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だから 完全に不合理だと例文帳に追加
So, completely irrational - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action - 日本語WordNet
第四 配給における不合理の解消例文帳に追加
4. Resolution of the irrationalities regarding distribution systems. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
But the thing he saw was so inconsequent that it might have been imaginary. - Gilbert K. Chesterton『釣り人の習慣』
本の中で私は これらは実際不合理な推論だと主張しました例文帳に追加
Well, in the book, I argue that these are, in fact, non sequiturs. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins) - 日本語WordNet
extreme depression characterized by tearful sadness and irrational fears - 日本語WordNet
It is quite unreasonable [unfair] that our incomes are much smaller than those of other people who have the same kind of job. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
According to Norinaga, Magatsuhi no kami is the cause of absurdity in life. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
自分の人生が不合理な状況に陥ったことへの それが唯一理性のある反応のひとつだった例文帳に追加
It was one of the only rational responses to the irrational situation my life had become. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
because it was absurd to suppose that God, if he so pleased, could not divide an atom; - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
an extreme, irrational, fear of something that may cause a person to panic. - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
This theory seemed so obviously absurd that he considered the author a charlatan, and attacked him with a corresponding vehemence of language. - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
But while part-timers may do comparable work to permanent employees at SMEs, this becomes problematic if there is an unreasonable difference in pay and benefits between the two. - 経済産業省
A thread pool at the print server services these calls without unreasonable context switching between client requests. - 特許庁
To prevent an irrational display operation in a plurality of display means even when a plurality of kinds of applications are performed in parallel. - 特許庁
Thereby, it is not required to check all the wire when a wire for security is broken unlike before. - 特許庁
Where a notice of reasons for refusal is sent with regard to unnatural or unreasonable descriptions on the grounds of violation of Article 36 as the descriptions of the description etc. are unnatural or unreasonable to the extent that they do not satisfy the requirements for description under Article 36, it may be issued without comparison with the relevant foreign language document, regardless of whether or not the examiner has had a suspicion that there is a reason for refusal based on the new matter beyond the original text. - 特許庁
A rule thus self-convicted of absurdity so far as regards its professed purpose, can be kept in force only as a badge of hatred, a relic of persecution; - John Stuart Mill『自由について』
However, it must be noted that the existence of any unnatural or unreasonable description in a part of the description, claims and drawings does not necessarily mean failure in satisfying the requirements under Article 36. - 特許庁
a 20th century movement of artists and writers (developing out of dadaism) who used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams - 日本語WordNet
When estimation cannot be singled out, a plurality of possible options are recorded in the recording part 12, and irrational options are erased on the basis of aspects of total weight change by subsequent taking in and out of commodities. - 特許庁
To improve the working efficiency without causing an irrational matter such as calculated action data is unused and without restricting an operator intermittently in teaching data of an articulated robot. - 特許庁
To obtain a print clock generating circuit of a multibeam laser printer in which irrationality of providing a print clock generating circuit dedicated to each machine type is improved. - 特許庁
To provide a method for determining a path to transporting works which replaces unreasonable detour path with a shorter path, by reasoning rationality of a predetermined route from a starting point to an end point, through the consideration of a route network comprising a plurality of transporting routes and a dividing device to which the path is connected. - 特許庁
There is provided a system that calls the touch panel image of the JIS standard keyboard used so far on a touch panel of a personal computer improved in irrationality, and allows input operation etc., through the touch type image. - 特許庁
しかし、上記のような論法を認めれば、一方的措置を発動する国が明示的に「WTO協定違反」を理由としない限り、DSU 第23条違反は生じないこととなってしまい、不合理である。例文帳に追加
