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(1) Differing approaches to R&D at large enterprises and SMMs - 経済産業省


This section verifies Japanese-owned companiesstances concerning involvement in these markets. - 経済産業省


Companies tend to show better business performance if their employees take more active stances on working overseas.  - 経済産業省


Employees will become more active in working overseas if the company grants stronger rights to overseas workers.  - 経済産業省



Furthermore, it is also said that private companies shifted their focus from basic research to research and development.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Currently, domestic customers and tied-up companies account for a large proportion of Japanese-owned companiescollaborative partners in open innovation. - 経済産業省


On the other hand, while more SMEs with improving profit margins tended to reply that the financial institutionslending attitude was positive, a certain number of SMEs with improving profit margins replied that the lending attitude was turning negative. This shows that some SMEs are feeling that the improvement in the companiesbusiness results is not leading to an improvement in the lending attitude of financial institutions (Fig. 1-3-15). - 経済産業省


From this, it can be stated that Japanese companies place importance on promoting the use of local workers in overseas operations. - 経済産業省


In recent years, the financial environment has shown signs of a change in attitudes to lending among financial institutions as lenders, as well as on the side of enterprises as borrowers. - 経済産業省


こうした中、ユーロ圏金融機関の融資姿勢は、企業向け・個人向けともに、2009 年から大幅に改善してきている。例文帳に追加

Under these conditions, in 2009 financial institutions in the Eurozone started showing considerable improvement in their stance on both corporate and individual lending. - 経済産業省



Thus, the fundraising of SMEs centers on borrowing, making them susceptible to the impact of changes in financial institutions' lending stances. - 経済産業省


This approach of focusing on developing the value chain is linked to the customer-oriented approach where direct customer contact is valued. Accordingly, most of the companies adopt a direct-sales system. - 経済産業省


According to Fig. 2-2-30, the stance toward overseas operations in the medium term (i.e., over the next three years or so) remains positive, with almost 80% of enterprises responding that they intended to reinforce or expand them.  - 経済産業省


Hearings were held with a total of 51 SMEs and related organizations and 16 regional financial institutions. These hearings concerned business conditions for SMEs and their state of fund-raising as well as financial institutions' lending stance.  - 金融庁


Although a moderate recovery was witnessed in 2002, since autumn the growing tension in the situation in Iraq brought about intensifying feelings of opacity about the direction of the economy, contributing to falling stock prices and dampening business sentiment, and businesses became wary regarding plant and equipment investment, and employment. - 経済産業省


In addition, because every company has a different field at which it is good, it is also important that the side of local communities does not necessarily take judgmental attitudes on the efforts made by companies based only on quantitative figures.  - 経済産業省


The above demonstrates (1) the importance to financial institutions of lending to SMEs, and (2) the existence of signs of change in their approach to SME lending. - 経済産業省


Looking at the measures taken by enterprises and the cooperative stance of financial institutions in practice, we find that enterprises whose debts were cancelled by financial institutions also tended to take action to restructure their operations and clarify the responsibilities of management (Appended Note 2-3-16). - 経済産業省


Financial institutions, too, are adopting a more positive lending attitude to SMEs, and the continued decline to date in outstanding lending to SMEs appears to be coming to an end.  - 経済産業省


Similarly, 71.2% of SMEs said that they were approached by a financial institution with which they had not previously done business (Fig. 1-3- 10), which provides further evidence of financial institutionspositive stance toward lending to SMEs.  - 経済産業省


With the financing environment of SMEs thus improving and financial institutions becoming positive about lending to them, what is the actual situation like regarding outstanding lending to SMEs?  - 経済産業省


Their attitude where they intent on learning aggressively while always having a sense of danger without stick to the past success, and also they intent on coping with a change quickly to the competition environment or competitors, which is one thing our Japanese companies shall learn from them - 経済産業省


Thepercentage responding that they could not find a suitable job was high in each age group. - 厚生労働省


This was followed by "Work that is challenging and rewarding" at 50.5%,"Consideration in work hours of child-care and nursing care" at 41.3%, "Colleagues and superiors towhom one can turn for advice" at 40.2%, "Workplace cultures and environments in which women are notdiscriminated against for marriage, childbirth, child-care, and so on" at 32.3%, and "Equal treatment ofmen and women and fair personnel evaluations" at 32.2% (Figure 48). - 厚生労働省


In terms of the financial institutionsattitude towards providing new loans, more than 30% of SMEs have felt that the financial institutionsattitude has turned negative compared to a year ago, leaving a large discrepancy with the view of financial institutions, who have replied that their attitude has turned positive (Fig. 1-3-12). - 経済産業省


While the issuance of earnings forecasts may not be legally obligatory, I believe that such forecasts provide important clues for investors to judge the company's future prospects. Don't you think that this will have adverse effects on companies' stances on information disclosure?  - 金融庁


As for the trends in function allocation and base strategies of Japanese affiliates, looking at their approach for the business development activities in China and ASEAN 4 (Fig. 2.3.8), most companies in all industries are taking the balanced approach in their base strategies. - 経済産業省


As for what is behind the decline in share of loans, as was stated earlier, the assumption is that financial institutions took a tougher stance toward the extension of loans to enterprises due to the tightening of financial policies by the People's Bank of China beginning in 2003 and, as a result, small and medium-sized enterprises were greatly impacted. - 経済産業省


Around three-fourths of financial institutions responded that the introduction of Basel II would not affect their outstanding lending to SME (Fig. 2-3-6). However, financial institutions are likely to take a more positive stance toward lending because of the lower risk weight of credit extended to SMEs. - 経済産業省

