
「再開発計画」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方 - Weblio英語例文検索





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The urban-renewal project is now well under way. - Tatoeba例文


Are there any major redevelopment plans for the area? - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


Currently, the City is engaged in the following redevelopment projects. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


The urban-renewal project is now well under way.  - Tanaka Corpus


三 都市開発方針等に関する都市計画例文帳に追加

(iii) City plans concerning urban redevelopment policy;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


十 地区計画の区域(地区計画の区域の一部について開発等促進区若しくは開発整備促進区又は地区整備計画が定められているときは、地区計画の区域及び開発等促進区若しくは開発整備促進区又は地区整備計画の区域)例文帳に追加

(x) District planning areas (when part of the district planning area is designated as a redevelopment promotion area or a development improvement promotion area, or when a district development plan has been stipulated, then both the district planning area and either the redevelopment promotion area or the development improvement promotion area; or the area of the district development plan);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A redevelopment plan of the WTC site is finally beginning to make progress.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

三 都市開発の方針は、市街化区域内において、計画的な開発が必要な市街地について定めること。例文帳に追加

(iii) An urban redevelopment policy shall be stipulated for urban areas that require planned redevelopment;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七条の二 都市計画区域については、都市計画に、次に掲げる方針(以下「都市開発方針等」という。)で必要なものを定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 7-2 (1) Regarding city planning areas, necessary items shall be stipulated in city plans according to the following policy (hereinafter referred to as "urban redevelopment policy etc.").  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 都市計画区域について定められる都市計画(区域外都市施設に関するものを含む。)は、都市開発方針等に即したものでなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) City plans stipulated for city planning areas (including those concerning out-of-area urban facilities) must be grounded in the urban redevelopment policy.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


5 開発等促進区又は開発整備促進区を定める地区計画においては、第二項各号に掲げるもののほか、当該開発等促進区又は開発整備促進区に関し必要な次に掲げる事項を都市計画に定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

(5) Regarding district plans that stipulate redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts, in addition to matters listed in paragraph (2), the following necessary matters for said redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts shall be stipulated in city plans:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十三 沿道地区計画の区域(沿道地区計画の区域の一部について沿道開発等促進区又は沿道地区整備計画(幹線道路の沿道の整備に関する法律第九条第二項第二号に掲げる沿道地区整備計画をいう。以下同じ。)が定められているときは、沿道地区計画の区域及び沿道開発等促進区又は沿道地区整備計画の区域)例文帳に追加

(xiii) Areas of roadside district plans (regarding the areas of some roadside district plans, when roadside redevelopment promotion areas or roadside district improvement plans (i.e., roadside district improvement plans provided for item (ii), paragraph (2), Article 9 of the Act Concerning the Improvement of the Areas along Trunk Roads; the same shall apply hereinafter) are stipulated, the areas of roadside district plans and the areas of either the roadside redevelopment promotion areas or the roadside district improvement plans);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

イ 地区計画 開発等促進区若しくは開発整備促進区(いずれも第十二条の五第五項第二号に規定する施設の配置及び規模が定められているものに限る。)又は地区整備計画例文帳に追加

(a) district plans: redevelopment, etc. promotion areas or development improvement promotion areas (both of which shall be limited to those where the layout and scale of facilities prescribed by Article 12-5 paragraph (5) item (ii) are specified) or district improvement plans;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Later, the formulation of the New Comprehensive National Development Plan in 1969, the enactment of the Industrial Relocation Promotion Law in 1972 and the formulation of the Third Comprehensive National Development Plan in 1977 further promoted the decentralization of industry and factories. - 経済産業省

3 次に掲げる条件に該当する土地の区域における地区計画については、土地の合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の増進とを図るため、一体的かつ総合的な市街地の開発又は開発整備を実施すべき区域(以下「開発等促進区」という。)を都市計画に定めることができる。例文帳に追加