However, by this line of argument, even though countries resort to unilateral measures, it would not be a violation of DSU Article 23 unless they clearly refer to “WTO Agreement violation” as a reason for their measures. - 経済産業省
Some people take the view of this as an action to raise a question about the revision of the then Japan Igo rules with several unreasonable points since there was a trouble in the interpretation of the rules concerning the ko at the end of the game of the preceding the second game out of Honinbo three match series between Go and Kaku TAKAGAWA. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
このような論法を認めれば、発動国は「相手国のWTO協定上の問題を争っていない」と主張することにより、常にDSU 第23条違反を免れるという不合理な事態を招来するため、係争事案がWTO協定上の問題か否かは、紛争処理手続に関するルールに照らして客観的に判断されるべきである。例文帳に追加
Under this scenario, the enforcing country could unreasonably escape WTO violation. To avoid this problem, it should be made clear that regardless of whether each case is related to the WTO Agreement, it should be judged objectively according the rules of dispute settlement. - 経済産業省
And the prince, turning to these old lords, Montague and Capulet, rebuked them for their brutal and irrational enmities, and showed them what a scourge Heaven had laid upon such offenses, that it had found means even through the love of their children to punish their unnatural hate. - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』
To prevent irrational settling value setting such as off/on order settling value overlapping by implementing rational settling value setting support between a plurality of distribution line protecting relay units by transmitting/receiving and sharing settling value information between the units. - 特許庁
To solve a problem wherein an output shaft has a long structure when arranging a planetary gear for distributing power at a front end, securing of shaft supporting accuracy is difficult, the front end side becomes thick in diameter, and the structure becomes an irrational structure in relation to applying of assist torque of a second electric motor from an intermediate of the output shaft. - 特許庁
To eliminate the irrationality of a retainer which is not transported unless a heavy-duty track is used even if the weight is around 10 kg, can not help but attach from a dust containing chamber side of the dust collector and requires centering work with three adjusting bolts in one place. - 特許庁
5 前項の対価についての定めがない場合又はその定めたところにより対価を支払うことが同項の規定により不合理と認められる場合には、第三項の対価の額は、その発明により使用者等が受けるべき利益の額、その発明に関連して使用者等が行う負担、貢献及び従業者等の処遇その他の事情を考慮して定めなければならない。例文帳に追加
(5) Where no provision setting forth the value as provided in the preceding paragraph exists, or where it is recognized under the preceding paragraph that the amount of the value to be paid in accordance with the relevant provision(s) is unreasonable, the amount of the value under paragraph (3) shall be determined by taking into consideration the amount of profit to be received by the employer, etc. from the invention, the employer, etc.'s burden, contribution, and treatment of the employee, etc. and any other circumstances relating to the invention. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
My object was to show my deistical friends, who set forth so eloquently the beauty and beneficence of Nature and the Ruler thereof, while they had nothing but scorn for the so-called absurdities of the Christian scheme, that they were in no better condition than we were, and that, for every difficulty found upon our side, quite as great a difficulty was to be found upon theirs. - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』
The relief which may be applied for is any of the following a declaration that the threats are unjustifiable; an injunction against the continuance of the threats; damages in respect of any loss the person aggrieved has sustained by the threats, and he is entitled to such relief unless the defendant shows that the acts in respect of which proceedings were threatened constitute (or if done would constitute) an infringement of the registered trade mark. - 特許庁
To provide a one pot type curable hotmelt adhesive without having an environmental problem of a solvent-based curable type adhesive, without having an inconvenience on handling and economical irrationality of disposing the adhesive before and after the processing of a moisture curable type polyurethane-based hotmelt adhesive or conventional two-pot type curable hotmelt adhesive. - 特許庁
4 契約、勤務規則その他の定めにおいて前項の対価について定める場合には、対価を決定するための基準の策定に際して使用者等と従業者等との間で行われる協議の状況、策定された当該基準の開示の状況、対価の額の算定について行われる従業者等からの意見の聴取の状況等を考慮して、その定めたところにより対価を支払うことが不合理と認められるものであつてはならない。例文帳に追加
