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historical documentsの部分一致の例文一覧と使い方

該当件数 : 228


Nobunori wrote his diary on the other side of case records and administrative documents while he was working as Mandokoro betto (Director of the Administrative Board) and Kurodo gashira (a kind of secretary and archivist to the Emperor), which also came to be important historical materials to understand the inside situation of the Sekkan family and the scope of Kurodo gashira's work. 例文帳に追加

信範が摂関家政所別当職や蔵人頭を務めていた際の訴訟・行政文書の裏が日記用の紙に使われており、摂関家の内部事情や蔵人頭の業務内容が伺える貴重な史料ともなっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Tangible cultural properties are defined as being such things as buildings, art crafts (paintings, sculptures, traditional crafts, calligraphies, literature), ancient documents and other tangible cultural outcomes or products (including all the auxiliary parts, tools or land attached to its value), as well as archeological or historical resources. 例文帳に追加

建築物、美術工芸品(絵画、彫刻、伝統工芸品、書跡、典籍)、古文書その他の有形の文化的所産(これらと一体をなしてその価値を形成している土地、工作物などを含む場合がある)および考古資料、歴史資料は有形文化財と定義されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Even in the most important historical documents related to the temple's history, such as the National Treasure "To-ji Koryujojokotogaki" (1308) and "Shoen Shikichi Senyujo" written by Emperor Gouda, and the licence by which Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI granted a fief of 2,030 koku in 1591, clearly refer to the temple as To-ji. 例文帳に追加

後宇多天皇宸翰の国宝「東寺興隆条々事書」(延慶(日本)8年=1308年)、後宇多天皇宸翰「庄園敷地施入状」、豊臣秀吉が2,030石の知行を認めた天正19年(1591年)の朱印状など、寺の歴史に関わる最重要文書にも明確に東寺と表記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Also, although the original manuscript for Ribuoki (also pronounced Rihioki), the diary of Imperial Prince Shigeakira, has not survived and no copies are presently known to exist, extracts from it that appear in later diaries and documents suggest that it included detailed reports on conferences held at the Imperial Court, providing a valuable historical record of the ceremonies and rituals practiced at the Imperial Court at that time. 例文帳に追加

なお親王の日記『吏部王記』は原本も写本も現存しないが、後世の日記や書物に引用された逸文から見て、朝議に関する詳細な記録を書き留めたものであったらしく、当時の朝廷の儀式・典礼に関する貴重な史料である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


His trading activities were reported to Kofuku-ji Temple after their return and put on record in detail in such documents as "Daijoin jisha zojiki (Miscellaneous Records of the Daijo Temple and Shrine)" and the "Tosen Nikki" (lit. "Tosen Journal") by Jinson of Daijo-in, which serve as valuable historical data to describe the actual activities of trading between two countries in those days. 例文帳に追加

これらの西忍の交易活動は、帰国後興福寺に報告され、大乗院主尋尊によって「大乗院寺社雑事記」「唐船日記」などに詳細に記されており、当時の日明勘合貿易の実際を知る上での貴重な史料となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Moreover, there exist historical spots and documents that imply his certain linkage with Settsu Province, which was the home base province of the Seiwa-Genji (Minamoto clan) at that time; for example, Hazuhachiman-jinja Shrine located in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, is said to have been constructed by Mitsumasa, and there remains a document that registered his visit to Shionoyu-onsen Hot Spring in Nose Town, Osaka Prefecture for the purpose of toji (hot spring cure). 例文帳に追加

なお、兵庫県宝塚市にある波豆八幡神社は満政の創建と伝えられるほか、大阪府能勢町にある汐の湯温泉に湯治に出かけた記録が残るなど、当時の清和源氏の本拠地であった摂津国との関係を伺わす史跡や史料も存在している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Since the article dated May 4, 1213, of "Azuma Kagami" says 'Yamashiro hangan Yukimura was a bugyo (magistrate) and Yukichika and Tadaie supported him', in the Battle of WADA, it is considered that Yukimura was a military commissioner for Hojo and most descriptions of the Battle of WADA in "Azuma Kagami" were based on the historical documents compiled by Yukimura. 例文帳に追加

