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Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > リスクをに関連した英語例文






該当件数 : 6348



Supervisors shall identify the impact of changes in foreign exchange rates on Financial Instruments Business Operators engaging in over-the-counter financial futures transactions, based on offsite monitoring data, and analyze the risk of the business operatorscapital being eroded by changes in foreign exchange rates, in light of their method of segregated management, their leverage ratio and the characteristics of their transactions.  - 金融庁

② カバー取引を顧客との取引ごとにその都度行うのではなく、一定の時間ごと若しくは一定の金額ごとに行う又はディーラーの判断によって行うこととしている場合には、顧客との取引とカバー取引とに時間差が生じることに十分留意し、その間の相場の急激な変動等に備えたリスク管理態勢を整備しているか。例文帳に追加

(ii) In cases where a cover transaction is made at a specific interval of time or for a specific amount of transactions, or made at the discretion of dealers, rather than being made for each transaction with a customer, whether the currency-related over-the-counter derivatives business operator has developed a control environment for risk management that is well prepared for the risk of a rapid market movement occurring between the execution of a transaction with a customer and the execution of a cover transaction, with due consideration of the timing gap.  - 金融庁


B. Managing directors must understand the viewpoints regarding governance indicated in the FIEA and various other laws and regulations, and have sufficient knowledge and experience to conduct governance, in addition to sufficient knowledge and experience regarding compliance and risk management to conduct financial instruments business in a fair and appropriate manner.  - 金融庁


b. The foreign securities company must secure permanent officers and employees who understand the viewpoints regarding the appropriateness of business operations indicated in the FIEA and other relevant regulations, as well as supervisory guidelines, and who have the knowledge and experience necessary for exercising such viewpoints, and sufficient knowledge and experience regarding compliance and risk management to conduct transaction-at-exchange operations in a fair and appropriate manner.  - 金融庁



A. Managing directors must understand the viewpoints regarding governance indicated in the FIEA and various other laws and regulations, and have sufficient knowledge and experience to conduct governance and sufficient knowledge and experience regarding compliance and risk management to conduct financial instruments business in a fair and appropriate manner.  - 金融庁



In the case of a realignment that would place a major bank and a major securities company in the same group, which I think was mentioned in the previous press conference, it is very important that governance and risk management are properly conducted so as to prevent the conflict of interests and the abuse of a superior position.  - 金融庁


Next, I will ask you about the IMF's (International Monetary Fund) latest financial stability report. In the report, the IMF points out a variety of matters, such as that the global financial markets continue to be fragile and that signs of systemic risk remain strong, while expressing strong concern over the soundness of banks' balance sheets.  - 金融庁


As for matters that should be reviewed, I think there are several things on which the FSA itself must carry out reform or make improvements, such as reform of the financial inspection in relation to the facilitation of financing for SMEs, and monitoring of international risks. Could you express your frank opinions in this regard now that you have overseen the FSA’s activities for the past two months?  - 金融庁


This problem centers on non-performing assets related to the financial sector, and I understand that Japan has received a very small impact compared with the United States and Europe. Therefore, I hope that market players in Japan will conduct risk analysis properly and act in a calm manner.  - 金融庁



Audits have become strict following the enactment of the SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) Act and the financial problems in the United States. However, speaking from the point of view of SMEs, which you asked about, I hope that financial institutions will take risks more actively with due consideration of regional economies.  - 金融庁



Other participants included the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and as usual, the BOJ's Governor attended the meeting as an observer, as you know. In the context of the European sovereign risks and the downside risks of the European and the U.S. economies, the yen has rapidly appreciated, heightening concerns of the people and firms about the economic outlook, in addition to the damages caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the nuclear disaster, as is stated in a paper issued after the meeting.  - 金融庁


Since the middle of the year, investors have grown increasingly risk-averse as a result of the global stock price plunges, preferring the yen as a safe haven. Needless to say, the foreign exchange market is under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Finance. However, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) will also continue to calmly monitor future market developments with strong interest.  - 金融庁


As the lenders are private financial institutions, this act allows them to refuse to grant modification for companies that are unlikely to survive even if an additional loan is provided or the loan terms are modified.  - 金融庁


However, generally speaking, it is important that financial institutions make appropriate business decisions suited to the circumstances of the time as part of their respective business strategies while maintaining appropriate governance and risk management. I hope that such decisions will result in improvement in their international competitiveness and profitability, and will help to better ensure the stability of their financial foundation.  - 金融庁


Last Friday, it was revealed that AIJ Investment Advisors had lost pension assets totaling as much as 109.2 billion yen as a result of asset investment. As a person who has been involved in medical and social welfare affairs, how do you feel about the presence of significant risk concerning pension asset investment?  - 金融庁


The FSF report, which was issued on April 11, recommended that financial institutions properly disclose their exposure to the risks most closely related to current market conditions based on the leading disclosure practices.  - 金融庁


