajradhatu kanjo (ceremony to be the successor) in April 1012. 例文帳に追加

出家後は比叡山に登って覚忍に師事して永祚(日本)2年6月27日(旧暦)(990年)に覚忍から両部灌頂を受け、後に皇慶の年長の弟子となって寛弘9年(1012年)3月に胎蔵界・金剛界の灌頂を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Later, Mitsuyoshi TOMITA (of Kasuga Taisha Shrine) and other miko, who stressed their importance in Shinto, pleaded to preserve the mikomai (dance performed by miko) while committing themselves to restoring their status and dance by elevating it to the realm of art. 例文帳に追加

後、春日大社の富田光美らが、巫女の神道における重要性を唱えて巫女舞の存続を訴えると同時に八乙女と呼ばれる巫女達の舞をより洗練させて芸術性を高める事によって巫女及び巫女舞の復興に尽くした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

An FFC (flexible flat cable) 19 has one end 19a connected to an image sensor 14, a portion 19c between the both ends held by a holding portion 5b of an FB main body 5, and a realm from one end 19a to the portion 19c between the both ends being a movable range that tracks movement of the image sensor 14.例文帳に追加

FFC19は、一端19aがイメージセンサ14に接続され、両端間にある部分19cにおいてFB本体部5の保持部5bに保持され、一端19aから両端間にある部分19cに至る範囲がイメージセンサ14の移動に追従する可動範囲とされている。 - 特許庁

As yorishiro that occur in nature, boulders and mountains (like holy Mt. Fuji) as well as seas and rivers are both places that the gods come to dwell and barriers between the spirit realm and the current (physical) world, and the "gi" from himorogi also means "fence", much as iwakura can also be called "iwasaka" (where "saka" means "border"); all these terms express the idea of the spritual boundary around a Shinto shrine. 例文帳に追加

自然に存在する依り代としての岩や山(霊峰富士山)・海や川などは、神の宿る場所でもあるが、常世と現世との端境であり、神籬の籬は垣という意味で境であり、磐座は磐境ともいい、神域の境界を示すものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Shimazu clan at that time lacked sufficient knowledge regarding the situation in the Kyoto-Osaka district, so it had no choice but to join the Western Army; it was their regret over this decision that resulted in the Satsuma clan starting to show signs of becoming an independent realm, placing spies in various regions and trying to strengthen its ability to collect information. 例文帳に追加

当時の島津氏は上方の情勢に疎かったがために西軍に付かざるを得ない状況となり、この反省から、以後薩摩藩は独立王国の様相を呈し始め、各地に密偵を配置し、情報収集力の増強に努めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


天下,何様にも置かるるの上は,誰々によらず,上意得るばず,分別次第に成敗をなすべきの (Since the affairs of tenka (the realm) have in fact been put in Nobunaga's hands, he may take measures against anyone whomsoever according to his own discretion and without the need to obtain the shogun's agreement.) 例文帳に追加

天下の儀、何様にも信長に任置かるるの上は、誰々によらず、上意を得るに及ばず、分別次第に成敗をなすべきの事(天下の政治は何事につけてもこの信長に任せ、誰にも限らず、将軍の上意も得ずに信長の分別により成敗を加えることができること)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The title "Ame-no-shita Shiroshimesu Okimi" known from archaeological studies to have been established around the fifth century is viewed as evidence of the perception that Wakoku was a different 'tenka' (realm, written with the same characters as 'Ame-no-shita') from the Chinese dynasties. 例文帳に追加

考古学の成果から5世紀ごろから「治天下大王」(あめのしたしろしめすおおきみ)という国内向けの称号が成立したことが判明しているが、これはこの時期に倭国は中華王朝と異なる別の天下であるという意識が生まれていたことの表れだと評価されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

By setting the buckling guidance section 20, a large bulged buckling of a mountain shape can be generated in the X-axis direction across both the third quadrant and the fourth quadrant with the realm near the Y-axis at the top.例文帳に追加

