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該当件数 : 882



The conventional protruded pipe is dispensed with by this structure, and the vehicle mountability is improved. - 特許庁


To provide a handle capable of being simply and rapidly mounted on a door etc. without use of a tool. - 特許庁


To firmly fix an accessory for a house, such as a door stopper for ventilation, a handle, an auxiliary handrail and an indoor frame for drying clothes, without damage to a mounting part by providing a fastening implement which can be attached to a door frame or a window frame. - 特許庁


The name "Kyureki" was given in posterity by combining the 'nine' (ku/kyu) from Kujo (the ninth avenue) and 'calendar' (reki) from guchureki (a kind of almanac-like calendar), as many diaries were kept in guchureki in those days.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



Information concerning transfers, pledging, execution, licences, etc. which has been entered or is entered with respect to the basic patent in the Register of Patents pursuant to sections 53 to 55 shall be entered in the Register of Certificates at the same time.  - 特許庁



To provide a polishing agent for cleaning which does not injure a coating surface and does not damage projections such as fenders in the case of an automobile. - 特許庁


The fitting seat 3 is laid between the top guide 5 and the male screw 4 to detachably fix the top guide 5 to the tip of the ear tip rod 1. - 特許庁

第九十五条 特許権、専用実施権又は通常実施権を目的として質権を設定したときは、質権者は、契約で別段の定をした場合を除き、当該特許発明の実施をすることができない。例文帳に追加

Article 95 Unless otherwise agreed upon by contract, where a right of pledge is established on a patent right, exclusive license or non-exclusive license, the pledgee may not work the patented invention.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 当該特許権又は専用実施権を目的とする質権が設定されているとき。ただし、質権者の承諾を得たときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(iii) where a right of pledge is established on the patent right or the exclusive license; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the consent of the pledgee is obtained.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



To provide a facility retrieval device, a facility retrieval method and a facility retrieval program by which facility information is guided by narrowing them to be better for a user with respect to the same facility, that is duplicatedly registered, in a facility retrieval. - 特許庁


4 特許法第九十九条第三項(登録の効果)の規定は、通常実施権を目的とする質権に準用する。例文帳に追加

(4) Article 99(3) (effect of registration) of the Patent Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a right of pledge established on a non-exclusive license.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


If a person acting in good faith has requested the Patent Authority to record in the Register that a patent has been assigned to him or that he has obtained a license under a patent or a pledge of a patent, prior assignment of the patent or rights therein shall not be enforceable against him if the other party has not previously requested registration as the assignee or proprietor of rights in the patent.  - 特許庁


Although they still have a number of remaining processes that need great care, such as ferment, shipment, and preparation for tasting parties, the toji or the toji group can finally have relief after achieving this stage.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

4 特許法第九十九条第三項(登録の効果)の規定は、通常使用権を目的とする質権に準用する。例文帳に追加

(4) Article 99(3) (effects of registration) of the Patent Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to pledges on a non-exclusive right to use.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 特許法第七十三条第一項(共有)、第九十四条第二項(質権の設定)、第九十七条第三項(放棄)並びに第九十九条第一項及び第三項(登録の効果)の規定は、通常使用権に準用する。例文帳に追加

(4) Articles 73(1) (co-ownership), 94(2) (establishment of pledge), 97(3) (waiver), and 99(1) and 99(3) (effects of registration) of the Patent Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to a non-exclusive right to use.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Managing various reserve accounts (accounts) by trust accounts is laid down, and also trust works are entrusted to a loaner bank, and then the account is opened/set up at a loaner account so that financial flows can be clear for a loaner by using an automatic transfer processing. - 特許庁


To provide a top light mounting structure which facilitates mounting of a top light on a flat roof by eliminating stagnation of water including rainwater at a connection portion between the flat roof and the top light or on an upper surface of the top light. - 特許庁


The licensing contract, contract on concession of the patent, contract on pawing of the property rights certified by the patent are registered in the patent body and are considered invalid without such registration.  - 特許庁


