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該当件数 : 11779



This adhesive resin composition is obtained by including 5-95 wt.% modified ethylene/1-octene copolymer and 95-5 wt.% ethylene-based polymer; wherein the modified ethylene/1-octene copolymer contains 0.01-10 wt.% unsaturated carboxylic acid or its derivative and is obtained by modifying an ethylene/1-octene copolymer made by polymerization in the presence of a single site-catalyst containing a tetravalent transition metal. - 特許庁


To provide a hydrogen supply system which can stably supply just enough hydrogen in case that the consumption of hydrogen fluctuates at a chemical plant having an on-site hydrogen production plant, can automatically control the load of the hydrogen production plant according to the fluctuation of hydrogen consumption, and does not give a bad influence to the catalyst caused by a sudden change of the hydrogen production raw material derived from a control delay, turbulence or the like. - 特許庁


A method for simulating endothelial cell dysfunction comprising culturing an endothelial cell together with a physiological protein matrix, a growth medium and an effective amount of at least one kind of a proinflammatory cytokine sufficient to disrupt a normal response of the endothelial cell to the growth media, a method for identifying a gene concerned with the endothelial cell dysfunction by using the method and a method for determining availability of the candidate substance for regulating the angioplasty are provided. - 特許庁


A method to automatically read the next page of the cyclic route after display time elapses, to display the next page, to receive data showing that a circuit is made in the cyclic route, to obtain an advertisement revenue by displaying a page for a CM at the first place of the next page and to allow a site manager to pay the copyright fees, etc., from the advertisement revenue is provided. - 特許庁



The composition for treating cancer patients needing treatments in vivo comprises (i) a therapeutically effective amount of an expression vector containing a gene encoding p21 and (ii) a pharmaceutical carrier, the expression vector further containing the second gene encoding immunotherapeutic agent, a gene therapeutic agent, cytokine or a pro-drug converting enzyme; the second gene having the same reading frame as that of the gene encoding the p21. - 特許庁



After receiving a signal that represents an attempt to terminate the on-line session between a visitor and the e-commerce web site, if an e-commerce shopping cart contains at least one item or service, or if the shopping cart has items removed from it, or even if the shopping cart is empty, the visitor is prompted to respond to one or more prompts in a display screen. - 特許庁


Since the free ID number of network service and a commodity exchange ID number are given to the questionnaire responder 3 as the fee from the questionnaire performing device 1, the questionnaire responder 3 uses the network connection function of the network connection device 2 and a pay site 6 on the computer network 7 with the free ID number and obtains a commodity from a commodity discharge machine 5 with the commodity exchange ID number. - 特許庁


42. We recognize the vulnerabilities of the Asia Pacific region against natural disasters, and reaffirm the importance of enhancing emergency preparedness and disaster resiliency, including through cooperation aimed at easing search and rescue and the mobility of relief assistance in the aftermath of disaster which may minimize casualties such as the work on a comprehensive website for first responders in the event of a chemical emergency. - 経済産業省


For example, if an Auction Operator not only posts an advertisement on its website after having collected a certain fee from a particular seller, and also further introduces such seller by displaying its featured pages, where the Auction Operator post interviews etc., and features the particular products of the exhibitions of such seller as a "best buy" or "price buster . recommended products", it cannot be denied that the Auction Operator will be held responsible for some problems associated with sales.  - 経済産業省



However, if a person cannot apply for a prize offer unless he purchases a product or service on a commercial transaction website, or if the purchase of a product or service facilitates or increases the likelihood of obtaining the prize (for example, where hints or correct answers to a quiz concerning a prize offer can only be obtained by purchasing a product or service), the offers are regarded as associated with a transaction and therefore subject to the provisions of the Premiums and Representations Act.  - 経済産業省


また、 1「無承認無許可医薬品の指導取締りについて」(昭和46年 6月1日薬発第476号)は以下のサイトに掲載されている。専ら医薬品として使用される成分を含む食品や医薬品的な効能効果をうたっている食品であって上述の「無承認無許可医薬品の指導取締りについて」(昭和46年6月1日薬発第476号)に照らして医薬品とみなされる物については、健康増進法に基づく規制に加えて薬事法第68条の未承認医薬品等の広告の禁止や同法第66条の虚偽又は誇大な広告の禁止の適用も受けることとなる。例文帳に追加

