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該当件数 : 1993


However in February in 1184, they lost the Battle of Ichinotani against MINAMOTO no Yoritomo's younger brothers, MINAMOTO no Noriyori, MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune, they lost many members of the clan, and the older brother, TAIRA no Shigehira was caught by the MINAMOTO clan. 例文帳に追加

だが、寿永3年(1184年)2月の一ノ谷の戦いで源頼朝の弟の源範頼・源義経に大敗を喫し、一門の多くを失い、兄の平重衡も捕らえられてしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Her half older brother was the Grand Minister, Saneyuki SANJO (the originator of the Sanjo family), her real older brothers and sisters were Chunagon (vice-councilor of state), Michisue SAIONJI (the originator of the Saionji family), Sadaijin (Minister of the left), Saneyoshi TOKUDAIJI (the originator of Tokudaiji family), the wife of Tsunezane OIMIKADO, FUJIWARA no Koshi (Emperor Nijo's maternal grand mother). 例文帳に追加

太政大臣三条実行(三条家祖)は異母兄、中納言西園寺通季(西園寺家祖)・左大臣徳大寺実能(徳大寺家祖)・大炊御門経実室藤原公子(二条天皇の外祖母)らは同母兄姉。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Emperor Tenmu discontinued the Imperial succession between brothers to stop disputes due to the Imperial succession after his era, it was said he tried to set up a rule for the male in his direct line to succeed the throne, he allowed Prince Kusakabe become Crown Prince. 例文帳に追加

天武は、自身以降の皇位承継紛争を防止するため、兄弟承継を廃止し、直系男子が皇位承継するルールを定めようと試みたらしく、草壁皇子を皇太子に立てた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the era of Emperor Montoku, the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan became Regent and Chancellor as the Emperor's maternal relatives and the regency government was partly established, during the era of Emperor Daigo's child, brothers of the Emperor Suzaku and Emperor Murakami, this government was fully established. 例文帳に追加

文徳天皇の頃から藤原北家が天皇の外戚として摂政・関白につく摂関政治がある程度形成されていたが、醍醐の子である朱雀天皇・村上天皇兄弟の頃に、摂関政治が確立することとなる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the late Heian period, the dispute about Imperial succession to the Retired Emperor Toba happened, Emperor Sutoku, Emperor Konoe, and Emperor Goshirakawa, between brothers, opposed to each other, but, it was settled by armed conflict after the Hogen War, the Heiji War. 例文帳に追加

平安末期になると、鳥羽上皇の後継をめぐって崇徳天皇、近衛天皇、後白河天皇の兄弟間による皇位承継紛争が保元の乱・平治の乱という武力衝突により解決されることとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


He studied with TACHIBANA no Masamichi and YOSHISHIGE no Yasutane (later Yasutane built chitei (an arbor by a lake) near the residence of Imperial Prince, Chigusa dono), and closely interacted with OE no Masahira, FUJIWARA no Tameyori, and FUJIWARA no Tametoki brothers (uncle and father of Murasaki shikibu). 例文帳に追加

橘正通・慶滋保胤に師事し(後に保胤は親王の邸宅千種殿の近隣に池亭を構えている)、大江匡衡や藤原為頼・藤原為時兄弟(紫式部の伯父と父)などとも親しく交流した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Emperor Enyu, Akihira's half younger brother, who was in power at that time, considered Akihira's situation who was the only one among the brothers that had to be demoted from nobility to subject, he made Akihira come back to the Imperial family. 例文帳に追加

これは、当時の円融天皇が母親が違うとはいえ、兄である昭平が兄弟の中で一人だけ臣下の礼を取らなければならない状況を憂慮して皇族身分に戻したものであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Until the generation of Emperor Tenchi himself, the succession had been commonly practiced between brothers, and naturally there are many eligible candidates, therefore the succession had been often settled by killing the rivals. 例文帳に追加

