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the lower-classの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 246


In contrast to the lifestyle as members of the lower-ranked religious class described above, who had carried on the Medieval system, there was another form, a class called "leper" created anew by the Early-Modern Age authority.例文帳に追加

上記のような下級宗教者としての生活が、中世的形態を継承するのに対して、近世権力が新たに作り上げた「癩」身分という存在形態がある。 - 厚生労働省

However, during the fourteenth century, many factors, such as the improvement of productivity, the resistance of the class of peasants, and the downfall of the upper-class together with the advancement of the lower-class, contributed to the demise of the shoen-koryo sei. Further, there were those of the upper-class who attained the position as a landlord or a jizamurai (local samurai) which enabled them to break away from the rule of the manor owners and to establish their own business managing and renting their lands to local peasants. 例文帳に追加

だが、荘園公領制が解体する14世紀に入ると、生産力の上昇や農民層の抵抗、更に荘園内部でも上級層の没落と下級層の上昇などが発生し、更にその中で上位の者は領主や地侍としての地位を獲得して荘園領主の支配から脱却したり、荘園内外にて独自の経営地及び独自の小作関係の形成を行うようになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

One of the five subcastes of the senmin lower class (which consisted of Ryoko, dedicated to the imperial family or guards of imperial tombs; Kanko, dedicated to public ministries; Kenin, servants of high-ranking families; Kunuhi, slaves of the court; and Shinuhi, slaves of families) that existed under the ritsuryo system. 例文帳に追加

律令制における五色の賤(陵戸・官戸・家人・官(公)奴婢・私奴婢)の一つ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For example, the research conducted by McKinsey & Company reveals that the recognition rate for Japanese brand TV was 35% in First class cities while the rates are low in Second class cities or lower (see Figure 2-3-3-2).例文帳に追加

例えば、マッキンゼーによる調査では、日系企業のテレビのブランドの認知度は、1級都市では35%であったが、2級以下の都市では低い(第2-3-3-2図)。 - 経済産業省


Therefore, a conflict occasionally arose between the honke (the imperial and sekkan-ke families) and the ryoke (the kuge of a middle and lower class) as to whether an individual kuge-ryo territory was a soden or an onryo. 例文帳に追加

そのため、個々の公家領が相伝か恩領かを巡って本家(皇室・摂関家)と領家(中下級公家)の間で対立する場合もあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On the other hand, there is a trend of getting the market of the lower-middle income class by large price reduction with lowering function and quality of the products sold (Figure 3-1-2-14).例文帳に追加

一方で、下位中間層の獲得に向けて機能・品質を抑えた大幅な低価格化を志向する動きも見える(第3-1-2-14 図)。 - 経済産業省

Therefore, chazuke was considered to be a dish of the lower class, so families of the ruling class or higher did not openly eat it, except as a quick light meal. 例文帳に追加

このような事からお茶漬けは、下層階級の食事形態とされ支配階級以上の家庭では大っぴらには食べず、やむを得ない場合の軽食とされた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The Sobayonin officer in domains are generally selected from at least Kyujin (lower-ranked one of the upper class retainers) or upper class retainers ranked at moshitsugi (or toritsugi) (an official for conveying a message). 例文帳に追加

諸般の側用人は、少なくとも給人(上級藩士の下位)または申次(取次)以上の上級家臣の出自から選ばれるのが一般的だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As time passed, the range of bushi class was expanded and jizamurai (local samurai) with positions lower than samurai were also considered bushi while the term samurai began to indicate upper class bushi. 例文帳に追加

時代が下って武士階層の裾野が広がり、侍身分より下の地侍なども武士の扱いを受けるようになると、侍は上層の武士を指すようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thinking about the Amida Nyorai' was 'Kanso Nenbutsu,' the tangible meditative training to reach enlightenment, and was first accepted by the lower class aristocracy. 例文帳に追加

「阿弥陀如来のことを思う」というのは事観の念仏である「観相念仏」であり、これがまず下級貴族に受け容れられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


