



英和・和英辞典で「こうか? 何すんだよ!」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「こうか? 何すんだよ!」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 36



"Shimeisho" (a commentary on The Tale of Genji): When the Retired Emperor Uda and Miyasundokoro were viewing the moon at Kawarano-in, somebody tried to pull Miyasundokoro into the building.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since both the first and second openings 24, 25 can be formed by dry etching, the openings 24, 25 have enhanced dimensional accuracy and the dimensional accuracy of a semiconductor device produced by utilizing the phase shifting mask 20 is enhanced. - 特許庁


Oyama Katsuyuki, a company representative, said cheerfully, "We have a shortage of workers, but the good thing is that we're making progress. We've received more orders than we expected, so we're in full production." - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


At that time, Japan barely avoided being colonized by Western countries, but still did not have enough military power to fight against them and feared that Russia would demand reparations or cession of territory.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Since the plated layer 7 can be formed only to the forming position of the plated layer 7, the other surface constituting the die 2 is not affected and the adjusting work only to the necessary surface to adjust the size can be performed. - 特許庁

4 人も、第四条第一項本文若しくは第二項本文の規定の適用を受ける有価証券又は既に開示された有価証券の募集又は売出しのために、虚偽の記載があり、又は記載すべき内容の記載が欠けている第一項の目論見書を使用してはならない。例文帳に追加

(4) No person shall use a Prospectus referred to in paragraph (1) which contains any fake statement or lacks any statement that should be stated, for the purpose of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities that is subject to the main clause of Article 4(1) or the main clause of Article 4(2) or Already Disclosed Securities.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The data showed that as of the end of fiscal 2007, funds were flowing from stocks and other risk assets to government bonds and deposits, which may be an inevitable trend given the stock market downturn. How do you view this situation? Do you have any plans to promote a flow of funds from savings to investments, such as tax measures, as you consider requests for tax system revisions this autumn?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To provide a fixing method for transportation of building unit capable of stably fixing a building unit having a different length from a standard dimension building unit to a standard dimension building unit transporting means without performing any work to a deck. - 特許庁

(a) 前記の者のれかから発明を盗んでいる第三者,又は(b) 発明者がその発明を,公衆の利用に供さないという条件に基づいて知らせた第三者例文帳に追加

a) that has purloined the invention from any of these persons; or b) who the inventor communicated the invention to, on condition of not being rendered available to the public. - 特許庁


To provide a large-capacity and low-cost semiconductor module which can be constituted in a small size without using special assembly components regardless of the thickness of semiconductor devices which are mounted in the module. - 特許庁


First, by using a dynamic pressure, determined from the density and average flow speed of the medium flowing in the measuring tube, the pressure drop of the measuring tube, and the geometrical dimension of the measuring tube, the friction coefficient of a pipe thereof, is determined. - 特許庁


A cross sectional shape of a bead 16 is a trapezoid, a height, a width and the radius of curvature of the trapezoid in a boundary region E1 including a joining part 18 are larger as compared to a normal region E3, thus, a large in flowing resistance is imparted. - 特許庁


The cutting action and force introduction of the conical cutter at the blade tip are such that blade tips with a geometrically precisely defined edge can be produced, thereby dispensing with time-consuming and cost-intensive assembly and disassembly of damping means likely leading to distortion and dimensional deviations of the blades. - 特許庁


To provide a shadow mask support frame, which is light-weight and is not so heavy, and can be formed with very precise dimensions and a geometric structure, and in which proper characteristics in rigidity and mechanical strength can be obtained. - 特許庁


To improve the distributed capacitance matter of a secondary winding by specified use of a honeycomb coil, to improve the geometrical size to a size for practical use, to make the secondary winding compact and lightweight by limited use, to reduce material amounts and a man-hour, and to reduce the cost. - 特許庁


To provide a slope forming frame member, capable of installing a slope corresponding to the shape or dimensions of a level difference section extremely inexpensively and simply in a short time, without adding additional processings to the structure of an existing building, and capable also of demounting and replacing the slope with ease. - 特許庁