(3) Regarding district plans in areas that satisfy the following conditions, to promote reasonable and sound high-level usage and enhance urban functions, urban areas which should undergo uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement (hereinafter referred to as "redevelopment promotion districts" may be stipulated in city plans:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


an act of planning redevelopment of a city to recover management efficiency, improve city environment, and secure public safety  - EDR日英対訳辞書


There is a plan in place for a renewal project, featuring the construction of a bypass tunnel to extend the functions of the dam.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

ニ 沿道地区計画 沿道開発等促進区(幹線道路の沿道の整備に関する法律第九条第四項第二号に規定する施設の配置及び規模が定められているものに限る。)又は沿道地区整備計画例文帳に追加

(d) roadside district plans: roadside redevelopment, etc. promotion districts (which shall be limited to those where the layout and scale of facilities prescribed in Article 9 paragraph (4) item (ii) of the Act for the Improvement of Roadsides along Trunk Roads are specified) or roadside districts improvement plans;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 都市開発方針等、第八条第一項第四号の二、第五号の二、第六号、第八号及び第十号から第十六号までに掲げる地域地区、促進区域、被災市街地復興推進地域、流通業務団地、市街地開発事業、市街地開発事業等予定区域(第十二条の二第一項第四号及び第五号に掲げるものを除く。)、防災街区整備地区計画、歴史的風致維持向上地区計画、沿道地区計画並びに集落地区計画に関する都市計画の策定に関し必要な基準は、前三項に定めるもののほか、別に法律で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) In addition to matters stipulated in the preceding three items, standards required to formulate city plans concerning the urban redevelopment policy and other policies, districts and zones listed in item (iv)-2, item (v)-2, item (vi), item (viii) and items (x) through (xvi), paragraph (1), Article 8, project promotion areas, urban disaster recovery promotion areas, distribution business parks, urban development projects, scheduled areas for urban development projects etc. (excluding areas listed in items (iv) and (v), paragraph (1), Article 12-2), disaster prevention block improvement zone plans, historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans, roadside district plans, and rural district plans shall be stipulated separately by an Act.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 当該地区整備計画の区域の特性(開発等促進区及び開発整備促進区にあつては、土地利用に関する基本方針に従つて土地利用が変化した後の区域の特性)に応じたもの例文帳に追加

(i) Figures based on the qualities (in redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) of the area of said district development plan;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

六 市街地開発事業(政令で定める小規模な土地区画整理事業、市街地開発事業、住宅街区整備事業及び防災街区整備事業を除く。)に関する都市計画例文帳に追加

(vi) City plans concerning urban development projects (excluding small-scale land readjustment projects stipulated by Cabinet Order, urban redevelopment projects, residential block improvement projects and disaster block improvement projects);  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

6 開発等促進区又は開発整備促進区を都市計画に定める際、当該開発等促進区又は開発整備促進区について、当面建築物又はその敷地の整備と併せて整備されるべき公共施設の整備に関する事業が行われる見込みがないときその他前項第二号に規定する施設の配置及び規模を定めることができない特別の事情があるときは、当該開発等促進区又は開発整備促進区について同号に規定する施設の配置及び規模を定めることを要しない。例文帳に追加

(6) When stipulating redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts in city plans, and when projects for the construction of public facilities that should be built along with other buildings and site preparation are not expected to be conducted for the time being, and when exceptional circumstances arise such that the location and scope of other facilities provided for in item (ii) of the preceding paragraph cannot be stipulated, the stipulation of location and scope of those facilities provided for in the same item for said redevelopment promotion districts or development improvement promotion districts shall not be required.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The plan to construct the main artery connecting Kanto and Kinki regions along Nakasen-do Road and not Tokai-do Road, however, resurfaced as the National Highway Development Project after the 1950's.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


However, the factory was closed after its business plan was reviewed, and now it is planned to redevelop the site for urban use, such as to construct multipurpose commercial facilities and/or high-rise apartment buildings.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The 'Renewal Plan of Amagase Dam' had been underway since 1989 to strengthen the functions of flood control and to build the biggest tailrace tunnel in Japan for a greater utilization of its water.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Members took note that the examination of issues under the Work Program on Electronic Commerce was not yet complete, and they agreed to reinvigorate that work, including development-related issues and discussions on the trade treatment of electronically delivered software. - 経済産業省

