意味 | 例文 (112件) |
該当件数 : 112件
After the war, Norizane left future affairs in his brother, Kiyokata UESUGI's hand, and retreated to Izu Kokusei-ji Temple to become priest and called himself Untoan Chotokogan. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Later Imperial Prince Sawara who was Emperor Kammu's younger brother and the Crown Prince was disinherited and then later expelled and died in exile. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In 479, after the death of Emperor Yuryaku, Muroya was charged with the future affairs and suppressed HOSHIKAWA no Miko insurrection with Yamatonoaya no Tsuka. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Next year, after execution of Shunsui KOTOKU, he and Prime Minister Katsura submitted a letter of resignation to assume responsibility for the occurrence of the incident. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
For details, please consult the FSA staff responsible for this matter - 金融庁
To continue event monitoring appropriately after recovery even if a fault has occurred in a database server. - 特許庁
Then the detected voltage is converted into a pixel temperature on the basis of the correspondence relationship between detected voltages and pixel temperatures, which is measured in advance. - 特許庁
Then the detected voltage is converted into a pixel temperature on the basis of the correspondence relationship between detected voltages and pixel temperatures, which is measured in advance. - 特許庁
After these soft discrimination cycles are repeated for the prescribed number of times, a previous value Lout is hard-discriminated and decoded information TURBOAT is outputted. - 特許庁
Secondly, the following paragraph looks at countries and regions Japanese-owned companies consider attractive as targets for future business expansion. - 経済産業省
では 最初からやってみましょう 初めに サンワーキン殺人犯の背後事情 それから お2人に質問します例文帳に追加
So we'll start with an intro, you know, background on the san joaquin killer, and then i'll go right into questions for you two. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
第五十九条 利害関係者は、外国軍用品審判所に対し、審判開始決定後、事件記録の閲覧若しくは謄写又は審決書の謄本若しくは抄本の交付を求めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 59 Any interested person may, after the hearing proceedings have commenced, requests the Foreign Military Supply Tribunal to permit inspection or copy of the record of the case or to deliver a transcript or an extract of the written hearing decision. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Eison who thought that he could not live longer when he turned 85 started writing an autobiography on November 14, 1285 (old calendar) to look back at his religious belief and activities and ask disciples to look after his affairs when he died. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, Kashiwagi has asked Yugiri, his best fiend, to look after his family after he dies, and while Yugiri visits Kashiwagi's wife Ni no Miya (the Second Princess, Ochiba no Miya), he comes to be attracted to her. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
However, Murasaki no ue (also called Wakamurasaki or Murasaki no Kimi), whom Genji brought up to become his ideal woman, is his legal wife in all but name, and he loves her the most among his many women. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The Emperor became Daijo Tenno (the retired Emperor) after he abdicated from the throne; he asked his close aides, FUJIWARA no Yoshino, to care for the prince's future affairs, but after he died his worries were realized as the Showa Incident. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The ex-Empress Genmei developed a disease in May, 721, and after asking Nagaya no okimi, her son-in-law, and FUJIWARA no Fusasaki to look after her family and affairs and leaving a will to have her funeral simplified, she passed away on December 29, 721. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
January 4, 1859, he entrusted Masaharu IJICHI, Toshimichi OKUBO and Sadaka IJICHI with future affairs, and left Yamagawa port, then rode out to the Shichito-nada ocean area through Naze and arrived at the place of refuge called Atansaki, Tatsugo-mura, Amamioshima on January, 12. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
He asked his senior vassals, Masakage YAMAGATA, Nobufusa BABA, Masatoyo Naito to look after his affairs after he died, and left his last words, `Genshiro, tomorrow, Place the Takeda's flag in Seta,' to YAMAGATA. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
But to prevent the troop of Nobuharu BABA, who was a busho of the Takeda clan, from penetrating his allies, he left future affairs in the hands of his younger brother Masakazu NARUSE (busho in the Sengoku period), and sacrificed himself for Ieyasu and died in the battle. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The heirless Ichiro ZESHINKEN asked one of his pupil Chunagon (middle counselor) Takamasa UEMATSU, the third family head of the court noble Uematsu family, to look after his affairs after his passing whereby the family head of the Uematsu family consequently succeeded as the iemoto (the head family of a school) for generations. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