To provide a fixing method for transporting a building unit and a method for transporting a building unit using the fixing method, which can stably fix a narrow unit on the load-carrying platform of a standard-size build ing unit transport means without applying any machining to the load-carrying platform. - 特許庁


I will ask you about the reform of the civil servant system. The ruling parties are divided into various groups, including one that is cautious about the reform and another that is positively supporting it, and the division has hampered progress in the reform. Former Minister Watanabe took the approach of pushing ahead with the reform by setting a goal himself and gaining the support of the people for its achievement. What do you think is important for promoting the reform?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Regarding the respective objects Oi, the maximum number of plotting odts dxi, dyi, dzi to indicate how many dots x, y, z directions are expressed at maximum when the objects are plotted on a picture is calculated based on the maximum dimensions Xi, Yi, Zi of each of the x, y, z directions, display magnification and the viewpoint direction (a step 108). - 特許庁


The blade dovetail may include a dovetail backcut 22 sized and positioned according to blade geometry to maximize a balance between the stress reduction on the disk, the stress reduction on the blade, a useful life of the turbine blade, and maintenance or improvement of the aerodynamical behavior of the turbine blade. - 特許庁


To provide a rectangular solid concrete spacer block installed between inner reinforcing bars and a form or between the reinforcing bars at the execution of a reinforced concrete structure, making its direction against the reinforcing bars to be freely selectable, and capable of being reliably bound and fixed by a normal binding wire having high flexibility regardless of the size of the spacer block. - 特許庁


The FSA has had its hands full, as have other ministries - in particular, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, has been dealing with the nuclear power station. As for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, 20,000 fishing boats have been swept away by the tsunami and some portions of farmland have been destroyed. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism has faced such serious problems as the piles of rubble to be cleared and the disruptions of road transport.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


A rule application part 26, which applies a conversion rule stored in a first or second rule storage means to individual customers with the history of some account transactions during a certain period of time after they opened their bank accounts, applies the first conversion rule to each credited customer and provides rating, and applies the second conversion rule stored in the second rule storage means to each uncredited customer and provides rating. - 特許庁


To provide a retractable writing utensil for which refills of multiple colors are being popularized, and if one refill is changed with another refill of a different color in a state where the one refill is not used out, the refill not used out is stored in a holder used for the change, or is discarded, which is wasteful in any case, and is not environmentally-preferred. - 特許庁


As a result, partition walls for forming in partition the discharge spaces 42 can be provided by only arranging the sheet member 20, thereby, the problem that is the cause of the out gas and that the dimension precision is not obtained when the partitions are formed directly on either of the front plate 16 and the rear plate 18 can be resolved favorably. - 特許庁


Display control for displaying a data label 2 at a previously set left upper part of a 3D model display area 4 is performed without being associated with change in viewpoint to a 3D model 1 and a choice of a property information input mode is detected through an input device 205 to input one of a size, a geometric tolerance, an annotation, etc. - 特許庁


The contact lens has mechanical properties and/or a geometric shape such that when the lens is fitted to the eye the pressure applied to the eye via the lens varies in a radial direction between at least one zone of higher pressure and at least one zone of lower pressure so that wearing the lens over time causes a dimensional change to the surface layer of the cornea. - 特許庁

この作業を行ってみれば、install コマンドを実行するとまず build コマンドを実行し、さらに -- この場合には -- build ディレクトリの中が全て最新の状態になっているので、build はも行わなくてよいと判断していることがわかるでしょう。 インターネットからダウンロードしたモジュールをインストールしたいだけなら、上のように作業を分割する機能は必要ないかもしれませんが、この機能はより進んだ使い方をする際にはとても便利です。例文帳に追加

If you do this, you will notice that running the install command first runs the build command, which--in thiscase--quickly notices that it has nothing to do, since everything in the build directory is up-to-date.You may not need this ability to break things down often if all you do is install modules downloaded off the 'net, but it's very handy for more advanced tasks. - Python


Where, in the opinion of the Controller, a person registered in the register ceases to be eligible to be registered or has been guilty of conduct disgraceful to that person in his capacity as a patent agent the Controller may decide that the name of that person should be erased from the register or that during a period of specified duration registration of his name in the register should not have effect, but no such decision shall be made without giving that person an opportunity of being heard.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Although the FSA has made efforts since last year to restore the state of its inspection and supervision to what it should be by revising the direction of its guidance, the lender-borrower relationship is, unfortunately, not in an ideal state.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

