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該当件数 : 6348



A temporary annual premium deposit, the minimum bid price and expected final acquisition sum of an option to be contributed from a fund are calculated based on various conditions such as a standard risk apportionment showing the total sum of a fund and the covering percentage of an option section for the covering sum of a whole fund (S12). - 特許庁


To provide a method for the determination of the influence on a DNA caused by the past exposure of an individual with chemical substances, and useful for the diagnosis of the risk to cause various cancers, allergic diseases such as asthma and atopic dermatitis, nervous diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and viral diseases such as hemophagocytic diseases. - 特許庁


In the past, BITs were executed primarily with a view to protecting investors of developed countries and their investments in a developing country where the rule of law has not yet been established, from legal and political risks including expropriation by the government of the developing country (the country receiving the investments, sometimes referred to as the host country) or arbitrary operation of laws, thus securing the proper treatment of the investors. - 経済産業省


Other than these measures, there is an opinion that the introduction of a corporate currency (a currency that is valid only within group companies) also contributes to the reduction of exchange risks. However, no Japanese companies have introduced such currencies, due to the difficulty of obtaining external parties' trust and enormous costs for developing an accounting system. - 経済産業省



It was pointed out that the Yen value rose due to buying Yen to avoid risk factors like steep fall in share prices caused by the earthquake disaster, unstable Middle East situation and expectation that Japanese insurance companies, being institutional investors, would return their overseas assets to Japan to prepare for the payment of insurance claims related to the earthquake disaster. - 経済産業省


しかし、その後、3 月18 日のG7 による協調介入を経て、世界の主要国が震災の影響を緩和することのコンセンサスが形成されたことに加え、原発の停止に伴う追加の原油需要が増加するのではないかという見方がある中で、仏英米軍によるリビア攻撃による地政学リスクの高まりもあり、原油価格は再度上昇した。例文帳に追加

However, crude oil price rose again after world's major countries formed a consensus to mitigate the impact of the earthquake disaster through coordinated intervention by G7 on March 18, and the view point that demand for crude oil might additionally increase due to stoppage of the nuclear power generation and increased political and geographic risks caused by the attack on Libya by French, British and US air forces. - 経済産業省

5 ウォン安ユーロ高が進んだ背景として、当時、米国債格付け引き下げでドル売りが進み、その資金でアジア各国の通貨が買われ、アジア各国中銀は自国通貨高に対抗するためドル買い介入を実施し、買ったドルをリスク分散のために更にユーロや豪ドルに替える、との動きが報じられた。例文帳に追加

5 There is a viewpoint on the background of the depreciation of Won against the Euro. ; A series of movements was reported such as; the increased selling of US dollar due to degradation of US bond; currencies of Asian countries were bought with the funds from the selling the above bond.; The Asian central banks implemented buying of US dollar by intervention to act against the high value of their currencies. The purchased US dollars were exchanged into the Euro or Australian dollar market again as hedge risk. - 経済産業省

今後のリスクとしては、①貿易制限的な措置が積み重なり、効果が増幅されること、②危機対応のための金融・財政支援措置が危機後も温存されること、の2点を指摘しつつ、G20 加盟国は貿易制限措置や補助金政策の出口戦略を示し、景気回復が確かになり次第、実行することが適切である、としている。例文帳に追加

The report points to two risks in the future, 1. the accumulation of restrictive trade measures which increases their effects and, 2. financial and fiscal support measures to deal with the crisis are preserved even after the crisis is over. However, the G20 have indicated exit strategies for their trade restriction measures and subsidizing policies and it will be appropriate for these countries to implement the exit strategies once the economic recovery is certain. - 経済産業省


Therefore, Japan and other countries and regions of East Asia shall pay close attention to the various growth risk factors that could impact on China’s economic growth (e.g. reform of state-owned enterprises, bad loan workout issues, income disparity issues and unemployment issues) which could potentially impact the future economic policy and management of the Chinese government as well as the economic cycles of China and its scale. - 経済産業省



From this perspective, in the following section, we will describe the current conditions of global business development by SMEs in the midst of increasing globalization, and introduce some advanced companies that have started their strategic market development and have been creating value; we will also discuss the risks and issues inherent in SME global business development. - 経済産業省



If so, even if the seller is barred from claiming the invalidity of his/her declaration of intent, the seller.s economic risk arising therefrom would only be that the seller, who wished to sell a product in any event at a list price exceeding the market price in the group of people ends up, contrary to his/her expectations, concluding a purchase agreement at the market price and consequently he/she loses potential sale proceeds in an amount equivalent to the difference between his/her list price and the market price.  - 経済産業省


