Tropismとは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 向性、屈動性
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該当件数 : 11件
of plants, the characteristic to orient itself in response to stimulation, called tropism発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
屈性という,生物の性質 - EDR日英対訳辞書
To redirect adenovirus tropism by altering capsid proteins.例文帳に追加
キャプシドタンパク質の変更によってアデノウイルストロピズムを変える。 - 特許庁
The difference in the tropism and the capsid proteins among serotypes has led to many research efforts aimed at redirecting the adenovirus tropism by modifying the capsid proteins.例文帳に追加
血清型間のトロピズム及びキャプシドタンパク質の違いは、キャプシドタンパク質の変更によってアデノウイルストロピズムを変えることを目的とする多くの研究を導びいた。 - 特許庁
the characteristics that an organism shows to outside stimuli, called tropism発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
走性という,生物が外界の刺激に対して方向性のある運動を示す性質 - EDR日英対訳辞書
植物の茎の重力屈性に関係する新規タンパク質とそれをコードする遺伝子 - 特許庁
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Wiktionary英語版での「Tropism」の意味 |
From -tropism (suffix meaning ‘growth towards; movement, turning’)[1][2] (possibly based on geotropism かつ heliotropism),[3] from Latin tropus + English -ism (suffix forming nouns of action, process, または result). Tropus is derived from Ancient Greek τρόπος (trópos, “a turn; a manner, style, way; figure of speech, trope; etc.”),[4][5] from τρέπω (trépō, “to turn; to divert; to rotate または change orientation”) (from Proto-Indo-European *trep- (“to turn”)) + -ος (-os, suffix forming nouns of result または abstract nouns of action).
Sense 1 (“turning of an organism または part of an organism towards または away from a stimulus”) is modelled after German Tropismus.[1]
tropism (countable かつ uncountable, 複数形 tropisms)
- (uncountable, biology) The turning of an organism (chiefly a plant) or part of an organism either towards or away from a stimulus; (countable) an instance of this.
- 1900 January, Walter E[ugene] Garrey, “The Effects of Ions upon the Aggregation of Flagellated Infusoria: A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculties of the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science, in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Department of Physiology)”, in American Journal of Physiology, volume 3, number 6, Bethesda, Md.: American Physiological Society, , →ISSN, →OCLC, page 313:
- Orientation and tropism are synonymous expressions; that gatherings [of Paramecium] take place is a consequence of the orientation, and therefore throws no light whatever upon the tropisms. (Gatherings, however, are not always indicative of a tropism, i.e., of an orientation, but may be due to kinesis […]
- 1972 November, “Samples of the Student Proposals as Submitted by Students”, in Skylab Student Project: Information for Teachers (including Classroom Activities) (NASA EP; 106), Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, →OCLC, page 17, column 1:
- Phototropic orientation of an embryo plant in zero gravity […] On earth, a germinated seedling can be placed in any position and the radicle will invariably turn the embryo plant "downward" and the hypocotle "upward". This is because positive root tropism toward gravity and negative stem tropism away from gravity. In the absence of gravity, will the plumules and the stem of the embryo plant reacting positively to phototropism guide the entire plant including the root system for its directional orientation?
- 2021, Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen, Barbara Mazzolai, quoting Barbara Mazzolai, “Interview with Barbara Mazzolai: Plants, Plantoids, and Active Materials”, in Peter Fratzl, Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen, Wolfgang Schäffner, editors, Active Materials, Berlin; Boston, Mass.: Walter De Gruyter, , →ISBN, page 139:
- Tropism means that the roots or branches move by turning towards or turning away from environmental stimuli. We have implemented this behavior in the roots of the plantoid [i.e., a robot or synthetic organism designed to act like a plant], integrating sensors and using an adaptive material for growing.
- (countable, by extension, chiefly virology) A capability or tendency for a pathogen (chiefly a virus) to infect a type of cell, tissue, organ, or host organism.
- 1964, J. J. Holland, “Viruses in Animals and in Cell Culture”, in Joan Taylor, editor, Microbial Behaviour, ‘in Vivo’ and ‘in Vitro’: Fourteenth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Held at the Royal Institution, London, April 1964, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press for the Society for General Microbiology, →OCLC, page 271:
- Studies similar to those describe above for cells cultivated in vitro were performed using homogenates of tissues and organs from humans and rhesus monkeys to investigate tissue tropisms in susceptible species […] McLaren (personal communication) found an excellent correlation between poliovirus tissue tropisms and presence or absence of receptor activity in human and rhesus tissues and organs.
- 1977, D. J. Evans, “Picornavirus Receptors, Tropism and Pathogenesis”, in M. A. McCrae, J. R. Saunders, C. J. Smyth, N. D. Stow, editors, Molecular Aspects of Host–pathogen Interactions: Fifty-fifth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology Held at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, March 1997, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire: Cambridge University Press for the Society for General Microbiology, →ISBN, page 23:
- Virus tropism can be defined at two levels: host tropism being the range of host species that a virus can productively infect, and tissue tropism reflecting the particular tissues or organs within the host that are the site(s) of virus replication. […] The primary determinant of virus tropism is the presence on the cell surface of a suitable receptor which the virus can utilize to gain entry to the cell.