It was also a branch of the Nijo school that was passed on by Sanenari SHIMIZUDANI, a court noble from Tosho-ke (the hereditary lineage of Court nobles occupying relatively high ranks) to the Kagawa family of lower-class nobles. 例文帳に追加

堂上家の公家だった清水谷実業から地下の香川家に伝えられた二条派の分流でもある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The kokujin class intervened in conflicts between the manor lord and the jigenin (a lower rank of ancient Japanese nobility), and at times, undertook posts such as daikan (local government representative) and shomu (land management). 例文帳に追加

国人層は荘園領主と地下人の対立に介入し、代官職や所務職などを請け負うこともあった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In spite of the fact that Sumiyoshi was originally a kashi (lower class samurai), he cross-examined Hisaharu SHIMAZU in front of his brother, who was the lord of the domain, Tadayoshi SHIMAZU, and finally Hisaharu died in depression. 例文帳に追加

純義は下士の出身でありながら藩主島津忠義の面前で藩主の弟の島津久治を詰問し、結局久治は憂死している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Just like lower to middle-class aristocrats who were technical officers of the shodaifu class accumulating their achievements, after accumulating achievements as military officers, military aristocrats were often transferred to various provinces as zuryo. 例文帳に追加

武官としての功績を積んだ後は、他の諸大夫階層の技能官人層に属する中下級貴族が家業の功績を積んだのと同様に、受領として諸国へ赴任する例が多かった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It was not only the lower social class but also intellectual and educated people drank it because of the craving to lose their sight or passed away. 例文帳に追加

それも必ずしも下層階級ばかりでなく、分別も教養もある人々が酒への渇望から飲み、失明したり死亡したりした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Sancha joro: originally lower than tayu and koshi, but due to the disappearance of tayu and koshi, the words "sancha joro" later referred to a high class courtesan. 例文帳に追加

散茶女郎:元々は太夫・格子より下位の遊女であったが、後に太夫・格子がいなくなったため高級遊女を指す言葉になった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In domains where umamawari were allowed to ride horses, families with the umamawari status were mostly lower-ranking families among upper-class retainers in the broad sense. 例文帳に追加

馬廻に馬上資格がある藩では、馬廻の家格は、広義の上級家臣の下位を意味すると言える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many of people who played active roles at the end of the Edo period, whether pro-imperial or pro-shogunate, came from these derogatory class such as lower-rank samurai, country samurai, merchants. 例文帳に追加

幕末に活躍した人びとには、勤皇方、幕府方を問わず、下級藩士・郷士・町人など軽輩階層出身者であった者が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, Rickshaw drivers were basically people from lower class families, and it was a rare case that they were given the Order of Merit and the medal. 例文帳に追加

当時、低い身分の職と見なされていた人力車夫に勲位と勲章を与えることはきわめて異例であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The upper and lower cluster value differences are classified into a plurality of classes to construct a neural network with the relative frequency of each class as an input value.例文帳に追加

上下クラスタ値差を複数のクラスに分類し、各クラスの相対頻度を入力値とするニューラルネットワークを構築する。 - 特許庁

(xii) The term "Class I petroleums" means acetone, gasoline and any other petroleum whose flash point is lower than 21 degree at one atmospheric pressure. 例文帳に追加

十二 第一石油類とは、アセトン、ガソリンその他一気圧において引火点が二一度未満のものをいう。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Among nobles in society, during the Heian period, a senior-ranked person, from a noble class, used to give a Sensu to a lower-ranked person as a gift. 例文帳に追加

この他、平安時代などに於ける貴族階級で上位の階級の者が親しい階級の者に下賜するときの贈答品としても用いられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Masakazu (Toyojiro) IKAI, okachi (a lower class samurai), became the assistant of Hirotada SHIBUKAWA in 1716 and he was appointed to Tenmonkata in 1736. 例文帳に追加

御徒であった猪飼正一(豊次郎)が享保元年(1716年)渋川敬尹の暦作御用手伝となり、元文元年(1736年)天文方になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, Prince Ohatsuse killed Sakibe no Uruwa (also known as Nakachiko), a Toneri (a lower class officer whose duty was guarding and taking care of members of Imperial Princes and Princes of Imperial family and royal family.); this was done while Sakibe no Uruwa was in his grief and saddened as he held the dead body of Prince Oshiha. 例文帳に追加