(4) Where an agreement, employment regulation or any other stipulation provides for the value provided in the preceding paragraph, the payment of value in accordance with the said provision(s) shall not be considered unreasonable in light of circumstances where a negotiation between the employer, etc. and the employee, etc. had taken place in order to set standards for the determination of the said value, the set standards had been disclosed, the opinions of the employee, etc. on the calculation of the amount of the value had been received and any other relevant circumstances. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
DSU 第23条は、WTO協定でカバーされる紛争について、WTOにおける解決を図らず301条のような一方的措置で解決しようとすることを禁じているため、本件について米国が、当該301条に基づく「クロ決定」は、あくまで301条手続の中で「不合理かつ差別的」と国内法上の要件を認定したのであって、「WTO協定違反である」と判断した訳ではないから両者は概念的に異なり、DSU との整合性は問題とならない旨主張する懸念があった。例文帳に追加
The United States insisted that through Section 301 procedures they determined Japanese restrictions to be “unreasonable and discriminative” under their domestic laws, but not as inconsistent with the WTO Agreements. They insisted that Section 301 and DSU were conceptually different and their decision raised no problems of consistency. - 経済産業省
In considering the amount of any damages to be awarded in proceedings under this section, the Court shall consider whether or not it would have been reasonable to expect, from a consideration of the application as published under section 28, that a patent would be granted conferring on the proprietor of the patent protection from an act of the same description as that found to have infringed those rights, and if the Court finds that it would not have been reasonable so to expect, it shall reduce the damages to such an amount as it thinks fit. - 特許庁
The ambiguous statement in the scope of claims means that the statement of claims itself is literally unclear in meaning, contents of the statement of claims themselves cause unreasonableness in connection with other statements, or the statement of claims is not ambiguous in itself, but the claimed inventions are not technically specified exactly and become ambiguous, etc. "Clarification" means correcting such ambiguity to clarify "the inherent meaning and contents of the statement." - 特許庁
X国からの輸入品Yに対するAD調査の結果、A社のダンピングマージンは10%とされ、B社はダンピングなしとされた。X国において、製品Yを生産している企業は、A及びB社の2社しかなく、損害を決定する期間中における調査対象産品の90%以上はB社生産のものであった。しかし、調査当局は、 "ダンピングされた輸入品"の量を、調査対象国からの輸入品の全ての量として解釈したため、ダンピングされていないB社からの輸入量も含めて損害の決定を行った。このように"ダンピングされた輸入品"の量を不合理に引き上げたことを基に損害を決定し、A社にAD税を賦課することは問題。このようなADの誤用や誤った解釈を防止するため、"ダンピングされた輸入品"の定義を明確化する必要があるのではないか。例文帳に追加
In an antidumping investigation on imports of a specific product, originating from one specific country, it was determined a margin of dumping of 10% for company A and no positive determination was made for company B, the only other firm of this specific country. The latter was responsible for more than 90% of the imports under investigation during the period analysed. In order to achieve a determination of injury, the volume of dumped imports considered were equal to the total volume of imports originating from the country in question. The decision to consider the total imports as the dumped imports, i.e. the decision not to subtract from the volume of dumped imports those imports originated in company B, means that the authority grossly overestimated the volume of dumped imports. . Thus, based on the miscalculation of the volume of dumped imports, the authority determined the existence of injury caused by artificially inflated “dumped imports” and applied antidumping duties on imports from company A. Shouldn’t we elaborate a clearer, more detailed, definition of “dumped imports”, in order to avoid misinterpretations and consequently the misuse of antidumping duties? - 経済産業省
Meanwhile both the United States and Britain have revised the standards in ways to allow book value accounting and avoid damage to the capital of financial institutions. I think that there are two kinds of revision, namely, a revision of the accounting standards in Japan and around the world that should be made from a long-term perspective, and an emergency revision. By an emergency revision, I mean a revision regarding items that could lead to system risk in an extreme case. Although an unreasonable revision should of course be ruled out, a reasonable revision should be made if possible. So I made a request to the Accounting Standards Board of Japan in this respect yesterday. - 金融庁
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原題:”On Liberty” 邦題:『自由について』 | This work has been released into the public domain by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide. Copyright on Japanese Translation (C) 2004 Ryoichi Nagae 永江良一 本翻訳は、この著作権表示を付すかぎりにおいて、訳者および著者に一切断ることなく、商業利用を含むあらゆる形で自由に利用し複製し配布することを許諾します。 改変を行うことも許諾しますが、その場合は、この著作権表示を付すほか、著作権表示に改変者を付加し改変を行ったことを明示してください。 |
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