
「為替レート」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(7ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索





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該当件数 : 424



To provide a system for automatically moving funds among a plurality of accounts of different currency owned by a client when the value of real interest or exchange rate satisfies set conditions. - 特許庁


To further improve the certainty of transaction by more accurately presenting, to a customer, a transaction rate requested by a transactor in foreign exchange derivative transactions. - 特許庁


As a result, "1,160 yen" for the toll to be paid is converted to "10 dollars" in accordance with information about a currency exchange rate stored in a data storage device and the value of "10 dollars" is indicated on the display monitor 16 as the toll to be paid. - 特許庁


A CPU 1 calculates sub-total based on sales data inputted during one transaction, and calculates a conversion sum based on the sub-total and a current exchange rate when a currency conversion key AK is pressed. - 特許庁



To provide a account settlement system of electronic commercial transactions for preventing a seller for providing merchandise and services across the border by using a computer system and a network from being exposed to the large fluctuation of demands by the trend of an exchange rate. - 特許庁



The selling price of the contents included in the candidate list is updated, on the basis of the information of an exchange rate management server device 7, and the updated selling price is provided to the thermal device 1. - 特許庁


Then, a message of payment notification information for notifying that the charge can be paid only by the electronic cash information of the Japanese yen is transmitted to the terminal 2. - 特許庁


Thus, a trade satisfactory to both the sides can be established. - 特許庁


In addition, because exact comparisons by country cannot be made by using exchange rates, Figure 1.1.4 examines the share of global GDP on the basis of purchasing power parity (PPP). - 経済産業省



In the ROK, the chaebols continued to fail and the exchange rate fell. Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, the high interest rate policy, a measure which was taken to protect the currency, had adverse effects on the economy. At the same time, Singapore also felt the effects of the economic slowdown in neighboring countries. - 経済産業省



The real exchange rate, a factor regulating the relative domestic and offshore prices of goods, serves as the instrument of adjustment bringing the current account balance into accord with the IS balance at the point of full employment. - 経済産業省


Source: Financial Statements Statistics of Corporations by Industries, Quarterly (Ministry of Finance Japan), Real Effective Exchange Rate (Bank of Japan), HIGASHIAJIA NO JIGYOU KANKYOU TOU NI KANSURU CHOUSA KENNKYUU (RIETI,2006a). - 経済産業省


However, based on the result of positive analysis, while a rise in exchange rates will play a large role in reversing the current account surplus, demand stimulating macro economic stimulus measures or structural reforms are expected to bring the best results. - 経済産業省


As countermeasures, these international organizations find that it is necessary to stabilize currencies through policy coordination within Asian regions on exchange rates and the amount of foreign exchange reserves held and by controlling liquidity. - 経済産業省


According to the report, a rise in real exchange rates would slow down growth but this was counterbalanced structural reforms and other policies including improvement in global demand and terms of trade, macro economic stimulus policies and liberalization of trade. - 経済産業省


Also, the report argues that while the rise in exchange rates placed a vital role in reversing the trade surplus, the best results can be expected in connection with macroeconomic measures to stimulate domestic demand and structural reforms. - 経済産業省


"Further flexibility in exchange rates has increased the attractiveness of the domestic market for producers within China and transitioning the economy from export-oriented to domestic sales oriented which may have a hand in increasing domestic demand. - 経済産業省


An exchange rate which reflects the fundamentals will absorb any shocks, make possible a more efficient allocation of resources and advance the rebalancing process within the region. - 経済産業省

2009年度分の我が国の貿易収支は5 兆2,340 億円と黒字であったが、輸入数量と円ドル為替レートを同一として計算すると、原油価格111 ドル/バレル21 で貿易収支は約20 億円の赤字となる。例文帳に追加

Japan's trade balance in 2009 was a surplus of 5, 234 billion yen. However, if we calculate as the number of import and yen/dollar exchange rate to be the same, the crude oil price would be 111dollar/ barrel 21and the trade balance would be a loss of about 2 billion yen. - 経済産業省


In the 1980s, as a result of tax cut policies under so-calledReaganomics,” the fiscal deficit in the government sector expanded, resulting in rising interest rates that brought about an inflow of capital into the US and exceedingly strengthened the dollar exchange rate. - 経済産業省