Moreover, if a food contains certain components exclusively used as drugs, or if its advertisement indicates medicinal efficacy, and it is thus held as a drug according to the aforementioned "Guidance and Regulations on Drugs without Approval or Authorization" (Yaku-hatsu No. 476, June 1, 1971), such food will be subject to, in addition to the restrictions under the Health Promotion Law, Article 68 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law prohibiting the advertisement of unapproved drugs, etc. and Article 66 of the same, which prohibits false or exaggerated advertisements.  - 経済産業省


It might be considered illegal to acquire personal information from users without disclosing such fact, e.g., where a business entity checks, by using cookies, certain available information such as website browsing history against personally-identifying information registered when they subscribed for a membership etc. without their knowledge. This is because such conduct does not comply with Articles 17 and 18 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information ("Personal Information Protection Act") or may constitute a tort or other cause of action under the Civil Code on the grounds of invasion of privacy.  - 経済産業省


However, where customers ask a specific company to send them certain information or materials concerning real estate or secondhand cars by entering their personal information based on their search results, or where customers purchase products by entering their personal information after searching for them on a website, or where customers utilize the information retrieval site after logging into it by entering their IDs and passwords, which have links to the acquired personal information when they were registered as members, it is technically possible to check out the user's personal information against their history of search conditions or search words or contents browsing history.  - 経済産業省


If the operator of the information retrieval site acquires individual users' log information such as a history of search conditions or search words or contents browsing history in a form where particular individuals can be identified without disclosing the fact of such acquisition to them, such acquisition of personal information might constitute not only a tort on the grounds of invasion of users' rights to privacy, but also might not comply with the obligation to notify users of the purpose of use etc. and to properly acquire the personal information under Articles 18 and 17 of the Personal Information Protection Act, respectively.  - 経済産業省


Now, the Act on the Application of Laws is flexibly applicable to cases where no governing law was specified by the parties, as is more fully described in the following sections. We should note, however, the parties need not necessarily specify the governing law expressly. In other words, the parties may be regarded as having implicitly specified the governing law, considering such circumstances such as whether the foreign website has a Japanese version or whether the price is indicated in Japanese yen or such website refers more or less to consumer protection laws of Japan.  - 経済産業省


Anyone can have domain names registered on a first-come, first-served basis. As a result, there have been many cases worldwide in which a person has registered domain names composed of a string of characters, numerals, etc. that were identical or similar to the name of a well-known company, trademark, or service mark and the like. The registered holder then offered to sell the domain name to the company at an exorbitantly high price or instead attempted to disparage the reputation of the company through the website.  - 経済産業省

主として、途上国の低所得者層(年収3,000ドル以下、全世界の人口の約7 割、40 億人)を対象とした持続可能な、現地での様々な社会課題(水、生活必需品・サービスの提供、貧困削減等)の解決に資することが期される「BOPビジネス」を推進するため、BOPビジネス支援センターの機能拡充(ポータルサイト英語化等)や関係機関との連携強化(支援施策紹介のワークショップの開催等)を実施した。例文帳に追加

In order to promote the development of inclusive business, which it is hoped will help provide sustainable solutions to various social issues faced mainly by individuals on low incomes in developing countries (i.e., those on annual incomes of not more than US$3,000, who account for around 70% of the world’s total population and number four billion), such as the provision of water supply, daily necessities, and services and the reduction of poverty, the functions of Japan Inclusive Business Support Center were expanded (by, for example, creating an English-language portal site) and collaboration with other related agencies was strengthened (e.g., by organizing workshops to introduce support measures).  - 経済産業省

IT による地域経済の活性化を目的に、企業規模や業種、地域性等多様な環境にある地域の中小企業等が実践するIT 経営(IT を活用した企業経営、新商品・新サービスの開発、企業間連携によるイノベーション創出)を持続的に推進するため、中小企業IT 経営力大賞の実施による成功事例の収集やポータルサイトを通じた積極的な普及等を行った。例文帳に追加

In order to revitalize regional economies using IT, support was provided principally through the compilation of information on best practice identified as a result of the IT Management Awards for Small and Medium Enterprises program and active dissemination of this information via a portal site in order to sustainably promote the use of IT in business (in business management, development of new products and services, and generation of innovation through business-to-business partnerships) by local SMEs and other enterprises facing a diversity of conditions in terms of size, industry, locality, and so on.  - 経済産業省

IT による地域経済の活性化を目的に、企業規模や業種、地域性等多様な環境にある地域の中小企業等が実践するIT 経営(IT を活用した企業経営、新商品・新サービスの開発、企業間連携によるイノベーション創出)を持続的に推進するため、中小企業IT 経営力大賞の実施による成功事例の収集やポータルサイトを通じた積極的な普及等の支援を行う。(継続)(p.226参照)例文帳に追加

