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With heavenly powers invisible  - 斎藤和英大辞典


paper having the appearance of cloth, called {'nunome-gami'}  - EDR日英対訳辞書


He is a disgrace to Japan's chivalry.  - 斎藤和英大辞典

しかし、ドラゴンの目には 鏡の盾を持った間抜けな人にしかみえず、例文帳に追加

But the dragon saw a dumb man holding a mirrored shield. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書



Karakami (imported Chinese paper) is used and the colors include white, light blue, reddish yellow, and light brown, in all of which grains are put with a wide variety of patterns.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典


However, the death of the first Minoru UMEWAKA revived the debate between the head of the Kanze family and the Umewaka group about the problem of the license.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The paper piece L is constituted so that a surface of the piece L is in a gradient posture by a wrinkle of a crease 15 after it is mounted on the neck N. - 特許庁


In this quality determining method for the coated paper, one face of the coated paper for the printing is brought into uniform contact with a surface of an aqueous pigment solution, and a colored spot of a pigment exuded on the other face of the coated paper is observed thereafter. - 特許庁



This water removing vessel (1) is put in salted rice-bran paste followed by extracting a lid (3) so as to let water coming from vegetables pass through a net and accumulate in the water removing vessel (1). - 特許庁



Then the female junction 21 of the existing pipe 15-n and a male junction 19 of a newly installed pipe 15-(n+1) are engaged, and the pile 15-(n+1) is disposed at the tail end 37 in the press-fitting direction of the casing pipe 1. - 特許庁


There is provided cast coated paper for a base material of process paper in which a cast coated layer including a pigment and a binder as main components is provided on at least one surface of base paper, and an organic pigment is blended in an amount of 1-20 pts.wt. based on 100 pts.wt. pigment. - 特許庁


Also, "Fudengaku," which is prepared by frying nama-fu (fresh gluten cake), a famous product of the mid-southern part of Owari region, and coating it with red miso, is included in the local cuisine of Tsushima City in Aichi Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this small-sized vehicle, an air outlet 50 is formed in the main pipe 14 above a connection part for connecting the oil supply pipe 31 and the main pipe 14. - 特許庁


The paper-made gas barrier material has a gas barrier coating layer on at least one surface of the paper substrate, wherein the gas barrier layer contains cellulose nano fibers subjected to ultraviolet irradiation treatment. - 特許庁


This cast coated paper comprises a spindle-shaped precipitated calcium carbonate having 0.10-0.70 μm mean particle size as a pigment in the cast coated paper obtained by coating at least one side of a base paper with a coating liquid comprising the pigment and an adhesive as main components, then pressing the coated paper under a wet condition into a mirror-finished surface of casting drum and drying. - 特許庁


The flanks 30a are smaller in the lower draft angle A than the upper draft angle B and therefore the areas of the top surfaces 37a of the ribs 37 are wider. - 特許庁


When maintenance work is performed, the battery 36 can be removed upward by opening the seat 15 and removing the retaining member 44. - 特許庁


Cloth substrate plywood is constituted by forming a coating film 10 by applying a wood filler paint on one face of conifer plywood A, sticking paper 12 onto this coating film 10, and using this stuck paper 12 side as a surface for pasting cloth 20. - 特許庁


The surface sheet 2 of a disposable wearing article is made of a nonwoven fabric, the nonwoven fabric has many micro openings 12 having an area of 0.16 to 5 mm2 and the peripheral edges of the openings 12 are only partially raised above the top face of the nonwoven fabric. - 特許庁


A method for producing this paper is characterized by comprising the following process: at least one side of a paper is coated with cellulose microfibers followed by drying and then imparting the microfibers with water, and a calendering operation is conducted in such a condition that the cellulose microfibers are moistened. - 特許庁


After Orochi got drunk and slept there, Susanoo took Totsuka no tsurugi (a sword) and cut Orochi into pieces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a method of producing a moisture permeable laminate sheet having waterproof property, weather resistance, and heat resistance by laminating a microporous polyolefin film having moisture permeability and various kinds of substrates (nonwoven fabric, woven fabric, cut fabric, mesh, net, felt, paper, and cloth or the like) having breathability by using a hot-melt adhesive, and the hot-melt adhesive preferably used for laminating. - 特許庁


The story has it that Michinushihime no Mikoto, the local guardian goddess, gave birth to a child whose father was unknown, but when she let the child choose which god out of the many he would pour ukeizake (sake which is offered to a deity to ask his or her will) for and the child chose Amenomahitotsu no Mikoto, she realized that Amenomahitotsu no Mikoto was the father.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

少なくとも紙を有してなり、該紙の少なくとも一方の面のJIS P 8129の2.1に規定される表面強度が18A以上であり、かつ、前記紙のJAPAN TAPPI No.54に規定される内部結合強さが、100〜150mJである画像記録材料用支持体である。例文帳に追加

The supporting body for the image recording material is provided with at least paper and surface strength of the paper is as stipulated in 2.1 of JIS P 8129, 18A or more in at least one surface of the paper and internal bonding strength stipulated in JAPAN TAPPI No. 54 of the paper is 100 to 150mJ. - 特許庁


The polishing body 10 is constituted by using one of paper, nonwoven fabric and fabric for a base material 1 of the polishing body, adhering composition liquid for a polishing layer at least including an abrasive 3 and a binder 4 on one surface of it by coating or impregnation by a continuous working means, drying it and providing the polishing layer 2. - 特許庁


A support 12 comprising a fiber layer made of a nonwoven fabric, woven fabric, paper or the like is arranged on one side thereof and a layer of gel 14 made of a water soluble high polymer material containing moisture of 90 wt.% or more is laminated stably on the other side of the support 12. - 特許庁