このバックリング誘導部20の設定によって、Y軸線近傍領域を頂部とし前記第3及び第4象限の両領域にまたがるX軸線方向に山形をなす大きな膨出状のバックリングを発生せしめ得るものとする。 - 特許庁

Community businesses (or the above-described “downtown revitalization businesses”), are typically strongly associated with SMEs due to the services provided being so closely related to community needs. From the point of view that they do not seek to maximize profit, they could also be said to occupy an intervening realm where the public and private sectors overlap.例文帳に追加

一般的にコミュニティビジネス(または上記の「にぎわいビジネス」)は、地域密着型の事業を行うという点で中小企業性が高く、また、利益の最大化を目指さないという観点で、「行政」と「民間」の重なり合う領域に存在していると言える。 - 経済産業省

The 10 ranks from the highest are as follows: Transference of equalizing the boundless dharma realm; Transference of the liberation without any tie nor attachment; Transference of the mark of true suchness; Transference of viewing all sentient beings in equality and harmony; Transference of the good roots of equality and harmony; Transference of the store of boundless virtues; Transference of reaching everywhere; Transference of equalizing all Buddhas; Transference of non-destruction; and Transference of salvaging all sentient beings but detaching from any form of sentient being. 例文帳に追加

上から入法界無量廻向・無縛無著解脱廻向・真如相廻向・等随順一切衆生廻向・随順一切堅固善根廻向・無尽功徳蔵廻向・至一切処廻向・等一切諸仏廻向・不壊一切廻向・救護衆生離衆生相廻向の10位。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In this period, Raigo-zu (painting of Descent of Amitabha Tathagata) and sosyoku-kyo (copying of a sutra with decorative ryoshi-paper) were created following the previous period, but we see the advent of new genres such as Rokudo-e (paintings of the six realms) in the context of philosophy of the six realms, Juo-zo (the statue of Juo) depicting the dead realm's king who judges the dead, and suijakuga which are paintings based on the theories of Buddhist/Shinto unity, and the contents of Buddhist paintings became diverse. 例文帳に追加

この時代には前代に引き続き来迎図や装飾経なども制作されているが、六道輪廻思想を背景とした六道絵、亡者を裁く冥界の王たちを描いた十王像、日本の神を仏教の仏が姿を変えたものとする本地垂迹説に基づく垂迹画など、新しいジャンルが現れた時代でもあり、仏教絵画の内容は多彩になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the service, a Butsu Nehan-zu (painting of Buddha nirvana), depicting Shakamuni entering Nirvana under a sal tree, lying with his head pointing to the north, and his face facing to the west, surronded by ten great disciples, a group of Bosatsu (Bodhisattva), Tenbu (deities who reside in a heavenly realm, one of six realms in which the souls of living beings transmigrate from one to another), animals and insects all lamenting his death, is hung, and "Butsuyuikyogyo" (Mahayana Buddhist scripture) is chanted. 例文帳に追加

法要中は、釈迦が娑羅双樹の下で涅槃に入った際の、頭を北にして西を向き右脇を下にした姿で臥し、周囲に十大弟子を始め諸菩薩、天部や獣畜、虫類などまでが嘆き悲しむさまを描いた仏涅槃図(涅槃図)を掲げ、『仏遺教経』を読誦することとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Surveys ofcommunity businesses” have conventionally looked mainly at NPO corporations. However, these activities located in the intermediate realm of (profit-making) “businesses” and (non-profit)“services” are undertaken not only by NPOs and publicinterest corporations, but also sole proprietors, voluntary groups, associations, joint-stock corporations, and all kinds of other entities.例文帳に追加

従来、いわゆる「コミュニティビジネス」の調査として、NPO法人を主な対象とした調査等は行われてきたが、こうした「ビジネス」と「サービス」の中間的な領域に位置する取組は、NPO法人や公益法人のみでなく、個人事業者、任意グループ、組合、株式会社など様々な主体により、多様な方法で提供されているものであろう。 - 経済産業省

