
「councillors」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(2ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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If the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors disagree and if no agreement can be reached even through a joint committee of both Houses, provided for by law, or the House of Councillors fails to make designation within ten (10) days, exclusive of the period of recess, after the House of Representatives has made designation, the decision of the House of Representatives shall be the decision of the Diet. 例文帳に追加

衆議院と参議院とが異なつた指名の議決をした場合に、法律の定めるところにより、両議院の協議会を開いても意見が一致しないとき、又は衆議院が指名の議決をした後、国会休会中の期間を除いて十日以内に、参議院が、指名の議決をしないときは、衆議院の議決を国会の議決とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Back in the day, there used to be two Parliamentary Vice-Ministers, one each from the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. I became the Parliamentary Vice-Minister from the House of Representatives in charge of SMEs 20 years ago, while my counterpart from the House of Councillors was Hirofumi Nakasone. From 1945 to the mid-1960s, there was a nationwide campaign to create a Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises targeted at the Parliamentary Vice-Minister of MITI from the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

私は基本的に20年前に中小企業担当の政務次官、昔は衆議院から行った政務次官と参議院から行った政務次官2人おりまして、参議院から行ったのは中曽根弘文君でして、私が衆議院からで、昔は衆議院から行った通産政務次官に中小企業省をつくれという運動が昭和20年代から30年代に全国的に物凄くあったのです。 - 金融庁

(4) The Board of Councillors may state its opinions to officers, give advice in response to consultations from officers, or request officers to give a report in relation to the state of business or the properties of the juridical person for offenders rehabilitation or of an officer's execution of his/her duties. 例文帳に追加

4 評議員会は、更生保護法人の業務若しくは財産の状況又は役員の業務執行の状況について、役員に対し意見を述べ、若しくはその諮問に答え、又は役員に対し報告を求めることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(5) Amendments of the articles of incorporation, the disposition of important assets, merger, dissolution and other important matters concerning the business of the juridical person for offenders rehabilitation may be designated by the articles of incorporation as matters requiring the resolution of the Board of Councillors. 例文帳に追加

5 定款の変更、重要な資産の処分、合併、解散、その他更生保護法人の業務に関する重要な事項は、定款をもって、評議員会の議決を要するものとすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 34 (1) The merger of the juridical person for offenders rehabilitation shall be preceded by the consent of two thirds or more of the directors, and in addition, by the resolution of the Board of Councillors when such resolution is required by the articles of incorporation. 例文帳に追加

第三十四条 更生保護法人が合併するには、理事の三分の二以上の同意及び定款で更に評議員会の議決を要するものと定めている場合には、その議決がなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) The Members of the Policy Board shall be appointed by the Cabinet, subject to the consent of the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, from among persons with relevant knowledge and experience including experts on the economy or finance. 例文帳に追加

2 審議委員は、経済又は金融に関して高い識見を有する者その他の学識経験のある者のうちから、両議院の同意を得て、内閣が任命する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

A bill which is passed by the House of Representatives, and upon which the House of Councillors makes a decision different from that of the House of Representatives, becomes a law when passed a second time by the House of Representatives by a majority of two-thirds or more of the members present. 例文帳に追加

衆議院で可決し、参議院でこれと異なつた議決をした法律案は、衆議院で出席議員の三分の二以上の多数で再び可決したときは、法律となる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The enactment of laws necessary for the enforcement of this Constitution, the election of members of the House of Councillors and the procedure for the convocation of the Diet and other preparatory procedures necessary for the enforcement of this Constitution may be executed before the day prescribed in the preceding paragraph. 例文帳に追加

この憲法を施行するために必要な法律の制定、参議院議員の選挙及び国会召集の手続並びにこの憲法を施行するために必要な準備手続は、前項の期日よりも前に、これを行ふことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 102. The term of office for half the members of the House of Councillors serving in the first term under this Constitution shall be three years. Members falling under this category shall be determined in accordance with law. 例文帳に追加

第百二条 この憲法による第一期の参議院議員のうち、その半数の者の任期は、これを三年とする。その議員は、法律の定めるところにより、これを定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Yet this system of Cabinet Councillors did not last long, as Kido, its progenitor, was absent most of the time, visiting foreign countries as vice ambassador plenipotentiary. 例文帳に追加