Japan’s financial system is stable compared with the systems of the United States and Europe. However, as the various risk factors that I mentioned have significantly grown, they are starting to affect Japan’s financial sector. So, I will keep a close watch on future developments while maintaining a high level of vigilance.  - 金融庁

・検査官は、 ①方針の策定、②内部規程・組織体制の整備、 ③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、統合的リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the comprehensive risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution’s management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁


- It is extremely important for a financial institution to calculate the capital adequacy ratio and secure sufficient capital to cover risks it faces by developing and establishing a capital management system, from the viewpoint of ensuring the soundness and appropriateness of the institution’s business. Therefore, the institution’s management is charged with and responsible for taking the initiative in developing and establishing such a system.  - 金融庁

・検査官は、①方針の策定、 ②内部規程・組織体制の整備、③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、信用リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the credit risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether or not the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁

・検査官は、①方針の策定、 ②内部規程・組織体制の整備、③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、市場リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the market risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁

・検査官は、 ①方針の策定、②内部規程・組織体制の整備、 ③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、流動性リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the liquidity risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution’s management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁


Does the Liquidity Risk Management Division review the appropriateness of the urgency level category of funds needs, the judgment criteria and the methods of management, reporting and decision-making in a regular and timely manner or on an as needed basis by conducting an impact evaluation under two or more stress scenarios and verifying the effectiveness of countermeasures from the following viewpoints, and conduct a revision thereof?  - 金融庁

・ 検査官は、①方針の策定、②内部規程・組織体制の整備、③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、統合的リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the comprehensive risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁

・ 金融機関における自己資本管理態勢の整備・確立により、自己資本比率に加え、当該金融機関の直面するリスクに見合った十分な自己資本を確保することは、金融機関の業務の健全性及び適切性の観点から極めて重要であり、経営陣には、これらの態勢の整備・確立を自ら率先して行う役割と責任がある。例文帳に追加

- It is extremely important for a financial institution to calculate the capital adequacy ratio and secure sufficient capital to cover risks it faces by developing and establishing a capital management system, from the viewpoint of ensuring the soundness and appropriateness of the institution's business. Therefore, the institution's management is charged with and responsible for taking the initiative in developing and establishing such a system. - 金融庁

・ 検査官は、①方針の策定、②内部規程・組織体制の整備、③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、信用リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the credit risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether or not the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁

・ 検査官は、検証に当たって、本チェックリストに加え、必要に応じ、金融円滑化編チェックリストに記載された信用リスクに関する項目についても留意する。 ・ Ⅱ.以降のチェック項目の検証において問題点の発生が認められた場合、当該問題点がⅠ.のいずれの要素の欠如又は不十分に起因して発生したものであるかを漏れなく検証し、双方向の議論を通じて確認する。例文帳に追加

- If any problem is recognized as a result of reviews conducted with the use of the check items listed in Chapter II. and later, it is necessary to exhaustively examine which of the elements listed in Chapter I are absent or insufficient, thus causing the said problem, and to review findings thereof through dialogue between the inspector and the financial institution. - 金融庁

・ 検査官は、①方針の策定、②内部規程・組織体制の整備、③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、市場リスク管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

- The inspector should determine whether the market risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁


The inspector should determine whether the liquidity risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁

・ 検査官は、①方針の策定、②内部規程・組織体制の整備、③評価・改善態勢の整備がそれぞれ適切に経営陣によってなされているかといった観点から、オペレーショナル・リスクの総合的な管理態勢が有効に機能しているか否か、経営陣の役割と責任が適切に果たされているかをⅠ.のチェック項目を活用して具体的に確認する。例文帳に追加

-The inspector should determine whether the comprehensive operational risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2)development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities  - 金融庁


Does the Comprehensive Operational Risk Management Division, in coordination with the Outsourcing Manager, provide for measures to make sure that the outsourced contract specifies the level of service to be provided by the outsourcing contractor and the sharing of responsibilities (e.g. the responsibility of the outsourcing contractor in the case where the service provided fails to meet the contract terms and the arrangement for sharing losses that may arise in relation to the outsourcing)  - 金融庁


- The inspector should determine whether the administrative risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I.,whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development,(2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁


- The inspector should determine whether the information technology risk management system is functioning effectively and whether the roles and responsibilities of the institution's management are being appropriately performed by way of reviewing, with the use of check items listed in Chapter I., whether the management is appropriately implementing (1) policy development, (2) development of internal rules and organizational frameworks and (3) development of a system for assessment and improvement activities.  - 金融庁

当該国・地域から生じる継続的かつ重大な資金洗浄・テロ資金供与リスクから国際金融システムを保護するため、FATFが全ての加盟国及びその他の国・地域に対し、対抗措置の適用を要請する対象とされた国・地域1 資金洗浄・テロ資金供与対策に戦略上重大な欠陥があり、それら欠陥に対応するためFATFと策定したアクションプランに、2010年2月時点でコミットしていない国・地域。例文帳に追加

Jurisdictions with strategic AML/CFT deficiencies that have not committed to an action plan developed with the FATF to address key deficiencies as of February 2010.  - 財務省