Eventually, global funds continue to flow into the emerging economies seeking the high economic growth and high interest rates, and the exchange rates may receive upward pressure. - 経済産業省


While capital flows can be beneficial to recipient economies, we reiterate that excess volatility of financial flows and disorderly movements in exchange rates have adverse implications for economic and financial stability. - 経済産業省

2011 年に入って、円安基調で推移していた対ドルの為替レートは、同年3 月に急騰し、1995 年の最高値を更新したものの、その後は4 月まで、円安基調が続いた(第1-1-5 図)。例文帳に追加

The yen, which had been weakening against the US dollar from early 2011, soared in March and hit a record high since 1995, but subsequently remained weak until April (Fig. 1-1-5).  - 経済産業省


This means that the value of the yen increases not only against the U.S. dollar but also against other currencies such as the euro which are widely used by Japan’s trade partners. - 経済産業省

そもそも1995 年4 月時点の円高水準が名目為替レートに比べればそれほど高くなく、さらに2012 年1 月時点の水準は円高といえども、当時よりまだ約30.2%も低い水準にある。例文帳に追加

When using the real effective exchange rate for comparison, however, it reveals a totally different picture. In the first place, the real effective exchange rate of the yen as of April 1995 is not at a high level compared with the nominal exchange rate. Furthermore, while the real effective exchange rate of the yen as of January 2012 is at a higher level, it is still about 30.2% lower than that as of April 1995. - 経済産業省


There are opinions from various quarters to suggest that, based on the aforementioned argument; the current appreciation of the yen may not exacerbate business performance of Japan’s manufacturing industries so badly as far as the real effective exchange rate of the yen remains at the present level. - 経済産業省


As discussed later, however, it appears that a sense of crisis over the current appreciation of the yen among Japan’s manufacturing enterprises results from a completely different perception of the present conditions from the evaluation based on the real effective exchange rate. - 経済産業省


With regard to a divergence between the exchange rate levels on the real effective exchange rate basis and a sense of crisis over the current appreciation of the yen felt by companies, this section refers to and analyzes results obtained from three questionnaire surveys with companies on the higher yen. - 経済産業省


While the movement of exchange rates, which was examined earlier in this section, is a matter of grave concern to export enterprises, the issue of how such a movement changes the “terms of tradebecomes similarly important. - 経済産業省


As discussed earlier, it is evident from the recent terms of trade in the machinery industries that the increase in the real effective exchange rate of the yen does not always bring about the improvement of the terms of trade. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, it is found that Japan’s profitability did not improve even when the real effective exchange rate of the yen began to depreciate in the early 2000s and this is because its terms of trade continued to deteriorate gradually. - 経済産業省

そこで、ユーロを初期から導入しているEU 各国について、実質実効為替レートの導入時から現在(今年1 月時点)までの変動率を比較してみた(第2-4-3-20 図参照)。例文帳に追加

Therefore, this section compares the volatility of the real effective exchange rate of EU countries that introduced the common currency in the initial stage, covering a period from the launch of the real effective exchange rate to the present (January 2012) (see Figure 2-4-3-20). - 経済産業省


This is partially due to the swelled money supply caused by the dollar-buying and dong-selling operation by the central bank that tried to prevent the sudden appreciation of dong while a large amount of foreign currencies flowed into Vietnam during its investment boom. - 経済産業省


Meanwhile, the yens exchange rate has stayed higher than the level assumed by exporting companies because of its recent appreciation, so it should be kept in mind that the strong yen could have a significant impact on the business environment for Japan‘s manufacturing industries. - 経済産業省


This theory, backed by empirical evidence, holds that the greater the increase in productivity in the tradable goods sector, the greater the rise in the actual foreign exchange rate. - 経済産業省

日本銀行の作成した「実質実効為替レート」を見ると、2000 年以降大幅な円安が進み、2007 年には1985 年のプラザ合意以前の円安水準まで円が弱くなっていたことが見て取れる。例文帳に追加

According to "real effective exchange rates" as tabulated by the Bank of Japan, the yen had depreciated substantially since 2000. In 2007, the yen had dropped to the lowest levels since before the 1985 Plaza agreement to drive down the dollar against other major currencies, including the yen. - 経済産業省