しかし、この薩長土肥一人ずつの共和制的な参議内閣体制は、それを打ち立てた木戸自身が海外視察の全権副使として留守にしたため、長くは続かなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The Shogunate dismissed Nobumasa ANDO and Hirochika KUZE, Senior Councillors of the Shogunate who were also aides of Naosuke, and banned the Ii Family from entering the profession of Kyoto-shugo (Military Governor of Kyoto) on account of Naosuke's misgovernment, while Katamori MATSUDAIRA was promoted to Kyoto-shugo (Military Governor of Kyoto). 例文帳に追加

その結果、直弼の側近だった老中安藤信正および久世広周を罷免するとともに、直弼の失政を理由に京都守護の家職を井伊家から剥奪し、松平容保を京都守護職に宛てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The government posts of High Chancellor, the Ministers of the Left and Right, the Councillors and the Lords of each Ministry shall be abolished, and the posts of Prime Minister and the Ministers of each ministry, whom together shall form the Cabinet, shall be established (the 1885 Daijokan tasshi no. 69). 例文帳に追加

太政大臣左右大臣参議各省卿ノ職制ヲ廃シ内閣総理大臣及各省諸大臣ヲ置キ内閣ヲ組織ス(明治18年太政官達第69号) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The government posts of High Chancellor, the Ministers of the Left and Right, the Councillors and the Lords of each Ministry shall be abolished, and the posts of Prime Minister and the Ministers of Imperial Household, Foreign Affairs, the Interior, Finance, the Army, the Navy, Justice, Education, Agriculture and Commerce, and Communications and Transportation shall be established. 例文帳に追加

今般太政大臣左右大臣参議各省卿ノ職制ヲ廃シ更ニ内閣総理大臣及宮内外務内務大蔵陸軍海軍司法文部農商務逓信ノ諸大臣ヲ置ク - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The alloted number of seats for viscount councillors was 70 then, but Kenkyukai won 45 seats in the first election in 1897, and in 1911, they won another 66 seats and the total number of their seats topped 100, which overwhelmed the other factions and made them secure the position as the biggest faction. 例文帳に追加

当時の子爵議員の定数は70であったが、1897年の最初の改選では45議席を獲得し、1911年には66議席を獲得して総計で100議席の大台に乗せるなど他会派を圧倒したため、最大会派の地位を保つ事になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In March of the same year, after Kido and Itagaki returned to the positions of Sangi (councillors), they drew up a political reform plan together with Okubo and Ito based on the agreement in the Osaka conference, and then submitted the plan to Sanetomi SANJO, the Daijo-daijin (the Grand Minister). 例文帳に追加

同年3月、木戸・板垣は参議に復帰すると、大久保・伊藤とともに大阪会議の合意事項に基づいた政体改革案を作成し、太政大臣三条実美に提出した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The campaign for the presidential election (of the Liberal Democratic Party) has started. How do you think deliberations on the supplementary budget and various bills should be conducted in the coming Diet session, in relation to a future election to the House of Councillors? 例文帳に追加

総裁選がスタートしましたが、今度の国会で参院選等をにらみ、補正予算、または法案をどのように審議すべきだとお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁

Could you tell me how you assess the period of the Fukuda cabinet, including your view on thedivisionof the Diet (with the House of Representatives controlled by the ruling coalition and the House of Councillors dominated by the opposition), which has been cited as a major factor of the collapse of the Fukuda cabinet in just one year? 例文帳に追加

特に、福田内閣がわずか1年で終わった要因としては衆参ねじれ国会が指摘されているわけですけれども、この点を含めてお願いしたいと思います。 - 金融庁

Could you tell me how you assess the period of the Fukuda cabinet, including your view on thedivisionof the Diet (with the House of Representatives controlled by the ruling coalition and the House of Councillors dominated by the opposition), which has been cited as a major factor of the collapse of the Fukuda cabinet in just one year? 例文帳に追加

それから、大臣としてのこの2か月弱の仕事でありますが、冒頭申し上げましたように、おかげさまで充実した仕事ができたのではないかなと実感をいたしております。 - 金融庁

In your previous press conference, you declared that the market would be kept open. However, yesterday, Mr. Nishioka, president of the House of Councillors, suggested that the market should remain closed for a certain period of time. Haven't you changed your mind? 例文帳に追加

