例文 (885件) |
該当件数 : 885件
2 経済産業大臣及び環境大臣は、前条第一項の報告その他により得られた知見に基づき、第三種監視化学物質が第二条第三項第二号に該当しないと認めるに至つたときは、遅滞なく、その第三種監視化学物質の名称を公示しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) Where the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Minister of the Environment have found that a Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance does not fall under item (ii) of paragraph (3) of Article 2, based on a report under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article or on knowledge that has been otherwise obtained, they shall give public notice of the name of said Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance without delay. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 この章及び第六十六条第三項において「通信販売」とは、販売業者又は役務提供事業者が郵便その他の経済産業省令で定める方法(以下「郵便等」という。)により売買契約又は役務提供契約の申込みを受けて行う指定商品若しくは指定権利の販売又は指定役務の提供であつて電話勧誘販売に該当しないものをいう。例文帳に追加
(2) The term "Mail Order Sales" as used in this chapter and in Article 66 (3) shall mean sales of Designated Goods or Designated Rights or offer of Designated Services, where a seller or a Service Provider receives an application for entering into a sales contract or a Service Contract by postal mail or by a method specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to as "Postal Mail, etc.") and which do not fall under Telemarketing Sales. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
3 第一項の引渡命令について同項の決定の被申立人以外の者に対する執行文が付与されたときは、その者は、執行文の付与に対する異議の申立てにおいて、買受人に対抗することができる権原により不動産を占有していること、又は自己が同項各号のいずれにも該当しないことを理由とすることができる。例文帳に追加
(3) When an execution certificate against a person other than the respondent of the order set forth in paragraph (1) has been granted with regard to the delivery order set forth in said paragraph, such person may file an objection to the grant of the execution certificate on the basis that he/she possesses the real property based on a title that may be duly asserted against the purchaser or that he/she does not fall under any of the items of said paragraph. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
三 法第二十六条第二項第四号に規定する会社の事業目的の実質的な変更に関し行う同意のうち、当該変更に係る変更後の事業目的が、次項に規定する財務大臣及び事業所管大臣(令第七条に規定する事業所管大臣をいう。以下同じ。)が定める業種に該当しない会社の事業目的の実質的な変更に関し行う同意例文帳に追加
(iii) The consent given in regard to the substantial change of the business purpose of a company as prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2), item (iv) of the Act, where the business purpose of said company after the relevant change does not fall under the business types specified by the Minister of Finance and the minister having jurisdiction over the business (meaning the minister having jurisdiction over the business as prescribed in Article 7 of the Order; the same shall apply hereinafter) as prescribed in the following paragraph; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
四 法第二十六条第二項第五号に規定する支店等の種類又は事業目的の実質的な変更のうち、当該変更に係る変更後の事業目的が、次項に規定する財務大臣及び事業所管大臣が定める業種に該当しない支店等の種類又は事業目的の実質的な変更例文帳に追加
(iv) The substantial change in the type or business purpose of a branch office, etc. as prescribed in Article 26, paragraph (2), item (v) of the Act, where the type or business purpose of said branch office, etc. after the relevant change does not fall under the types or business purposes specified by the Minister of Finance and the minister having jurisdiction over the business as prescribed in the following paragraph; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
三 その子会社が子会社でなくなつたとき(第三十条第二項又は第三項の規定による認可を受けて会社分割又は事業の譲渡をした場合を除く。)、又は第十六条の二第四項に規定する子会社対象銀行等に該当する子会社が当該子会社対象銀行等に該当しない子会社になつたとき。例文帳に追加
(iii) When such Subsidiary Company ceases to be its Subsidiary Company (excluding the case of company split or transfer of business conducted with the authorization granted under Article 30(2) or (3)), or its Subsidiary Company which falls under the category of Bank, etc. Eligible for Subsidiary Company set forth in Article 16-2(4) ceases to be a Bank, etc. Eligible for Subsidiary Company; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
四 その子会社が子会社でなくなつたとき(第五十二条の三十五第二項又は第三項の規定による認可を受けて会社分割又は事業の譲渡をした場合及び第二号の場合を除く。)、又は第五十二条の二十三第三項に規定する子会社対象銀行等に該当する子会社が当該子会社対象銀行等に該当しない子会社になつたとき。例文帳に追加
(iv) When a Subsidiary Company ceases to be its Subsidiary Company (excluding the case of company split or transfer of business conducted with the authorization granted under 52-35(2) or (3) or the case mentioned in item (ii)), or its Subsidiary Company which falls under the category of Bank, etc. Eligible for Subsidiary Company set forth in Article 52-23(3) ceases to be a Bank, etc. Eligible for Subsidiary Company; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
7 前各項の場合において、新たな事業分野を開拓する会社又は経営の向上に相当程度寄与すると認められる新たな事業活動を行う会社として内閣府令で定める会社の議決権の取得又は保有については、特定子会社は、銀行の子会社に該当しないものとみなす。例文帳に追加