ロ 開発等促進区を定める地区計画 土地の合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の増進とが図られることを目途として、一体的かつ総合的な市街地の開発又は開発整備が実施されることとなるように定めること。この場合において、第一種低層住居専用地域及び第二種低層住居専用地域については、開発等促進区の周辺の低層住宅に係る良好な住居の環境の保護に支障がないように定めること。例文帳に追加

(b) District plans that stipulate redevelopment promotion areas: District plans, aiming to promote reasonable and sound high-level use of land and the renewal of urban functions, shall be stipulated in order to implement the uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement of urban areas. In such cases, regarding category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts and category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts, plans shall be stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment pertaining to low-rise housing around redevelopment promotion areas is not hindered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十一条の二 都市計画区域又は準都市計画区域のうち、一体として整備し、開発し、又は保全すべき土地の区域としてふさわしい政令で定める規模以上の一団の土地の区域について、当該土地の所有権又は建物の所有を目的とする対抗要件を備えた地上権若しくは賃借権(臨時設備その他一時使用のため設定されたことが明らかなものを除く。以下「借地権」という。)を有する者(以下この条において「土地所有者等」という。)は、一人で、又は数人共同して、都道府県又は市町村に対し、都市計画(都市計画区域の整備、開発及び保全の方針並びに都市開発方針等に関するものを除く。次項において同じ。)の決定又は変更をすることを提案することができる。この場合においては、当該提案に係る都市計画の素案を添えなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 21-2 (1) Of city planning areas or quasi-city planning areas, regarding those collective areas of land exceeding the suitable scope stipulated by Cabinet Order to serve as areas of land that should be uniformly improved, developed or preserved, the owners of said land, or the holders of surface rights or leasehold rights with perfection requirements for the purpose of owning buildings (excluding impromptu facilities or other facilities clearly built for temporary use; hereinafter referred to as "lease rights" in this Article) may, individually or jointly, propose to the Prefectures or municipalities that city plans (excluding those concerning the policy for the improvement, development and preservation of city planning areas and the urban redevelopment policy) be decided or revised. In such cases, they must provide a draft of the city plan pertaining to said proposal.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

十七 沿道地区計画は、道路交通騒音により生ずる障害を防止するとともに、適正かつ合理的な土地利用が図られるように定めること。この場合において、沿道開発等促進区(幹線道路の沿道の整備に関する法律第九条第三項の規定による沿道開発等促進区をいう。以下同じ。)を定める沿道地区計画については、土地の合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の増進とが図られることを目途として、一体的かつ総合的な市街地の開発又は開発整備が実施されることとなるように定めることとし、そのうち第一種低層住居専用地域及び第二種低層住居専用地域におけるものについては、沿道開発等促進区の周辺の低層住宅に係る良好な住居の環境の保護に支障がないように定めること。例文帳に追加

(xvii) Roadside district plans shall be stipulated in order to prevent nuisances arising from road traffic noise and to promote adequate and reasonable land use. In such cases, regarding roadside district plans that stipulate roadside redevelopment promotion areas (i.e., roadside redevelopment promotion areas provided for in paragraph (3), Article 9 of the Act Concerning the Improvement of the Areas along Trunk Roads; he same shall apply hereinafter), plans, aiming to promote reasonable and sound high-level use of land and the renewal of urban functions, shall be stipulated in a manner that allows for the implementation of uniform and comprehensive redevelopment or development improvement of urban areas, of which those plans for category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts shall be stipulated to ensure that the protection of the favorable dwelling environment pertaining to low-rise housing around roadside redevelopment promotion areas is not hindered.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五 拠点業務市街地の開発整備の方針は、地方拠点都市地域の整備及び産業業務施設の配置の促進に関する法律第八条第一項の同意基本計画において定められた同法第二条第二項の拠点地区に係る市街化区域について、当該同意基本計画の達成に資するように定めること。例文帳に追加

