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該当件数 : 42



The values of this time and the last time of the measured values of a physical value are compared and a deteriorating tendency alarm or an improving tendency alarm is transmitted the deteriorating tendency or improving tendency on the basis of difference polarity continues the prescribed number of times. - 特許庁


To realize an alarm generating method and an alarm generating device provided with a function for judging the behavior of a deteriorating tendency or an improving tendency after an alarm. - 特許庁

1990~2000 年は改善傾向が見られたが、2000 年~2005 年は指数がまた悪化している。例文帳に追加

Though tendency toward improvement was observed in the period from 1990 to 2000, the index worsened again during the period from 2000 to 2005. - 厚生労働省


Although all indices showed a worsening trend, none exceeded the criteria, and no significant impairment was indicated. - 英語論文検索例文集



Although all indices showed a worsening trend, none exceeded the criteria, and no significant impairment was indicated. - 英語論文検索例文集



Although all indices showed a worsening trend, none exceeded the criteria, and no significant impairment was indicated. - 英語論文検索例文集


To solve the problem wherein, when a quantization step different for each frame is selected, tendency of distortions due to quantization changes and subjective image quality is deteriorated. - 特許庁

経営パフォーマンスについては、世界経済危機の影響を受け著しく悪化していたが、今後の見通しについては復調傾向にある(第3-1-1-46 図)。例文帳に追加

Japan's business performance has been significantly deteriorated by the global economic crisis. However, the perspective on the future performance has been in a trend of recovery (see Figure 3-1-1-46). - 経済産業省


Amid the downward trend in the labor force population, the employment conditions of the young have also been deteriorating in recent years. - 経済産業省



U.K. retail sales amount and volume indexes do not indicate any downward trend around the time of the financial crisis. - 経済産業省


税負担の減少もプラスに作用したが、2009 年後半には、財産所得の更なる悪化、社会保障給付の減少などにより、可処分所得は悪化する傾向に転じている(第1-2-2-19 図)。例文帳に追加

Tax cuts also served as a contributing factor; however, from the second half of 2009, disposable income took a negative turn due to a further drop in property income and reduced social welfare payments (see Figure 1-2-2-19). - 経済産業省


In recent years, the number of retail stores in Japan is in the downward trend, and, if this trend continues, it is worried that the problem of people with limited access to shopping facilities will further deteriorate under the influence of the development of aging.  - 経済産業省


The ion injection system feeds back an injected wafer characteristic data, extracts an area having deterioration tendency within the surface of a wafer 20, compensates a driving speed by an up and down mechanical driving speed controller 17 corresponding to the area and transmits to an ion injection part 2, and drives ion beam 12 to the area having deterioration tendency by changing the driving speed. - 特許庁

また足元では、円高状況下で製品価格をより低く抑える必要があるために、今まで比較的交易条件を悪化させずに推移してきた一般機械や輸送機械、精密機械までもが悪化する傾向を示していることも読み取れる(第2-4-3-15 図参照)。例文帳に追加

More recently, the terms of trade have just begun to deteriorate even in other industries of the manufacturing sector such as general machinery, transport machinery, and precision machinery. Although these industries maintained a certain level of the terms of trade without deteriorating them until now, they needed to keep product prices lower amid the current appreciation of the yen, affecting their terms of trade negatively (see Figure 2-4-3-15). - 経済産業省


In addition, due to repeated fare hikes corresponding to the deterioration of JNR's finance and the frequent occurrences of strikes because of labor troubles, the number of passengers on existing Shinkansen lines tended to decline.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

7 監査人は、監査計画の策定に当たって、財務指標の悪化傾向、財政破綻の可能性その他継続企業の前提に重要な疑義を生じさせるような事象又は状況の有無を確かめなければならない。例文帳に追加

(7) In developing an audit plan, the auditor shall consider whether there are events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern, such as adverse trends in financial ratios and the probability of insolvency.  - 金融庁


To estimate a stratified charge combustion which is a distribution tendency of flammable air fuel ratio mixture gas and recover deteriorated stratified charge combustion degree so as to correspond to an actual stratified charge combustion in an internal combustion engine conducting the stratified charge combustion. - 特許庁


To provide an air conditioner for a vehicle capable of preventing heating efficiency deterioration by turning an auxiliary heater on when a cooling water temperature is determined to drop even when vehicle traveling conditions change. - 特許庁


To prevent operating feeling from being deteriorated by preventing sudden intervention in control when a vehicle is prevented from being turned over in turning and the vehicle is prevented from being brought into a turned-over state. - 特許庁


If Japan’s locational competitiveness deteriorated as a result of the earthquake disaster, this kind of trend might be strengthened, adversely affecting the investment in Japan not only in the short run but also in the medium term. - 経済産業省


However, as adjustments in corporate employment and capital investment drag on, a downward trend is again emerging, in particular in personal consumption and fixed capital investment, and this is slowing the pace of recovery (see Figure 1-2-2-16). - 経済産業省


With SMEssales decreasing and financing situations worsening, the number of SME bankruptcies is on the rise, especially since the second half of fiscal 2008 (Fig. 1-2-9). - 経済産業省


The Business conditions DI for manufacturing SMEs which are involved in subcontracted work had been deteriorating since 2007, saw a sharp decline in the second half of 2008, and is currently at a lower level than manufacturing SMEs that are not involved in subcontracted work. - 経済産業省


The unemployment rates of Portugal and Italy are also exhibiting a rising trend, both of which can be explained by tight fiscal restraints for the fiscal reconstruction that is leading to further deterioration of the employment situation. - 経済産業省


I acknowledge that the tendency of all opinions to become sectarian is not cured by the freest discussion, but is often heightened and exacerbated thereby;  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