さらに、遺骸を抱いて嘆き悲しんだ帳内(とねり)の佐伯部売輪(さえきべのうるわ、仲子とも)をも殺した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As the status of hashita mono is inferred to be between nyobo and Zoshime (lower class maid), it seems not proper to consider that a daughter of Mototaka, who became a noble, was a hashita mono. 例文帳に追加

半物は女房と雑仕女の中間の身分と推測されるので、公卿になった基隆の娘が半物であったとは考えにくい。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The middle and lower class nobles who gained such positions strived to secure such positions, attempting to make them hereditary or a 'family business.' 例文帳に追加

これらの職についた中下流貴族らは自らが得た職の確保をはかり、職を「家業」として世襲することに努めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Most of them belonged to noble bloodlines but their governmental positions were extremely low, or were of the middle or lower class. 例文帳に追加

彼らのほとんどは貴族の血統に属してはいたが、極めて低い官位にある中下級官人であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Kachi (Kashi) were lower class bushi who were not officially allowed to ride horses, and Sotsu were in principle foot soldiers, and this was the term for Ashigaru (common foot soldier). 例文帳に追加

徒士(下士)は公的に騎乗を認められない下層武士であり、卒は歩卒を原義としており足軽を指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Below the Ashigaru class were servants of a bushi family called Chugen (rank below common soldier), Komono (a lower servant) who were privately hired by Shibun. 例文帳に追加

また足軽の下位には士分の者に私的に雇用された中間、小者等と呼称された武家奉公人があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

general term for districts and towns where many of those engaged in commerce and industry and lower class samurai live, and the districts and towns with a friendly atmosphere 例文帳に追加

商工業者や下級武士などが多くすんでいる地区・町の通称で、庶民的な町のこと - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Advantageously, eviction of data belonging to a data class having lower reusability reduces the number of times of cache errors in a system.例文帳に追加

有利なことに、より低い再利用可能性を有するデータクラスに属するデータをエビクトすることは、システム内のキャッシュミスの回数を減らす。 - 特許庁

To obtain a clean room that realizes energy saving and the low running cost in a clean room with a cleanliness class of 1000 or lower, or 10000 or lower, or 100000 or lower.例文帳に追加

クリーンクラス1000以下、10000以下または100000以下程度のクリーンルームにおいて、省エネルギーかつ低ランニングコストを実現するクリーンルームを得る。 - 特許庁

Although many ordinary samurai such as Hatamoto (direct retainers of the shogun) or Gokenin (lower-ranked vassals) had residences which differed little from folk houses, upper or middle class Samurai Yashiki had mud walls, Nagayamon (a gate and long house for vassals), and Shikidai (an entrance hall with a wooden floor), and even lower class ones had at least zashiki (a tatami-mat reception room) of Shoin-zukuri style (a typical traditional Japanese style house), attempting to display their high status. 例文帳に追加

旗本や御家人などの一般の武士の住まいは民家とそれほど変わらない規模の建物であったことも多いが、上級や中級の侍屋敷では土塀や長屋門、式台を構え、下級のものも少なくとも書院造の座敷を設けるなど、格を示すような特徴を持っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(2) In the case of the preceding paragraph, if the class of aircraft that is used in the practical examination is the class listed in the upper column of the following table, for the purpose of competence certification for an airline transport pilot, commercial pilot and private pilot and flight engineer qualification (only when the category of the class of aircraft for the rating is aeroplane or balloon), the class of aircraft for the rating shall be the class listed in the lower column of the following table. 例文帳に追加

2 前項の場合において、定期運送用操縦士、事業用操縦士及び自家用操縦士の資格並びに航空機関士の資格(限定をする航空機の種類が飛行機又は飛行船であるときに限る。)についての技能証明については、実地試験に使用される航空機の等級が次の表の上欄に掲げる等級であるときは、限定をする航空機の等級を同表の下欄に掲げる等級とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