先日の会見で、大臣は「株式市場を開け続ける」と明言されていましたが、昨日、参院議長の西岡さんとかは、「一定期間、閉めるべきだ」みたいな発言もされていて、これはこの間のお考えにお変わりないでしょうか。 - 金融庁

As you know, yesterday, the Minister of Finance made various statements at the (House of Councillors') Committee on Financial Affairs, and I think that various policy tools are naturally available. 例文帳に追加

ご存じのように、昨日も財務大臣が、(参議院)財政金融委員会において私の横で、色々と答弁しておりましたけれども、当然、色々な政策的なツールはあると思います。 - 金融庁

Although it may be a bit premature to talk about this, the bill for the amendment of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act has already passed through the House of Representatives and the enactment thereof is expected to take place this week upon its passage through the House of Councillors. 例文帳に追加

少し気が早いのかもしれませんが、金融商品取引法の改正案について、既に衆議院の方では可決されて週内に参議院でも可決成立の見通しと言われております。 - 金融庁

(iii) Report on pertinent matters to the Minister of Justice (to the Board of Councillors, if it so exists) when the auditor has found in the course of inspection or auditing pursuant to the two preceding items that there is a wrongful act or a serious fact violating laws and regulations or the articles of incorporation concerning the business or the properties of the juridical person for offenders rehabilitation; 例文帳に追加

三  前二号の規定による監査の結果、更生保護法人の業務又は財産に関し不正の行為又は法令若しくは定款に違反する重大な事実があることを発見した場合には、これを法務大臣(評議員会が置かれている場合は評議員会)に報告すること。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) The Bank of Japan's Governor or the chairperson of the Policy Board, or a representative designated by them, shall attend the sessions of the House of Representatives, the House of Councillors, or their Committees when requested by them, in order to explain the state of the Bank's business operations and property. 例文帳に追加

3 日本銀行の総裁若しくは政策委員会の議長又はそれらの指定する代理者は、日本銀行の業務及び財産の状況について各議院又はその委員会から説明のため出席することを求められたときは、当該各議院又は委員会に出席しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

In October 1662, as the Shogun Ietsuna TOKUGAWA's will, Gaho Hayashi was ordered to complete the chronological record of history, and in August 1663 the Shogunate approved the project by hosho (a document for informing lower-rank people of the decision of upper people such as an emperor or shogun) with signatures of roju (senior councillors of the Tokugawa shogunate), and the edit work started at the residence of Hayashi in Shinobugaoka. 例文帳に追加

寛文2年(1663年)10月、将軍徳川家綱の上意として林鵞峯に編年録の完成を命じられ、翌寛文3年8月に幕府老中の連署奉書で幕府の許可がおり、忍岡の林邸での編纂が開始される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The cabinet positions of High Chancellor, the Ministers of the Left and Right, the Councillors and the Lords of each Ministry were abolished, while the post of Prime Minister and that of the various government Ministers, namely of the Imperial Household, Foreign Affairs, the Interior, Finance, the Army, the Navy, Justice, Education, Agriculture and Commerce, and Communications and Transportation, were established. 例文帳に追加

太政大臣、左右大臣、参議及び各省卿の職制を廃し、新たに内閣総理大臣並びに宮内省、外務省、内務省(日本)、大蔵省、陸軍省、海軍省、司法省、文部省、農商務省(日本)及び逓信省の各大臣を置くこと。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Osaka Conference is a meeting which took place in Osaka Prefecture on February 11, 1875 and where the dignitaries of the Meiji government, Toshimichi OKUBO, Takayoshi KIDO and Taisuke ITAGAKI, got together to discuss the government's prospective policy (the establishment of constitutional government) and the appointment of Sangi (councillors). 例文帳に追加

大阪会議(おおさかかいぎ)は、明治8年(1875年)2月11日に明治政府の要人である大久保利通・木戸孝允・板垣退助らが大阪府に集い、今後の政府の方針(立憲政治の樹立)および参議就任等の案件について協議した会議。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for your question concerning the BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation, I should refrain from making specific comments on behalf of the government, as an amendment bill submitted by the ruling parties is under deliberation in the House of Councillors as I said earlier. 例文帳に追加

銀行等保有株式取得機構については、先ほども申し上げましたように与党から提出された改正法案が参議院で現在審議されている最中ですので、ご質問の件について政府として具体的なコメントを申し上げることは差し控えるべきだと思います。 - 金融庁

