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and begged him much, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Please come and lay your hands on her, that she may be made healthy, and live.” 例文帳に追加

しきりに懇願して言った,「わたしの小さな娘が死にかかっています。健康になって生きられるよう,どうかおいでになって,娘の上にあなたの手を置いてください」。 - 電網聖書『マルコによる福音書 5:23』

Wherever he entered, into villages, or into cities, or into the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged him that they might touch just the fringe of his garment; and as many as touched him were made well. 例文帳に追加

村でも町でも里でも,彼が入った所ではどこでも,人々は病気の者たちを市場に横たえ,その者たちにその衣の房べりにでも触らせてもらえるよう,彼に懇願した。そして彼に触った者は皆良くなった。 - 電網聖書『マルコによる福音書 6:56』

It is true that, even with the change in circumstances, many monks worked hard traveling the countryside for the sake of their kanjin activities, but there were those who disguised themselves as monks but in effect begged for money (or some kanjin bikuni who prostituted themselves, as mentioned above). 例文帳に追加

勿論、そのような時代になっても全国各地を回って勧進に尽力する勧進聖らも少なくなかったが、反面勧進聖を名乗って実態は物乞いなどの行為を行う者も現れる(前述の勧進比丘尼の遊女化もその1つである)ようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, after five years, on December 12, 592, Emperor Sushun was assassinated by instruction of Umako and next month, on January 15, 593, Princess Nukatabe, the empress-before-last, was begged by Umako to be enthroned at the Imperial Palace of Toyoura. 例文帳に追加

しかし、5年後の祟峻5年11月癸卯朔乙巳(旧暦11月3日(旧暦))(592年)には崇峻天皇が馬子の指図によって暗殺されてしまい、翌月である12月壬申朔己卯(旧暦12月8日(旧暦))に、先々代の皇后であった額田部皇女が、馬子に請われて、豊浦宮において即位した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Emperor Ichijo's mother, Empress Higashi Sanjo-in (Senshi), had deeply cared about her younger brother, Michinaga, and conversely, she did not like her nephew Korechika so she strongly recommended Michinaga, but because the Emperor would not change his mind she cried and begged him, and it is said that because of this the Emperor finally decided to appoint Michinaga. 例文帳に追加

一条天皇の母后・東三条院(詮子)はかねてより弟の道長を愛し、逆に甥の伊周を疎んじており道長を強く推したが、天皇が考えを変えないため涙を流して固く請い迫まり、このために遂に天皇も道長の登用を決めたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the same trial, when commanders and warriors of the Tokugawa side condemned him for not having committed suicide by the sword and instead being captured, he said 'I hold my life dear. If I can have my life and right hand, I can make Ieyasu and Hidetada into the same form as I am now.' and he begged for his life saying 'I will become a priest.' 例文帳に追加

同じく白州において、自刃もせずに捕らわれたことを徳川方の将兵が蔑むと「命は惜しい。命と右の手がありさえすれば、家康と秀忠をこのような姿にもできたのだ」と言い、「出家するから」とまで言って命乞いをしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to "Okagami" (literally, the Great Mirror; a historical tale), the circumstances behind that is as follows; Korechika had had audiences with Emperor Ichijo through his younger sister, the Emperor's favorite chugu, with which Higashi Sanjoin (FUJIWARA no Akiko) had been displeased, and finally forced her way into the Emperor's residence at night and begged the hesitating Emperor in tears to give a senji to Michinaga. 例文帳に追加

この辺りの子細について、『大鏡』は、伊周が一条天皇の寵愛深い妹の中宮を介し、御意を得ているのをかねてから快からず思っていた東三条院が、夜の御殿に押し入り、渋る一条天皇を泣いて説得したとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1568, Yoshiaki ASHIKAGA, the younger brother of the 13th Muromachi Shogun Yoshiteru ASHIKAGA--who had been toppled in a rebellion by the Miyoshi sanninshu (the Three Chief Retainers of the Miyoshi clan) that had been led by Yoshihide ASHIKAGA of Ashikaga clan--begged Nobunaga to come visit him in Mino Province; consequently, the Oda family threw their support behind him and marched on Kyoto to install Yoshiaki as the new shogun. 例文帳に追加

永禄11年(1568年)、足利一門・足利義栄を旗頭とする三好三人衆の謀叛に倒れた室町幕府の第13代将軍・足利義輝の弟・足利義昭が信長を頼って美濃国を訪れてきた為、織田家は義昭を新将軍に推戴するため、義昭を奉じ上洛の途につく。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although Tuneie begged for Harutsugu and Doyo MORISHITA's lives before his death, his plead was refused and they were commanded to commit seppuku on charges that 'bringing the war in Inaba Province' and 'betrayal of their lord,' then they committed suicide with their swords on the evening of November 30, at the same jinsho (camp) where Tsuneie YOSHIKAWA died. 例文帳に追加

