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該当件数 : 2474



To improve efficiency in the execution of processing having a dependent relation inside a sequential processing program by outputted an asynchronous message, an instruction sequence for asynchronously executing processing and an instruction sequence for performing a library wait so as to distribute and locate synchronous processing inside the program over a plurality of CPU concerning a distributed executing device and a recording medium for distributed running of the program. - 特許庁


To provide an information apparatus capable of reducing a circuit connection time in browsing plural pages by utilizing the Internet, shortening a display waiting time, and improving the convenience, and to provide a method of acquiring the data on a browsed page in an Internet connecting apparatus. - 特許庁


Text data that are character information are extracted from the demodulated BML data and stored in a storage unit 16 of a TV-side microcomputer 10 and during a waiting time until a video image of a program is displayed by powering on a digital receiver, the extracted text data are displayed on an LCD panel 6 by an OSD unit 17. - 特許庁


In this way, a user can easily buy commodities by using the ID reader 1a as a shopping bag and taking commodity information into it when the user is stimulated by information on the street and wants to buy a plurality of commodities, while security risk can be held down since the reader number and personal information for payment are associated mutually for the first time in the payment processing. - 特許庁



A first system re-selection control function 12a in a first standby state discriminates reception quality (RSSI and Ec/Io) of a received signal coming from a system S3 during synchronization establishment by each slot and executes a system re-selection when the reception quality is deteriorated to be less than a threshold value over a plurality of slots. - 特許庁



To markedly reduce costs for introduction by reducing overlapped equipment as far as possible in both of a hall computer system and a paper money carrying system regarding a game saloon management apparatus and various kinds of computers such as an island repeating computer, a stand terminal computer, a hall computer premised on the apparatus. - 特許庁


To realize a plasma processing device which has a high selective ratio and is capable of carrying out fine processing, by a method wherein a plasma generating means that generates plasma through a capacitive coupling discharge and a means which radiates electromagnetic waves into a plasma generating chamber are provided. - 特許庁


The stopper for the cutting tool is used by being fitted to the rotary shaft of the cutting tool having the rotary shaft, and includes a spiral locking member composed of a resin material and a clamping member made of a shape memory material, provided inside the locking member and capable of deforming the locking member by its shape recovering force. - 特許庁


The gusset bag is heat-sealed in spots at a border between a part where four thermoplastic synthetic resin films are overlaid and thermally welded on the bottom seal line and a part where the two films are overlaid and thermally welded. - 特許庁



However, there are many different places with the same name across Japan, for example Hachiman-yama mountain, Inari-yama mountain, Otsuka-yama mountain, Chausu-yama mountain, Kuruma-zuka tumulus, Funa-yama mountain and Miya-yama mountain, and these names exist in many places and sometimes there are exactly the same names in a county or within an area of an old province; therefore, to distinguish the difference in those cases, usually the name of the oaza or higher rank names (such as the prefecture name) will be added to the original names, for example Inbehachiman-yama mountain Kofun, Inari-yama mountain Kofun, the Eta Funa-yama mountain Kofun and Mozuotsuka-yama mountain Kofun.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



The print server 10 acquires the names of paper from a plurality of print jobs accumulated in a storage section 21 of the printer 20, in an output control section 13, and determines the print job in which the name of paper of the execution terminated print job coincides with the name of paper of the execution waiting print job, preferentially as an execution job. - 特許庁


When the key is used mistakenly, the terminal transmits the prescribed number of state messages, after all queues included in the terminal are made empty or unless the queues reach a minimum filling level, and releases the all used resources, unless the terminal receives a reconfiguration massage from the radio network controller, after transmitting the state massages. - 特許庁


Further, the user terminal 2 contains an activation processor 36 which performs application activation processing wherein application is started and GUI image of the application is shifted to input standby state, and a reproducing section 39 which reproduces the above-mentioned content for advertisement in at least a part of period after the application activation processing is started until it completes. - 特許庁