There are some companies that provide services of fare-paying conveyance of passengers without a Class II driver license, but with the permission of the motor vehicle official by interpreting the Article 80 of the Road Transportation Act beyond the realm of its original scope, which is so-called 'Article 80 authorized vehicle' (see abolished substitution bus Article 80 bus); however, many ordinary taxi operators have broken the force of an objection to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism saying that what those companies are doing is a Shiro-taku operation, which has somehow reached an understanding between these two types of companies through negotiations with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. 例文帳に追加

道路運送法第80条を拡大解釈し、普通二種運転免許を持たずとも陸運局の認可を受ければ旅客を有償運送できる、いわゆる「80条許可車両」(詳細は廃止代替バス80条バス参照)があるが、タクシー業界から「完全な白タクではないか」との強い異議が国土交通省に寄せられ、厚生労働省との折衝で現時点ではなんとか折り合いがつけられている状態である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is unfair for an applicant that an examiner decides to refuse without giving him/her any opportunities for defense even when the examiner is convinced of reasons for refusal. Moreover, its not beyond the realm of possibility that an examiner makes a mistake. Under these circumstances, this provision aims at the fair and appropriate operation of the procedures of an application for a patent, giving the applicant an opportunity for offering an opinion, as well as resolving the reasons for refusal by amendment of a description etc., and also giving the examiner an opportunity for reconsidering with a written opinion. 例文帳に追加

この規定の趣旨は、審査官が拒絶理由があるとの心証を得た場合においても、何らの弁明の機会を与えずに直ちに拒絶査定をすることは出願人にとって酷であり、審査官も過誤を犯すおそれがないわけではないから、出願人に意見を述べる機会を与える一方で、明細書等を補正して拒絶理由を解消する機会を与え、同時に意見書を資料として審査官に再考をするきっかけを与えて特許出願手続の適正妥当な運用を図ることにある。 - 特許庁

In this writing, Akinari took "The Tale of Genji" by Murasaki Shikibu and "Water Margin" by Lo Kuan-chung as examples of authors who wrote masterpieces that were true to life and then fell into a dreadful realm (a tradition saying that Murasaki Shikibu went to Hell was recorded in both "Hobutsushu" written by TAIRA no Yasuyori during the Jisho era and "The Tales of Ima," considered to have been written by FUJIWARA no Nobuzane after the Eno period, while the traditional story that Lo Kuan-chung's offspring over three generations became dumb was according to "Seiko Yuran Shiyo" (edited by Josei DEN in Ming) and "Hsu wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao"). 例文帳に追加

この文中で秋成は、『源氏物語』を書いた紫式部と『水滸伝』を書いた羅貫中を例にあげ、ふたりが現実と見紛うばかりの傑作を書いたばかりにひどい目にあったという伝説をあげている(紫式部が一旦地獄に堕ちた、というのは、治承年間、平康頼によって書かれた『宝物集』や延応以降の、藤原信実によって書かれたとされる『今物語』に、羅貫中の子孫三代が唖になった、というのは、明、田汝成編の『西湖遊覧志余』や『続文献通考』によっている)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

That same month, Masutatsu OYAMA, the founder of Kyokushin Kaikan, who, having become skeptical of traditional-style karate, was pursuing the realization of karate tournaments under direct-attack rules based on his own philosophy, generated a great buzz throughout the karate realm by hosting the first Open Tournament All Japan Karatedo Championships at Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in Yoyogi, whereby contestants, who were prohibited from wearing any protective gear, fought with bare hands and bare feet under direct-attack rules (attacks to the face were prohibited, except with kicking). 例文帳に追加