To provide a manufacturing method of a hot-rolled steel strip for suppressing the generation of surface flaws and securing the lower limit of finishing temperature which is necessary to obtaing mechanical properties of not lower that the SPHD class.例文帳に追加

表面疵の発生を抑制し、かつ、SPHDクラス以上の機械的性質を得るために必要な仕上下限温度の確保を可能とした熱延鋼帯の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

The control section displays the reproduction screen of a first content (information group of a lower level class) on the display section, and also displays on the display section the reproduction screen of a second content (information group of a higher level class), capable of becoming the transition source of the first content.例文帳に追加

制御部は、表示部に第1コンテンツ(下位階層の情報グループ)の再生画面を表示させるとともに、操作部から再生遷移を示す操作信号が入力されたときに、第1コンテンツの遷移元となり得る第2コンテンツ(上位階層の情報グループ)の再生画面を表示部に表示させる。 - 特許庁

Therefore, the lower edge 60b of the screen 60a is seen naturally through the groove portion 85 without largely retracting a symbol display device, so that the screen is surely confirmed visually without enlarging the game machine even in the Pachinko game machine of class 1 or class 2.例文帳に追加

これにより、図柄表示装置を大きく後退させることなく、溝部85を介して画面60aの下縁部60bを自然に覗き込むことができ、1種2種ぱちんこ遊技機にあっても、遊技機の大型化を招くことなく、画面の良好な視認状態を確保できる。 - 特許庁

In India, the lower-middle income class or under was more than 90% in 2010, and it might be over 70% in 2020. However, if the percentage of the upper middle-income class or above grows higher than 25% in 2020, the huge market with 350 million people is expected to appear from the total expected 1,330 million people in 2020 (Figure 3-1-1-9).例文帳に追加

インドは、2010 年時点で90%以上、2020 年になっても70%以上が下位中間層以下ではあるが、2020 年の上位中間層以上の率が25%を超えると、2020 年に13.3 億人と予想される人口から、3.5 億人の大市場が期待される(第3-1-1-9 図)。 - 経済産業省

In later years, the landowner class called Sanju-san-nin shu was formed mainly by the offspring of these samurai warriors, and kosakunin (nago kosaku (tenant farmers of a lower class)) called kanjin had to borrow not only rice fields and vegetable fields but also houses and farm tools from masters in order to earn a living. 例文帳に追加

その後、これら武士の子孫を中心として「三十三人衆」と呼ばれる地主層が形成され、「かんじん」と呼ばれた小作人(名子小作)たちは田畑はもちろん、家屋敷から農具に至るまで旦那衆から借り受けて生計を立てなくてはならなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The poem alludes to the latter half of the Juyi BAI's "The Song of Everlasting Sorrow," and it is also the response to the waka poem which was composed by Genji's father, Emperor Kiritsubo, when he remembered the late Kiritsubo no Koi (lower class court lady) in the first chapter of 'Kiritsubo' (The Paulownia Court). 例文帳に追加

白居易『長恨歌』の後半をモチーフとしており、また第1帖「桐壺」で源氏の父桐壺帝が亡き桐壺更衣を偲んで詠んだ和歌と呼応するものとなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, the regency government that Sekkan-ke (the families which produced the Regent and the Chief Adviser to the Emperor) monopolized the highest level of political power was developed and the forming social standing and fixing family business and trade were undergoing so the nobility in the middle lower class only inherited a specific government post and could not ask any more promotion. 例文帳に追加

当時は摂関家が政治の上層を独占する摂関政治が展開し、中流・下流貴族は特定の官職を世襲してそれ以上の昇進が望めない、といった家職の固定化が進んでいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, some middle and lower class nobles, who had been appointed kokushi to rule a local province, decided to settle in the same area, whereas the others became 'zuryo' (custodial governors) and made fortunes or expanded shoen holdings, thus establishing relationships with the Imperial family and 'sekkan-ke' (the families which had produced the regents and the chief advisors to the emperor). 例文帳に追加