和田合戦では『吾妻鏡』1213年(建暦3年)5月4日条に「山城判官行村奉行たり、行親・忠家これを相副う」とあり、行村が北条方の軍奉行とみて間違いないだろうとされ、『吾妻鏡』の和田合戦の多くは行村が取り纏めた史料によると見られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Historical evidence was studied consulting with the official histories, ancient books and such reference books as 'Jinja Torishirabesho' (Investigation Documents of Shinto Shrines) and 'Jinja Meisaicho' (Official Records of Shinto Shrines) which were prepared by each prefecture in the Meiji period, and shikinaisha (shrines listed in the Engishiki Jinmyocho) are listed in the same order as in 'Jinmyocho', together with each shrine's details such as enshrined deity (saijin), deity's ranking (shin-i), shrine's ranking (shakaku) and location. 例文帳に追加

正史や古書、及び明治になって各府県にて作成された「神社取調書」や「神社明細帳」を参考に考証し、『神名帳』記載順に従い、各式内社の祭神・神位・社格・所在地等を記す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is not clear how large an influence the establishment by the Taira clan administration of Jito and Province officers had, or the amount of control they exerted because there are few related historical documents, but the academic field proposes that the Jito and Province officers were like a prototype for Shugo and Jito in the Kamakura bakufu. 例文帳に追加

関係史料が少ないため、平氏政権における国守護人・地頭の設置とそれに伴う支配の深化がどれほど進んでいたかは、必ずしも明らかとなっていないが、学界では、これら国守護人・地頭は、後の鎌倉幕府における守護・地頭の先駆的な存在だと考えるようになっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In another case, Takasada TOMITA, who served Hidetsugu closely, later served Toshinaga MAEDA and died during the Battle of Sekigahara, was included as a member, and depending upon the historical documents, the number of the members were seven, and not eight, and there was a case in which even the members themselves were different. 例文帳に追加

また、構成員の中には秀次の近侍として仕えた富田高定(前田利長に仕えて、関ヶ原で北陸にて戦死)を含める場合もあるなど、史料によっては八人ではなく七人ともされ、さらにメンバーも変わることがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The items that can be designated national treasures as specified in the Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties are any items considered tangible cultural assets; specifically, they are broken down into the following categories: buildings, paintings, sculptures, crafts, calligraphy work, books, ancient documents, archaeological materials, and historical materials (for more information, see the first part of item one under Article 2 of the abovementioned law). 例文帳に追加

文化財保護法による国宝の指定対象となるものは有形文化財であり、具体的には建造物、絵画、彫刻、工芸品、書跡、典籍、古文書、考古資料、歴史資料である(同法第2条第1項第1号参照)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(Because major sources of the poem are "Buko Nenpyo," or "Chronology of the Edo Period," published in 1878, as well as "Edo Jidai Rakusho Ruiju," or "Anonymous Documents of Social and Political Satire of the Edo Period," published in 1914.) and this satirical poem is not found in contemporary publications, while similar poems do appear, one explanation for this is that the poem was both written and circulated after the fact, as is suggested by its major historical sources being published after the Meiji era. 例文帳に追加

(ただし、同時代史料においては類似した句が見られるのみで、主に明治11年(1878年)の『武江年表』や大正3年(1914年)『江戸時代落書類聚』など、明治以降に出典が見られることから、後世に喧伝された歌である可能性も指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

For that reason, this article includes both: the outline and details of "the Battle of Matsukawa" on April 26, 1601 which was mentioned in "Nihon Gaishi (history book on Japan)" written by Sanyo RAI and circulated up to the end of the Edo period, and the outline of "the Battle of Miyashiro Omote" on 6th in 1605 which was recorded in "Date chika kiroku (historical record of the Sendai clan)" and in the documents on the Date family. 例文帳に追加

このため、頼山陽の『日本外史』を含めて幕末期まで流布した慶長6年4月26日の「松川合戦」の内容と経緯と、『伊達治家記録』や伊達家文書が記録する慶長10年6日の「宮代表合戦」の内容を併記する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It stores historical materials that are over a thousand years old from the "Mido Kanpakuki," diary by FUJIWARA no Michinaga (966 - 1028) in his own handwriting, an ancestor of the Konoe family, to the documents related to Fumimaro KONOE in the twentieth century, and it not only lets researchers read them but also publishes facsimile editions of them. 例文帳に追加