(v) A policy for development of core business urban areas shall be stipulated to contribute to the achievement of the agreed basic plan provided for in paragraph (1), Article 8 of the Act Concerning the Promotion of the Development of Regional Core Urban Areas and the Relocation of Facilities for Industrial Business as it pertains to the core urban areas of paragraph (2), Article 2 of the same Act;  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Although initially targeted for the winter of fiscal year 2005, its opening was delayed because of a delay in the urban redevelopment work in the area around the new station, and because of the work to expand the Kuzekitachaya section of the planned urban road (part of the Nakayama-Inari Line of Kyoto Prefectural Route 201), which is to run under the site of the new station.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This villa later left the hands of the Kaga family and its ownership changed several times, once being used as a members-only restaurant, but becoming older year after year at the end of the bubble economy a construction firm bought it as part of a plan to have it demolished and build condominiums in a bid to raise land prices around the area.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


We will self-report again in 2013, on a voluntary basis, and ask appropriate officials to report back on countriesefforts and progress on incorporating green growth policies in structural reform agendas and in relevant national plans to promote sustainable development.  - 財務省


"Creation of a walk able town" was cited as the basic plan. In addition to redevelopment of the area in front of the station that established young fashion stores, a City library, a gender equality center, and a fresh market were designed to attract urban residents. - 経済産業省


The advanced thermal reactor Fugen is a prototype reactor that Japan has independently developed. During its operation period, a total of 772 MOX fuel assemblies were loaded, and achievements were made including the realization of a small-scale fuel cycle in which plutonium separated from spent fuels was re-used as a fuel in Fugen. However, since the advanced thermal demonstration reactor program was aborted in 1995, development of this reactor type was terminated. - 経済産業省

第十二条の七 地区整備計画開発等促進区及び開発整備促進区におけるものを除く。以下この条において同じ。)においては、用途地域内の適正な配置及び規模の公共施設を備えた土地の区域において建築物の容積を適正に配分することが当該地区整備計画の区域の特性に応じた合理的な土地利用の促進を図るため特に必要であると認められるときは、当該地区整備計画の区域を区分して第十二条の五第七項第二号の建築物の容積率の最高限度を定めるものとする。この場合において、当該地区整備計画の区域を区分して定められた建築物の容積率の最高限度の数値にそれぞれの数値の定められた区域の面積を乗じたものの合計は、当該地区整備計画の区域内の用途地域において定められた建築物の容積率の数値に当該数値の定められた区域の面積を乗じたものの合計を超えてはならない。例文帳に追加

Article 12-7 In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts; the same shall apply hereinafter), when adequately allocating the floor-area ratio of buildings in areas with land on which there are public facilities of adequate location and scale within the use district is deemed especially necessary in order to promote reasonable land use based on characteristics of the area of said district development plan, the areas of said district development plan shall be classified and the maximum floor area-ratio for buildings listed in item (ii), paragraph (7), Article 12-5 shall be stipulated. In such cases, the total value obtained when multiplying the maximum floor-area ratio of buildings stipulated for each division of the area of the district development plan by the area of each said area must not exceed the total value obtained when multiplying the floor area ratio of buildings stipulated each use district of the area of the district development plan by the area of each said area.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

国際的な金融危機の後も、ムハンマド・アブダビ皇太子のイニシアチブで2008 年に発表されたアブダビの基本開発計画である「プラン・アブダビ2030」や2006 年に発表された持続可能な社会の構築を目指し、CO2 を排出しない都市を建設する開発計画「マスダール・イニシアチブ」が継続している。マスダールに関しては、2009年にはアブダビに国際生可能エネルギー機関(IRENA)事務局の誘致を決定したほか、我が国企業、銀行も太陽熱などの分野のほか、実施主体であるアブダビ・フューチャーエナジー社(通称:マスダール)と共にファンドを設立するなど、積極的に参加している。例文帳に追加