生前の経家が春続と森下道誉の助命を嘆願するも聞き入れられず、「因幡一国に戦乱を招いた罪」と「主君への裏切りの罪」で切腹を命じられ、10月24日の晩、吉川経家が自刃した同じ陣所にて自刃した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He liked music but the piece she was playing had no melody for him and he doubted whether it had any melody for the other listeners, though they had begged Mary Jane to play something. 例文帳に追加

彼は音楽が好きだったが、彼女の演奏している曲の調べは彼にとって少しも快い調べではなかったし、聞いている他の人たちだって何か弾いてくれとメアリー・ジェーンに懇願したとはいうものの、これが彼らにとっていくらかでも快いものかどうか彼は疑っていた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』


Mr. Browne begged of them to sit down and eat their suppers and so did Gabriel but they said there was time enough, so that, at last, Freddy Malins stood up and, capturing Aunt Kate, plumped her down on her chair amid general laughter. 例文帳に追加

ブラウン氏が彼らに席について食事をとるように懇願し、ゲイブリエルもそう言ったが、彼らは時間は十分にあると言い、それで、ついには、フレディ・マリンズが立ち上がり、ケイト叔母をなんとかとらえ、皆の笑いの中、彼女の席にどさっと下ろした。 - James Joyce『死者たち』

Bassanio, ashamed to appear so ungrateful, yielded, and sent Gratiano after Portia with the ring; and then the _clerk_ Nerissa, who had also given Gratiano a ring, she begged his ring, and Gratiano (not choosing to be outdone in generosity by his lord) gave it to her. 例文帳に追加

バサーニオは、大変な恩知らずのように見えるのを恥じて譲歩し、グレイシアーノに指輪を持たせてポーシャの後を追わせた。そのとき、書記に化けていたネリッサも、グレイシアーノにあげた指輪を要求した。グレイシアーノは(寛大さという点で主人に負けたくなかったので)指輪をネリッサにあげた。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

Gratiano in excuse for his fault now said, "My lord Bassanio gave his ring away to the counsellor, and then the boy, his clerk, that took some pains in writing, he begged my ring." 例文帳に追加

グレイシアーノは、自分の過失のいいわけにこう言った。「主人のバサーニオ様がご自分の指輪をあの法律顧問に差し上げたのでございます。するとあの書記の小僧が、自分も書き物に骨を折ったからと言って、私の指輪を欲しがったのでございます。」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

At the end of the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States) (Japan), the destitution of the Emperor and Kuge in Kyoto was remarkable, like some Kuge begged by putting his formal headwear for court nobles upside down and some Kuge going to public bathhouse, but it was continued as a system because of the intentional protections of the Emperor and Kuge in both political and economical ways made by powerful Sengoku-daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) and the government by Nobunaga ODA. 例文帳に追加

戦国時代(日本)末期には京都での天皇や公家の窮乏は著しく、烏帽子を逆さまにして物乞いをしたり、共同浴場に出向いたりする公家も生じるようになったが、有力戦国大名や織田信長政権が天皇・公家を政治的・経済的に意識的に保護したことによってその後まで制度として継続することになる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From the end of 1868, he hid with the former Shinsengumi members, Ichiro MINAMI and Mototaro TAKEUCHI in Edo, to assassinate the former Shinsengumi soldiers, HAYAKAWA and FUKUI (first names were unknown) by the order of Kuninosuke ABE of Numazu kinban gumi (Edo duty of Numazu) but ran out of money so they begged for money from Kaishu KATSU in January but were scolded instead over the disposal of HAYAKAWA and FUKUI. So they decided to end the conflict peacefully through negotiations with both parties. 例文帳に追加

明治2年(1869年)前年暮れより沼津勤番組・阿部邦之助の命により早川・福井(名不詳)なる元新選組隊士を討つべく、同じく元隊士の南一郎・竹内元太郎の2人と共に江戸に潜伏するも資金が尽きたため、正月に勝海舟に無心に及ぶが早川・福井の処分について叱責され、両名と話し合いの上で平和裡に問題を決着させる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

and, addressing him by the name of FAIR MONTAGUE (love can sweeten a sour name), she begged him not to impute her easy yielding to levity or an unworthy mind, but that he must lay the fault of it (if it were a fault) upon the accident of the night which had so strangely discovered her thoughts. 例文帳に追加

ロミオに「うるわしのモンタギューさま」(恋はすっぱい名を甘くするものだ)という名で呼びかけ、そして、自分がかんたんに心を許したのを、軽率だとか、卑しい心根からだとみないでください、私の落ち度(もし落ち度というのなら)は、心の思いを不思議にも明かしてしまった夜の偶然のせいにしてください、と頼んだ。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』