To provide an image output reception terminal and the like capable of displaying an image output service guide screen that is easily operable by a user. - 特許庁


As a sharpening preparation process, the top of the tower-like projection 14 appearing after removing the mask 13 is etched to form an angle θa at the top. - 特許庁


To provide a flat circuit in which fitting work to a fitting body and a detaching work from the fitting body are easy and which does not require a projection or a through hole of the fitting body beforehand. - 特許庁

4 特許法第七十七条第四項及び第五項(質権の設定等)、第九十七条第二項(放棄)並びに第九十八条第一項第二号及び第二項(登録の効果)の規定は、専用使用権に準用する。例文帳に追加

(4) Articles 77(4) and 77(5) (establishment of pledge, etc.), 97(2) (waiver), and 98(1)(ii) and 98(2) (effects of registration) of the Patent Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to an exclusive right to use.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) 登録官は,特許所有者による陳述書を含め,訂正を理由付ける情報又は書類の提出を要求することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) The Registrar may require the submission of such information or documents, including a written explanation by the owner of the patent, in support of the request for the amendment. - 特許庁


This electronic voting machine provided with an accepting means for electronically accepting voting and a printing means for printing and recording voting results accepted by the accepting means on a printing medium is further provided with a means for reading a prescribed recorded code corresponding to the voting results printed on the printing medium only when a prescribed operation is performed, and an accumulating means for accumulating the read voting results. - 特許庁


The fitting sections 34 are configured at both ends of the tread sections 32, formed into an approximately cylindrical shape and a pin 52 is formed projecting on the inner wall 34B. - 特許庁


"I discovered a great website today. It's called the 'Tatoeba project', if you're interested." "If you're talking about 'Tatoeba', I've already known about it and have been making submissions for 10 years!" - Tatoeba例文


At that time, butting of a first protrusion against the supporting potion of the stepped screw 84 makes the second protrusion butt against the metal plate member 67, and a performance display control board 43 attached to the metal plate member 67 in the state of coming into no direct contact therewith. - 特許庁


To enable to mount a ring-shaped rubber packing simply and quickly on an outer periphery of the protruded part of a given member without the need of any special device for expanding the rubber packing beforehand in order to give the protruded part an appropriate clamping force after the mounting, when the ring-shaped rubber packing is mounted. - 特許庁


Thus, whether the apparatus is stolen or not can be easily decided from the state of the switch. - 特許庁

(2) 当該特許出願を識別するために必要な情報を含む拒絶に関する記載は,産業財産公報に印刷掲載されるべきものとする。例文帳に追加

2. A mention of the rejection containing the necessary information to identify the patent application shall be published in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property. - 特許庁


Any Community mark registration or Community mark application transformed into a national application shall be recorded in the incoming mark applications register kept by the Patent Office under an incoming number and a date that is the same as the Community mark application date.  - 特許庁

(1) この部に従うことを条件として,特許の所有者は,当該特許の侵害であるとする如何なる行為に関しても民事訴訟を裁判所に提起することができ,かつ,(裁判所の他の如何なる管轄権も害することなく)当該手続において,次の事項について請求することができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Subject to this Part, civil proceedings may be brought in the court by the proprietor of a patent in respect of any act alleged to infringe the patent and (without prejudice to any other jurisdiction of the court) in those proceedings a claim may be made -- - 特許庁


The wieldy tool can be realized by attaching two projections shifted 180 degrees from each other on the circumference of a tip part of a hollow cylinder and attaching a shank similar to that of a generally available cross headed tip o,r a flat tip screwdriver and the like to the other end thereof. - 特許庁

第百三十三条 先取特権又は質権を有する者は、その権利を証する文書を提出して、配当要求をすることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 133 A statutory lien holder or a person who has a pledge may make a demand for liquidating distribution by submitting a document that proves his/her right.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The cover part 25 and the projected part 22 hold the cap 11 with a vertical spring force, and a protective cover mounting part projected part 26 holds the cap tube part 12 with a radial spring force. - 特許庁


