
「特典」に関連した英語例文の一覧と使い方(35ページ目) - Weblio英語例文検索










該当件数 : 1697



A signal is generated upon the detection of a game ball by a pressure sensor 200 provided in a mechanical character 1601 which is controlled to move, and a benefit matching the generation of the signal is provided, so that the player plays the game in such a way as to cause the pressure sensor 2200 provided in the mechanical character 1601 to detect game balls, resulting in enhanced gaming properties. - 特許庁


In the game machine comprising a display device game area for playing a game of deciding whether or not to impart a privilege, a variable winning device disposed below the game area and a cover member for covering the front surface of the game area, a failure occurrence reporting means for reporting failure occurrence on the basis of failure information is provided. - 特許庁


In this system, the area information obtained by an information provider living in the area, such as public information of public corporations and government office, day nursery and kindergarten information, and close area information such as advertisement information of cafeterias, restaurants, shops, tearooms can be presented with a map of the area, and advantages are attached to the advertisement information to give a profit with useful information to the user who gains access. - 特許庁

一方の締約国内から取得される所得であつて、 他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得とし て取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該他方の締約国の居住者である当該受益者、構成員又は参加者(この条約に別に定める要件を満たすものに限る。)の所得として取り扱われる部分についてのみ、この条約の特典(当該受益者、構成員又は参加者が直接に取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。例文帳に追加

an item of income derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State, and treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State, shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State  - 財務省



an item of income derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State, and treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State, shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention  - 財務省


一方の締約国の居住者である法人は、適格者に該当しない場合においても、他方の締約国内から取得する第十条3、第十一条3(c)、(d)若しくは(e)、第十二条、第十三条6又は前条に定める所得に関し、七 以下の同等受益者が当該法人の発行済株式又は議決権の七十五パーセント以上に相当する株式を直接又は間接に所有し、かつ、当該法人がこれらの規定により認められる特典を受けるためにこれらの規定に規定する要件を満たすときは、これらの規定により認められる特典を受ける権利を有する。例文帳に追加

Notwithstanding that a company that is a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, subparagraph (c), (d) or (e) of paragraph 3 of Article 11, Article 12, paragraph 6 of Article 13 or Article 22 with respect to an item of income described in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits and shares representing at least 75 per cent of the capital or of the voting power of the company are owned, directly or indirectly, by seven or fewer persons who are equivalent beneficiaries.  - 財務省


Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, subparagraph (c), (d) or (e) of paragraph 3 of Article 11, Article 12, paragraph 6 of Article 13 or Article 22 with respect to an item of income described in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if: (i) that resident functions as a headquarters company for a multinational corporate group; (ii) the item of income derived from that other Contracting State is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, the trade or business activity referred to in clause (ii) of subparagraph (b); and (iii) that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits.  - 財務省


Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, subparagraph (c), (d) or (e) of paragraph 3 of Article 11, Article 12, paragraph 6 of Article 13 or Article 22 with respect to an item of income described in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if: (i) that resident is carrying on business in the first-mentioned Contracting State (other than the business of making or managing investments for the residents own account, unless the business is banking, insurance or securities business carried on by a bank, insurance company or securities dealer); (ii) the item of income derived from the other Contracting State is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, that business; and (iii) that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those subparagraphs, paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits.  - 財務省

この条約の適用上、(a)一方の締約国内において取得される所得、利得又は収益であって、(i)他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、 (ii)当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得、利得又は収益として取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得、利得又は収益として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該他方の締約国の居住者である当該受益者、構成員又は参加者(この条約に別に定める要件を満たすものに限る。)の所得、利得又は収益として取り扱われる部分についてのみ、この条約の特典(当該受益者、構成員又は参加者が直接に取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。例文帳に追加

For the purposes of applying this Convention: a) an item of income, profits or gains: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income, profits or gains of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax law of that other Contracting State, shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income, profits or gains are treated as the income, profits or gains of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax law of the first- mentioned Contracting State.  - 財務省



b) an item of income, profits or gains: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income, profits or gains of that entity under the tax law of that other Contracting State, shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether the income, profits or gains are treated as the income, profits or gains of the entity under the tax law of the first-mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention.  - 財務省



c) an item of income, profits or gains: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in a state other than the Contracting States; and (ii) treated as the income, profits or gains of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax law of the other Contracting State, shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income, profits or gains are treated as the income, profits or gains of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax law of the first- mentioned Contracting State or such state.  - 財務省


Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of Article 7; of paragraph 3 of Article 10 or paragraph 3 of Article 11; or of Article 13 with respect to an item of income, profits or gains described in those paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if the resident is carrying on business in the first-mentioned Contracting State (other than the business of making or managing investments for the residents own account, unless the business is banking, insurance or securities business carried on by a bank, insurance company or securities dealer), the income, profits or gains derived from the other Contracting State are derived in connection with, or are incidental to, that business and that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits.  - 財務省


For the purposes of applying this Convention: (a) an item of income, profit or gain: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as an item of income, profit or gain of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether an item of income, profit or gain is treated as an item of income, profit or gain of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State.  - 財務省


an item of income, profit or gain: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as an item of income, profit or gain of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether an item of income, profit or gain is treated as an item of income, profit or gain of the entity under the tax laws of the first- mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention  - 財務省


Notwithstanding that a company that is a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, it shall be entitled to the benefits otherwise accorded to residents of a Contracting State by the provisions of Article 7; of paragraph 3 of Article 10 or paragraph 3 of Article 11; or of Articles 12, 13 or 21 of the Convention with respect to an item of income, profit or gain described in those paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if it satisfies any other specified conditions in those paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits and shares representing at least 75 per cent of the voting power of the company are owned, directly or indirectly, by seven or fewer persons who are equivalent beneficiaries  - 財務省


Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of Article 7; of paragraph 3 of Article 10 or paragraph 3 of Article 11; or of Articles 12, 13 or 21 of this Convention with respect to an item of income, profit or gain described in those paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if the resident is carrying on business in the first-mentioned Contracting State (other than the business of making or managing investments for the residents own account, unless the business is banking, insurance or securities business carried on by a bank, insurance company or securities dealer), the income, profits or gains derived from the other Contracting State is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, that business and that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits.  - 財務省


For the purposes of applying this Convention: (a) An item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organized in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State.  - 財務省


An item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organized in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of the entity under the tax laws of the first- mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention  - 財務省


An item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organized in a state other than the Contracting States; and (ii) treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of the other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State or such state.  - 財務省


A resident of a Contracting State shall be entitled to benefits of this Convention with respect to an item of income derived from the other Contracting State if the resident is engaged in the first-mentioned Contracting State in the active conduct of a trade or business, other than the business of making or managing investments for the residents own account, unless these activities are banking, insurance or securities activities carried on by a commercial bank, insurance company or registered securities dealer, the income derived from the other Contracting State is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, that trade or business and that resident satisfies any other specified conditions for the obtaining of such benefits.  - 財務省

5この条約の適用上、(a) 一方の締約国内から取得される所得であって、(i)他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、(ii)当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該他方の締約国の居住者である当該受益者、構成員又は参加者(この条約に別に定める要件を満たすものに限る。)の所得として取り扱われる部分についてのみ、この条約の特典(当該受益者、構成員又は参加者が直接に取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。(b)一方の締約国内から取得される所得であって、(i)他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、(ii)当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の所得として取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該団体が当該他方の締約国の居住者であり、かつ、この条約に別に定める要件を満たす場合にのみ、この条約の特典(当該他方の締約国の居住者が取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。(c)一方の締約国内から取得される所得であって、(i)両締約国以外の国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、(ii)他方の締約国及び当該団体が組織された国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該他方の締約国の居住者である当該受益者、構成員又は参加者(この条約に別に定める要件を満たすものに限る。)の所得として取り扱われる部分についてのみ、この条約の特典(当該受益者、構成員又は参加者が直接に取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。ただし、当該団体が組織された国が当該一方の締約国と租税に係る実効的な情報の交換に関する規定を有する条約を締結している場合に限る。(d)一方の締約国内から取得される所得であって、(i)両締約国以外の国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、(ii)他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の所得として取り扱われるものに対しては、この条約の特典は与えられない。(e)一方の締約国内から取得される所得であって、(i)当該一方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、(ii)他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の所得として取り扱われるものに対しては、この条約の特典は与えられない。例文帳に追加