- 1989 January 4, Susan P. Spring, Ann Scluederberg, William P. Allen, Jack Gruber, “Commentary: Pathogenic Diversity of Epstein-Barr Virus”, in Robert E. Wittes, editor, Journal of the National Cancer Institute, volume 81, number 1, Bethesda, Md.: National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, Department of Health & Human Services, →ISSN, →OCLC, page 19, column 1:
- 1994, William C. Russell, Mária Benkö, “Animal Viruses”, in Robert G[ordon] Webster, Allan Granoff, editors, Encyclopedia of Virology, volume 1, London; San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, →ISBN, pages 16–17:
- A very wide spectrum of tissue tropism among the animal adenoviruses is evident, e.g. porcine adenovirus type 3 shows a tropism for columnar epithelial cells whereas bovine adenoviruses prefer capillary endothelial cells; however, it is not clear how far tissue tropism relates to pathogenesis and disease.
- 1999, Frederick A. Murphy, E. Paul J. Gibbs, Marian C. Horzinek, Michael J. Studdert, “Mechanisms of Infection and Viral Spread through the Body”, in Veterinary Virology, 3rd edition, San Diego, Calif.; London: Academic Press, →ISBN, part I (Principles of Virology), page 97, column 1:
- The capacity of a virus to selectively infect cells in particular organs is referred to as tropism […]. Viral tropism depends on viral and host factors.
- 2011, Christon J. Hurst, “The Relationship between Humans, Their Viruses, and Prions”, in Christon J. Hurst, editor, Studies in Viral Ecology: Animal Host Systems, volume 2, Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-Blackwell, John Wiley & Sons, →ISBN, section II (Viruses of Macroscopic Animals), page 361, column 1:
- Orthoreovirus has primary tropisms associated with its acquisition and transmission as an upper respiratory infection and those include the facial sinuses, lungs, pharynx, and tonsils, presumably its tropism towards the intestines represents a secondary tropism (assuming that fecal-oral transmission does not also repreent a primary route of disease spread, in which case the intestines would have to be considered a primary tropism), […]
- (countable, figurative) Of a person: an instinctive predilection or tendency; also (generally), a liking, a preference.
- 1911, Isaac A[mada] Cornelison, “Tropism”, in The Natural History of Religious Feeling: A Question of Miracles in the Soul, New York, N.Y.; London: G[eorge] P[almer] Putnam’s Sons, The Knickerbocker Press, →OCLC, part I (The Natural Causes of Religious Feeling), page 10:
- It is reasonable to suppose that tropism will be less conspicuous in animals which are endowed with intelligence than in others; but well-marked tropisms are still to be found among the higher animals. Gregarious animals have a positive tropism toward the members of their own flock; the dog has a negative tropism toward his own kind and a positive tropism toward mankind.
- Sense 1 is generally distinguished from taxis which is used to refer to organisms such as animals and bacteria which are able to move from place to place and so can relocate towards or away from stimuli. Tropism is used to refer to organisms such as fungi and plants which are not motile, and simply turn towards or away from stimuli.
- Sense 1 should also be distinguished from kinesis or nastic movement (an individual movement being called a nasty), which is non-directional or even random movement in response to stimuli.
- Not to be confused with trophism.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 “tropism, n.”, in OED Online
, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, July 2023.
- ^ “tropism, n.”, in Unabridged,, LLC, 1995–present, reproduced from Stuart Berg Flexner, editor in chief, Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2nd edition, New York, N.Y.: Random House, 1993, →ISBN.
- ^ Douglas Harper (2001–2024), “tropism”, in Online Etymology Dictionary.
- ^ “-tropism, comb. form”, in OED Online
, Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, July 2023.
- ^ “-tropism, comb. form”, in Collins English Dictionary.
ウィキペディア英語版での「Tropism」の意味 |
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/08/02 18:41 UTC 版)
Weblio例文辞書での「Tropism」に類似した例文 |
the Torrid Zone
the torrid zone
the temperate zones
the temperate zone
the frigid zone
(一般の暑中は)―in summer―(この暑中は)―during the summer―(暑中通じては)―through the summer―all through the summer―throughout the summer
該当件数 : 11件
平滑筋細胞および/または内皮細胞への組織向性を与えられた遺伝子送達ベクタ— - 特許庁
In the case of calculating the degree of fatigue, information about the tropism (extroversion or introversion) of the driver stored in an EEPROM 102 in advance is referred to, and different calculations are performed according to the tropism of the driver.例文帳に追加
疲労度を演算する際、予めEEPROM102に格納しておいた運転者の向性(外向性、内向性)の情報を参照して、運転者の向性に応じて異なる演算を行う。 - 特許庁
To provide a compound that can impart a high accumulation property in the blood, high stability in the blood and excellent target cell tropism to a desired aimed substance, a complex of the compound with the aimed substance, and an aggregate comprising the complex.例文帳に追加
所望の目的物質に高い血中滞留性及び血中安定性と優れた標的細胞指向性とを共に付与することができる化合物、該化合物と目的物質との複合体、並びに該複合体を含む集合体を提供する。 - 特許庁
The behavior control device for making a control of the behavior of crustacean utilizing the tropism of the crustacean underwater comprises: a cylindrical vessel for housing the crustacean therein; a plurality of light sources irradiating blue rays for the control, installed on the circumferential wall surface of the vessel; and a light source control means for lighting a relevant light source installed in the direction for wanting the crustacean to swim among the plurality of light sources.例文帳に追加
水中における甲殻類の行動を前記甲殻類の走性を利用して制御する行動制御装置であって、前記甲殻類を入れるための円筒状容器と、前記円筒状容器の円周壁面に設置された、青色光を照射する複数の制御用光源と、前記複数の制御用光源のうち前記甲殻類を泳がせたい方向に設置された前記制御用光源を点灯させる光源制御手段とを備える。 - 特許庁
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