(7) In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraphs, with respect to acquisition or holding of voting rights in a company specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as one that is developing a new field of business or conducting new business activities found to contribute considerably to the improvement of management, a Specified Subsidiary Company shall be deemed not to be a Subsidiary Company of the Bank. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
7 前各項の場合において、新たな事業分野を開拓する会社又は経営の向上に相当程度寄与すると認められる新たな事業活動を行う会社として内閣府令で定める会社の議決権の取得又は保有については、特定子会社は、銀行持株会社の子会社に該当しないものとみなす。例文帳に追加
(7) In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraphs, with respect to acquisition or holding of voting rights in a company specified by Cabinet Office Ordinance as that exploring new business fields or conducting new business activities found to contribute considerably to the improvement of management, a Specified Subsidiary Company shall be deemed not to be a Subsidiary Company of the Bank Holding Company. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
A 'warring group' can be used in case of attempting separation and independence from Japan or overthrow of the government, therefore, any use of the force for a demand such as taking away someone's land is not serious and is not applable (Enomoto had no intention to attempt 'separation and independence' from Japan nor 'overthrow of the government', so his group did not need to be certified as a 'warring group'.) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Therefore, the FSA has implemented measures such as establishing a opinion-collection system under which the collected opinions are directly conveyed to the Minister for Financial Services, clarifying the treatment of loans for which lending terms have been revised but which are not deemed as so-called restructured loans, expanding the scope of such loans and partially relaxing the capital adequacy requirement in order to avoid a decrease in financial institutions’ lending capacity. - 金融庁
Meanwhile, when management addresses unexpected changes in internal or external environments or non-routine transactions outside the framework of existing internal control, or, when an authorized person performs, based on a managerial decision, separate procedures in excess of the limitation of existing internal control, such activities do not constitute ignorance or overriding of internal control. - 金融庁
A. Whether the securities company, etc., ensures that all customers are aware of the purpose of restrictions on short-selling by, for example, reminding them that new sell orders for margin trading deemed to have been repeatedly placed by a customer in a short period of time for the purpose of exceeding price limits do not fall under the category of transactions specified by Article 14 (ii) of the cabinet office ordinance regarding regulations on securities transactions. - 金融庁
A. A system acting as an agent for transactions involving securities in the financial instruments exchange markets or the over-the-counter (OTC) securities markets, or acting as an agent for transactions involving securities for another Financial Instruments Business Operator shall not fall under the category of the PTS or financial instruments exchange market, etc. - 金融庁
(Note) Providing advice on the value of financial products other than securities, the premium of options, and the trend of indexes without providing advice regarding investment decisions based on the analysis thereof or without signing an agreement on the payment of fees shall not be deemed to fall under the category of investment advisory services. - 金融庁
If supervisors suspect, through day-to-day supervisory work, that a business operator engaging in a business specially permitted for qualified institutional investors, etc. or a specially-permitted investment management business operator fails to meet the requirements mentioned above, they shall require such business operator to make a report to confirm the state of its business under Article 63(7) of the FIEA or Article 48(3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Amendment Act, and shall take actions equivalent to those applicable to unregistered business operators mentioned in II-1-1(7), when they find it necessary to do so based on such report. - 金融庁
In order to further put in place an environment that allows financial institutions to supply funds with confidence, we have been taking various measures, including prompt enforcement of the amended Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, partially relaxing the capital adequacy requirements of banks, and expanding the scope of cases in which restructured loans to SMEs are not classified as nonperforming loans. We will continue to encourage financial institutions to play their role in financial intermediation in an effective manner. - 金融庁