天智天皇自身の世代までは兄弟間の継承が普通で、資格者が多く、しばしば武力でライバルを殺すことによって決着が付けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is thought this happened because the shogun of the time, Imperial Prince Morikuni and Fukakusanomiya (Imperial Prince Hiroaki) were brothers and the transfer was thought not to be the wish of Imperial Prince Moriyoshi. 例文帳に追加

これは当時の将軍・守邦親王と深草宮(煕明親王)が兄弟であったことによるものと考えられ、守良親王の本意ではなかったと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Cloistered Imperial Prince Shodo, who entered Ninna-ji Temple as an adopted child of Emperor Gokomatsu, and Cloistered Imperial Prince Myojin, who entered Myoho-in Temple, were his elder brothers, and Cloistered Imperial Prince Hoshin who entered Ninna-ji Temple was his son. 例文帳に追加

兄に後小松天皇猶子として仁和寺に入った承道法親王、妙法院に入った明仁法親王が、子に仁和寺に入った法深法親王がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Imperial Princess Muneko (August 20, 1126 - September 9, 1189) was the daughter of Emperor Toba (her mother was Empress FUJIWARA no Shoshi), and she had two maternal brothers, Emperor Sutoku and Emperor Goshirakawa. 例文帳に追加

統子内親王(むねこないしんのう、大治元年7月23日(1126年8月13日)-文治5年7月20日(1189年9月2日))は、鳥羽天皇の皇女(母は中宮藤原璋子)で同母兄に崇徳天皇、同母弟に後白河天皇がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ishi's two young Imperial Princesses were brought up by their grandmother (also their aunt) Shoshi and their uncle Yorimichi and later entered into court to marry the brothers of Goreizei and Gosanjo respectively. 例文帳に追加

威子の遺児である二人の幼い内親王はその後祖母(伯母でもある)彰子・伯父頼通が後見となり、長じて従兄弟の後冷泉・後三条兄弟にそれぞれ入内した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 23, 870 during the era of Prince Koretada, he was demoted from nobility to subject with his brother, Prince Koresada, and his paternal brothers, and referred to himself as MINAMOTO no Koretada. 例文帳に追加

是忠王時代の貞観(日本)12年2月14日(旧暦)(870年3月19日)に弟の是貞王や異母兄弟とともに臣籍降下して源是忠(みなもとのこれただ)と名乗った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On March 23, 870 during the era of Prince Koresada, he was demoted from nobility to subject with his elder brother, Prince Koretada, and his paternal brothers, and referred to himself as MINAMOTO no Koresada. 例文帳に追加

是貞王時代の貞観(日本)12年2月14日(旧暦)(870年3月19日)に兄の是忠王や異母兄弟とともに臣籍降下して源是貞(みなもとのこれさだ)と名乗る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Among her many brothers and sisters, Akenomiya had been so bright and intellectual since childhood that her father, the Emperor, particularly favored her, as well as her half-sister by different mother, Imperial Princess Tsuneko. 例文帳に追加

多くの兄弟姉妹中で幼い頃から聡明であった内親王は異母妹である常子内親王とともに父帝より特別に寵愛されたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to Nihonshoki, at the age of 45, the year of Yang Wood Tiger, Iwarehikono Mikoto, residing at Takachiho no miya in Hyuga Province, brought his brothers and princes together, and declared "Since the 'tensonkorin' (the descent to earth of the grandson of the sun goddess), about 1,792,477 years have passed 例文帳に追加

『日本書紀』によると、甲寅の歳、45歳のとき日向国の地高千穂宮にあった磐余彦は、兄弟や皇子を集めて「天孫降臨以来、一百七十九萬二千四百七十餘歲(179万2470余年。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Emperor Jinmu, the father of Emperor Suizei died, Tagishimimi-no-mikoto who was an elder brother of his father's mistress and who had more experience and was proficient in the politics in Imperial Court politics tried to kill his younger half brothers. 例文帳に追加