In order to revitalize regional economies using IT, support will be provided principally through the compilation of information on best practice identified as a result of the IT Management Awards for Small and Medium Enterprises program and active dissemination of this information via a portal site in order to sustainably promote the use of IT in business (in business management, development of new products and services, and generation of innovation through business-to-business partnerships) by local SMEs and other enterprises facing a diversity of conditions in terms of size, industry, locality, and so on. (Continuation) (See p. 218.)  - 経済産業省


An issuer determining that its conflict minerals that did not originate in the Covered Countries or that came from recycled or scrap sources or that has no reason to believe that its necessary conflict minerals may have originated in the Covered Countries or may not be from recycled or scrap sources must disclose its determination and results and provide a brief description of the inquiry it undertook and the results and provide a link to its Internet website where the disclosure is publicly available. - 経済産業省


Instead, to reduce some costs and burdens to issuers, the final rule only requires an issuer required to provide a Conflict Minerals Report to disclose in its specialized disclosure report, under a separate heading entitledConflict Minerals Disclosure,” that a Conflict Minerals Report is provided as an exhibit to its specialized disclosure report and to disclose a link to its Internet website where the Conflict Minerals Report is publicly available. - 経済産業省

国立医薬品食品衛生研究所や内閣府食品安全委員会において収集している海外での食中毒の発生や違反食品の回収等の情報に基づき、平成 18 年度においては、イタリア産ナチュラルチーズのリステリア・モノサイトゲネス汚染、米国産長粒種米への未承認遺伝子組換え米混入、中国産米及びその加工品への未承認遺伝子組換え米混入などの問題について、輸入時の監視体制の強化及び国内の流通状況の調査(表 9)を行った。例文帳に追加

Regarding the Occurrence of Food Sanitation Issues Organizations such as the National Institute of Health Sciences and the Food Safety Commission in the Cabinet Office collect information from overseas, such as on the occurrence of food poisonings and the recall of food products that are in violation of law. Based on this information, during FY2006, the system for monitoring items at the time of importation was enhanced, and the domestic distribution was examined, for such issues as the contamination of natural cheese produced in Italy with Listeria monocytogenes, the blending of unapproved genetically modified rice with long-grain rice produced in the US, and the blending of unapproved genetically modified rice with rice and processed rice products produced in China, (Table 9). - 厚生労働省


Before exporting a product manufactured under an authorization, the holder of the authorization must establish a website on which is disclosed the prescribed information respecting the name of the product, the name of the country or WTO Member to which it is to be exported, the quantity that is authorized to be manufactured and sold for export and the distinguishing features of the product, and of its label and packaging, as required by regulations made under the Food and Drugs Act, as well as information identifying every known party that will be handling the product while it is in transit from Canada to the country or WTO Member to which it is to be exported.  - 特許庁

別段の定めがない限り,次の用語は,本条規則に規定する意味を有する。 (a)「局」とは,庁の特許局をいう。 (b)「局長」とは,特許局長をいう。 (c)「長官」とは,知的所有権庁の長をいう。 (d)「審査官」とは,特許局の上級職員又は一般職員であって,出願を審査する権限を与えられた者をいう。当該上級職員又は一般職員の役職又は正式呼称は,庁の組織編制に伴って変わる場合がある。 (e)「IP法」とは,フィリピン知的財産法とも称する共和国法律第8293号をいう。 (f)「IPO公報」とは,知的所有権庁の刊行物であって,IPフィリピンのウェブサイトhttp://www.ipophil.gov.phを通じて公衆に公開する電子公報を含め,IP法に基づき公告が必要なすべての事項を公告するものをいう。 (g)「庁」とは,知的所有権庁をいう。 (h)「規則」とは,この一連の規則及び特許局長が作成し長官が承認する実務規則をいう。例文帳に追加

Unless otherwise specified, the following terms shall have the meaning provided in this Rule: (a) “Bureaumeans the Bureau of Patents of the Office; (b) “Directormeans the Director of the Bureau of Patents; (c)Director Generalmeans the Head of the Intellectual Property Office; (d) “Examinermeans any officer or employee of the Bureau of Patents authorized to examine applications. The title or official designation of such officer or employee may change as the structure of the Office may be set; (e) “IP Codemeans Republic Act No. 8293 otherwise known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines; (f) “IPO Gazettemeans the Intellectual Property Offices own publication, including the e-Gazette accessible to the public via the IP Philippines website address http://www.ipophil.gov.ph, where all matters required to be published under the IP Code shall be published; (g) “Officemeans the Intellectual Property Office; and (h) “Regulationsmeans this set of rules and regulations and such Rules of Practice as may be formulated by the Director of Patents and approved by the Director General. - 特許庁