一方、中下流の貴族は国司として地方に下り土着する者が出る一方で受領となって財を築きあるいは荘園を築き、皇室や摂関家などと関係を結ぶ者があった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

When we look back on historic situations where a lower-ranked group usurped the authority of their superiors, as when the aristocracy was overthrown by the samurai class, the Shogun by the Kanrei (shogunal deputy), and the Protectors (essentially provincial governors) by their deputy Protectors, we label it "gekokujo," but for people in fact in the Sengoku Period, such situations were more or less par for the course. 例文帳に追加

公家は武家に、将軍は管領に、守護は守護代にと下位の者に実権を奪われ、こうした状況を下剋上と理解するのが、当時のほぼ一般的な観念だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the era from the latter half of the ninth century to the tenth century when almost all of the upper Kizoku members became occupied by persons from the Fujiwara clan or from the Minamoto clan, as described above, other clan members started to find ways of remaining as middle or lower Kizoku class members. 例文帳に追加

先述したとおり、9世紀後半から10世紀にかけての時期に、上流貴族が藤原氏・源氏にほぼ限定されると、他氏族は中下流貴族として存続する道を模索し始めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During this period, when the Fujiwara clan and the Minamoto clan started to occupy the political nucleus, the middle and lower class nobles who had no hope for fame, competed for assignments in the local official (Zuryo, the head of the provincial governors) or specific bureaucrats. 例文帳に追加

政治の中枢を藤原氏と源氏が占有し始めたこの時期、栄達の望みがない中下流貴族らは地方官(受領)や特定官庁への補任をきそって求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

She lived in the Kokiden of the highest prestige among the empresses' residences and exerted power, but Kiritsubo no Koi (lower class court lady) took away the love of the Emperor Kiritsubo from her, and that was why she detested Hikaru Genji, the son of Kiritsubo no Koi, even after his mother died. 例文帳に追加

後宮で最も格の高い弘徽殿に住まい権勢を誇ったが、桐壺帝の寵愛を桐壺更衣に奪われたことで、更衣の死後も忘れ形見である光源氏を激しく憎んだ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the case of the other kuge who did not possess chigyo koku, they served as keishi (household superintendent) or kerei (lower class kuge who served the superior kuge) for generations, so that they were often granted the shoshiki (the right of an officer governing a shoen estate) of shoryo (fief) in the lieu of horoku (stipend). 例文帳に追加

それ以下の公家の場合は、皇室や摂関家の家司・家礼として代々奉仕して、その俸禄の代わりに所領の下級所職が宛がわれる例が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, in 711, Prince Katsuragi (later TACHIBANA no Moroe) who was a member of the Imperial family although his rank was Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade) was appointed as Meryogen (the chief of the Bureau of Horses) which was Ryoge no kan (class outside of the Ritsuryo system), from the viewpoint of military importance, and controlled the right and left divisions of Meryo. 例文帳に追加

しかし、711年に馬の軍事的な重要性から従五位下ながら皇族である葛木王(後の橘諸兄)が令外官である馬寮監(めりょうげん)に任じられて左右馬寮を統括した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the warrior class, the rank was bestowed on the Hojo family in the Kamakura Period as well as on the daimyo lords under Toyotomo rule, but rarely to the samurai under the Edo shogunate system because conferment for the sumurai at the time was centered upon Jushiinoge (Junior Forth Rank, Lower Grade) and Jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade). 例文帳に追加

武家においては、鎌倉時代に北条氏の一門が叙せられた他、豊臣氏の政権下における大名の官位としても叙位がなされたが、江戸時代には従四位下や従五位下の叙位が集中したため、幕藩体制の中の武家で正五位に叙せられた者は少ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The wealthier townspeople were called 'Utokunin' and paid for the Yamahoko Junko (procession of Gion Festival Floats) during the Gion-e (service for souls of Gion) instead of the government and were called 'Junya no Senmin' (people of the lower class who are wealthy). 例文帳に追加

町衆の中の富裕層は、「有徳人」と称され、祇園会の際に国家に代わって山鉾巡行の費用を拠出し、「潤屋の賤民」と呼ばれた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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