Yesterday, President Watabe of Nomura Holdings made a comment implying his conjecture that "the definition of a systematically important financial institution would not apply to or cover Nomura Securities." Given that this is a matter yet to be determined, how do you find the fact that someone in a top management position has made this type of comment? - 金融庁
このような任意組合には、例えば、コンテンツの製作委員会の多くが該当すると考えられるが、その出資持分については、金融商品取引法上の有価証券に該当しないことが必ずしも明確ではないため、平成 23年度上半期を目途に、金融商品取引法の関係内閣府令の改正を行い、これを明確化する。例文帳に追加
Therefore, the FSA will work to amend Cabinet Office Ordinances related to the FIEA in order to clarify this issue, with a target of the first half of FY2011. - 金融庁
I believe that it is important to encourage individual financial institutions to make efforts in this respect, so the FSA has revised the guideline for supervision and the financial inspection manual so as to expand the scope of cases in which restructured loans to SMEs are not regarded as nonperforming loans. - 金融庁
特許を受けることができる権利を有した者の発明が次の各号のいずれかに該当するし、公開した日から12ヶ月以内に特許出願をした場合、その特許出願された発明が第29条第1項又は第2項を適合するときには、第29条第1項各号 のいずれかに該当しないものと見なす。例文帳に追加
In the case public disclosure of an invention made by a person who has a right to obtain a patent falls under any of the following subparagraphs and the person files a patent application within twelve month from the date of disclosure, the invention is not considered to correspond to any of the inventions under the subparagraphs of Article 29(1) upon assessing if the invention complies with Article 29(1) or (2). - 特許庁
On the other hand, the term "thermoplastic resin," for example, is not a comprehensive expression that covers specific concepts of the "thermoplastic resin" unless it should be interpreted exactly based on the specifications, drawings, and common general knowledge as of the filing, such as definitions described in the detailed description of the invention, and it should be noted that this term is not included in the substantial alternatives. - 特許庁
Based on the aims of Article 29 (1) (iii), Article 29(2) and Article 36(4) (ii), it is appropriate to interpret that the source of the information should be stated even though it does not fall under the “invention” that is the creation of technical idea utilizing the law of natural (Article 2) strictly, if it relates to the invention for which a patent is sought. - 特許庁
If claimed inventions are any laws as such other than a law of nature (e.g. economic laws), arbitrary arrangements (e.g. a rule for playing a game as such), mathematical methods or mental activities, or utilize only these laws (e.g. methods for doing business as such), these inventions are not considered to be statutory because they do not utilize a law of nature. - 特許庁
The following methods for gathering various kinds of information by, e.g., measuring structures and functions of the various organs of the human body, is not considered to be methods of diagnosis of humans unless it includes the steps of judging for the medical purposes the physical condition of a human body such as diseases and physical health, the mental condition of a human body, or prescription or treatment/surgery plans based on these conditions. - 特許庁
This invention, considering the reasoning and memorizing ability of children, employs the time ratio of 3:2:1 for introduction, development and summary in lower elementary school grades in order to improve the teaching of science and mathematics courses. It follows that the claimed invention utilizes solely laws other than a law of nature and is therefore non-statutory. - 特許庁
Since the method of inducing differentiation to the neural stem cells outside the human body is applicable to "a method for manufacturing an intermediate product for a medicinal product or a medical material by utilizing raw materials collected from a human body,” it does not fall under "methods of surgery, therapy or diagnosis of humans," even if the method is practiced on the presumption that the materials are to be returned to the same body. - 特許庁
Since the method of separating and purifying the neural stem cells outside the human body is applicable to "a method for manufacturing a intermediate product for medicinal product or a medical material by utilizing raw materials collected from a human body,” it does not fall under "methods of surgery, therapy or diagnosis of humans," even if the method for treating materials is practiced on the presumption that the materials are to be returned to the same body. - 特許庁