Then Patroclus told Achilles how Ulysses and many other princes were wounded and could not fight, and begged to be allowed to put on Achilles' armour and lead his men, who were all fresh and unwearied, into the battle, for a charge of two thousand fresh warriors might turn the fortune of the day. 例文帳に追加

それでパトロクロスはアキレウスに、ユリシーズをはじめ多くの諸侯が負傷し戦えなくなった顛末を語って聞かせ、自分がアキレウスの武具を着けて、元気で疲れを知らないアキレウスの部下を戦場に率いるのを許可して欲しい、というのも二千人の元気いっぱいも戦士を投入すればその日の運もかえられるだろうから、と頼み込んだ。 - Andrew Lang『トロイア物語:都市の略奪者ユリシーズ』

Bassanio then offered the Jew the payment of the three thousand ducats, as many times over as he should desire; which Shylock refusing, and still insisting upon having a pound of Anthonio's flesh, Bassanio begged the learned young counsellor would endeavour to wrest the law a little, to save Anthonio's life. 例文帳に追加

バサーニオはそれに対して、ユダヤ人に3000ドュカートを何倍にもして返すことを提案した。だがシャイロックはそれを拒絶し、なおもアントニオの肉1ポンドを取ることを主張したので、バサーニオは、博学な若い法律顧問に対して、アントニオの命を救うために法律を少し曲げるよう努力してほしいと頼んだ。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

By this hand," replied Gratiano, "I gave it to a youth, a kind of boy, a little scrubbed boy no higher than yourself; he was clerk to the young counsellor that by his wise pleading saved Anthonio's life: this prating boy begged it for a fee, and I could not for my life deny him. 例文帳に追加

「この手にかけて誓うが、」グレイシアーノは言った。「指輪は少年みたいな若者に差し上げたんだ。背の小さいやつで、お前と同じくらいの背丈だったよ。賢い弁護によってアントニオ様のお命を救った若い法律顧問のそばで書記をしていてね、そのおしゃべりな小僧がお礼に指輪をくれって言ったんだ。私にはどうしてもそれを断れなかったんだよ。」 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』

Bassanio was very unhappy to have so offended his dear lady, and he said with great earnestness, "No, by my honour, no woman had it, but a civil doctor, who refused three thousand ducats of me, and begged the ring, which when I denied him, he went displeased away. 例文帳に追加

バサーニオは愛する妻をそんなふうに怒らせてしまったことをとても悲しみ、非常に熱心にこう言った。「違うよ。私の名誉に賭けて言うが、受け取ったのは女じゃない、法律博士なんだ。その人は、私が差し出した3000ドュカートを断って、指輪を望んだんだ。それを断ったら、その人は機嫌を損ねて出ていってしまったんだ。 - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died. 例文帳に追加

生涯苦心致され候中にも、古史伝は最初文化の末頃より草稿取り掛かり、文政の始め頃に、成文一二巻程は、ざっと稿本成り候ところ、段々見識博くあいなり、殊に故鈴屋大人の御遺教をも相伺れ候て、いよいよ以って、世界悉く我が皇大神達の御鎔造(ツクリカタメ)なされたる事を感得致され候に付、古史伝は先ず差し置き、赤縣州を始め、印度及び西洋の古伝をも悉く皆探索網羅して、其の上にて、充分に古史の註解をと存し込まれ候て、文政の半ば頃より、専ら外国の学に困苦致され、凡そ廿余年も歳月を過ごされ候て、赤縣太古傳を初め、即ち今此れある丈の著述は出来候へ共、中々もって先人の心底に叶ひ候事には此れ無く候へ共、大抵は見当も付き候に依っては、私を始め門人の中の所存にも、段々時節後れ、先人も老年に成られ候に付き、先ず先ず外国の所は大抵にして差し置かれ、古史伝の清撰をしきりて、相願い催促致し候て、天保10年頃より、漸々と其の方にも趣かれ候所、言語規則の書之無きに付き、余儀なく五十音義の撰にかかり、凡そ一ヵ年ほど打ち過ぎられ候所、旧幕府の命に依って秋田へ放逐、尤も同所は本国の事、親族共も少なからず、第一旧君侯より厚く恩遇も之有りて会計の辛苦は薄らぎ候へ共、著述致す可き遑なく、此処両三年心配致され候内に病を発し入幽致され候次第にて残念至極にて御座候。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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原題:”Tales of Troy: Ulysses, the sacker of cities by Andrew Lang”

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原題:”The Dead”

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SOGO_e-text_library責任編集。Copyright(C)2001 by SOGO_e-text_library
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