加えて、印ASEAN-FTA(2009 年11 月時点で発効見込み。2010 年1 月に発効)は半数近くの企業が利用に向けて前向きな姿勢を示しているなど、日本企業がサプライチェーンの効率化の観点から、日本のEPAのみならず、第三国間のFTAにも高い関心を払っていることが分かる(第3-2-3-13 図)。例文帳に追加

In addition, India ASEAN-FTA (forecasted be in effect as of November 2009 and to be officially effective in January 2010) has attracted a positive attitude toward its use and nearly half of companies are showing interest. From the perspective of supply chain efficiency of Japanese companies, not only Japan's EPA, but also third-country's FTA is attracting interest (see Figure 3-2-3-13). - 経済産業省

これは、先に述べた我が国製造業の東アジア現地法人の調達先の約5 割が日系企業で占められているという結果からも推察されるように、まずは現地において日系企業との取引を確保することで、事業基盤を固めることが重要との姿勢が表れていると考えられる。例文帳に追加

As previously shown, approximately 50% of the suppliers of the local corporations of Japanese manufacturing industries in East Asia are Japanese-affiliated companies, which indicates that companies consider it important to solidify their business base by first securing business with Japanese-affiliated companies in the local area. - 経済産業省


Starting with the 2002 graphite electrode cartel, followed by the 2003 vitamin cartel and the 2009 marine hose cartel, surcharges were imposed on overseas corporations, including Japanese corporations. KFTC has shown its determination to aggressively crack down on international cartels. - 経済産業省

今後については、ジェトロのアンケート調査(平成23 年度)の結果をみると、「輸出の拡大を図る」と回答した企業が全体の 50.3%を占め、「現在輸出を行っていないが今後検討する」と合わせて 60%の企業が輸出に積極的な姿勢を見せている。例文帳に追加

According the findings of JETRO's questionnaire survey (FY2011), for the future, 50.3% of all enterprises responded "expand exports," and when combined these replies with those of "not exporting now but consider in the future," 60% of enterprises show an active attitude about exports. - 経済産業省


(International Comparison of Female Labour Force Participation Rates)Comparing the participation of women in the labour force in different countries, at 59.5%, the USA hadthe highest rate of participation of the countries surveyed, followed by the Netherlands, the UK, Germany,and France. - 厚生労働省


Female participation in the labour force in Japan is particularly low compared tothe USA and Europe in the 30?34 age group, when many women are facing marriage and childbirth(Figure 45). - 厚生労働省


As for the lending stance of financial institutions, the amount of outstanding loans provided to SMEs has been declining.  - 金融庁


These trends show that Japanese affiliates take into account the risks of extreme concentration of functions in China alone and are reluctant to carry out a concentration for the entire East Asian region. - 経済産業省

27 みずほ総合研究所(株)(2006)によれば、売掛債権担保融資も含めた広義のABLには、中小・中堅企業の約3割が利用や関心に対して前向きな姿勢を見せている。例文帳に追加

27) According to the Mizuho Research Institute Ltd. (2006), about 30% of SMEs and middle-tier enterprises show a positive attitude toward use of ABL in the broad sense, which includes receivables-backed lending. - 経済産業省


In contrast, during periods of economic difficulty, mechanisms work in the opposite direction, and when lending is discouraged due to worsening business results for borrowers, falling bank revenues lead to a further negative trend in lending posture. - 経済産業省


In the US where people have a high propensity to consume, in particular, easier fund raising owing to low interest rates and positive loan attitudes of financial institutions directly stimulated consumption and investments by families and companies. - 経済産業省


The Government will strongly support companies trying to strengthen their competitiveness by enhancing capital investment and structural reform, and by reducing tax burden of the companies with bold tax incentives on capital investment.  - 経済産業省


Enterprises that thus learn from the lessons of past failures in developing new products should thus be at an advantage in terms of their approach to development of new products and resources such as technologies, know-how and sales. - 経済産業省

世界経済危機以降は、各国の投資家がリスク回避姿勢を強めたことからインドへの資金流入が減少し、企業による国外からの借入や、証券発行等を通じた国外資金の調達が困難になった(第1-2-4-4 図)。例文帳に追加

After the world financial crisis, investors in each country strengthen their stance to avoid risks and consequently the capital inflow to India decreased. It became difficult for companies to raise funds from abroad through borrowings and the issuance of securities. (see Figure 1-2-4-4). - 経済産業省


Companies have shown a willingness to actively enter next-generation industries and expand their business operations in light of the potential of new markets and the need to utilize business resources available in existing businesses. - 経済産業省


In fiscal 2008, corporate research expenditures declined slightly (from ¥13.8 trillion to ¥13.6 trillion), marking the first decline in nine years. However, companies have shown a willingness to continue to actively conduct R&D. - 経済産業省


Many SMEs that replied that financial institutions have become more negative in their lending attitude feel this is due to the tightening of loan screening and other “qualitativeaspects, rather than the “quantitativeaspect such as loan amount (Fig. 1-3-13). - 経済産業省


Depending on the non-performing loan trends going forward, financial institutions may further tighten their lending attitude, leaving the possibility that SME financing conditions may worsen even further. - 経済産業省


As for product buyers, sales to companies in all categories, except domestic group companies having capital affiliations, are expected to rise, attesting to Japanese companies' policy of aggressively expanding marketing channels. - 経済産業省


An active business stance which tries to incorporate the vitality of high growth markets such as East Asia into the company’s business strategy is also seen in this kind of foreign business strategy of European and U.S. service companies. - 経済産業省



The enterprise attitude in this country is required that emerging markets are the main target, not a supplementary market. - 経済産業省


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