近衛家の遠祖にあたる藤原道長(966-1028)の自筆日記『御堂関白記』から、20世紀の近衛文麿の関係資料まで、1,000年以上にわたる歴史資料を収蔵し、研究者に閲覧の便を図るとともに、影印本の刊行などの事業を行っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Just as Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA admonishes in "Shizukanaru Amari," which he authored, by citing Ujizane IMAGAWA's waka poems along with the tea ceremony of Yoshimasa ASHIKAGA and the learning of Yoshitaka OUCHI, in the documents written after the mid-Edo Period Ujizane is often described as an inept lord who destroyed his province by spending too much time in 'weak culture' such as waka poetry and kemari, and this image often persists in portraying his character in today's historical novels and period dramas. 例文帳に追加

松平定信が随筆『閑なるあまり』で、足利義政の茶の湯、大内義隆の学問とともに今川氏真の和歌を挙げて戒めている様に、江戸時代中期以降に書かれた文献の中では、和歌や蹴鞠といった「文弱」な娯楽に溺れ国を滅ぼした暗君として描かれていることが多く、このイメージは今日の歴史小説や歴史ドラマにおいてしばしば踏襲されている人物像である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

They could not determine Umunosuke YUKI being registered in any historical documents at that time, nor on the list of names of when the Shinsengumi became the direct servant for the bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) under the name of the Mimawarigumi on June 10, 1867, a record from December 12 of the same year in "Doshi Renmeiki" (written by Shinpachi NAGAKURA), the list of members created by Toshizo HIJIKATA on January 20, 1868, or "Senyu Esugata" (Painting about my fellow soldiers) painted by Nobori NAKAJIMA after the Battle of Hakodate. 例文帳に追加

同時代資料としては、慶応3年6月10日に新選組が見廻組として幕府直参となった際の名簿や、同年12月12日付『同志連名記』(永倉新八)、慶応4年1月20日に土方歳三が作成した人員名簿、果ては函館戦争後に中島登によって描かれた『戦友絵姿』などにも、結城有無之助の在籍を確認出来ない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

He died in 1589 at the age of 97, (it is based on the Hojo Godai Ki [Chronicles of the Hojo family through five generations], however, current studied suggest it has many discrepancy between contemporary first class historical materials such as the Myoho-ji Ki [Chronicles of the Myoho-ji Temple] or ancient documents such as old letters, making its credibility doubtful, and Motoki KURODA dated Genan's birth during the Eisho era [1504-1521]. If it is true, his age of death was 10 years younger) one theory has it he was born in 1501. 例文帳に追加

1589年に死去、享年97となるが、(これは北条五代記の記述によるもので、現在の研究では妙法寺記などの同時代の一級史料や手紙などの古文書などと多くの矛盾が見られることから、その信頼性に疑問が持たれており、黒田基樹は幻庵の生年を永正年間と推定している。これが事実とすれば享年は10年以上若くなる)一説に1501年生まれという説がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The reports by Nara Prefectural Board of Education listed the older routes before the early-modern period and reported the information linked to the conservation of cultural scenery including the information of natural history, archaeology, history and sceneries, in addition, it gave the results of the important investigations and studies such as summaries of the history of the investigations and studies, and bibliographies of the old documents and historical materials. 例文帳に追加

奈良県教育委員会による調査報告には、近世以前のルートの指摘や、文化的景観の観点からの自然誌・考古・歴史・景観に関する報告、民俗・文化財、さらに調査・研究史の概観や古文書・史料の解題といった、重要な調査・研究の成果を含んでいる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Many concepts and ceremonies from Koshinto were introduced into Japanese society during the late Edo period, their popularization tied to the rise of both the sonno joi (revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians) philosophy and the Hirata school of Kokugaku, but few historical records detailing Koshinto influence survive today, so much like the case of primitive Buddhism, it seems it is in fact only possible to make inferences on Koshinto based on later documents or by analogy. 例文帳に追加

江戸時代末期に、古神道と称する思想や儀礼などが、尊皇攘夷思想や平田国学の隆盛と連動して、世に出たものが多くあるが、しかし当時の記録文書は無きに等しく、原始仏教同様、実際には後世の資料などから、間接的に推理・類推される存在に過ぎないことも指摘されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The academic field of history during the Meiji period conducted evidence-based research comparing the 'Taiheiki' with other documents such as historical books and diaries, and based on this, the 1903 and 1909 revisions of national textbooks for elementary schools depicted both the Southern and the Northern Court as being concurrent. 例文帳に追加