Since the method of inspecting the separated and purified cell population outside the human body is applicable to "a method for analyzing a medicinal product or a medical material, or an intermediate product thereof which is manufactured by utilizing raw materials collected from a human body,” it does not fall under "methods of surgery, therapy or diagnosis of humans," even if the method for treating materials is practiced on the presumption that the materials are to be returned to the same body. - 特許庁
Accordingly the claimed method is deemed as “methods of surgery, therapy or diagnosis of humans,” since it corresponds to a method to analyze a sample which has been extracted from the human body on the assumption that the sample is to be returned to the same human body for medical treatment purposes. - 特許庁
According to the detailed explanation of this invention, since “a worker” is defined as a person who involves in hard work and it is not supposed that the power assisting equipment of this invention assists for the medical purpose movements of those who lost muscle strength and those who lost physical motor function, the method for controlling the power assisting equipment of this invention does not fall under “methods of surgery, therapy or diagnosis of humans.” - 特許庁
According to the detailed explanation of this invention, since “a worker” is defined as a person who involves in hard work and it is not supposed that the power assisting equipment of this invention assists for the medical purpose movements of those who lost muscle strength and those who lost physical motor function, the power assisting method of this invention does not fall under “methods of surgery, therapy or diagnosis of humans.” - 特許庁
Even if invention A is determined to be the earlier application and invention B is determined to be the later application, and the later application invention B is found to be identical to the earlier application invention A, if invention B is determined to be the earlier application and invention A is determined to be the later application, and the later application invention A is not found to be identical to the earlier application invention B, both are regarded as not falling under “the same inventions.” - 特許庁
It should be noted that the invention to be judged is the claimed invention. Therefore, even if an invention wherein "information processing by software which is concretely realized by using hardware resources" is described in the detailed description of the invention or drawings, when the same effect is not stated in a claim, the claimed invention is deemed as “non-statutory.” - 特許庁
Prior art search must be done as far as possible, even if prior art search cannot be effectively conducted, because a description is so unclear that a claimed device cannot be found even by referring to the description or drawings, or because a claimed device is deemed not to fall under a statutory device. - 特許庁
If the amendment does not fall under either the permitted amendment as "matters explicitly stated in the originally attached description, etc." or "matters obvious from the statement of the originally attached description, etc." in 3.1 or the permitted amendment stated in specifics of 4.2 and 5.2, the examiner may issue a notice of reasons for refusal, etc., stating that the amendment includes contents beyond the scope of matters stated in the originally attached description, etc. - 特許庁
For example, an amendment to eliminate reasons for refusal relating to lack of novelty and inventive step, etc. that is found to limit the matters used to specify the invention without changing the problem or to state new technical matters in claims for solving the new problem in claims does not fall under "clarification of the ambiguous statement." - 特許庁
On the other hand, irrespective of any defect in specific statements pointed out in a final notice of reasons for refusal, amendments to limit the matters used to specify the invention stated in claims or amendments to state new technical matters in claims, etc. do not fall under "the amendments which are related to the matters stated in the reasons for refusal." - 特許庁
A trade mark shall not be registered if, or to the extent that, its use in Brunei Darussalam is liable to be prevented by virtue of any law protecting an unregistered trade mark or other sign used in the course of trade; or by virtue of an earlier right, other than those referred to in subsections, or by any law relating to the infringement of copyright or registered designs. - 特許庁
(1) ある行為又は計画されている行為が特許侵害に該当しない旨の宣言を求める第78条に基づく登録官への申請は,特許様式33により行い,その写し,並びに第78条(1)(a)及び(b)を遵守していることを立証するものとして申請人が依拠する事実及び申請人が求める救済を詳細に記載した陳述書を添付する。例文帳に追加