A control circuit 1a judges whether a radio wave signal receiving status tends to recover or to get adverse, sets a data size for one packet by setting a TCP/IP parameter relating to a maximum segment length and a window size on the basis of the judged result and requests communications in the relevant data size to a proxy server 5. - 特許庁


To provide a method of operating an engine having a cylinder operable in an HCCI mode, which can attain both improvement in fuel economic property by charged air leaner than stoichiometric one and effectiveness of catalyst which tends to deteriorate according to this at high level. - 特許庁


To simultaneously achieve improvement of fixability, setting of a higher gloss upon images, and suppression of curling, which are apt to decrease counter to the increase of print speed, in an image forming apparatus including an image forming means for forming an image on a recording material and a fixing means for fixing the image on the recording material by heating. - 特許庁


The reference value starting recycling is gradually set according to an engine operation state, so that the deposition of the exhaust fine particles can be suppressed while decreasing the number of opportunities for raising exhaust temperature that tends to deteriorate fuel consumption at the time of idle operation. - 特許庁


In the autumn of 2011 oil prices started to rise on growing expectations of the global economic recovery and the increasingly tense situation in Iran. Gasoline prices are also rising. Consumer spending may be dampened by declining consumer purchasing power and deteriorating consumer sentiment. - 経済産業省


Business conditions for SME manufacturers supporting the regional postwar industrial structure have deteriorated persistently while shipments of manufactured products increased smoothly under the wave of economic globalization in the 1990s. - 経済産業省


Outstanding lending to SMEs from financial institutions has weakened on the back of deterioration of business conditions for SMEs after showing an increasing trend since 2006 thanks to the improved financial health of financial institutions as a result of a decline in their non-performing loan ratio and improved business conditions for SMEs - 経済産業省


In the process of economic recovery after the financial crisis in the autumn of 2008, the Japanese economysuffered stagnation of production and declining of corporate profits, due to the Great East Japan Earthquake andthe continued strengthening of Japanese yen; after that, however, it has began to show a tendency of recovery onceagain, thanks to the reconstruction demand and various policy effects . - 厚生労働省


However, italso faces the problems of having the lowest birthrate in the world. - 厚生労働省


Even when the SOC tends to be temporarily deteriorated due to sudden increase of heater power consumption immediately after heating is started, by keeping SOC=SOChold, the SOC can be turned to the full charge state as intended during the timer reservation charge time, a charge ratio using inexpensive midnight power is maximized, and a running cost is suppressed. - 特許庁


The amount and the density of the exhaust gas particulates accumulated in a partition are changed by the flow velocity of the exhaust gas when the exhaust gas particulates are accumulated in the partition of a collector, thereby the tendency of the accumulation property corresponding to the exhaust gas particulates and the pressure loss is changed, and consequently the estimation accuracy of the amount of the accumulation of the exhaust gas particulates is deteriorated. - 特許庁


The US economy after the end of 2001 showed signs of recovery due to increased automobile sales and the effects of fiscal and financial policy. Although moderate recovery was witnessed in 2002, the feelings of opacity about the direction of the economy that had spread as a result of the growing tension in the situation in Iraq in the latter half of 2002 contributed to falling stock prices and dampening business sentiment. As a result, businesses became wary in their stance on plant and equipment investment, and employment. - 経済産業省


A comparison of the domestic performance of SMEs that established operations in East Asia at the beginning of the 1900s and those that did not according to the results of a questionnaire survey (Fig. 2-2-14) likewise indicates that overseas investment has a positive impact on business, with a large proportion of enterprises whose performance was stagnating or deteriorating experiencing an upturn in the sales or operating profit ratio of the parent company.  - 経済産業省

確かに、1997 年のアジア通貨危機後や2008 年の世界経済危機後の急激なウォン安傾向により、一時的に収益力が大幅に改善する時期があったものの、中期的にみると我が国以上にウォン安による輸入物価の急上昇により交易条件が悪化し、同様に厳しい競争状況下に置かれていることが読み取れる(第2-4-3-18 図参照)。例文帳に追加

It is certain that South Korea experienced a drastic but temporary improvement of profitability due to the rapid depreciation of the won in the wake of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and the global economic crisis in 2008. However, South Korea’s terms of trade deteriorated more significantly than those of Japan over the medium term due to the drastic rise in import prices driven by the depreciation of the won and thus it is found that the country is in a fiercely competitive environment just like Japan (see Figure 2-4-3-18). - 経済産業省


I would like to use your question as an opportunity to tell you about some anecdotal evidence cited by market participants. For one thing, there are growing expectations of an economic turnaround in Japan and abroad because some economic indicators are improving or have stopped deteriorating in response to economic stimulus measures taken by various countries. In addition, part of the liquidity provided through credit easing worldwide is starting to flow into commodities and stocks. As for the Japanese market, it has been pointed out that foreign investors, who account for some 50% of sales and purchase transactions, have been generally posting net purchases since April because of a recovery of their risk tolerance level.  - 金融庁


As I always say, the stock market moves as a result of investment activities made by various market participants based on their respective judgments. Therefore, I should refrain from making any definitive comments from the standpoint of the regulatory authority on the factors behind and the backgrounds to market movements.  - 金融庁



As for the business environment for regional banks in general, I presume that generally speaking, there are factors that could increase credit costs, as you pointed out, given the deterioration of the real economy and the slump of regional economies, although the situation may vary from region to region. The important thing is that individual banks manage loans properly through such measures as the provision of management advice to borrower companies while conducting risk management appropriately. It is also important to act in a timely manner while looking forward. In this sense, as I always say, I hope that financial institutions will make efforts to strike the right balance between the need to manage risks and maintain financial soundness and their functions of taking risks, exercising the financial intermediary function and supporting the real economy.  - 金融庁


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