父・神武天皇が崩じた後、朝政の経験に長けていた庶兄の手研耳命(たぎしみみのみこと)が、腹違いの弟たちを害そうとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, Imperial Prince Osabe was entrapped by a scheme of FUJIWARA no Yoshitsugu and a FUJIWARA no Momokawa (brothers) from the Ceremonial House of the Fujiwara clan who opposed his investiture of the Crown Prince; and eventually he was demoted to common people for allegedly having put a curse on Emperor Konin, thereafter he and his mother died an unnatural death. 例文帳に追加

しかしながら、他戸親王の立太子に反対していた藤原式家の藤原良継・藤原百川兄弟の陰謀に遭い、光仁天皇を呪ったとして庶人に落とされ、母共々変死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He had three maternal half-brothers and sisters: Sahohiko no miko, an ancestor of the Kusakabe no muraji and Kai no kuni no miyatsuko clans; Murobiko no miko, an ancestor of the Wakasa no mimi no wake clan; and Sahohime no mikoto, an empress to the Emperor Suinin. 例文帳に追加

同母の兄弟に日下部連・甲斐国造の祖狭穂彦王、若狭耳別の祖室毘古王と垂仁天皇皇后狭穂姫命がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Her brothers by the same mother were Sahohiko no miko, the ancestor of Kusakabe no muraji (one of the most privileged surname given to local lords during the Yamato Dynasty) and Kainokuni no miyatsuko (local lord of Kai Province); Murobiko no miko, the ancestor of Wakasa no mimi no wake; and Ogiho no okimi, the ancestor of Kazuno no wake and Chikatsuomi no kano no wake. 例文帳に追加

同母の兄弟は日下部連・甲斐国造の祖狭穂彦王、若狭耳別の祖室毘古王、葛野別・近淡海蚊野別の祖袁邪本王。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Ogiho no okimi, the ancestor of Kazuno no wake and Chikatsuomi no kano no wake, and Murobiko no miko, the ancestor of Wakasa no mimi no wake, were his maternal half brothers, and Empress of Emperor Suinin, Sahohime no mikoto was his maternal half sister. 例文帳に追加

同母の兄弟に葛野別・近淡海蚊野別の祖袁邪本王、若狭耳別の祖室毘古王、垂仁天皇皇后狭穂姫命がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His brothers by the same mother were Mizuho no mawaka no miko (the ancestor of Chikatsuomi kanunowake), Kanunoone no miko (the ancestor of Motosunokuni miyatsuko and Minonosakinokuni no miyatsuko), Mizuho no ihoyorihime, Miitsuhime. 例文帳に追加

同母兄弟に、水穂之真若王(近淡海安直の祖)、神大根王(本巣国造・三野前国造の祖)、水穂五百依比売、御井津比売がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His mother was Princess Ahiratsu hime, and in addition to Kisumimi no mikoto (he only appears in "Kojiki (The Records of Ancient Matters)) as his younger half-brother by the same mother, he had younger half brothers by different mothers, who were Emperor Suizei, Kamuyaimimi no mikoto, and Hikoyaimimi no mikoto. 例文帳に追加

母は、吾平津姫で、同母弟に岐須美美命(ただし古事記のみ登場)が、異母弟に綏靖天皇、神八井耳命、彦八井耳命がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the 'Momotaro Legend of Sanuki,' the origins of the Momotaro story lie in Yamatototohimomosohime no Mikoto asking her younger brothers, including Kibitsuhiko, who were on the opposite shore invading Kibitsu, for help in defeating pirates who were attacking Sanuki. 例文帳に追加

讃岐の桃太郎伝説では、海賊に讃岐を襲われた倭迹迹日百襲媛命が対岸の吉備の国に進攻していた弟の吉備津彦兄弟に助けを求めたことが、桃太郎伝説となったと伝わる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He joined Jinmu tosei (Eastern expedition of the Emperor Jinmu) with his younger brothers, but during the battle against Nagasunehiko at Shirakata no tsu (Bay of Shirakata) (or Kusaezaka) in Namihaya no kuni (Namihaya Province), he was hit by the arrow that Nagasunehiko had sent. 例文帳に追加

