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Wiktionary英語版での「narrow-gutted」の意味 |
narrow-gutted (comparative more narrow-gutted, superlative most narrow-gutted)
- (boat-building) Narrow in the beam; Not as wide as is conventional for a vessel of comparable length.
- Having a thin abdomen, especially when sickly or hungry.
- 1840, How to Buy a Horse, page 190:
- A round-barrelled, trussy horse of a hardy constitution will bear a dose of medicine which would be destruction to a slight and narrow-gutted one, and you should therefore be extremely cautious how you administer such quantities as you may occasionally see prescribed as physic in veterinary works, without previously ascertaining, as far as you can, the capabilities of your horse for sustaining their operation.
- Thin; narrow.
- 1910, New Zealand. Parliament, Parliamentary Debates: House of Representatives, page 62:
- Cheap and/or minimal.
- 1812 March, “Cambridge Auxiliary Bible Society, and the speeches which proclaimed its birth”, in The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, volume 41, number 165, page 316:
- I thought, however, that Dr. Clarke made it appear, as plain as the nose in your face, that the great scholar who was absent was the enemy of Christendom; that such Popish notions as his ought not to be tolerated; and that, in short, the sooner he gave up his professorship the better, if he had arrived at these years, and did not know what true, sound, round-about Christianity was; that it embraced all people, nations, and languages, upon the face of the earth; and, scorning the little paltry, narrow-gutted gate belonging to the priests, bolted, like a giant, plump out of the spacious portals of the temple at once; that this was your "pure religion, and undefiled;" and that for the Bible to take a travelling companion, by way of corrective, was mere Gallimatia, and a disgrace to common sense.
- 1995, Nicholas J. Goetzfridt, Indigenous Literature of Oceania, page 186:
- Keri Hulme's brief and more "oblique" review of Wedde's and McQueen's anthology (pp. 301-305) expresses appreciation for the offering of a translation of Maori poetry("a prosaic rendition of silent words") in the anthology and its range of poetry which makes this an authoritative anthology of "so much richness, fatness, sheer power in it, that, beside it, all the former anthologies look narrow-gutted and mean."
- 2020, Mark Hebden, Pel and the Pirates:
- In addition, the private beach which had been advertised turned out to be a narrow-gutted oil-covered inlet into the cliffs filled with small boulders on which it would be quite impossible to lie or even sit down in the sun, and, as Oek gad discovered while searching round the place for any signs of who it was who had killed Caceolari, it could only be reached by a hair-raising climb down a narrow path overhanging the cliff.
- Overly frugal; stingy.
- 2012, John Harris, Smiling Willie And The Tiger:
- Pansy didn't think much of the inky-fingered young men with spectacles who slaved over the desks at the railway station, and in the warehouses or the various narrow-gutted diamond buyers' offices.
- Small-minded; conventional and unadventurous;
- 2012, Philip Larkin, Anthony Thwaite, Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica:
- I suppose I haven't the breadth of temperament to appreciate the faults of genius: just a narrow-gutted bourgeois, I suppose.
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