Even if Japan's nominal effective exchange rate remains unchanged, for example, its relative competitiveness against a trading partner country may be enhanced as the partner's inflation rate exceeds the Japanese level. - 経済産業省


As the scale of oil money itself is expanding, it may have been invested not only in dollar-denominated assets but also Euro-denominated assets aiming to diversify portfolio, in consideration of interest and exchange rates at respective points of time. - 経済産業省


Reflecting differences of currency exchange systems among ASEAN4 countries, the value of their currencies against the dollar has moved differently after the outbreak of the Asian currency and economic crisis ? the currency of Malaysia moving stable, the currency of the Philippines losing value, and the currencies of Indonesia and Thailand gaining value. - 経済産業省


Under these circumstances, Chinese currency authorities, aiming to stabilize the yuan’s rates against the dollar, are believed to have conducted dollar-selling and yuan-buying interventions repeatedly. - 経済産業省


In this way, people demanding the yuan be a floating currency are rising and the response from the Chinese including their future actions will be watched carefully (Refer to (Chapter 1 Section 1 Column [Debate regarding exchange rates])) - 経済産業省


With the rising of interest rates may come an inflow of funds targeting the higher interest rates which could raise exchange rates, choke exports and raise prices. This could create concerns that the economy may enter another downturn. - 経済産業省


The trend in the exchange rates between the yen and other currencies including the U.S. dollar, the euro, and the South Korean won since 2000 shows that the yen has rapidly appreciated against the won in particular since September 2008. - 経済産業省


Deregulation for the inflow of foreign capital and currencies that were virtually pegged to the U.S. dollar accelerated this trend. Consequently, long-term project finance based on local currencies was carried out by short-term debts and debts in foreign currencies. - 経済産業省


Information related to recommended commodities of the shop (240-270) and a rate conversion table 230 formed based on the exchange rate of the currency of the customer's own country to a foreign currency is printed on the shopping support card 200 in transcription by the language used by the customer. - 特許庁


A processing program corresponding to denomination is stored in a card reader/writer 2 for operating reading and writing to a magnetic recording part 12 of a card 1, and when a system card 1A is identified, a rate setting mode is obtained by a designating operation by a key inputting part 23, and the numerical value of an exchange rate is set. - 特許庁

ドル・円レートでみると、過去最高の円高時である1995 年4 月から約8.6%の円高水準が進行している(今般の最高水準である2011年10 月では、同約8.9%)のに対し、名目実効為替レートでみると同約15.3%とさらに円高が進行していることがわかる。例文帳に追加

As far as the dollar-yen rate is concerned, the yen rate in January 2012 is about 8.6% higher than that in April 1995, which had been a record-high before the current appreciation of the yen began last year (the latest record-high marked in October 2011 is about 8.9% higher than the rate in April 1995). However, it is found that the nominal effective exchange rate of the yen appreciates more drastically, rising as much as 15.3%. - 経済産業省


On top of the concerns about the management of European and U.S. financial institutions and the turmoil in financial and capital markets, and due to the shrinkage of the gap in interest rates between Japan and the Western economies, the yen appreciated sharply causing the yento- dollar rate to temporarily surpass ¥90 per dollar, after which it remained at high levels (Fig. 1-1-5). - 経済産業省

円・人民元相場については、2010年6月に人民銀行が、事実上米ドル・ペッグとなっていた為替レートの弾力化を強化すると発表して以降、人民元の対ドルレートは徐々に切り上がったものの、円・人民元レートでは1元 = 13円台から12円台と円高元安で推移した。例文帳に追加

On the exchange rate of yen and Chinese Yuan, after it was announced by the People’s Bank of China that it would make the exchange rate of Chinese Yuan, which was actually pegged to the US dollar, flexible in June 2010, the exchange rate of Chinese Yuan and US dollar gradually grew higher. With this, the exchange rate of the yen and Chinese Yuan also grew higher with the yen rising from ¥13 to ¥12 to a Chinese Yuan. - 経済産業省



As for short-term prospects, while the economy is expected to be picking up, reflecting improvement in overseas economies and the effects of various policy measures, on the other hand, the risks that the economy is depressed by a possible slowdown in overseas economies and fluctuations in exchange rates are increasing.  - 財務省


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