After Hideyoshi died in 1598, Ieyasu TOKUGAWA began to emerge out of the powerful daimyo who were consigned by Hideyoshi to take care of the posthumous affaires, and in the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Ieyasu defeated the daimyo who were in support of the Toyotomi administration, including Mitsunari ISHIDA, and achieved to dominate the country. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(b) ハンガリー特許庁は,書面による準備作業の後,事実の解明には当事者を一緒に聴聞する必要がある場合又は何れかの当事者が適時に請求する場合にのみ,聴聞を行う。例文帳に追加
(b) after the written preparatory work the Hungarian Patent Office shall only hold a hearing if the clarification of the facts requires that the parties be heard together or if any of the parties so requests in due time. - 特許庁
After maintaining the first holding temperature at 150°C and the first molding time for 20 seconds, the second molding temperature which was preset is automatically increased to be 175°C and the second molding time is maintained for 10 seconds. - 特許庁
Then the union establishment server 3 receives order information OI sent from the member's terminal 2 while limiting a selling period, and after the lapse of the selling period, sends information including all the order information OI to the seller's server 4. - 特許庁
After the fact tree has been confirmed, a query mapper of the present invention to be executed as a "fact tree=> SQL query" module 400 is used to generate the queries to the information system. - 特許庁
Thereafter, when information including the personal information is transmitted to a company terminal device 150, the personal information reception holding part 110 ends holding operation of the personal information. - 特許庁
To provide a method for producing a carbon fiber strand, in which occurrence, etc., of fuzz in production step is suppressed, being excellent in handleability in the subsequent steps such as FW. - 特許庁
(人民元)人民元は、リーマン・ショック後、事実上のドルペッグに戻っていたが、2010 年6 月に人民元相場を弾力化し、その後は、米ドルに対して小幅な上下を繰り返しながら緩やかに上昇してきた(第1-4-1-16 図)。例文帳に追加
(Chinese Yuan)Though the Chinese Yuan in effect returned to dollar pegging after the failure of Lehman brothers, the Yuan's value was made more flexible in June 2010 and afterwards has been rising moderately showing slight fluctuations against the U.S. dollar (see Figure 1-4-1-16). - 経済産業省
スコープ3 境界に含む活動を特定した後、事業者は、次の段階として、事業者のスコープ3 排出量を算定するために必要なデータを収集する。例文帳に追加
After a company has identified the activities to include in its scope 3 boundary, the next step is to collect the necessary data to calculate the company's scope 3 emissions. - 経済産業省
President Junichi Mizoguchi established AsiaGiken and began operations in 1994. The company has subsequently expanded business, relocating its head office and factory three times within Kitakyushu City. - 経済産業省
リチウムはハイブリッド車や電気自動車の普及に不可欠であり、同社は今後、事業化調査の結果をもとに共同出資会社を設立し、2012 年より生産を開始する予定である。例文帳に追加
Lithium is essential for the popularization of hybrid cars and electric cars. Toyota Tsusho has a plan to start a joint venture company based on the feasibility study and began its operation in 2012. - 経済産業省
This is conceivably due to enterprises closing after going bankrupt if they do not succeed at business recovery. Why, then, is the exit rate relatively higher in large metropolitan areas such as Tokyo and Osaka? - 経済産業省
Amid the ongoing "selection and concentration" of business operations, the number of companies that practice "intellectual property-backed management" is expected to increase as the "selection and concentration" will likely become essential regarding R&D and intellectual property as well. - 経済産業省
2 指定法人は、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、毎事業年度終了後、事業報告書、貸借対照表、収支決算書及び財産目録を作成し、厚生労働大臣に提出し、その承認を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) A Designated Juridical Person shall, pursuant to Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, prepare a business report, a balance sheet, a statement of accounts, and an asset inventory, and submit said documents to the Minister for approval after each business year ends. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
2 短時間労働援助センターは、厚生労働省令で定めるところにより、毎事業年度終了後、事業報告書、貸借対照表、収支決算書及び財産目録を作成し、厚生労働大臣に提出し、その承認を受けなければならない。例文帳に追加