Nowadays, on the other hand, with the view to investing in more diverse asset classes and diversifying risks, an increasing number of pension funds are investing in alternative forms of assets. Some data suggest that in 2007 three quarters of the pension funds were engaged in alternative investment. Most of their investments, however, were made in hedge funds, and only a fraction of the money came to venture capital firms.  - 経済産業省


It is indeed important to conduct listing examinations from the viewpoint of appropriate disclosure about conditions and risks, financial soundness, and the public interest and investor protection. But excessive, unnecessarily rigorous listing examination might impose too heavy a burden on start-ups that intend to go public.  - 経済産業省


The Financial Service Agency (FSA) should not supervise or inspect exchanges, securities firms or auditing firms in a way people concerned are held accountable in an unnecessarily harsh way for cases of a listed company that was accused or delisted due to, for instance, a breach of the law. Instead, the Agency should adopt a risk-based approach, which makes clear what areas and items have greater impacts on users and markets for focused supervision and inspection.  - 経済産業省


Asset-based lending is a form of lending based on the value of assets regarding which there is no serious asymmetry of information, such as trade receivables and inventories, rather than the business situation of the borrower itself. This reduces the risk of lending to SMEs whose cash flows, which provide the revenue for repayment of loans in the future, are unknown due to asymmetry of information. - 経済産業省


In other words, South Korea has beenleveragedeffectively by export as well as import and foreign capital. When the economy mainly in Europe and the U.S. is strong, a virtuous cycle is created; on the other hand, when the world economy becomes weak, such factors as slowdown in exports, outflow of foreign capital and a sharp decline in the South Korean won are likely to cause a risk falling into a vicious cycle. - 経済産業省

こうした産業ごとに緻密に組み上げられたSCM をさらに強化していくためにも、これまでの効率的なメカニズムと我が国産業の強みである関係者間の信用・信頼に基づいた取引関係に加えて、客観的なリスクマネジメントをさらに強化していく努力が現在各方面でなされつつある。例文帳に追加

In order to further strengthen SCM which is established minutely in accordance with each industry, efforts to strengthen the objective risk management are now under way in various fields, in addition to the effective mechanism in the past and business relationship between the concerned parties based on trust and reliance which is an advantage of Japanese industry. - 経済産業省


The safety analysis is conducted for these events based on the criteria of the Regulatory Guide for Reviewing Safety Assessment, and it is confirmed that the core does not result in a significant damage and a reactor containment boundary is intact. Moreover, no risk of excess radiation exposure to the general public in the vicinity is confirmed. And it is logically confirmed that the safety design of engineered safety features is appropriate. - 経済産業省


In the Conference on Analyzing the Financial Situation in Shanghai 2004, the People’s Bank of China Shanghai Branch noted that the amount of new loans in the property sector by Shanghai’s financial institutions reached 102.3 billion yuan, 20.4 billion yuan higher than the previous year, accounting for 76% of the total amount of new loans. Given that a disproportionate amount of bank loans has concentrated in the property sector, the People’s Bank of China warned that there is a potential risk that a bubble will form in the property market. - 経済産業省


We scrutinize the fact that out of the SMEs making inroads into China, nonmanufacturing enterprises are increasing, and analyze the rising management risks at SMEs that have a presence in China. We also outline SMEs' overseas expansion in VietNam and India, which are considered to be appealing destinations in terms of market scale and labor costs. - 経済産業省


In the early days of the euro, it was expected that the account imbalances between euro members would be improved by the progression of reforms strengthening international competitiveness by current account deficit countries, while they bought time using financing from current account surplus countries to make up their deficits, which had become easier thanks to the disappearance of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations within the region due to the introduction of the euro as a single currency. - 経済産業省


Furthermore, since 2010 when the European debt crisis was emerging, these three countries have been forced to implement austerity measures under the increasing market pressure toward sound public finance, which increases the risk of further depressing the economy. For instance, Italy had already fallen into negative real growth rates to GDP since the 3rd quarter of 2011 and Spain fell into negative growth in the 4th quarter of 2011. - 経済産業省


For reasons against the background of the sudden rise in the value of yen, several factors like buying yen for avoiding the risk of large drop in share prices following the earthquake disaster, concerns over Middle East situation, and speculation on moving overseas assets into Japan by Japanese insurance companies to prepare for the payment of insurance for damages related to the earthquake disaster can be given. - 経済産業省


Based on this, domestic commercial banks need to move forward with financial reforms, such as the swift disposal of remaining nonperforming loans, the strengthening of risk management systems, and the development new products, and it is necessary for the administrative side as well swiftly to carry out the strengthening of functions for the management and supervision of financial institutions, including corporate governance and thorough prudential regulation. - 経済産業省