This pusher for a match plate in a test handler is provided with: a body part mounted to a mounting plate; and a pressing part projecting from the front surface of the body part, and pressing a semiconductor element mounted on an insert of a test tray. - 特許庁


Furthermore, if the contractual terms of a transaction which are described on the Website Terms of Use are considered common-sense in light of the established business practice, the consent of the user may be deemed to be present relatively easily. However, the consent of the user would have to be explicitly proven with respect to provisions (such as a provision on international arbitration or a provision that withholds the unilateral termination right of the seller (business entity; "jigyo-sha") in internet trading) which may impose disadvantages on the user and which the user normally expects not to be present (as described below, if the user is a consumer, such illegitimate provisions may be deemed invalid in some cases under the Consumer Contract Act).  - 経済産業省

(ⅱ)ベンチャーへの資金供給を大幅に拡大する。このため、現行のエンジェル税制を使い勝手の良いものに改善し、民間企業等の資金を活用したベンチャー企業への投資を促す方策を検討し、必要な措置を講ずる。大企業からの独立(スピンオフ)や地域のリソースを活用した起業・創業も強力に推進する。【本年8月末までに結論】 また、ベンチャーなど新規・成長企業と投資家をインターネットサイト上で結び付け、多数の投資家から少額ずつ資金を集める仕組み(クラウド・ファンディング)について検討し、本年中に制度改正が必要となる事項を整理する。【本年中に策定】例文帳に追加

(ii) Significantly increase fund supplies for venture businesses. Make the existing angel tax system more user-friendly and review measures that promote investment in venture companies utilizing private company funds, etc, and take necessary measures. Push for the establishment of spinoffs from major companies and start-up businesses utilizing local resources. (Reach conclusion by end of August) Conduct a study on and identify institutional reforms which need to be made with regard to a mechanism that will connect new and growing companies, including venture businesses, and investors on an Internet website, and raise small amounts of funds from many investors (crowdfunding) by the end of this year. (Formulate by end of the year)  - 経済産業省


Under the proposal, an issuer required to provide a Conflict Minerals Report, including an issuer required to provide a Conflict Minerals Report because its conflict minerals came from the recycled or scrap sources, would have been required to disclose in the body of its annual report that it furnished a Conflict Minerals Report as an exhibit to its annual report, that the Conflict Minerals Report and certified independent private sector audit report were available on its Internet website, and the Internet address where the Conflict Minerals Report and audit report were located. - 経済産業省


また、東京証券取引所では、マザーズ上場会社に対して上場後3年間において年2回以上の説明会を義務付けている。ジャスダック証券取引所でも全上場会社に対し2004年4月より年2回(ただし、2007年創設のNEOについては年4回)のIR実施を制度化し、それと同時に上場会社向けサービスを実施する専門部隊を設置。「JQ IR支援サービス」としてIR有識者による講演、IR担当者による体験談等に関するセミナー開催、「Web上のIR専用サイト」を通じた投資家と上場会社を結ぶコミュニケーションの場を全上場会社に無料で提供している。加えて、年に1回IR活動の指針となるような事例を紹介し、積極的な活動に資することを目的とした表彰制度を通じて、上場会社によるIR活動がより一層充実し、ジャスダック証券取引所の市場機能の活性化につなげている。各取引所はこうした取り組みを踏まえ、株主向けIR説明会の開催等、上場企業の株主への情報開示に係る支援を更に強化していくべきである。例文帳に追加

The Tokyo Stock Exchange obliges companies listed on Mothers to hold more than two explanatory meetings per year three years after listing. In April 2004, JASDAQ also introduced a system that requires all its listed companies to have two IR meetings a year (four meetings per year for companies listed on the NEO, established in 2007), and, along with the system, it set up a special unit to provide the companies with necessary services. The free services for all the listed companies, “JQ IR Support Service,” include lectures by IR experts, seminars where IR practitioners offer their experiences as a lesson for others, and awebsite dedicated to IR,” which provides investors and the companies with opportunities to communicate. It also has a system of annual commendation to have examples that should be guides to IR activities that should be made widely known and that should promote more aggressive efforts, so that its listed companies will offer more and better IR services and, as a result, that the JASDAQ itself will function better. With such initiatives in mind, exchanges should provide companies listed on them with more support in disclosure activities they perform for investors, such as IR meetings held for them.  - 経済産業省


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