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該当件数 : 1621



Ultrasonic oscillators 4 are mounted in the circumference of the cooling water accumulation part 2. - 特許庁

1.国王の恵みの雨:干ばつの解決 .森林:水の復元 3.ダムの調査:遊水 4.ベチベル草:地滑りの防止5.貯水池:丘での水の復元例文帳に追加

1. Royal Rain/Drought solution 2. Forest/Water restoration 3. Dam survey/water retarding 4. Vetiver grass/landslide prevention 5. Reservoir/water restoration at hill base - 経済産業省


The water treater is one that modifies raw water through a treating material 1, wherein a provision is made for a water feed adjustment means 8 that adjusts the flow rate of the raw water in the receptacle 2 of the treating material 1 at the start of water feed. - 特許庁


In October, Ryoma headed to Choshu as a confidential agent for TAKECHI, and in next February Ryoma met Genzui KUSAKA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



This cushion tool for fingers is equipped with claws (3) on an upper and lower parts of an inserting slit (2) on the front face of a body (1), respectively, and two gaps (4) on the bottom face. - 特許庁



When cooked objects F are stored in the cooking vessel 2 as the heating space S, the foods can be appropriately warmed, steamed or boiled as well as grilled. - 特許庁


The cooked meat processed food comprises flesh meat and seafood meat, soybean protein, a peptide mixture and water, is cooked, and has a certain shape and hardness of10^5 N/m^2 to10^3 N/m^2. - 特許庁


Mitsuiko SONO (1602 - March 6, 1656) was one of the consorts of the Emperor Gomizunoo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This hot water storage type water heater is constituted to release the rise of internal pressure of a hot water storage tank 2 as the expansion water H found when the water is heated by a heating means 6, from a pressure relief valve 13, and to evaporate the expansion water H by utilizing the heat of the hot water stored in the hot water storage tank 2 by an expansion water evaporating means 14. - 特許庁



The base paper for retort treatment has a density of 0.60-1.00 g/m^2, an edge wick of 0.2-0.5 g/1,000 mm^2, a sizing degree of 400-1,200 sec and a basis weight of 80-600 g/m^2. - 特許庁



For this tool for filing the nail, a metal (3) like a hairpin is inserted to a handle (1) and further a file (2) is attached to only one surface thereof. - 特許庁


A liquid piping 11 and a gas piping 12 are taken out from the back of a warm adjusting water unit 2 stacked on the upper surface of an outdoor machine 1 along the back of the warm adjusting water unit 2 and folded upward. - 特許庁


May 14 1869, Kazue SOMA assumed position as Commander of Shinsen-gumi, Shinsen-gumi surrendered at Benten Daiba.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The fried cake dough is molded by continuously extruding the dough by using such a nozzle that the outlet area is at least 130 mm^2 and that the ratio of the outlet outer peripheral length (mm) to the outlet area (mm^2) is 0.5-0.75. - 特許庁


The noodle 1 has sealed contents 2 therein, so the contents 2 are not flown out in cooking and not wasted. - 特許庁


A part of vapor condensed water can be injected in the gasifying furnace 2 or the gasified high temperature gas in order to regulate the temperature of the outlet gas of the gasifying furnace 2. - 特許庁


Masako TOKUGAWA (November 23, 1607 - August 2, 1678) was the 5th daughter of Hidetada TOKUGAWA and Emperor Gomizunoo's Chugu (second consort of an Emperor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Needless to say, Fusasada fully backed Akisada and went to the Kanto region to go to battle in 1488.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In July 1756, she gave birth to the first daughter of her husband, Ieharu; Although the daughter was named Chiyohime (), she died only at the age of 2.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In this conduit strain measuring method, at least one optical fiber (6) is arranged between the existing conduit (2) and the lining material (5) when the inside of the existing conduit (2) is repaired with the lining material (5), pulse light is made to come into the optical fiber (6), and the strain of the existing conduit (2) is measured. - 特許庁

薬剤を含有する含水ゲル層を備える薬剤発散用シート1であって、 含水ゲル層は、一方面が平滑な貼付面3とされ、他方面が貼付面3よりも表面積が大きい露出面5とされている。例文帳に追加

This medicament-releasing sheet 1 is equipped with a water-containing gel layer 2 containing the medicament, wherein one of surfaces of the water-containing gel layer 2 is formed into a smooth sticking surface 3 and the other surface is formed into an exposed surface 5 the surface area of which is larger than that of the sticking surface 3. - 特許庁


(1) One of things which are made of cemented carbide, made of ceramics and made of hard resin, (2) A thing whose surface is hardened, (3) A thing in which a metallic core material is integrated by covering with one of materials which are made of the cemented carbide, the ceramic and the hard resin. - 特許庁


Thermal expansion of the first and second lenses 2 and 3 due to heating by soldering is absorbed in gaps (a) and (b) between the lens barrel 15 and the first and second lenses 2 and 3, whereby preventing the first and second lenses 2 and 3 from being in contact with the inner peripheral surface of the lens barrel 15. - 特許庁


The wavelength multiplex signal light is spatially separated at each wavelength in the array waveguide diffraction grating 2, is collimated by a lens (not shown) mounted in a condenser lens 3 side of the array waveguide diffraction grating 2, and then is condensed on a spatial light modulator 4 by the condenser lens 3. - 特許庁


Around 1376 he edited "Sonpi Bunmyaku" (Bloodlines of Noble and Base) (also known as "Shin Hensanzu Honcho Sonpi Bunmyaku Keifu Zatsurui Yoshu") by collecting various families' trees.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A pot 2 for storing objects 10 to be cooked such as rice and water is heated by a heating means 11 and the objects 10 to be cooked are cooked by heating according to the cooking control data corresponding to a cooking menu by the control means 12. - 特許庁