5. For the purposes of applying this Convention: a) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State; b) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of the entity under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention; c) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in a state other than the Contracting States; and (ii) treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of the other Contracting State and under the tax laws of the state where the entity is organised; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State, provided that the state where the entity is organised has concluded with the first-mentioned Contracting State a convention which contains provisions for effective exchange of information on tax matters; d) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in a state other than the Contracting States; and (ii) treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of the other Contracting State; shall not be eligible for the benefits of the Convention; and e) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in that Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of the other Contracting State; shall not be eligible for the benefits of the Convention.  - 財務省

5この条約の適用上、(a) 一方の締約国内から取得される所得であって、(i)他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、(ii)当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該他方の締約国の居住者である当該受益者、構成員又は参加者(この条約に別に定める要件を満たすものに限る。)の所得として取り扱われる部分についてのみ、この条約の特典(当該受益者、構成員又は参加者が直接に取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。例文帳に追加

5. For the purposes of applying this Convention: a) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State; - 財務省


b) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in the other Contracting State; and (ii) treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of the entity under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention; - 財務省


5. a) Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, paragraph 3 of Article 11 or Article12, 13 or 20 with respect to an item of income described in those paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if: (i) that resident is carrying on business in the first-mentioned Contracting State (other than the business of making or managing investments for the residents own account, unless the business is banking, insurance or securities business carried on by a bank, insurance company or securities company); (ii) the item of income derived from that other Contracting State is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, that business; and (iii) that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits. - 財務省


6. a) Notwithstanding that a resident of a Contracting State may not be a qualified person, that resident shall be entitled to the benefits granted by the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 10, paragraph 3 of Article 11 or Article 12, 13 or 20 with respect to an item of income described in those paragraphs or Articles derived from the other Contracting State if: (i) that resident functions as a headquarters company for a multinational corporate group; (ii) the item of income derived from that other Contracting State either is derived in connection with, or is incidental to, the business referred to in clause (ii) ofsubparagraph b); and (iii) that resident satisfies any other specified conditions in those paragraphs or Articles for the obtaining of such benefits. - 財務省

条約の適用上、一方の締約国内において取得される所得であって、 他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、 当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として 取り扱われるものに対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該受益者、構成員又は参加者の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該他方の締約国の居住者である当該受益者、構成員又は参加者(条約に別に定める要件を満たすものに限る。)の所得として取り扱われる部分についてのみ、条約の特典(当該受益者、構成員又は参加者が直接に取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。例文帳に追加

For the purposes of applying the Convention: a) an item of income: derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organized in the other Contracting State; and treated as the income of the beneficiaries,members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the incomes treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State.  - 財務省

一方の締約国内において取得される所得であって、 他方の締約国において組織された団体を通じて取得され、かつ、 当該他方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の所得として取り扱われるもの に対しては、当該一方の締約国の租税に関する法令に基づき当該団体の所得として取り扱われるか否かにかかわらず、当該団体が当該他方の締約国の居住者であり、かつ、条約に別に定める要件を満たす場合にのみ、条約の特典(当該他方の締約国の居住者が取得したものとした場合に認められる特典に限る。)が与えられる。例文帳に追加

an item of income: derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organized in the other Contracting State; and 27 treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of that other Contracting State; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted to a resident of that other Contracting State, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of that entity under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State, if such entity is a resident of that other Contracting State and satisfies any other conditions specified in the Convention.  - 財務省


an equivalent beneficiary is: (i) a resident of a state that has a convention for the avoidance of double taxation between that state and the Contracting State from which the benefits of this Convention are claimed such that: (aa) that convention contains provisions for effective exchange of information;(bb) that resident is a qualified person under limitation on benefits provisions(Tokuten Joko) in that convention or, where there are no such provisions in that convention, would be a qualified person when that convention is read as including provisions corresponding to paragraph 2 of this Article (or for the purposes of subparagraph (g) of paragraph 2 of this Article, provision corresponding to clause (i) of that subparagraph); and(cc) with respect to an item of income, profit or gain referred to in Article7; in paragraph 3 of Article 10 or paragraph 3 of Article 11; or in Articles 12, 13 or 21 of this Convention that resident would be entitled under that convention to a rate of tax with respect to the particular class of income, profit or gain in for which the benefits are being claimed under this Convention that is at least as low as the rate applicable under this Convention, under conditions in that convention which are no less restrictive than those in this Convention; or (ii) a qualified person by reason of subparagraphs (a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of paragraph 2 of this Article.  - 財務省