明治の歴史学界では、南北朝時代に関して「太平記」の記述を他の史書や日記などの資料と比較する実証的な研究がされ、これに基づいて1903年(明治36年)及び1909年(同42年)の小学校で使用されている国定教科書改訂においては南北両朝は並立していたものとして書かれていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

During the Heian period, as the reconstruction of Owada no tomari is described in the June 812 chapter in "Nihonkoki" (Later Chronicle of Japan), Zo Owada funaseshi was set up and the reconstruction work was always done like building stone dikes (iwakura) for storm and wave prevention and so on and to cover the cost, shosairyo (custom duty for freight) or funaseshodento was levied, which is confirmed in various documents (historical study). 例文帳に追加

平安時代には、『日本後紀』の弘仁3年(812年)6月条に大輪田泊修築のことが記されるのをはじめ、造大輪田船瀬使がおかれ、防風と防波を兼ねて石の堤(石椋)を築くなど、たえず修築がおこなわれ、その経費を充当するため勝載料もしくは船瀬庄田稲を徴収していたことのあったことが各種の文献資料(歴史学)で確認されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The information processing apparatus comprises: information receiving means for receiving input data including at least one of a text, a figure, and a table; document creation means capable of creating multiple documents of different format type; modification accepting means for accepting an instruction for modifying a document of a selected format type; and historical data storage means for storing data on the content of an instruction and a format type selected for modification.例文帳に追加

文字、図、表の少なくとも一つを含む入力情報を受付ける情報受付手段と、受付けた入力情報から、資料原稿を異なる形式で複数生成する資料原稿生成手段と、選択された形式の資料原稿に対して、修正指示を受付ける修正受付手段と、受付けた修正指示の内容および修正指示の対象となった形式を格納する履歴記憶手段とを含む。 - 特許庁

If the format data is changed in the database of the server 101, when the historical information is notified from the computer 106, the format data after the changing is so delivered to the computer 106 that it becomes possible to always print the documents in the latest format at a terminal side and also that loads of using continuously for users side are reduced.例文帳に追加

サーバ101のデータベースにて前記書式データの変更があった場合、パソコン106から印刷履歴情報が通知された際に当該変更後の書式データをパソコン106に配信するので、端末側では常に最新の書式で書類を印刷することが可能となり、しかも利用者側の継続利用に対する負担が少ない。 - 特許庁

It is said that it was based on the idea of Shinyu kakumei (a prediction of revolution in Kanototori of the Chinese astrological calendar) in isho (Chinese books which describe predictions and others), that is, a revolution to change the dynasty would occur in the first Kanototori year considering 60 years as one cycle () and 1260 years of 21 cycles as one period (), in accordance with the note from Zheng Xuan, '天道 六甲一元 四六二六相乗 相乗 廿一元 千三廿,' in "Yi wei" which was cited in 'kakumeikanmon' (in zatsubu (overall section) in the 26th section of "Gunsho ruiju"(Collection of historical documents compiled by Hokiichi HANAWA)) by Kiyoyuki MIYOSHI. 例文帳に追加

三善清行による「革命勘文」(『群書類従』 第貮拾六輯雜部 所収)で引用された『易緯』での鄭玄の注「天道不遠三五而反六甲爲一元四六二六交相乗七元有三變 三七相乗廿一元爲一蔀合千三百廿年」から一元60年、二十一元1260年を一蔀とし、そのはじめの辛酉の年に王朝交代という革命が起こるとするいわゆる緯書での辛酉革命の思想によるという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Based on historical evidence, Yoshinobu TOKUGAWA of the Owari-Tokugawa family made clear that Lord Ieyasu's 'Goikun' (teachings), which includes the famous phrase of 'A person's life is as if going on a long road with a heavy burden on its back --- Consider that anger is an enemy,' had the following origin: First, in the Meiji period, Matsunosuke IKEDA, a shogun's former retainer having earned a 500 koku of rice crop, made documents with an autograph sign of 63-year-old Ieyasu, based on 'Hitono-imashime' (Admonitions), which had been said being Tokugawa's teachings, and then Deishu TAKAHASHI and others dedicated them to Tosho-gu shrines in various areas, including Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine. 例文帳に追加