The lighting fixture etc. can be lowered and fixed at the arbitrary height by energizing force of the built-in plate spring and a stop lever and raised by releasing the stopper. - 特許庁


The mounting tubular part 32 projecting downwards from the lower end of the base part 23 is inserted in the upper end opening of a cylindrical tubular body 1. - 特許庁


To provide a lapping tape for polishing a magnetic layer, capable of efficiently removing a sticking object and an unrequired microscopic projection in its surface, without damaging the magnetic layer of a magnetic recording medium. - 特許庁


To provide an obstruction detector and a recording medium whereby a driver, etc., can obtain necessary information concerning obstructions corresponding to ambient brightness. - 特許庁


This mounting structure 1 is constituted by holding the heat reservoir 5 between the stopper member 4 and the outlet contact face 33 through the cushioning material 61 for holding. - 特許庁


The clip 20 is positioned in the distal end side of a projecting direction of the installing seat 10, and the first and second clipping piece portions 22, 23 are installed to the installing seat 10 so as to clip the installing seat 10. - 特許庁


The movable base of the panel support mechanism is provided with a positioning mechanism that is to be attached to the movable base, in a support state of a stopper pin, or the like. - 特許庁


Side face projecting parts 23 are projectingly provided from a general face circumferentially at same intervals in the fitting face 22 around the circumference of the fitting hole and annular relief recesses 25 are formed around the circumference of the respective side projecting parts 23. - 特許庁

(1) 国家機密(刑法第 93条)を含む特許出願は,本法の適用領域外においては,最上級の所轄連邦当局の書面による同意を得ている場合にのみ,することができる。同意は,条件を付して与えることができる。例文帳に追加

(1) A patent application containing a state secret (Section 93 of the Criminal Code) may only be filed, outside the territory to which this Act applies, with the written consent of the competent highest federal authority. Consent may be given subject to conditions.  - 特許庁


When the insertion hole 10 is inserted in the mounting projection 11, an elastic mobile piece 15 flexes in the direction of insertion, and its tip abuts on the mounting projection 11 and catches on it, so the flexible film harness 1 is fixed and attached in a state that it is pushed against the trim 9. - 特許庁

(9) 裁判所は,当該管轄権による手続が特許付与の日に開始する2年の期間の終了後に開始されたときは,特許がこれを受ける適格を有さない者に付与されたか否かの問題を,前記の宣言的管轄権を行使して決定してはならない。ただし,当該特許の所有者として登録された者が当該特許付与の時点又は場合により当該特許の自己への移転時に,自己が当該特許を受ける権原がないと知っていたことが明らかにされるときは,この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(9) The court shall not in the exercise of any such declaratory jurisdiction determine a question whether a patent was granted to a person not entitled to be granted the patent if the proceedings in which the jurisdiction is invoked were commenced after the end of the period of 2 years beginning with the date of the grant of the patent, unless it is shown that any person registered as a proprietor of the patent knew at the time of the grant or, as the case may be, of the transfer of the patent to him that he was not entitled to the patent. - 特許庁


The projecting part is constituted as a displaying part such as a photograph or an illustration or the like displaying animals or a head part of animals, plants, buildings, vehicles or the like. - 特許庁


The applicant or his representative shall have the right to submit to the State Patent Bureau within three months from the day of sending of the decision to refuse registration a written request for a re-examination. - 特許庁

(1) 如何なる関係当事者も特許権者に対して訴えを提起し,管轄権のある裁判官に特定の行為が当該特許の侵害を構成しないことを宣言してもらうことができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Any interested party may bring an action against the owner of the patent so that the competent judge may declare that a particular act does not constitute infringement of the patent. - 特許庁



In this mounting structure for mounting a decorative material 12 on building structures 10, 11 via mounting members 13, each of the mounting members 13 has a projection 17 projecting from the back of the mounting member 13 and abutting a portion 23 which serves as the reference for the building structures 10, 11, thus positioning the mounting member 13 itself. - 特許庁


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