(2) The Part-Time Working Assistance Center shall, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, prepare a service report, a balance sheet, a statement of accounts , and the inventory of property, and submit them to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare for approval after each business year ends. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第八百八十条 扶養をすべき者若しくは扶養を受けるべき者の順序又は扶養の程度若しくは方法について協議又は審判があった後事情に変更を生じたときは、家庭裁判所は、その協議又は審判の変更又は取消しをすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 880 If an alteration in circumstances arises after an agreement or an order regarding the order of persons under a duty to support, persons entitled to support, or the extent or form of support, the family court may alter or revoke the agreement or the order. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第七十条の十五 利害関係人は、公正取引委員会に対し、審判手続が開始された後、事件記録の閲覧若しくは謄写又は排除措置命令書、課徴金納付命令書、審判開始決定書若しくは審決書の謄本若しくは抄本の交付を求めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 70-15 Any interested person may, after the hearing procedures have been commenced, request the Fair Trade Commission for inspection or copy of the records of the case in question, or for delivery of a transcript of the written cease and desist order, the written payment order for surcharge, the written decision of commencement of the hearing, or the written decision, or an extract thereof. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第百八十五条の十三 利害関係人は、内閣総理大臣に対し、審判手続開始の決定後、事件記録の閲覧若しくは謄写又は第百八十五条の七第七項に規定する決定に係る決定書の謄本若しくは抄本の交付を求めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 185-13 An interested person may, after the decision on commencement of trial procedures has been issued, request the Prime Minister for inspection or copy of the case records, or for delivery of a transcript of the written decision pertaining to the decisions prescribed in Article 185-7(7) or an extract thereof. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
第三十四条の五十八 利害関係人は、内閣総理大臣に対し、審判手続開始の決定後、事件記録の閲覧若しくは謄写又は第三十四条の五十三第七項に規定する決定に係る決定書の謄本若しくは抄本の交付を求めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 34-58 An interested person may, after a ruling for the commencement of a hearing procedure, request the Prime Minister for an inspection or a copy of the case records or the delivery of a copy or an extract of the written decision pertaining to the decision prescribed in Article 34-53(7). - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
After Chuin school's Ichiryu-denju is completed, many monks pursue further advancement in training by studying other teachings over a period of several years (which may vary by monk because each monk have temple affairs to attend to in addition to training) to receive Ichiryu-denju in such schools. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Furthermore, Yoshimasa was stricken with paralysis, which made it difficult for him to assume administrative duties, so he made peace with his brother, Yoshimi, who had defected to the Province of Mino, and adopted Yoshimi's eldest son, Yoshiki (Yoshitane) ASHIKAGA, and assigned him as the 10th Shogun and entrusted him with the governmental affairs after his passing. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The image coding apparatus applies inter coding in advance to image data by each macro block as to a frame whose coding type is set to be intra-coding to acquire prior coding information and thereafter applies intra coding to the image data in accordance with the prior coding information. - 特許庁
After occurrence of a fault is detected in a power system, a required control amount of a control object generator is calculated online from system information after fault, and then optimal power flow calculation is carried out online by assuming a control pattern of the generator within a range satisfying the required control amount. - 特許庁
To provide a spacer for screw fall prevention and a screw fall preventive structure capable of holding a screw with head so as not to fall on a main member even if the screw with head is loosened or coming off the screw hole of an auxiliary member after the main member is tightened to the auxiliary member with the screw with head. - 特許庁
In a magnetic printer (1) where a magnetic latent image is formed on a magnetic recording drum by means of a magnetic recording head and developed with magnetic toner before being transferred onto a preprint sheet (2), a unit (3) for drying the preprint sheet in the prestage of transfer is provided. - 特許庁
Upon completion of use of the machine 10, the RFID reader writer 41 on the office side reads the driver specifying data and the loading and unloading work information from the driver's RFID tag 1 and stores the loading and unloading work information in a storage means by associating it with the driver specifying data. - 特許庁
If the document read at present is the designated one, the image forming apparatus performs image processing based on the predesignated number-of-sheets information after reading the image data of the document from an image reading part 16 and performs specified printing. - 特許庁
アルゼンチン国民であるMaffeziniは、スペインにおける投資が失敗に終わった後、事業の失敗は合弁企業のパートナーであったスペインの金融機関による行為と不作為に原因があったとして、アルゼンチン―スペインBIT 違反を主張して仲裁を申し立てた。例文帳に追加
After his investment in Spain failed, Maffezini, an Argentinean national, requested arbitration on the ground that the Spanish government was in violation of the Argentina-Spain BIT stating the business failure was due to acts and omissions of his partner in a joint venture which was a Spanish financial institution. - 経済産業省
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