Concerning the issue of the appointment of the Bank of Japan governor, which was at last resolved this week, suggestions have been made that in order to avoid confusion like this in the future, the House of Representatives might be given precedence (over the House of Councillors) with regard to Diet approval of the appointment of the BOJ governor. 例文帳に追加

日本銀行の総裁人事は今週決着しましたが、今回のような混乱を避けるという意味で、日本銀行の国会同意については衆議院に優越を与えたらどうかというような議論もあると思いますけれども、 - 金融庁

Regarding Diet affairs, a censure motion against Prime Minister Fukuda has been adopted (in the House of Councillors) under the leadership of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), causing a halt in Diet business, although the term of the current session has not yet expired. How do you view the DPJ's handling of Diet affairs? 例文帳に追加

国会の状況なんですけれども、民主党が福田総理の問責決議案を可決して、事実上国会は会期を残した状態でストップしている状況ですけれども、こうした民主党の対応といいますか、国会対応を大臣はどうご覧になっていますか。 - 金融庁

In a statement by the Prime Minister issued at today’s cabinet meeting, he referred to problems caused by the “divided” government. The division, a situation in which the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors have different mandates from the people, must be resolved in some way or other. 例文帳に追加

今日閣議でも、総理談話の中にねじれ国会の話といいますか、国会で苦労されたという、そういう衆参でねじれがある、ある意味異なる民意の下で、衆議院、参議院が構成されているという状況は何らかの形で打開をしなければいけない。 - 金融庁

Fortunately, the bill was passed by both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors with the support of nearly 90% of all Diet members. Japan Post Group is an organization with a workforce of 400,000 employees and a history dating back to 1871, so we face the task of entrenching the spirit of this act in it. 例文帳に追加

お蔭様で結果は、9割近い国会議員が賛成していただいて、衆参ともに成立をしたわけでございます。そういった中で、現実に今40万人の職員がいる明治4年以来の組織でございますから、今後、法の精神を組織に移していくという作業がございます。 - 金融庁

I know that it has an exclusionary clause that permits such underwriting on condition of a Diet resolution adopted with majority support in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors. However, since government bonds should in principle be absorbed by the market, cautious consideration is necessary. 例文帳に追加

国会の決議、衆参の国会議員の過半数以上だという例外規定があるのは知っていますけれども、やはり国債というのは原則として市中消化というのが原則でございますから、慎重に考える必要があるというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁

Let me mention one thing. When the Revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions was unanimously passed by the House of Councillors on June 22, I directly informed the presidents of three banks in the Tohoku region that had expressed willingness to make use of the law of the passage. 例文帳に追加

1点申し上げれば、東北地方の金融機関で金融機能強化法に手を挙げていただいている(金融機関の)頭取に、6月22日、法律が参議院を全会一致で通過したとき、これはもう既に手を挙げておられましたから、実は3人の頭取には、私から直接、報告させていただいたのです。 - 金融庁

It will soon be one year since the Great East Japan Earthquake took place. The earthquake occurred while a session of the House of Councillors' Audit Committee was being aired live. Nearly 20,000 people were killed or left missing. 例文帳に追加

間もなく東日本大震災の発生から1年を迎える時でございまして、ちょうどあの日、参議院の決算委員会の中継中だったと思いますけれども、2万人近い方々が命をなくす、あるいは、(行方)不明になられたわけでございます。 - 金融庁

In a whisper, Mr. Cunningham drew Mr. Kernan's attention to Mr. Harford, the moneylender, who sat some distance off, and to Mr. Fanning, the registration agent and mayor maker of the city, who was sitting immediately under the pulpit beside one of the newly elected councillors of the ward. 例文帳に追加

小声でカニンガム氏はカーナン氏の注意を、やや遠く離れて座った金貸しのハーフォード氏に、そして説教壇のすぐ下、最近この選挙区で選ばれた議員の一人のそばに座っている市の登記事務官で市長メーカーのファニング氏に向けさせた。 - James Joyce『恩寵』

Article 191 (1) When examining, as a witness, a public officer or a person who was a public officer with regard to any secrets in relation to his/her duties, the court shall obtain approval of the supervisory government agency concerned (in the case of a member of the House of Representatives or House of Councillors or a person who held such post, the respective House; in the case of the Prime Minister or any other Minister of State or a person who held such post, the Cabinet). 例文帳に追加