After the global financial crisis, under Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed's initiative, the basic development plan was announced in Abu Dhabi in 2008, "Plan Abu Dhabi 2030", and published in 2006, goal to build the cities with CO2 emissions control, the society that ever last to exist, "Masdar Initiative". Regarding Masdar, he decided to invite the office of International Renewable Energy Agency Abu Dhabi (IRENA) in 2009 in Abu Dhabi, Japanese companies and banks are on board with solar heating research and main institute, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Implementation (known as: Masdar) to establish a fund and is also actively participating. - 経済産業省

第十二条の十 地区整備計画においては、当該地区整備計画の区域の特性(開発等促進区及び開発整備促進区にあつては、土地利用に関する基本方針に従つて土地利用が変化した後の区域の特性)に応じた高さ、配列及び形態を備えた建築物を整備することが合理的な土地利用の促進を図るため特に必要であると認められるときは、壁面の位置の制限(道路(都市計画において定められた計画道路及び第十二条の五第五項第二号に規定する施設又は地区施設である道路を含む。)に面する壁面の位置を制限するものを含むものに限る。)、壁面後退区域における工作物の設置の制限(当該壁面後退区域において連続的に有効な空地を確保するため必要なものを含むものに限る。)及び建築物の高さの最高限度を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12-10 In district development plans when the construction of buildings with heights, arrangements and forms based on the qualities of the area (in redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable land use, restrictions on the location of walls, (limited to restrictions including those on walls facing roads(including planned roads defined in city plans, facilities provided for in item (ii), paragraph (5), Article 12-5, or roads that are zone facilities), restrictions on the construction of the structures in the wall setback area (limited to restrictions including those cases when it is necessary to secure continuous, effective unused land in said setback area) and maximum building heights shall be stipulated.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第十二条の八 地区整備計画開発等促進区及び開発整備促進区におけるものを除く。)においては、用途地域(第一種低層住居専用地域及び第二種低層住居専用地域を除く。)内の適正な配置及び規模の公共施設を備えた土地の区域において、その合理的かつ健全な高度利用と都市機能の更新とを図るため特に必要であると認められるときは、建築物の容積率の最高限度及び最低限度、建築物の建ぺい率の最高限度、建築物の建築面積の最低限度並びに壁面の位置の制限(壁面の位置の制限にあつては、敷地内に道路(都市計画において定められた計画道路及び地区施設である道路を含む。以下この条において同じ。)に接して有効な空間を確保して市街地の環境の向上を図るため必要な場合における当該道路に面する壁面の位置を制限するもの(これを含む壁面の位置の制限を含む。)に限る。)を定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12-8 In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts) for areas with land on which public facilities of an adequate location and scale has been built within use districts (excluding category 1 low-rise exclusive residential districts and category 2 low-rise exclusive residential districts), when it is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable and sound high level use and to renew urban functions, and when maximum and minimum floor-area ratio, maximum building coverage ratio, minimum building area of buildings, and restrictions on the location of walls (Restrictions on the location of walls are limited to those walls that face roads (including planned roads defined in city plans; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) within the site and with which a functional space must be secured to improve the urban environment, restrictions may be stipulated for said walls that face roads (limited to those restrictions on walls included herein).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Since urban redevelopment is conducted by exchange of rights in an existing urban area, it requires some time for consensus building with local residents; however, when a new towns is constructed in areas that has not been urbanized yet, it is possible to acquire large area of land, such as land used for agriculture, for a relatively low price and to carry out effectively necessary procedures including urban planning decisions.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In order to revitalize regional economies, it is important to provide backup support to new business activity, including individuals planning to start a business and SMEs conducting advanced research and development or revitalizing their operations. A key issue here, however, is how to provide funds to SMEs that will take up the risk of pursuing such projects. - 経済産業省