No relief shall be available under this Article if it was the main purpose or one of the main purposes of any person concerned with the assignment of the dividends or distributions, the creation or assignment of the shares or other rights in respect of which the dividends or distributions are paid, or the establishment, acquisition or maintenance of the company which is the beneficial owner of the dividends or distributions or the conduct of its operations to take advantage of this Article.  - 財務省


Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 2 of the Convention: (a) the United States excise tax on insurance policies issued by foreign insurers shall not be imposed on insurance or reinsurance policies, the premiums on which are the receipts of a business of insurance carried on by an enterprise of Japan, to the extent that the risks covered by such premiums are not re insured with a person not entitled to the benefits of the Convention or any other tax convention entered into by the United States that provides exemption from such tax;  - 財務省

第31条 優先権 条約,協定又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に類似の特典を与える外国において同一の発明について先に出願をした者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国での出願をした日に出願をしたものとみなす。ただし, (a)当該出願において優先権を明示して主張し, (b)最先の外国での出願がなされた日から12月以内に出願し,かつ (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国での出願の認証謄本を英語での翻訳文とともに提出することを条件とする。例文帳に追加

Sec.31 Right of Priority An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed; and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines. - 特許庁

第234条 特許商標技術移転局の廃止 通商産業省の特許商標技術移転局は,これを廃止する。特許商標技術移転局の未使用の予算及び給与,当該暦年について徴収する科料,権利使用料その他の徴収金,資産,設備並びに記録のすべて並びに必要な人員は,これを庁に移す。庁に移されない人員は,現行法に基づいて認められている退職特典を受けるか又は勤務した各年について1月の基本給与額に等しい額若しくは受けた給与の最高額を考慮してそれに最も近い額を支払われる。例文帳に追加

Sec.234 Abolition of the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer The Bureau of Patents, Trademarks, and Technology Transfer under the Department of Trade and Industry is hereby abolished. All unexpended funds and fees, fines, royalties and other charges collected for the calendar year, properties, equipment and records of the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology Transfer, and such personnel as may be necessary are hereby transferred to the Office. Personnel not absorbed or transferred to the Office shall enjoy the retirement benefits granted under existing law, otherwise, they shall be paid the equivalent of one month’s basic salary for every year of service, or the equivalent nearest fractions thereof favorable to them on the basis of the highest salary received. - 特許庁

条約又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に同様の特典を与える外国において同一の発明を先に出願している者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国出願の出願日になされたものとみなす。ただし,次を条件とする。 (a)当該フィリピンにおける出願において優先権を明示的に主張すること (b)当該出願を最先の外国出願を行った日から12月以内に行うこと,及び (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国出願の認証謄本を英語の翻訳文とともに提出すること (IP法第31条)例文帳に追加

An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing of the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines (Sec. 31, IP CODE). - 特許庁


An insurance dealings database 21 provided at an insurance system center 20 decides, computes, and issues points according to insurance contractor data, and insurance data, and continuance data, and insurance type data by the insurance contractors, writes the computed points in a point management database 31 provided at a database center 30, and subtracts points from the written points when providing privilege. - 特許庁


A portable telephone is distributed free to a recipient and a plurality of information distributors bear the use charge for portable telephones and distribute various information to portable telephones and are given points on condition that recipients having received the information by the portable telephones take actions corresponding to the distributed information and various privileges such as cash are imparted according to the accumulated values of points by the recipients. - 特許庁


To provide a recommendation system capable of recommending a commodity and a service promptly to a recommendee such as a friend or an acquaintance on the spot, with an easy operation when a recommender notices a bargain and beneficial service, a favorite commodity and service, an interesting commodity and service, or the like, and allowing both the recommender and the recommendee enjoying the privilege without any constraint to the recommendee. - 特許庁