第百九十一条 公務員又は公務員であった者を証人として職務上の秘密について尋問する場合には、裁判所は、当該監督官庁(衆議院若しくは参議院の議員又はその職にあった者についてはその院、内閣総理大臣その他の国務大臣又はその職にあった者については内閣)の承認を得なければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

A series of ceremonies related to Senso are called "Senso-no-gi (ceremonies to become a new emperor)" which are regarded as a part of the emperor's constitutional functions, being composed of the first ceremony named Kenji (ceremony for imperial succession) to be executed immediately after the demise of the previous emperor, and the second ceremony named Sokuigo Choken-no-gi (ceremony to have an audience with the emperor after enthronement) for the Sanken-no-cho (chiefs of three organizations of power, namely the prime minister, the chairmen of House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, and the Chief Justice,) and being followed by the next ceremony named Sokui-no-rei (ceremony of the enthronement) which is to be held after the end of ryoan (period to mourn for the passing of emperor.) 例文帳に追加

践祚にかかる儀式を『践祚の儀』といい、先帝崩御後直ちに行われる『剣璽』及び新帝が即位後初めて三権の長(内閣総理大臣、衆議院議長、参議院議長、最高裁判所長官)を引見される『即位後朝見の儀』は共に国事行為とされ、先帝の諒闇が明けて行われる即位の礼と続く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, in the supplementary resolutions attached to the Bill for the Partial Amendment of the Certified Public Accountants Act (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives, June 8, 2007; Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors, June 15, 2007), it was stated, "With respect to measures for giving statutory auditors the authority to make decisions on the appointment of accounting auditors and the authority to make decisions on audit fees, serious deliberations should be continued and efforts should be made to draw a conclusion without delay. 例文帳に追加

また、公認会計士法等の一部を改正する法律案に対する附帯決議(平成19年6月8日衆議院財務金融委員会、平成19年6月15日参議院財政金融委員会)においても、「監査人の選任決議案の決定権や監査報酬の決定権限を監査役に付与する措置についても、引き続き真剣な検討を行い、早急に結論を得るよう努めること。」とされている。 - 金融庁

I conveyed the decision to them, rather than exchanging views, as I thought they were waiting for that. The day before yesterday, the bill was passed unanimously in the House of Councillors, and we decided to promulgate it at today's cabinet meeting. As the amended act was formally promulgated today, I telephoned the three presidents as well as the Director-General of the Tohoku Finance Bureau, on the day after the law was unanimously passed. Now, they are working very hard. 例文帳に追加

意見というか、電話で(お伝えしました)。やはり待っておられたと思いますので、一昨日、全会一致で参議院の本会議を通りまして、実は今日の閣議で公布が決定いたしまして、正式にきちんと今日公布されましたので、全会一致で通った後、次の日になりましたけれども、3人の頭取、それと東北財務局長にも、きちんと電話をかけておきました。今、(彼らは)非常に頑張っておられますけれども。 - 金融庁

While we should appoint the right persons for the right positions, the paramount challenge is the response to the earthquake disaster. The (amended) Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions was unanimously passed by both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors on June 22 thanks to the efforts of the FSA’s staff.This is a very extraordinary law intended to deal with the earthquake disaster. 例文帳に追加

人事というのは適所適材でやっていくわけでございますが、課題としては、まず震災対応、これは金融機能強化法、これは本当に皆さん方の、金融庁の事務方の努力で6月22日、これは衆参ともに全会一致で通過しまして、そういった意味で震災に対する非常に特例的な法律でございます。 - 金融庁

As I have repeatedly mentioned, after the House of Councillors election was held four years ago, we formed a parliamentary group that brought together the DPJ, Shin-Ryokufukai, the People's New Party and New Party Nippon. 例文帳に追加

もう何回も私は言っていますように、我々は4年前、参議院選挙が終わったときから、実は「民主党・新緑風会・国民新・日本」という統一会派をつくって、国会の中で働かせていただいたわけでございまして、私などは特に参議院議員でしたから、当時、民主党と同じ会派の中で、新緑風会の方もいました。 - 金融庁

Regarding the measures to prevent the recurrence, the government will accelerate its study and work out the specifics while holding adequate consultations with the ruling parties and listening to various valuable opinions expressed in the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors, particularly at the Committee on Financial Affairs. 例文帳に追加