第十二条の九 地区整備計画開発整備促進区におけるものを除く。以下この条において同じ。)においては、住居と住居以外の用途とを適正に配分することが当該地区整備計画の区域の特性(開発等促進区にあつては、土地利用に関する基本方針に従つて土地利用が変化した後の区域の特性)に応じた合理的な土地利用の促進を図るため特に必要であると認められるときは、第十二条の五第七項第二号の建築物の容積率の最高限度について次の各号に掲げるものごとに数値を区分し、第一号に掲げるものの数値を第二号に掲げるものの数値以上のものとして定めるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 12-9 In district development plans (excluding those for redevelopment promotion districts and development improvement promotion districts; the same applies hereinafter in this Article) when the adequate location of residential and nonresidential uses is deemed especially necessary to promote reasonable land use based on qualities of the area (in redevelopment promotion districts, the qualities of the area after land use has changed in accordance with the basic policy for land use) of said district development plan, maximum floor area-ratio for buildings listed in item (ii), paragraph (7), Article 12-5 shall be classified into the figures in each of the following items, and figures listed in item (i) may be stipulated to exceed figures listed in item (ii).  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五十八条の二 地区計画の区域(開発等促進区若しくは開発整備促進区(いずれも第十二条の五第五項第二号に規定する施設の配置及び規模が定められているものに限る。)又は地区整備計画が定められている区域に限る。)内において、土地の区画形質の変更、建築物の建築その他政令で定める行為を行おうとする者は、当該行為に着手する日の三十日前までに、国土交通省令で定めるところにより、行為の種類、場所、設計又は施行方法、着手予定日その他国土交通省令で定める事項を市町村長に届け出なければならない。ただし、次に掲げる行為については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 58-2 (1) Persons who intend to make alterations to the shape and quality of land zoning, construct buildings or perform any other activities specified by Cabinet Order in district planning areas (which shall be limited to areas of redevelopment promotion areas or development improvement promotion areas (which shall be limited, in either case, to those areas for which the layout and scale of facilities prescribed by Article 12-5 paragraph (5) item (ii) are decided) or areas for which areas improvement plans are established) shall, pursuant to the provision of the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, notify mayors of municipalities of the type and location of activities, design and methods of execution, scheduled date of construction commencement and other matters specified by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism no later than thirty days prior to the day when the said activities are to be started. However, this shall not apply to the following activities:  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

我々は,また,官民パートナーシップの推進,越境交通における緊急事態早期警戒システムの共通基準の創設,APEC 貿易計画を基盤とした運用上の貿易開通信メカニズムの開発の推進,緊急事態への備えの協力及び,インドネシアのジャカルタにある ASEAN 災害管理に関する人道支援のための調整センターのような地域的危機管理センター(CMCs)も含めて,APEC エコノミーの CMCs 間の危機管理及び災害対応準備の協力の進展を支持する。例文帳に追加

We also support fostering public-private partnerships, establishing common standards for emergency early warning systems in cross-border transportation, furthering the development of an operational trade recovery communications mechanism based on the APEC Trade Recovery Program and developing cooperation for emergency management and disaster response preparedness among Crisis Management Centers (CMCs) in APEC economies, including with other regional CMCs such as the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. - 経済産業省


For this reason, in 1998, “Grand Design for the 21st Century,” which is the Fifth Comprehensive National Development Plan, was formulated to promote the independence of local regions and creation of a beautiful country. This plan specifies five basic tasks includingpromoting the independence of regions and creating regions which residents can take pride in.Regarding domestic infrastructure investment, the plan points out the importance of making investments that fully reflect the characteristic of the relevant local region while planning for the next generation. As to industrial policies, it mentions about promoting the independence of local regions by means of revitalizing the competitiveness of regional industries. - 経済産業省