弟たちとともに神武東征に従軍したが、浪速国の白肩津(あるいは孔舎衛坂)での長髄彦との交戦中に長髄彦の矢に射られた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

According to the legend handed down in Takachiho-cho, Miyazaki Prefecture, Mikeiri no mikoto (Mikenu no Mikoto) did not go to Tokoyo (that means he went to the heaven), but he got lost from his brothers and retuned to the departure place, Takachiho. 例文帳に追加

宮崎県高千穂町の伝承では、三毛入野命は常世に渡った(すなわち亡くなった)のではなく、兄弟たちからはぐれてしまったので、出発地の高千穂に帰還したのだとしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the 30th year of Emperor Suinin's reign, when the Emperor asked each one of these two brothers what they wanted, the older brother Inishikiiribiko no mikoto wanted 'bows and arrows' and the smaller brother Otarashihiko no mikoto wanted the 'Imperial Throne,' and in this way, it was decided that Otarashihiko no mikoto would be the successor to Emperor Suinin. 例文帳に追加

垂仁天皇30年、天皇が兄弟に対しそれぞれが欲するものを尋ね、兄の五十瓊敷入彦命は「弓矢」を欲し、弟の大足彦命は「皇位」を望み、大足彦命が垂仁天皇の後継者に決まったとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Presently, the Emperor's legitimate sons and the sons of the Emperor's legitimate sons (Imperial grandson), along with the brothers of the Emperor are called Shinno (Referenced Imperial House Act article 6, 7). 例文帳に追加

現在は天皇の嫡出の子、及び、天皇の嫡男系の嫡出の子(皇孫)で男子であるもの、また、天皇の兄弟を親王という(皇室典範6、7条参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, the Empress Teimei loved the princesses (wives) of the younger brothers of the Emperor Showa, Chichibu no Miya, Takamatsu no Miya, and Mikasa no Miya enough to invite them very frequently for dinners and tea parties at the Imperial palace. 例文帳に追加

一方で弟宮の嫁達、秩父宮、高松宮、三笠宮の妃たちとは御所での食事や茶会を度々招いて、かわいがったそうである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also Kuroiwa insisted that OTOMO no Kanamura lost his position not because he ceded four provinces in Mimana for exchange of bribe but because he failed in the fight on deciding the successor by recommending these illegitimate older half-brothers of him. 例文帳に追加

また、大伴金村は任那4県を賄賂と引き換えに割譲したことではなく、彼ら庶兄を推したために後継者争いに敗れて失脚したと主張した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Both brothers changed their names and called themselves collectively as Taniwa no warawa (kids of Tanba) and were exploited by Shijimi no miyake no obito (chieftain of the Imperially-controlled territory called Shijimino miyake) and engaged in farming of horses and cattle for a long time. 例文帳に追加

兄弟共に名を変えて丹波小子(たにわのわらわ)と名乗り、縮見屯倉首(しじみのみやけのおびと)に使役され、長い間牛馬の飼育に携わっていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

From long ago it has been pointed out that the story of discovery of the noble two brothers, the elder Oke no miko and the younger Oke no miko, is a typical Kishuryuri-tan (a type of folktales in which a young deity or nobleman gets over trials to be a god or a blessed) with a strong dramatic element and the story per se is hard to believe as the historical fact. 例文帳に追加

古くから、億計・弘計2王の発見物語は典型的な貴種流離譚であって劇的な要素が強く、そのままには史実として信じ難いことが指摘されてきた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

However, it is stipulated in the Article 7 of the Imperial House Law that if a king ascends the Imperial throne, kings and princesses who are brothers and sisters of the Emperor shall be given the titles of Imperial Prince or Imperial Princess. 例文帳に追加

ただし、王が天皇に即位した場合、その天皇の兄弟姉妹たる王及び女王に親王及び内親王の地位を与えるものとすることが皇室典範第7条に定められている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Actually, the succession of the imperial throne between brothers was common from ancient time, and when Yuge no miko was going to ask Kado no okimi about this, Kado no okimi scolded loudly Yuge no miko. 例文帳に追加