そして、同年同月、伝統派空手に疑問を抱き、独自の理論で直接打撃制の空手試合を模索していた極真会館創始者の大山倍達(おおやまますたつ)によって、防具を一切着用しない、素手、素足の直接打撃制(足技以外の顔面攻撃禁止制)による第1回オープントーナメント全日本空手道選手権大会が代々木の東京体育館で開催され空手界に一大旋風を巻き起こした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

All right. As a capitalization policy of an individual financial institution is, as you know, an issue in the realm of the institution's own corporate decision-making, I would like to refrain from making any comments in my capacity as the authority. In any case, seeing as the FSA has issued a business improvement order against the Bank, I understand that the Bank is currently taking steps to improve its operation in accordance with its business improvement plan, and what the FSA is intending to do at this stage is to follow up on and rigorously supervise the efforts that the Bank is thus making. 例文帳に追加

分かりました。これは個別の金融機関の資本政策については、ご存じのように経営判断に係る事項でございますので、当局としてはコメントを差し控えたいというふうに思っております。いずれにいたしましても、同行は業務改善計画に基づき業務改善命令を出したわけですから、その業務改善計画に基づき経営改善に向けた取り組みを行っているところだというふうに承知しておりまして、当局としては、今の段階ではしっかりその取り組みをフォローして、厳正に監督していきたいというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Local governments were additionally asked whether any formal requirements regarding, for example, corporate status (such as limiting selection to NPO corporations and disallowing joint-stock corporations) were imposed when selecting partners for collaboration and cooperation on business and services located in thisintermediate realm between the public and private sectors.” This revealed that even if those answeringformal requirements imposed (e.g., corporate status)” and “no express provisions, but tendency for organizations of certain types to be selected” are combined, almost all local governments tend not to be concerned about formal requirements such as corporate status (Fig. 3-4-24).例文帳に追加

なお、この種の「官民の中間領域」に属するビジネス・サービスについて自治体が連携・協働先を選定する際、法人格などの形式要件(例えば、NPO法人に限定する、株式会社は認めない等)を設けているかについても聞いてみたところ、「法人格などの形式要件を設けている」及び「明文化された規定はないが一定の選考傾向がある」を合わせても、全分野にわたり、ほとんどの自治体で法人格などの形式要件にこだわる傾向は少ないことが明らかになった(第3-4-24図)。 - 経済産業省


The next year he obtained teaching support from former professors of Kyoto Imperial University, Yorozu ODA, Hisoka INOUE, Santaro OKAMATSU, as well as Yui Nishida (executive director of the Asahi Seimei Company), Atsushi HASHIMOTO (the first president of Daido Seimei Insurance Company), Yoshinao YAMASHITA (member of the Kyoto Metropolitan Assembly), Kashiichiro KAWARABAYASHI (executive director of Toyo Rayon (Toray)), Kametaro HAMURO (general manager of Keishin Densha) had supported in terms of management for the establishment of the school. Other important people from the realm of Kyoto financial affairs lent their assistance to the school's establishment, including Jinzaburo NAIKI, Koutetsu HAMAOKA, Gentaro TANAKA, Eisuke NAKAMURA, Kikutaro AMEMORI, Bunpei TAKAGI, Yoshio KAWARABAYASHI), and with the help of these people he established the office of Kyoto Hosei School in a corner of the Asahi Seimei Insurance Company. 例文帳に追加

翌年、教学面での協力を京都帝国大学教授だった織田萬、井上密、岡松参太郎らから得るとともに、学校設立事務については、西田由(朝日生命株式会社専務取締役)、橋本篤(大同生命保険株式会社初代支配人)、山下好直(京都府議会議員)、河原林樫一郎(東洋レーヨン常務取締役)、羽室亀太郎(京津電車支配人)らの協力を得て、また設立賛助員として京都政財界の大物(内貴仁三郎、浜岡光哲、田中源太郎、中村栄助、雨森菊太郎、高木文平、河原林義男)の力を借り、京都法政学校設立事務所を朝日生命保険株式会社の一角に設置した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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