経済産業省においても、2005 年5月「新日本様式(ネオ・ジャパネスク)・ブランド推進懇談会」を設置し、我が国の多様な伝統文化を現代生活の中で評価し、現代のライフスタイルや社会的ニーズに合致するように新たな商品やコンテンツの開発に結びつけていくための、より新しい日本ブランド(新日本様式)の形成に向けた官民協力の在り方について検討を行い、同年7月、6 つのキャンペーンとそのためのの行動プログラムからなる3 か年行動計画を策定した。例文帳に追加

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry also established an advisory panel to the Brand Promotion Council for a New Japanese Style (Japanesque*Modern) in May 2005. It investigated methods of public/private cooperation towards forming a newer Japan Brand (Japanesque*Modern), to reevaluate Japan’s diverse traditional culture within modern lives, and to link this culture with development of new products and media content which match modern lifestyles and social needs. That July, a three year action plan was formulated, comprised of six campaigns which included action programs. - 経済産業省

2008 年のG8+3 青森エネルギー大臣会合59 においては、①生可能エネルギー、石炭のクリーン利用、原子力などの低炭素エネルギーの推進、②国別の省エネ目標・行動計画の策定、③セクター別アプローチの実用化に向けた協働、④革新的エネルギー技術開発の重要性の共有のほか、国際省エネ協力パートナーシップ(IPEEC)を立ち上げることで一致し、共同宣言がとりまとめられた。例文帳に追加

At the G8+3 Energy Ministers' Meeting58 that took place in Aomori in 2008,a joint statement was released in which concerned countries reached consensus on: (i) the promotion of low-carbon energies, including renewable energies, cleaner use of coal and nuclear energy; (ii)setting voluntary goals and developing action plans by individual countries; (iii) collaboration on the practical development of sectoral approaches; and, (iv) the importance of developing innovative energy technology, in addition to the establishment of the International Partnership for Energy Efficiency Cooperation (IPEEC). - 経済産業省


The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry organized the "Neo-Japanesque ("Japanesque Modern") Brand Promotion Council" in May 2005, which discussed how the government-industry cooperation can help create the new "Japan Brand" (neo-Japanesque brand) by re-evaluating various traditional values of Japan in the modern life in order to develop new products and content to meet the modern lifestyle and social needs. The forum developed 3-year action plan consists of 6 campaigns and 28 relevant programs26 in July 2005. - 経済産業省


At the same time, it should be reaffirmed that autonomous development of pharmaceuticals and medical devices will lead to the establishment of constant safety in Japan. In addition, it should also be reaffirmed that the establishment and reinforcement of a domestic implementation system for clinical research that include clinical trials for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, as set as the goal of the 5Yearly Plan, are essential for the creation of Japanese innovation, which will be the foundation of international competitiveness of the relevant Japanese industries, as well as for the transmission of the obtained evidence to the world. - 厚生労働省


第一条 この法律は、原子力基本法(昭和三十年法律第百八十六号)の精神にのつとり、核原料物質、核燃料物質及び原子炉の利用が平和の目的に限られ、かつ、これらの利用が計画的に行われることを確保するとともに、これらによる災害を防止し、及び核燃料物質を防護して、公共の安全を図るために、製錬、加工、貯蔵、処理及び廃棄の事業並びに原子炉の設置及び運転等に関する必要な規制を行うほか、原子力の研究、開発及び利用に関する条約その他の国際約束を実施するために、国際規制物資の使用等に関する必要な規制を行うことを目的とする。例文帳に追加

Article 1 This Act, in accordance with the spirit of the Atomic Energy Basic Act (Act No. 186 of 1955), is enacted for the purpose of providing necessary regulations on refining activities, fabricating and enrichment activities, interim storage activities, reprocessing activities and waste disposal activities, as well as on the installment and operation, etc. of reactors, and also for the purpose of providing necessary regulations on the uses of international controlled material to execute treaties or other international agreements concerning the research, development and use of atomic energy, in order to ensure that the uses of nuclear source material, nuclear fuel material and reactors are limited to peaceful ones and carried out in a planned manner, and at the same time, to ensure public safety by preventing hazards due to these materials and reactors and protecting nuclear fuel material.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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