The container comprises: a container main body, which has an opening in the top surface; and a mouth member for needle removing injection, which is integrally fixed to the container main body by being fitted into the opening and forms a big inserting mouth and two or more removing slits open to the inserting mouth, wherein the removing piece in the periphery of the slit is thick and is hard to bend. - 特許庁


The electromagnetic brake is provided between a fixed housing and a rotary member, and includes the multiple-disk brake mechanism, a ring- like core member fixed in the housing, an annular exciting coil accommodated in an annular groove of the core member and a ring-like armature member which has a larger outside diameter than the outside diameter of the core member and is arranged opposing to the annular groove of the core. - 特許庁


To provide an image processor which shortens latency time until printing start, processing time necessary for the whole printing, latency time of an image processing unit and the like, and to provide an image processing method and a storage medium. - 特許庁


The electromagnetic brake disposed in between a fixed housing and rotary member comprises a multiplate brake mechanism, an annular core member fixed inside the housing, an annular exciting coil installed in an annular groove on the core member, and an armature member having an outer diameter larger than that of the core member and provided in opposite to the annular groove on the core member. - 特許庁


A control portion 304 acquires a start time of the regulation mode by a regulation instruction from the user, specifies a time zone including the start time, acquires the regulation continuation time according to the time zone specified from the regulation mode time storing portion 310 and controls to return from the regulation mode to the standby mode after this regulation continuation time. - 特許庁


In an electromagnetic vibrating pump which vibrates a diaphragm connected to the transducer by electromagnetic vibration of a transducer equipped with the magnetic body based on interaction with an electromagnetic segment composed of one or more magnet cores and magnetic body, a resign mold steel case whose outer surface is molded by resign is formed. - 特許庁


To provide a questionnaire tallying system using email that can process even a flood of questionnaire respondents, can set a questionnaire response in the account part of a mail address and execute appropriate tallying even if the questionnaire response set in the account part of the mail address is, for example, misspelled, and can avoid a tallying error by a plurality of sending operations by the same respondent. - 特許庁


The control circuit of the diagnostic tool executes a program including a step (S2500) of receiving the dialogue code (YES in S2100) and displaying that work is possible on the basis of a storage status of the capacitor, and a step (S2600) of displaying that work is in a wait status when work is not possible (NO in S2400). - 特許庁


The method for improving the high-temperature oxidization resistance of the Ti-Al-based alloy comprises placing the member made of the Ti-Al-based alloy having the complicated shape in ion-containing plasma; and implanting ions of at least one metal selected from among IV, Va and VIa groups in the periodic table of elements, into the member with a plasma base ion-implanting method. - 特許庁


This is the surface emission fluorescent lamp for a display device having a plurality of discharge channels arranged in parallel with each other, and the discharge channels of the surface emission fluorescent lamp have a structure in which a wider channel part having a larger cross-sectional area and a narrower channel part having a relatively smaller cross-sectional area are arranged alternately along a longitudinal direction. - 特許庁


The display device comprises a liquid crystal cell substrate 109, a plasma cell substrate 104, a dielectric layer 103 that is provided between the liquid crystal cell substrate 109 and the plasma cell substrate 104, a liquid crystal layer 110 that is provided between the liquid crystal substrate 109 and the dielectric layer 103, and plural plasma channels 106 that are provided between the dielectric layer 103 and the plasma cell substrate 104. - 特許庁


After the lapse of a wait time of 250 ms from the transmission end of uplink information successfully transmitted to a road-side unit, an optical beacon receiver initiates data transmission processing for transmitting data based on downlink information received from the road-side unit to a navigation system as a plurality of packets. - 特許庁


To provide a packaged IC in which a plurality of solder balls is arranged along the bottom face of the IC and which can be prevented from being mounted in a wrong direction when the IC is mounted on a substrate by easily and accurately discriminating the direction of the IC; and to provide a mounting structure, an electrooptic device equipped with the mounting structure, and electronic equipment equipped with the electrooptic device. - 特許庁