実際には古来から兄弟間での天皇位の相続は一般的であり、それについて弓削皇子が葛野王に問いかけようとした矢先、葛野王は弓削皇子を一喝。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

And Oke no mikoto brothers were hidden under the guardianship of Iitoyo from early on and some theories say that the discovery was just a setup, which is eclectic (the theory by Toshiaki WAKAI mentioned below is one of them). 例文帳に追加

また億計尊・弘計尊の兄弟は早くから飯豊王の保護下に匿われており、発見は半ば出来レースだったという一種の折衷案的な説もある(下記の若井敏明の説などもその一種)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following the deaths of the four Fujiwara brothers (FUJIWARA no Muchimaro, FUJIWARA no Fusasaki, FUJIWARA no Umakai and FUJIWARA no Maro), he was appointed to Chidaijokanji (a deputy to the Dajo Daijin) in 737, and came to be in charge of political affairs together with TACHIBANA no Moroe, the then Dainagon (Major Counselor of the Daijokan). 例文帳に追加

天平9年(737年)、藤原四兄弟(藤原武智麻呂、藤原房前、藤原宇合、藤原麻呂)の死去を受け、太政大臣に任ぜられ、大納言橘諸兄と共に政権を運営する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Going further, casting doubt over the common belief that Emperor Tenmu was the younger brother of Emperor Tenchi, there is a different view that says they were not brothers. (Katsuaki SASSA etc.) 例文帳に追加

さらに進めて、天武天皇が天智天皇の弟だったという通説に疑問を呈し、兄弟ではなかったのではないかという異説も存在する(佐々克明ら)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Her younger brothers-uterine were Takeda no miko (the Prince Takeda), and Owari no miko (the Prince Owari, the father of TACHIBANA no Ooiratsume, a wife of the Prince Shotoku), and her younger sisters-uterine were Oharida no himemiko, the Princess Oharida (a wife of OSHISAKA no Hikohito no Oenomiko) and Tame no himemiko (the Princess Tame, who became a wife of the Emperor Jomei later). 例文帳に追加

同母弟に竹田皇子・尾張皇子(聖徳太子の妃橘大郎女の父)、同母妹に小墾田皇女(押坂彦人大兄皇子妃)・田眼皇女(後の舒明天皇妃)がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Takako had Arisugawanomiya Imperial Prince Tsunahito, the Cloistered Imperial Prince of Sanzen-in Temple, the priestly Imperial Prince of Rinno-ji Temple and priestly Imperial Prince Soncho of Chion-in Temple as the older brothers, and the Princess Yoshiko (Teihoin, the legal wife of Nariaki TOKUGAWA, the lord of the Mito Domain) as the younger sister. 例文帳に追加

兄に有栖川宮韶仁親王・三千院承眞法親王・輪王寺舜仁入道親王・知恩院尊超入道親王など、妹に吉子女王(貞芳院、水戸藩主・徳川斉昭正室)などがいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Komori gakko is a term used to refer to schools made for children who were not able to attend ordinary schools because they had to baby-sit their own little brothers and sisters or other families' little chidren in the early Meiji period. 例文帳に追加

子守学校(こもりがっこう)とは、明治初期に、自身の幼い弟妹や他家の乳幼児の子守のため学校に通うことができない子どもたちのために作られた学校。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The biggest reason was that the children, especially girls, were told by their parents to baby-sit their little brothers and sisters or other families' children at their workplaces, and that this burden prevented them from going to school. 例文帳に追加

その最大の原因は、子どもたち、とくに女児が親から幼い弟妹たちの子守を、あるいは奉公先などで他家の幼児の子守を命じられて学校に行くことができないためだと論じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Nobunaga killed two former masters of Yagami-jo Castle in Tamba, brothers Hideharu HATANO and Hidehisa HATANO, whom Mitsuhide had forced to surrender by leaving his mother at the castle as a hostage to assure their safety. 例文帳に追加