再発防止策については、今後とも政府内で検討を加速し、議会制民主主義の中でございますから、与党とも十分御相談しながら、国会では衆議院、参議院の、特に財金委員会で色々な貴重なご意見もいただいておりますから、そんなこともしっかり参考にしながら、具体化を図ってまいりたいと思っております。 - 金融庁

This act expands the scope of items that may be purchased by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation, which resumed the purchase of stocks in March 2009, to include preferred stocks and securities, ETF (exchange-traded funds) and J-REIT so as to further strengthen the functions of the corporation in line with a supplementary resolution adopted by the House of Councillors' Committee on Financial Affairs. 例文帳に追加

同法は、先般の参議院財政金融委員会における附帯決議を受け、本年3月に株式の買取りを再開した銀行等保有株式取得機構の更なる機能強化を図るために、機構による買取り対象を優先株・優先出資、ETF(上場投資信託)、J-REITといったところまで拡大することを内容とするものでございます。 - 金融庁

In any case, as I have said over and over again, loan repayment in the disaster areas is a matter that cannot be dealt with within the scope of private financial institutions' activities alone. The day before yesterday, the House of Councillors unanimously passed the bill to amend the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions. I am grateful for the passage, as this will strengthen the financial functions in a comprehensive manner and reassure depositors in the disaster areas. Although the Diet has undergone an upheaval, as the minister in charge, I am very grateful to the political parties and parliamentary groups in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors for passing this bill based on common sense for the sake of people in the disaster areas. Strengthening the financial functions and reassuring depositors is important in times like these. 例文帳に追加

いずれにいたしましても、私が何度も申し上げておりますように、被災地における債務返済の問題は、民間金融機関の範囲内だけでは対応できない問題でございまして、これは、一昨日、金融機能強化法を参議院で全会一致で通していただきまして、被災地における面的な金融機能の強化、それから預金者を安心させるということで、これは本当にありがたいことでございますが、いろいろ四海波静かでないときに、国会全体は非常に激動しておりましたけれども、この法律は各党・各会派、衆議院・参議院が良識を持って、きちんと被災地の方々のために通していただいたことを、担当大臣として大変ありがたく思っておりますが、私も早速、そういった面的な金融機能の強化、それからやはり預金者に安心していただくということがこんなときは大事でございます。 - 金融庁

At that time, when I was still young, I served as the deputy secretary-general of a group calledRoad Lovers. ” We barged into the office of the Director-General of the Budget Bureau at the Ministry of Finance and demanded return of the 420 billion yen, insisting that funds in the special account for road improvement should essentially be used for road improvement. I remember that day well. The Director-General, who later became Vice Finance Minister, told me, “Mr.Jimi, poverty dulls the wit. Isn't it lawmakers' responsibility to consider ways to ensure a smooth stream of revenue?” With me were dauntless guys such as Mr.Shin Sakurai (a former member of the House of Councillors) and Mr.Akira Fukida (a former member of the House of Councillors), but we were beaten back. 例文帳に追加

私も若い頃、あまり柄にも似合わないのですけれども、「道路を愛する会」というのを作りまして、(その会の)事務局次長で、大蔵省の主計局長に怒鳴り込みに行きまして、4,200億円返せと、元々道路特別会計というのは道路に使うためではないかと言ったことがございまして、今でもよく覚えていますが、その時に、後に事務次官になった人が、「自見さん、貧すれば鈍するだよ。きちんと歳入が入るように考えるのが与党の国会議員の責任ではないか」と言われました。私と、(元衆議院議員の)桜井新さんとか、それから(元衆議院議員の)吹田あきらさんとか、猛者が行ったのですけれども、ちょっと撃退された事をよく覚えております。 - 金融庁

Therefore, although the stock exchanges currently require a certain degree of disclosure on the relationships that outside directors and auditors have with the company, it would be appropriate for them to require the disclosure of more specific details on this point, and also to Report by the Subcommittee on Certified Public Accountant System, Financial System Council "Enrichment and Enhancement of the Certified Public Accountants and Audit Corporation Systems" (December 22, 2006). Also, in the supplementary resolutions attached to the Bill for the Partial Amendment of the Certified Public Accountants Act (Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Representatives, June 8, 2007; Committee on Financial Affairs, House of Councillors, June 15, 2007), it was stated, "With respect to measures for giving statutory auditors the authority to make decisions on the appointment of accounting auditors and the authority to make decisions on audit fees, serious deliberations should be continued and efforts should be made to draw a conclusion without delay." require appropriate disclosures about the company's views on the independence of the persons in question. 例文帳に追加