To improve convenience for an operator by distinguishing a motion picture recording medium and a still picture recording medium from each other, loading/unloading a target recording medium without fail when it is necessary to load/unload the recording medium, and avoiding each of the recording media separated for each purpose of use from being used for a plurality of different purposes of use. - 特許庁


The hydrostatic gas bearing mechanism 1 comprises a plurality of hydrostatic gas bearing pads 4 lying between a movable body 2 and a fixed body 3 so that the movable body 2 is movably retained against the fixed body 3 in the X direction, and the gap adjusting device 6 mounted on the fixed body 3 corresponding to each hydrostatic gas bearing pad 4. - 特許庁


The song collection display means lists a plurality of song collection titles to accept song collection specification inputted by a user, and registers a song identifier inputted by user in a queue of reservations for play. - 特許庁


A radio terminal always monitors the communication condition between radio terminals and, upon change of the communication condition, checks whether one or a plurality of data waiting for radio transmission are data for a communication-enabled radio terminal or, if deciding the radio communication to be impossible, breaks the data. - 特許庁


To provide a power saving method of an electronic lock body which reduces standby consumption power of the electronic lock body 2 in a system including a remote control device 1 transmitting commands to an electronic lock body 2 keeping a key or the like, for instance and in a low consumption power condition in unreceived time of external signals and the electronic lock body 2 waiting external signals. - 特許庁


The information providing method includes the steps of: creating computer-reproducible motion picture data by capturing a photograph of the person concerned of wedding; and repeatedly displaying the above motion picture data on a display installed at a place such as the lobby, the entrance of a waiting room and the others where participants of the reception can brows the motion picture. - 特許庁


In this print data transmission method with which print data is transmitted to a plurality of printers, distribution of print data to be transmitted to respective printers is calculated on the basis of the present print wait time in the respective printers, and the print data is transmitted to the respective printers on the basis of the calculated distribution of the print data to the respective printers. - 特許庁


A facsimile apparatus 1 selects one of a plurality of accumulation means 73, 74, 77 based on a wait time from the accumulation of image data to transmission and accumulates the image data in selected one of the accumulation means 73, 74, 77. - 特許庁


Worshipped as a god of power or sports, Ameno Tajikarao is enshrined, for example, in Togakushi-jinja Shrine (Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture), Sana-jinja Shrine (Taki-gun, Mie Prefecture), Shirai-jinja Shrine (Amagasaki City, Hyogo Prefecture), Oyama-jinja Shrine (Tateyama-machi, Nakaniigawa-gun, Toyama Prefecture), Tejikarao-jinja Shrine (Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture), Tejikarao-jinja Shrine (Kagamihara City, Gifu Prefecture), Toake-jinja Shrine (Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture), Amanotanagao-jinja Shrine (Iki City, Nagasaki Prefecture), and Nasubekku Shrine of Shinmeiaishin-kai (Nasu-gun, Tochigi Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, the Seiyukai was benefited by gaining the ministerial posts in the first Yamamoto Cabinet, which enraged not only the general public but also the Rikken Kokuminto members, and even some of the Seiyukai members including Yukio OZAKI, who resented it and left the Seiyukai together with Kunisuke OKAZAKI (although Okazaki returned to the Seiyukai later, Ozaki established a new party 'Chuseikai' [Centrist Justice Party]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It annotated records of cases which were deliberated several times and minority opinions, and since it touched on the legal interpretations of Kujigata Osadamegaki (the law of the Edo bakufu), it was treated, together with the Osadamegaki, as highly confidential information which only the machi-bugyo (town magistrate), kanjo bugyo (the commissioner of finance), jisha bugyo (the magistrate of temples and shrines), Kyoto shoshidai (the Kyoto deputy), and Keeper of Osaka Castle were allowed to store.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


These diseases include inflammatory and immunomodulating diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, allergic diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), aseptic shock, arthritis, arthrosis, myocardial disorder and autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, hyperthyroidism and atherosclerosis. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that a line printer using a plurality of line heads requires a user to restart printing after removing jammed recording media (paper) from a paper path by hand since the printer immediately stops recording operation when the user enters wrong setting of recording media just like when paper jam occurs. - 特許庁