One end of the support column 24 is supported on a lower surface of a casing 10 of the warm adjusting water unit 2, and the other end of the support column 24 is engaged with an upper surface side of the outdoor machine 1 upon lifting the warm adjusting water unit 2. - 特許庁


Provided is a resin-molded article for water furnishings characterized in that the surface of the uneven resin member 2 is enveloped in the transparent epoxy resin 1 and the molded body is of a plate. - 特許庁


Operation timing is taken as shown in (2) of Fig. 2 among an outdoor expansion valve 4 (expansion valve on heat source side), indoor expansion valves 17A and 17B (expansion valves on use side), and an equalizing valve 9. - 特許庁


The hot water storage tank 2 is provided with a relief pipe 12 for discharging the hot water from the upper portion of the tank when the hot water is thermally expanded. - 特許庁


(2) A second expansion chamber 50 different from the expansion chamber 40 is arranged on the lower side in the vertical direction of the expansion chamber 40, and communicated with the expansion chamber 40 through the draining hole 42, and a small hole 51 having a hole sectional area smaller than that of the draining hole 42 is arranged in the second expansion chamber 50. - 特許庁


The antirotation grooves 6d of the hinge pin 6 are fitted at the edge of the throating piece 1a of a box body 1 under the state in which the door body 2 is opened, and the hinge pin 6 is inserted into the box-body side hinge cylinder 5 and a box-body side hinge cylinder 4. - 特許庁


A client terminal 3 can generate a PAdES by communicating with a long-term-signature server 2 without passing a PDF document and a secret key used for an electronic signature to the long-term-signature server 2. - 特許庁


In the cooking apparatus which has a cooking chamber 2 with a door 11 where a cooked object 1 is housed and a steam supply means 3 which supplies steam into the cooking chamber 2 for heating the cooked object 1, a spray means 8 is so arranged as to spray water or a seasoning liquid 7 onto the cooked object 1 without opening the door 11 during the cooking. - 特許庁


The crystallizable Li_2O-Al_2O_3-SiO_2 glass is characterized in that the β-OH content is at least 0.20/mm and the number of 2 μm or longer surface cracks on the available surface is at most 140 per cm^2. - 特許庁


Then, the exchanger switching valve 25 is reopened, and an expanding and contradicting element 41 of the water connector sealer 40 is inserted and expanded in the water connector 2 to seal the water connector 2. - 特許庁

「広島県史 近世資料編2」所収の「水野家在城時代諸臣分限帳」には「御家老」として次の4名が挙げられている(286項)。例文帳に追加

According to the 'Mizunoke Zaijojidai Shoshin Bugencho' compiled in the 'History of Hiroshima Prefecture, Material of Early Modern Times vol. 2,' following four persons are listed as 'Gokaro' (chief retainer) (No.286).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The intestine-stuffing (2) of sausage style is prepared by mixing a binding material (3) for bringing cooked rice (1) such as fried rice, curried pilaf, chicken pilaf, rice boiled together with red beans, rice steamed with vegetables, and the like, to be easily stuffed and maintaining the shape in eating. - 特許庁


The rubber sheet 2 is provided with cloth 22 which functions to regulate the expanding direction of the rubber sheet 2 to increase the pressing force of the water cutoff seal 3. - 特許庁


His wife was a daughter of Munenaga NAKAMURA and the couple had three sons, Tanemitsu, Inshi, and Sadamitsu, and two daughters who became the wives of Choin TAKEISHI and Hidekuni KOIZUMI, respectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


If the patent application contains drawings, the Office may decide to publish one or more figures other than those given in the request for grant if it considers that they better characterize the invention.  - 特許庁


996 was not only the fateful year for Korechika and his brother but also marked the decisive turning point in the late sekkan period (regency period.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the ultrahigh strength hydraulic composition containing at least cement, a pozzolan-like fine powder, a fine aggregate of2 mm grain diameter, a water reducing agent and water, part or all of the pozzolan-like fine powder is diatomaceous earth. - 特許庁


A heating means 2 heats a pot 1 in which cooked objects such as rice and water are put, and setting input means 3 selects a cooking menu to be used from a plurality of cooking menus and starts the cooking. - 特許庁


Since the fiber block 2 is wrapped in the rubber coating film 3, there is no fear for scattering fibers and losing the shape thereof. - 特許庁


The ultrasonic flaw detector 2 comprises the ultrasonic probe 2a for bringing into contact with a spot-welded part and transmitting/receiving the ultrasound, and the ultrasound flaw detector body 2b for converting the reflected wave detection signal into flaw information. - 特許庁


In this rain gutter for collecting rainwater from the eaves edge of a roof and guiding the same to the ground, the surface of a base material 11 of the rain gutter is coated with paint mixed with scale powder 2 of stainless steel. - 特許庁


At the time of Emperor Komei's departure from the capital in 1855, he escorted the Emperor, forming a entourage made up of two ikai (stablemen), six zuishin (guards), two midera (), a tonericho (chief of stableman), eight umazoi (horse attendants), and one kasamochi (umbrella bearer).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Thickness and installation depth of the soil cement column wall 2 and the diameter and installation depth of the core material 1 are predetermined by designing based on the result of hydraulic investigation after the hydraulic investigation made for investigating the geology and hydraulic state such as permeability of the ground by boring the periphery of a drilling scheduled portion 5. - 特許庁



(2) The court may permit observation by a person whom it considers to be appropriate; provided, however, that the court shall permit observation by any person requested by a party, except where his/her observation would be detrimental to the conduct of the proceedings.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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