Bilateral investment agreements had traditionally been seen asinvestment protection agreements,” designed to protect investors from possible expropriations of investment properties and other risks such as arbitrary operation of law by investment recipient countries, as the agreements stipulate the following as all or part of their main contents: National Treatment (NT) and Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) Treatment after investment is made; expropriations and compensation; freedom of remittance; resolution of conflicts between the signatory countries; resolution of conflicts between signatory countries and investors; and other aspects. - 経済産業省


As the efforts for risk communication concerning food safety, etc., the MHLW shall, in cooperation with prefectures and other ministries and agencies, provide information to and exchange information with consumers, business operators, etc. on the details of the plan and the status of monitoring and guidance on imported foods and strive to gain appropriate understanding of food safety, etc - 厚生労働省

個人の責任や自助努力のみでは対応できないリスクに対して、国民が相互に連帯して支え合うこと によって安心した生活を保障することが「共助」(年金、医療保険、介護保険、雇用保険などの社会 保険制度)であり、さらに、自助や共助によっても対応できない状況に対し、必要な生活保障を行う のが「公助」(公的扶助(生活保護)や社会福祉など)である。例文帳に追加

"Mutual assistance" (social insurance systems such as pensions, health insurance, long-term care insurance, and employment insurance) refers to guaranteeing a life with peace of mind by coping with risks that cannot be managed only by personal responsibility or self supporting efforts through mutual cooperation and mutual support of people. "Public assistance" (public aid [livelihood protection] and social welfare) provides a necessary guarantee of livelihood for people in a situation that cannot be solved by self-help or mutual assistance. - 厚生労働省


As the efforts for risk communication concerning food safety, etc., the MHLW shall, in cooperation with prefectures and other ministries and agencies, provide information to and exchange information with consumers, business operators, etc. on the details of the plan and the status of monitoring and guidance on imported foods and strive to gain appropriate understanding of food safety, etc. - 厚生労働省


Third, we will follow the lessons learned in the current global financial crisis. The first lesson is that we should quickly and accurately identify risks involved in the entire financial system. At the same time, we intend to strengthen cooperation with the Bank of Japan and overseas authorities. As for the second lesson, in addition to having experiences of dealing with a crisis, we are ahead of the United States and European countries in the development of institutional frameworks, including various safety net schemes and a supervisory framework that places various financial services under central supervision as a way to deal with systemic risks. We have also managed such frameworks appropriately. Meanwhile, the current global financial crisis has spread across various business sectors and is complicated in nature. Therefore, the second lesson is that we should conduct a forward-looking study in light of international developments. The third lesson is that we should actively participate in international debate and make efforts to establish a regulatory framework with balanced emphasis on domestic and foreign considerations.  - 金融庁


As for the other question, the state of disclosure, a report issued on April 11 by the FSF (Financial Stability Forum) stated in relation to the disclosure of securitization products that financial institutions, in reference to examples of leading disclosure practice, should make appropriate disclosure regarding risk exposures that are most closely related to current market conditions.  - 金融庁


One factor behind this situation is the continued turmoil in the global financial market induced by the subprime mortgage problem. Also, there is no doubt that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face increasingly difficult business conditions amid the increasing downside risks for the Japanese economy, which are attributable to the high prices of crude oil and raw materials.  - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the measure taken by the BOJ that was mentioned earlier. I understand that the implementation of this measure reflects the fact that individual financial institutions are keeping dollar funds for themselves amid fears about the counterparty risk. Could you tell me about how you assess the current status of dollar transactions between financial institutions in Japan's short-term money market?  - 金融庁


② Other companies whose operations related to internal controls (operations related to the observance of laws and regulations, operations related to risk management, operations related to internal audits and internal inspections, operations related to financial affairs, operations related to accounting, operations related to tax affairs) are conducted in whole or in part by the officers or employees concurrently serving in the same capacity for a management company or group financial institutions.  - 金融庁


As discussed above, the basic goal of financial supervision is to ensure the soundness and appropriateness of individual, group financial institutions.However, the presence of these risks may make it impossible to ensure the financial soundness and operational appropriateness of the group as a whole by solely pursuing the soundness, etc. of individual financial institutions, and as a result, it may effect the group financial institutions and the financial system as a whole.  - 金融庁


A Management Company and group companies are separate legal entities. However, the risks which have surfaced within a management company or group companies may spread to other group companies through capital relationship, reputations among outside parties or group transactions, and thereby may cause damages to group financial institutions or the group as a whole.  - 金融庁


In conducting interviews and/or other measures, the FSA may focus as to whether each financial institution appropriately assesses the composition of positions and risk details by large borrower, corporate group, industry type, regions and country, in addition to major points of observations regarding the management of large exposures as set forth in the current "Comprehensive Guideline for Supervision of Major Banks, etc."  - 金融庁