To fight hunger, we commit to continue our efforts on our initiatives, including the Tropical Agriculture Platform, the Platform for Agricultural Risk Management, the GEO Global Agriculture Monitoring, research initiatives for wheat, rice and corn, the Rapid Response Forum, regional emergency food reserves, the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program and support for the Principles of Responsible Agriculture Investment.  - 財務省


Further work on macro-prudential policy frameworks: In order to deal with systemic risks in the financial sector in a comprehensive manner and on an ongoing basis, we called on the FSB, IMF and BIS to do further work on macro-prudential policy frameworks, including tools to mitigate the impact of excessive capital flows, and update our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their next meeting.  - 財務省


In its analysis in the World Economic Outlook, the IMF points out, as a global risk factor, the possibility that an erosion of confidence in Japan’s fiscal position could have negative spillover effects on the global financial markets.We recognize that steady implementation of fiscal consolidation measures that are sufficient enough to maintain market confidence is an important task that we must accomplish, without delay, for the sake of, not only our domestic economy, but also the global economy.  - 財務省


Provided is the method of monitoring transplant rejection in a subject at a risk by comparing expression profile (RNA or protein level) of a gene group useful for identification and/or prognosis of rejection in the transplanted subject with the gene expression profile of a sample originated from a normal tissue. - 特許庁


To provide an herbicide composition controlling annual and biennial wide leaf weeds and the perennate weeds of Cyperaceae growing in a lawn in a good efficiency and also in a little component amount, and further reducing the appearance risk of ineffective weeds or refractory weeds caused by the single use of a sulfonylurea-based herbicide. - 特許庁


In the method for determining interstitial pneumonia, the amount of IL-8 in blood is used as the index for analyzing or evaluating the determination or diagnosis of intestitial pneumonia, the specification of the kind of intestitial pneumonia, a degree of the advance possibility of the sympton of intestitial pneumonia, a risk degree, the pathophysiological state of intestitial pneumonia and/or the tendency of treatment responsiveness. - 特許庁


When the name of a system which is an asset to be the object of the evaluation of control and the management stipulation of the system are input, an extraction processing part 5 displays an specific risk classification corresponding to the management stipulation, an assumed loss event, an assumed loss scale, loss scenario, a kind of a loss event, a control classification and a control document. - 特許庁


When a first blood pressure is calculated based on pressure change of an air bladder which is put on a measured site (S5), and if a second blood pressure is measured within five minutes from the first blood pressure measurement and calculated and then memorized (YES in S11), the index value of risk of a circulatory condition is calculated with the first and second blood pressures (S13). - 特許庁


A determination is made on whether or not a keyword extracted from a requirement sheet recording a descriptive sentence describing the evaluation object coincides with either of existing keywords stored in a keyword database (S4), and a correction is made on a total value of the work time as an evaluation value on the basis of a determining result by using a risk factor. - 特許庁


A DB server 22 monitors whether any customers whose use conditions to the use conditions DB are not used for a designated period exist or not since their attribute information is registered on the basic master database, and use conditions with low risks (or low charges) at a point of view from the specific financial institution are automatically registered into the use conditions DB when applicable customers exist. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that only photographs as still pictures of articles to be auctioned and their explanatory sentences are displayed in a conventional auction using a computer communication and hence bidders inevitably have risks as to whether the articles to be auctioned are actually exalting because of the possibility of the composition of the photographs and the fabrication of the explanatory sentences. - 特許庁


This project management support device 20 determines for each process the sequence to perform each process considering at least any information of whether a product is defined or not, whether the use state of resources conflicts with other persons in charge or not, or the product of the occurrence probability of the risk of delaying and its degree of impact. - 特許庁


A compound of Formula I or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof is used for treating or preventing a variety of conditions including gout, hyperuricemia, elevated levels of uric acid that do not meet the levels customarily justifying a diagnosis of hyperuricemia, renal dysfunction, kidney stones, cardiovascular disease, risk for developing cardiovascular disease, tumor-lysis syndrome, cognitive impairment, and early-onset essential hypertension, or the like. - 特許庁


The image processing LSI 3 extracts a motion vector from a photographed image of consecutive two frames or thinned-out two frames on a time axis when a front of the vehicle is photographed by a camera 1 mounted to a side mirror at the front passenger seat side of the vehicle, and qualifies a pixel which has a collision risk based on the direction of the motion vector. - 特許庁


When the automatic braking control shifts from a low operation state to a high operation state in the state that an operational reaction is being generated to the acceleration pedal according to the risk potential, a pulse of an additional reaction is generated from the acceleration pedal, a predetermined period before the shift, and a single-shot warning sound is simultaneously generated. - 特許庁



Whether or not a date when the predicted life of the key parts goes out is before the next inspection date in the plant is judged in an S170, and when the date when the life of the key parts goes out is before the next inspection date, the risk level value attached to the equipment to which the key parts are belonging is changed to a larger value in an S180. - 特許庁


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