A system selector 320 selects a communication system which can perform a receiving operation or a random accessing operation at the lowest power consumption from a certain communication system and the local system, based on the local system information and position information of a local system included in the received signal and own position information detected. - 特許庁


In a network having the plurality of printers, waiting time after the print instruction to print is shortened for a user at any time since at least any one of the printers 14 is kept in an immediately printable state by rotating an operation token among the respective printers. - 特許庁


This is applicable to patients with, e.g., cardiac failure, attached with a left ventricle cardiac device or a cardiac pump after surgical operation or those immediately before the surgical operation, and under high risk of the cardiac phenomena, or administered with an opiate or with opiate intoxication, or with a cystic fibrosis or a chronic rheumatoid arthritis. - 特許庁


The method for manufacturing an optical film having a phase separation structure having at least two or more layers including a layer having a helical twisted molecular structure and a layer having an isotropic molecular structure is characterized in that a composition containing a polymerizable nematic liquid crystal compound, a polymerizable chiral agent and a polymerization initiator is applied together with a solvent onto a substrate and irradiated with radiation in an atmosphere at Ti±2.0°C. - 特許庁


At the Coup of 1335, He followed Takauji ASHIKAGA and moved from place to place to fight in Kinai region (provinces surrounding Kyoto and Nara) and Saigoku (western part of Japan [usually referring to Kyushu, but ranging as far east as Kinki]); when Takauji, who had run away from the Southern Court army and hidden out in Kyushu, recovered Kyoto by counterattack, he was appointed as shugoshiki (provincial constable) of Inaba Province and Tajima Province, and also held a position of the second tonin of the hyojoshu (a member of the Council of State) of Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) and naidanshu (Coadjustor of the High Court) of five-turn system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Not only at shrines in the areas of former Izumo Province such as Nogi-jinja Shrine (Yasugi City, Shimane Prefecture; it is called Nogi no Okami, one of the four great gods in Izumo), Amenohohi is deified at Umamiokawatamuki-jinja Shrine (Hino-cho, Gamo-gun, Shiga Prefecture), Amenohohinomikoto-jinja Shrine (Fukui, Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture), Kiryu-tenmangu Shrine (Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture), and Ashiya-jinja Shrine (Ashiya City, Hyogo Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Also, when the user as an approver logs in, the server device specifies at least the data written last among a plurality of data written in a storage part, and creates image data of an approval processing screen showing that the operation corresponding to the specified data is waiting for approval, and transmits the screen data to the image forming apparatus. - 特許庁


A fit-in type covering material formed of a semi-hard thermoplastic synthetic resin that can be afterwards attached to a core material to be installed on a wall or the like through a bracket comprises a projected part of a flexible thermoplastic synthetic resin at each of the both cut ends, which is simultaneously formed so as to have the same thickness as of the cut end. - 特許庁


The display element has a plurality of liquid crystals dispersed layers being laminated together, each of which has a chiral nematic liquid crystal for selectively reflecting the desired wavelength region component of the visible ray and being dispersed in a binder, where the respective liquid crystal dispersed layers reflect light having peaks of wavelengths that are different from each other and further, the display element has a white image forming layer. - 特許庁


Normally, between sets of sheets, the sheets are overlapped by an overlapping part 20 and waiting time necessary for the post-processing body part 22 is secured, while when sheet conveyance direction lengths of a precedent sheet and a subsequent sheet are different, sheet alignment becomes difficult and it causes a jam when a sheet folded by the folding part 16 is included. - 特許庁



The interferometer adopts a moving mirror driving mechanism comprising: an elongated guide rail 40; a slider 30 which is engaged with the guide rail 40 and slides on the guide rail 40; the moving mirror 16 which is fixed to the slider 30; and a plurality of voice coil motors 50 for driving the slider. - 特許庁


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