To provide an information processing system, an information processor, a management method for stored information, a storage medium storing a program for implementing the method to be readable by the information processor, and the program for automatically altering the use condition of service without loading any burden on an operator by controlling the privilege corresponding to the purchase information of a service user for product information related to service. - 特許庁


When the detection means 4 detects the collective purchases of a plurality of articles or consecutive purchases, prize application information with purchase privilege is transmitted. - 特許庁


c) an item of income: (i) derived from a Contracting State through an entity that is organised in a state other than the Contracting States; and (ii) treated as the income of the beneficiaries, members or participants of that entity under the tax laws of the other Contracting State and under the tax laws of the state where the entity is organised; shall be eligible for the benefits of the Convention that would be granted if it were directly derived by a beneficiary, member or participant of that entity who is a resident of that other Contracting State, to the extent that such beneficiaries, members or participants are residents of that other Contracting State and satisfy any other conditions specified in the Convention, without regard to whether the income is treated as the income of such beneficiaries, members or participants under the tax laws of the first-mentioned Contracting State, provided that the state where the entity is organised has concluded with the first-mentioned Contracting State a convention which contains provisions for effective exchange of information on tax matters; - 財務省


Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, dividends shall not be taxed in the Contracting State of which the company paying the dividends is a resident for the purposes of its tax if the beneficial owner of the dividends is a company that is a resident of the other Contracting State and that has owned directly shares representing at least 80 per cent of the voting power of the company paying the dividends for the 12 month period ending on the date on which entitlement to the dividends is determined and the company that is the beneficial owner of the dividends: a) is a qualified person by reason of the provisions of subparagraph c) of paragraph 2 of Article 23; b) has at least 50 per cent of the aggregate vote and value of its shares owned directly or indirectly by five or fewer companies referred to in subparagraph a); or c) is granted benefits with respect to those dividends under paragraph 5 of Article 23.  - 財務省


This game machine has the plurality of stop patterns as the demonstration display, and when a prescribed time elapses after the power application, selects a stop pattern indicating the setting value out of the plurality of stop pattern, in accordance with the setting value of the probability, and displays the demonstration on the symbol display device. - 特許庁



8. For the purposes of this Article: a) the termprincipal class of sharesmeans the class or classes of shares of a company which in the aggregate represent a majority of the voting power of the company; b) the termshares” shall include depository receipts of shares or trust certificates of shares; c) the termrecognised stock exchangemeans: (i) any stock exchange established by a Financial Instruments Exchange or an approved-type financial instruments firms association under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (Law No. 25 of 1948) of Japan; (ii) any regulated market established in the Netherlands subject to regulation by the Authority for the Financial Markets (or its successor) under a license as meant in paragraph 1 of Article 5:26 of the Act on Financial Supervision (or its successor) of the Netherlands; (iii) the Irish Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, the Swiss Stock Exchange and the stock exchanges of Brussels, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Madrid, Mexico, Milan, New York, Paris, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Toronto and Vienna and the NASDAQ System; and (iv) any other stock exchange which the competent authorities of the Contracting States agree to recognise for the purposes of this Article; d) the termequivalent beneficiarymeans: (i) a resident of a state that has a convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion between that state and the Contracting State from which the benefits of this Convention are claimed such that: (aa) that convention contains provisions for effective exchange of information; (bb) that resident is a qualified person under the limitation on benefits provisions in that convention or, when there are no such provisions in that convention, would be a qualified person when that convention is read as including provisions corresponding to paragraph 2; and (cc) with respect to an item of income referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 10, paragraph 3 of Article 11 or Article 12, 13 or 20 that resident would be entitled under that convention to a rate of tax with respect to the particular class of income for which the benefits are being claimed under this Convention that is at least as low as the rate applicable under this Convention; or (ii) a qualified person by reason of subparagraph a), b), c) or d) of paragraph 2; e) the termassociated enterprisesmeans enterprises which have a relationship with each other as described in subparagraph a) or b) of paragraph 1 of Article 9; and f) the termgross incomemeans the total revenues derived by an enterprise from its business, less the direct costs of obtaining such revenues. - 財務省


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