With respect to Japan introducing similar rules, concerns have been expressed that there would be a greater danger of investment companies and the like coming under pressure from issuing companies and various external organizations regarding the exercise of voting rights, resulting in the freedom to exercise voting rights instead being inhibited. As such, this needs to be further examined from a broad perspective.  - 金融庁

金融機関がお互いにどの程度の信用リスクを有するのかといった疑念が生じ、欧米の短期金融市場の機能が著しく低下する中、8 月 9 日以降、欧米の中央銀行による短期金融市場に対する大量の資金供給や、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB、Federal Reserve Board)等による短期金利の引下げや資金供給手段の拡充などが行われている。例文帳に追加

The functions of U.S. and European short-term money markets weakened considerably, with mutual suspicion arising among financial institutions about the extent to which each was exposed to credit risk. Under these circumstances, U.S. and European central banks have been providing large amounts of liquidity to short-term money markets, and the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) and some others have been taking such measures as lowering short-term interest rates and expanding the means of providing funding since August 9.  - 金融庁


However, deficiencies in IT general controls are not necessarily directly related to the risk of misstatements in significant components of the financial reporting. Accordingly, it should be noted that if application controls have been verified to be functioning effectively, deficiencies in general controls should not immediately be judged as material weaknesses.  - 金融庁


However, in order to acquire the profits and secure the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control environment, it is desirable to ensure effective use of external audits by accounting auditors and others, as well as internal audits by Financial Instruments Business Operators themselves.  - 金融庁


In addition, over the period until a notification based on Article 179(5) of the FIB Cabinet Office Ordinance is submitted, they shall strive to identify and keep track of the Financial Instruments Business Operator’s capital adequacy ratio and the status of its management of various risks by, for example, checking a notification regarding the capital adequacy ratio on a daily basis and holding hearings.  - 金融庁


In the market, the view is prevailing that there are moves to avert risks, as shown by stock price drops, the euro's decline, the yen's rise and a rise in government bonds issued by peripheral European countries, against the background of concerns over the Greek re-election scheduled for June 17, and fiscal and financial problems in Spain. As well as uncertainty over recovery in the U.S. employment situation.  - 金融庁


Regarding the subprime loan problem that occurred recently in the United States and Europe, we do not think it will have a serious impact on Japan's financial system under the present circumstances. In response to this market turbulence, however, we will pay due attention to the status of risk management by financial institutions and the conditions of financial markets from a wide range of standpoints, while cooperating with other authorities in Japan and abroad.  - 金融庁

マーケットの動向に対する所見ですけれども、ギリシャの再選挙は間もなくまいります。 スペインの財政金融問題に対する懸念を背景に、市場では株価の下落やユーロ安、それから欧州周縁国債の利回り上昇など、リスク回避の動きが生じているとの見方が多いということです。例文帳に追加

As for my view on market developments, the Greek re-election will be held soon. The view is prevalent that against the backdrop of concerns over the Spanish fiscal and financial problems, there are moves to avert risks in the market, as shown by stock price declines, the euro’s drop and a rise in the yields on government bonds issued by peripheral European countries.  - 金融庁


Today, a meeting for the monthly economic report was held at the Prime Minister's Office with the participation of the Prime Minister, the Bank of Japan's (BOJ's) Governor and most economic ministers.  - 金融庁


As you know, according to the U.S. jobs data, the number of non-farm jobs was much lower than expected by the market. Although an increase of 205,000 jobs from the previous month had been expected, the number actually increased by 120,000. I think that there may be some moves to avert risk in relation to the U.S. economy.  - 金融庁


While some people say that Japan's financial markets and real economy have been stabilized somewhat compared with some time ago, there is still downside risk, as I mentioned earlier. Moreover, the volatility of stock prices and exchange rates has grown recently. The FSA needs to keep a careful watch on developments in the financial and capital markets and the state of corporate financing.  - 金融庁


In addition to these measures for implementation within 100 days, there are measures that should be implemented by the end of 2008, including strengthening regulation and supervision to ensure the soundness of financial institutions with regard to capital, liquidity and risk management and enhancing transparency and valuation in relation to off-balance sheet schemes, securitization products and liquidity commitment.  - 金融庁


Although their losses are limited compared with those incurred by U.S. and European banks, it is also important that, from the viewpoint of improving their profitability, major Japanese banks enhance their risk management by learning lessons not only from their own experiences but also from the past cases of losses incurred by other Japanese and foreign financial institutions.  - 金融庁



I suppose that the U.S. authorities are concerned that if any such financial institution is forced to suspend operations, it will create a very difficult situation, with counterparty risk materializing immediately.  - 金融庁


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