したがって、取引所においては、現在、社外取締役・監査役について、会社との関係に係る一定の開示を求めているところであるが、この点についてより具体的な内容の開示を求めるとともに、当該者の独立性に関する会社の考え方についても適切な開示を求めることが適当である。 - 金融庁

The basic act for the reform of the civil servant system has been enacted as a program law, through coordination of views within the government and with the support of the Democratic Party of Japan, despite a difficult situation created by the divided Diet (the House of Representatives controlled by the ruling parties and the House of Councillors dominated by the opposition camp).I intend to properly promote this reform toward the next step. The people will appreciate the reform, only after they begin to see its benefits, as we steadily implement one necessary measure after another. 例文帳に追加

渡辺前大臣のおやりになった仕事というか成果は非常に大きかったなと、こんなふうに私は感じているところでありますし、なかなかこの国家公務員制度の改革の基本法についても、ねじれ国会における相当難しいのではないかという中で、政府内でもしっかり調整を進め、そして国会においては民主党の協力も得て、一定の成果を上げてこのプログラム法ができたわけでありますから、これをしっかり推進していく、次のステップに入ったと、こういう思いでありまして、それを一つ一つ実現することによって、成果として見えて初めて国民としては良かったなと思える。 - 金融庁

As for my thinking regarding stock price-supporting measures, Paragraph 3 of the supplementary resolution that was adopted when a bill related to BanksShareholdings Purchase Corporation was passed stated to the effect that frank discussions should be held on this matter across the boundary of the ruling and opposition parties. So, I have high expectations that along the line of that supplementary resolution, a variety of things will be discussed between the ruling and opposition parties, not only in the House of Councillors but also in the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

一方、株価対策の考え方ですけれども、取得機構の法案が通りました時の参議院の附帯決議の第3項というのが、この問題については与野党区別なく率直に話していこうという意味が書かれているわけでして、私としては、あの附帯決議の線に沿って、色々なことが、参議院の与野党間、あるいは参議院とは言わず衆議院を含めた与野党間で話し合われるということに、大きな期待をいだいております。 - 金融庁

Basically, the People's New Party and the DPJ have maintained an alliance for five years, as I mentioned earlier. After the election to the House of Councillors, the DPJ, the Social Democratic Party and the People's New Party together held the majority of seats. As I said in my meeting with Prime Minister Noda today, we formed a parliamentary group called the DPJ-Shin Ryokufu-kai- the People's New Party-Nippon and conducted activity in the divided Diet for two years. We achieved the change of government by forming an alliance in the House of Representatives. 例文帳に追加

基本的には、私は国民新党、民主党、さっき言いましたように5年の歴史がありまして、参議院の選挙が終わったとき、民主党と社民党と国民新党で参議院の過半数を超えていましたので、今日も党首会談で申しましたけれども、民主党・新緑風会・国民新・日本という会派を組んで、約2年間、参議院の議会活動、当時ねじれ(国会)でございましたけれども、逆の意味で、そのことを結集して政権交代がかなったというふうに思っております。 - 金融庁


Last Friday, the Act to Partially Amend the Act on Financial Institutions (,etc.)', Limits for Share, etc. Holdings, which includes an expansion of the scope of items that may be purchased by Banks' Shareholdings Purchase Corporation, was passed by the House of Councillors and was thus enacted. What are you expecting from the enactment of this act? Also, could you tell us about your view, if any, on the specific standards for the purchase of listed real estate investment trusts, known as J-REIT? 例文帳に追加

先般、先週の金曜日でしたか、銀行等保有株式取得機構の買取り対象の拡大などを盛り込みました、「改正・銀行株式保有制限法」が参議院で可決、成立いたしました。この改正法の成立にあたりまして、長官として期待されることを改めて伺えればと思います。また、新たに買取り対象に加わりました上場不動産投信、J-REITと呼ばれるものですが、この具体的な買取り基準等について、ご見解があれば伺えればと思います。 - 金融庁


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