Nishikikoji-dori Street, where Nishiki Market is located, runs parallel to the main street of Kyoto (Shijo-dori Street) one block north of Shijo-dori Street, and the path is paved with stones and is covered with a vivid arcade of red, green, and yellow, and is 390 meters long from east to west.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The first president was Sakizo, the father of KOMURO and directors were Shosaburo SHIBUYA (the cotton wool dealer in Osaka), Sashichiro INADA (the Western fabrics dealer in Osaka) and 松本 (the shareholder in Miyazu) while Jutaro became the director and manager.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


On July 7, the death anniversary of EN no Gyoja, in every year, Renge Matsuri (Lotus Flower Festival) was held by Tenporin-ji Temple, whose principal image is Hoki Bosatsu and by Katsuragi-jinja Shrine where Hitokotonushi no Okami is worshipped, which is syncretization of Shinto with Buddhism and is a rare case.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Based on the combination with Ajisukitakahikone or the fatter Okuninushi and the mother Takiribime, some regard that Ichikishimahime (syncretized with Munakata Sanjojin and Benzaiten), Mitsuhanohime, and Ameshirukarumizuhi are the same deity as Shitateruhime with different names.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At the end of the book the date July 3, 731, and the names of two authors, Shinto priest Juhachiinoge (Junior Eighth Rank, Lower Grade) TSUMORI no SUKUNE Shimamaro and Kento-shi (Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China) and Shinto priest Shorokuinojo (Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade) TSUMORI no SUKUNE Kyakujin, are written.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The name is considered to have originated from Densu and Tenshu, or also to have been given by religious thought such as Buddhistic thought or by a corruption of Tenshu (Deus, which means Zeus) of Christianity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The grinding member 6 is made by radially and annularly gluing plural grinding sheets 6 wherein grinding material is provided on one side of the cloth or paper grinding sheets 6. - 特許庁


A ceiling part at the upper part of the recessed part of the planter is covered with a vegetable fiber sheet lid, and the vegetable fiber sheet lid may be provided with cuts allowing plant buds or stalks to get through. - 特許庁


To provide a structure capable of facilitating the stacking by preventing inferior stacking of recording media due to curl caused by adhesion of liquid and eliminating large curl due to wetting caused by the direction of the paper grain. - 特許庁


In the paper material 10 for transportation, an anti-slip agent 14 or an adhesive agent 15 is applied to at least one surface of the paper material such as a laminate-structural paper material 12, a honeycomb-structural paper material 20 or the like. - 特許庁


Further, the peripheral portion of the left side of the electrode portion 21 and 22 whose left side-surface rises from the placing surface 13 is separated by a predetermined distance from the right-side edge portion of the punch-through portion 14. - 特許庁


As a method for removing the jam, brightness of a shift sensor where the jam has occurred is checked to judge whether the jammed paper sheets are completely pulled out. - 特許庁


To upwardly pull out a distribution shaft and a distribution cylinder and to easily and speedily conduct maintenance work of a rotary joint in mounted state of a base and a table. - 特許庁


A base sheet 2 such as a paper is provided and one face of the base sheet 2 is thinly coated with a heat sensitizer 3 developing a color by exposure to light or heating and a heat-sensitive color developing layer 4 is provided on one face like a heat-sensitive paper. - 特許庁

p^+ 埋め込み領域42の上方のpゲート領域44をセル状とし、n^+ ソース領域43をそれを囲むように配置してチャネル部分の面積を増大させる。例文帳に追加

With a p-gate region 44 above a p+ embedded region 42 being cellular, an n+ source region 48 is so provided as to enclose it, increasing the area of a channel. - 特許庁


The noodle hanging bar is pulled out through the space of the double belt conveyor from the under side to the upper side by the movement and in the operation, the long strips of noodles at the tip of the conveyor are hung on the noodle hanging bar. - 特許庁


The filter 6 in the air-cleaning unit is arranged so as to surround the circumference of a combustion chamber 3 from the fore side and left-and- right sides to the upper side of the combustion chamber 3 for the warm-air heating unit for expanding the area of the filter 6. - 特許庁


A base sheet 2 such as a paper is provided and one face of the base sheet 2 is thinly coated with a heat sensitizer 3 developing a color by exposure to light or heating and a heat-sensitive color developing layer 4 exists on one face like a heat-sensitive paper. - 特許庁


When the surface temperature of the second drying cylinder 22 reaches a predetermined temperature, the printer starts printing, and the second drying cylinder heats the paper S wound around it from the opposite side to the surface coated with an aqueous vanish N. - 特許庁


Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained a like precious faith with us in the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:  - 電網聖書『ペトロの第二の手紙 1:1』


To produce bulky paper having improved optical qualities such as opacity, etc., by modifying an inorganic component, especially calcium carbonate in broke pulp occurring in web break, finishing, etc., to give a high-quality filler and using it in a paper raw material of papermaking process in a process for producing coated paper. - 特許庁


The gloves are provided by sewing 2 pieces of mesh fabrics 11, 12 placed at both surface side and reverse side of a grip-preventing member 3 along a smooth sewing line 14 at the outer edge part of both of the mesh fabrics excluding wrist side so as to form a space for inserting hands at the both sides of the grip-preventing member. - 特許庁



To obtain functional paper such as water-resistant paper or oil- resistant paper only by modifying pulps, taking resource saving or environmental protection in consideration compared to a conventional method such as internal or external adding (impregnating), coating, laminating, etc. - 特許庁


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