丹波八上城に人質として母親を預けて、身の安全を保障した上で降伏させた元八上城主の波多野秀治・波多野秀尚兄弟を、信長が勝手に殺害。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His father was defeated in the Heiji Disturbance by TAIRA no Kiyomori in 1159, and Ushiwaka, who was in his 2nd year, ran away in the arms of his mother to the mountains of Yamato Province (Nara Prefecture) with his half brothers, Ano-Zenjo and Gien, who were also born from his mother. 例文帳に追加

父が平治元年(1159年)の平治の乱で平清盛に敗れ、数え年2歳の牛若は、母の腕に抱かれて2人の同母兄・阿野全成、義円とともに大和国(奈良県)の山中を逃亡した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On the other hand, Yoritomo is described as a person who did not hide his cruelty towards his younger brothers, and in the scene of Shizuka Gozen's dance, in contrast to the dignified two women, Shizuka and Masako, his is maliciously depicted as a narrow-minded and bigoted person. 例文帳に追加

頼朝については弟達への冷酷さを隠そうとはせず、静御前の舞の場面では、凛然たる静と政子に対し、狭量で頑迷な頼朝という描写は悪意的なものがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After Yoshitsune left Kyoto, the person who entered in Kyoto as the local commander and he intervened in the affaires of the Imperial court instead of Yoshitsune was not any of his brothers, but Yoritomo's father in law, Tokimasa HOJO. 例文帳に追加

退去した義経らに代わって頼朝の代官として入京し、朝廷に介入を行ったのは、かつての弟たちではなく、頼朝の岳父である北条時政であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After the Fujiwara four brothers died one after another in 737 due to an epidemic of smallpox, TACHIBANA no Moroe, the priest Genbo and KIBI no Makibi attempted to curtail the power of the Fujiwara clan, but they were overpowered by FUJIWARA no Nakamaro. 例文帳に追加

737年に天然痘の大流行で藤原四兄弟が相次いで病死すると、橘諸兄、僧玄昉、吉備真備らが藤原氏の突出を抑えようと努めるが、藤原仲麻呂により抑えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

His younger brothers by different mothers included MINAMOTO no Yorichika of the Yamato-Genji (Uno, Nara Prefecture), and MINAMOTO no Yorinobu of the Kawachi-Genji (Habikino City, Osaka Prefecture), who later became the main line of the Buke (Warrior) Genji (MINAMOTO clan). 例文帳に追加

異母弟に大和源氏(奈良県宇野)の源頼親、後に武家源氏の主流となる河内源氏(大阪府羽曳野市)の源頼信がいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Furthermore, since his nine older brothers (excluding Juro-Tametaka) supported the Taira clan, and because Tametaka was punished later, Yoichi took over the Nasu clan's family estate, though he was the eleventh son. 例文帳に追加

また、十郎為隆を除く九人の兄達が、皆平氏に味方し、為隆ものちに罪を得たため、与一が十一男ながら那須氏の家督を継ぐ事となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Teishi also left the imperial palace and returned to her parents' home of Nijo Palace, but after the shock of witnessing the Imperial police (or Kebiishi) arrest her brothers, who were in hiding at the house, she cut off her hair in preparation for entry into a monastery. 例文帳に追加

定子も内裏を退出し里第二条宮に還御するが、目の前で邸に逃げ込んだ兄弟が検非違使に捕らえられることを見て、あまりの衝撃に自ら鋏を取り落飾した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In addition, there is a well known story that she used to favor her brother, Michinaga, who was four years younger, and when her older brothers, Michitaka and Michikane, passed away, she pushed for him to be appointed administrator over her nephew, FUJIWARA no Korechika, and later caused the downfall of her older brother's family. 例文帳に追加

また、4歳年下の弟・道長を可愛がって兄道隆・同道兼没後の執政者に彼を推して、甥藤原伊周を圧迫し、ついに兄一家を没落に追い込んだのは著名な話である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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