「人の一生は重荷を負ふて遠き道をゆくがごとし…怒りは敵とおもへ」で有名な家康公の「御遺訓」は、明治時代に元500石取りの幕臣、池田松之介が徳川光圀の遺訓と言われる「人のいましめ」を元に家康63歳の自筆花押文書との体裁にしたものを高橋泥舟らが日光東照宮など各地の東照宮に収めたものであることを尾張徳川家の徳川義宣が考証した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In Tang, he learned not only Confucianism, but also astronomy, music and military science, and brought back "Tokan Kanki" (historical records of Eastern Han Dynasty) to Japan, and offered to the Imperial Court many other books and materials, including Keisho (Confucianism documents [130 volumes of "Torai"]), an astronomical calendar book (one volume of "Taien Calendar" and 12 volumes of "Daienreki Ryusei"), a sun clock (Sokuei Kaneshaku), music instruments (Dorikkan, , 律管12), music theory books (ten volumes of "Gakusho Yoroku"), bows (arms) (馬上飲水1) and arrows (20 of Shakosen [square arrow] and 10 of Heishasen [flat arrow]). 例文帳に追加

唐では儒学のほか、天文学や音楽、兵学などを学び、帰朝時には、経書(『唐礼』130巻)、天文暦書(『大衍暦経』1巻、『大衍暦立成』12巻)、日時計(測影鉄尺)、楽器(銅律管、鉄如方響、写律管声12条)、音楽書(『楽書要録』10巻)、弓(武器)(絃纏漆角弓、馬上飲水漆角弓、露面漆四節角弓各1張)、矢(射甲箭20隻、平射箭10隻)などを献上し、『東漢観記』を持ち来たらした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

As for the matter over the personnel of the Imperial Court in 1985, historical materials, records, documents including the "kugyo bunin" (list of high court nobles) list different dates for the matter, and thus, it is too distorted to put in order the dates of accessions in the first half of the year coherently, causing historians to puzzle over the matter; roughly speaking, however, it is assumed that the position of Sadaijin was transferred from Uchimoto ICHIJO to Akizane NIJO and then to Nobusuke KONOE, that that of Udaijin from Akizane NIJO to Nobusuke KONOE and then to Harusue KIKUTEI (former Naidaijin), and that that of Naidaijin from Harusue KIKUTEI to Nobusuke KONOE and finally to Hideyoshi. 例文帳に追加

問題の天正13年の朝廷の人事については『公卿補任』をはじめ当時の朝廷人事に関する史料・記録・文書の日付がバラバラで余りにも錯綜しているため、同年前半の任官記録を矛盾無く並べる事が事実上不可能で歴史学者の間でも頭を悩ませている問題であるが、大まかな流れとして左大臣が一条内基から二条昭実、更に近衛信輔に移り、右大臣は二条昭実から近衛信輔、更に菊亭晴季(前内大臣)に移り、内大臣は菊亭晴季から近衛信輔を経て秀吉の就任に至ったと考えられている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


According to "Hososhiyo-sho", when the Myobo-ke (judicial officials) interpreted Yororitsuryo Sagi-ritsu (punitive clause regarding fabrication of official documents and government properties under the Yororitsuryo code) earlier, it was described that the fabrication of the Daijo Tenno Zen (a decree by the Retired Emperor) is a crime comparable to the fabrication of the Shosho (an imperial decree), which shows that the concept of inzen could have been in use early in the history. Nonetheless, the first record which mentions the term inzen is "Encho Shichi-nen Daijingu Kanchu", taken from "Dai Nihon Shiryo" (the Historical Materials of Japan) Vol.1, no.6, which was a document that, upon receipt of an imperial decree from Emperor Uda in 927, Ise-jingu Shrine issued as the Emperor Uda's instructions to Shingun (a district designated as a sanctuary which enjoyed certain privileges under an Imperial charter). 例文帳に追加

『法曹至要抄』によれば、養老律令詐偽律の解釈を巡る明法家の先例の学説として「太上天皇宣」の偽造は詔書と同一の罪に当たるとする説を挙げており早くから知られていた可能性があるが、院宣に関する記録の初見は延長(日本)7年(927年)の宇多天皇が伊勢神宮に宣旨を下されたことを受けて神宮側がその指示を神郡に向けて発した「延長七年大神宮勘注」(『大日本史料』一之六)である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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