5 人も、第四条第一項本文若しくは第二項本文の規定の適用を受ける有価証券又は既に開示された有価証券の募集又は売出しのために第一項の目論見書以外の文書、図画、音声その他の資料(電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他人の知覚によつては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であつて、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。以下同じ。)をもつて作成された場合においては、その電磁的記録に記録された情報の内容を表示したものを含む。第十七条において同じ。)を使用する場合には、虚偽の表示又は誤解を生じさせる表示をしてはならない。例文帳に追加

(5) When documents other than the Prospectus referred to in paragraph (1), drawings, sound or other materials (in cases where they are prepared as Electromagnetic Record (a record made by an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which is used in information processing by computers; the same shall apply hereinafter), including anything which indicates the information contained in the Electromagnetic Records; the same shall apply in Article 17) are used for the purpose of Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities that is subject to the main clause of Article 4(1) or the main clause of Article 4(2) or Already Disclosed Securities, no false indication or misleading indication shall be made.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百七十条 人も、新たに発行される有価証券の取得の申込みの勧誘又は既に発行された有価証券の売付けの申込み若しくはその買付けの申込みの勧誘のうち、不特定かつ多数の者に対するもの(次条において「有価証券の不特定多数者向け勧誘等」という。)を行うに際し、不特定かつ多数の者に対して、これらの者の取得する当該有価証券を、自己又は他人が、あらかじめ特定した価格(あらかじめ特定した額につき一定の基準により算出される価格を含む。以下この条において同じ。)若しくはこれを超える価格により買い付ける旨又はあらかじめ特定した価格若しくはこれを超える価格により売り付けることをあつせんする旨の表示をし、又はこれらの表示と誤認されるおそれがある表示をしてはならない。ただし、当該有価証券が、第二条第一項第一号から第六号までに掲げる有価証券その他内閣府令で定める有価証券である場合は、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 170 Upon making solicitation of an application to acquire newly issued Securities or solicitation of an application to sell or purchase already-issued Securities to many and unspecified persons (referred to as "Solicitation of Securities to Many and Unspecified Persons" in the following Article), no person shall make an indication to many and unspecified persons to the effect that the person or other person will purchase the Securities acquired by members of said many and unspecified persons at a predetermined price (including a price calculated from a predetermined amount using a certain standard; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or higher or will make an arrangement for selling such Securities at a predetermined price or higher, or shall make an indication that is likely to be understood as meaning to that effect; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where such solicitation is made for Securities listed in Article 2(1)(i) to (vi) or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The presence of outside collaborators has been pointed out. From my 27 years of experience as a lawmaker, we are reminded of legal deficiencies when an inappropriate incident occurs. I have often witnessed cases in which loopholes of existing laws, if I may say so, have been exploited. In this case, too, from an objective standpoint, some professionals, who were probably operating outside Japan, who live or whose addresses are registered in a tax haven like the Cayman Islands, appear to have acted as outside collaborators, from what I know from reading newspapers. Therefore, we will consider the possibility of imposing fines. International investigation is in progress regarding LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) and TIBOR (Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate).発音を聞く  - 金融庁



Just now, I heard from my staff that the Yen has risen to the dollar up to 85.50 yen. At today’s informal meeting of cabinet ministers -- although we are supposed to refrain from talking about what is discussed at the meeting -- regarding this rapid rise of the yen, I told the Minister of Finance (Mr. Fujii) that we should consider how Japan should deal with the excessively volatile exchange rate movements, or I should say the rapid decline of the dollar, and we should also urge the United States and the international community to take action to deal with it. I also suggested to Deputy Prime Minister Kan, who is responsible for economic and fiscal policies, that the government should flexibly take economic and fiscal policy measures at a time when a trend like the yen’s rise is rapidly progressing. Regarding the compilation of the supplementary budget and the budget for the next fiscal year, I said that although it is important to implement the election manifesto, the government should take appropriate measures with regard to the (ailing) domestic economy発音を聞く  - 金融庁



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