(1) An application to the Registrar under section 78 for a declaration that an act does not, or a proposed act would not, constitute an infringement of a patent shall be made on Patents Form 33 and shall be accompanied by a copy thereof and a statement setting out fully the facts upon which the applicant relies as showing that section 78(1)(a) and (b) have been complied with and the relief which he seeks. - 特許庁
(a) 特許権者と申請人との間で合意された金額,又は (b) (a)に該当しない場合-連邦裁判所がライセンスの経済的価値,及び当該特許に関連して2010年競争及び消費者法第IV部又は出願法(同法第150A条に定義する)の違反を阻止することへの希望を考慮して,公正かつ合理的なものであるとして定めた金額例文帳に追加
(a) such amount as is agreed between the patentee and the applicant; or (b) if paragraph (a) does not apply - such amount as is determined by the Federal Court to be just and reasonable having regard to the economic value of the license and the desirability of discouraging contraventions of Part IV of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 or an application law (as defined in section 150A of that Act). - 特許庁
If the specification contained in the application lists items by reference to a class in the Third Schedule in which they do not fall, the applicant may request, by filing Form TM 2, that his application be amended to include the appropriate class for those items, and upon the payment of such class fee as may be appropriate the Registrar shall amend his application accordingly. - 特許庁
To provide a cleaning solvent composition which is nonflammable, non-hazardous, safe to be handled, legally free from restrictions on its storage or use, highly user-friendly, convenient, free from certain problems such as rust or waste water, and more excellent in detergency than that of conventional ones. - 特許庁
When the projection plane small area where the object is arranged is a display inhibited area, the object is rearranged in a projection plane small area which does not fall under the display inhibited area, so that, for example, a projection plane small area where another object is arranged is set to a display inhibited area to avoid that the objects are superimposedly displayed. - 特許庁
When the prohibition setting is changed by a manager, a print control unit makes the manager set a print condition (e.g. a print condition corresponding to the prohibition setting of a release target) in a state of stopping processing for making a print condition not corresponding to the prohibition setting be designated (100, 102), and makes printing be performed under the set print condition (104, 106). - 特許庁
The security system registers in advance the ordinary persons such as residents and delivery persons and wanted persons into home devices 1 and a server 2 of a management firm, specifies any visitor who is not applicable to the registered persons, the server 2 collects the information on the specified suspicious person and analyses the motion of the suspicious person so as to efficiently perform security according to the result of the motion analysis. - 特許庁
A mobile station M informs a base station A of identification information of base stations detected by search as a search list (sequence S2), and the base station A informs the mobile station M of base stations not corresponding to prestored peripheral base stations and base stations corresponding an unavailability list, out of base stations in the informed search list as an NG list (sequence S4). - 特許庁
Regarding a set combining a source IP address and a source port number, sample points are selected respectively from each of areas to which a plurality of rules to be verified are singly corresponding, each of areas to which a plurality of arbitrary rules in the plurality of rules are commonly corresponding, and areas to which all the plurality of rules are not corresponding, in the entire set. - 特許庁
JIS A 1901:2003で規定される「小型チャンバー法試験」においてVOCに該当しない希釈剤を用いつつ、適切な粘度に調整することができると共に、くし目のヤマ立ちとキレが良好であるのみならず、接着性、床鳴り防止性を付与し得る一液湿気硬化型ウレタン系接着剤組成物を得ること。例文帳に追加
To provide an one-part moisture-curable urethane-based adhesive composition adjustable to a proper viscosity, using a diluent as no VOC in the "small chamber method test" specified by JIS A 1901:2003, which is not only good in combed-line unevenness and nonstickiness but also capable of imparting adhesiveness and floor squeak-proofness. - 特許庁
When it is decided by the mail analysis means that the attached image of the received mail does not correspond to the predetermined image format or when it is decided that a size of the attached image exceeds the predetermined range, a resending request means transmits a notification mail showing a resending request to a transmission source of the image-attached mail by use of a communication means. - 特許庁
例文 (885件) |
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