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該当件数 : 2685


(b) 先の商標の所有者。ただし,当該標識と,スロバキア共和国の領域において評判を有する又は共同体商標の場合は欧州共同体において評判を有する先の商標との間に同一性又は類似性があるために,当該商標の登録対象である商品又はサービスと類似していない商品又はサービスに係る当該標識の使用であって正当な理由のないものが当該先の商標の識別性又は評判を不正に利用するか又は損なうこととなる場合に限る。例文帳に追加

b) by the proprietor of an earlier trade mark, if because of identity of the sign with, or similarity to, the earlier trade mark, which has a reputation in the territory of the Slovak Republic or in the case of the Community trade mark has a reputation in the European Community, where the use of such sign for goods or services, which are not similar to those for which the earlier trade mark is registered, where the use without due cause would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or the repute of the earlier trade mark; - 特許庁

(1) 先の商標の所有者又は第7条(c),(d),(f)にいう他の権利の所有者が,連続して5年の間,後の商標が使用されていることを知りながら当該使用を黙認した場合は,当該所有者は,もはや,先の商標に基づいて後の商標が無効であることの宣言を申請することも,後の商標の使用の対象である商品又はサービスについての後の商標の使用に異議を申し立てることもできない。ただし,後の商標の登録出願が悪意でなされていたときは,この限りでない。例文帳に追加

(1) Where the proprietor of an earlier trade mark or the holder of other rights as referred to in Section 7(c),(d),(f) has acquiesced, for a period of five successive years, in the use of a later trade mark while being aware of such use, he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the earlier trade mark either to apply for a declaration that the later trade mark is invalid or to oppose the use of the later trade mark in respect of the goods or services for which the later trade mark has been used, unless registration of the later trade mark was applied for in bad faith. - 特許庁


The fact that a patented invention cannot be worked without using an invention protected by an earlier patent belonging to another owner shall not be an obstacle to its validity. In such cases, the owner of the earlier patent may not work the later patent during its period of validity without the consent of its owner, nor may the owner of the later patent work either of the two patents during the period of validity of the earlier patent, unless he has the consent of the latter's owner or has obtained a compulsory license. - 特許庁

商標は,次の場合は取り消すことができない。 (a) 当該商標が,取消請求の提出時点でその使用が第18条に定める要件を満たしていない先の商標(第4条(2))に抵触する場合 (b) 当該商標が,先の商標,未登録標識又はその他の権利であって,これらの所有者が後の商標の登録を知りながら連続して5年の間当該後の商標の使用を黙認してきた事情があるものに抵触する場合。ただし,後の商標の所有者が悪意で行動した場合は,この限りでない。例文帳に追加

The trademark may not be cancelled: (a) if it conflicts with an earlier trademark [Article 4(2)] the use of which does not satisfy, at the time of filing of the request for cancellation, the requirements laid down in Article 18; or (b) if it conflicts with an earlier trademark, non-registered sign or any other rights whose holder was aware of the registration of the later trademark and has acquiesced, for a period of five successive years, in the use of that trademark, unless the holder of the later trademark acted in bad faith. - 特許庁



The Patent Office shall be responsible for the grant and revocation of patents, for declarations of nullity or lack of title, for declarations of dependence of patents, for decisions on naming a person as inventor (Section 20), for decisions on the existence of a right of prior user (Section 23), for the grant of licenses (Section 36), for decisions on applications for a declaration under Section 163 as well as the rendering of services and giving of information in the field of protection of industrial property (Section 57a, 57b), and for all entries in the Patent Register.  - 特許庁



The applicant shall have the right of priority of a previous patent or utility model application for a period of twelve months following the date of filing a previous patent or utility model application, filed with an application office not covered by the scope of an intergovernmental agreement on recognition of priority, if the subsequent patent application refers to the same invention and if a respective mutuality with this application office is declared by a notice to be published by the Federal Minister for Economic Affair in the Federal Law Gazette.  - 特許庁


If the proprietor of an earlier registered trade mark has given notice of opposition, he shall, if the other party contests the use of the trade mark, substantiate by prima facie evidence that, during the period of five years preceding the publication of the registration of the trade mark against which a notice of opposition has been given, the earlier registered trade mark has been put to use pursuant to Section 26, provided the earlier trade mark has at that date been registered for not less than five years.  - 特許庁

先の商標の保護に係る商品又はサービスと同一又は類似でない商品又はサービスについて登録される予定である, 商標は,先の商標が周知商標としてパリ条約に基づく保護を受ける権利を有し,かつ,正当な理由なく後の商標を使用することが先の商標の識別性又は名声を不当に利用し又はこれに害を及ぼすことになる場合は又はその限り,登録されない。例文帳に追加

proposed to be registered for goods or services which are not identical or similar to those for which the earlier trade mark is protected, shall not be registered if, or to the extent that, the earlier trade mark is entitled to protection under the Paris Convention as a well-known trade mark and the use of the later trade mark without due cause would take unfair advantage of, or be detrimental to, the distinctive character or repute of the earlier trade mark.  - 特許庁

パリ条約加盟国又は世界貿易機関協定加盟国における又は関する商標登録出願を適正にした者,又は当該人の権原承継人は,所定の条件の遵守を条件として,同一商品又はサービスの何れか又はすべてに関して,本条例に基づく同一商標の登録目的での当該出願書類の最先の提出日後6月の期間,優先権を享受する。(10 of 2005 s.35改正)例文帳に追加

A person who has duly filed an application for the registration of a trade mark in, or in respect of, a Paris Convention country or WTO member, or his successor in title, shall enjoy, for the purpose of registering the same trade mark under this Ordinance in respect of any or all of the same goods or services, a right of priority for a period of 6 months after the date of filing of the first of any such applications, subject to compliance with any prescribed conditions.  - 特許庁



A subsequent application for registration of a trade mark that was the subject of a previous application, and that is filed in, or in respect of, the same Paris Convention country or WTO member, shall be considered as the first application for the purpose of determining priority if, and only if, on the date of filing of the subsequent application, the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or refused, without being open to public inspection and without leaving any rights outstanding, and has not served as a basis for claiming a right of priority.  - 特許庁



The fees payable under the Act may either be paid in cash or through electronic means or may be sent by bank draft or cheque payable to the Controller of Patents and drawn on a scheduled bank at the place where the appropriate office is situated. If the draft or cheque is sent by post, the fees shall be deemed to have been paid on the date on which the draft or cheque would have reached the Controller in the ordinary course of mail.  - 特許庁


In the case of an assignment pursuant to subsec. (1) the license rights lawfully granted by the earlier owner of the utility model and acquired in good faith by third parties that have been registered in the Utility Model Register of at least one year shall, provided they are not the subject of a legally founded entry relating to a dispute (Sec. 32(3)), not be affected by such retroactive effect, this without prejudice to any claims for compensation which may be made against the owner of the utility model of the later priority.  - 特許庁


Where the proprietor of an earlier registered trade mark has acquiesced, for a period of five successive years, in the use of a later sign in Austria while being aware of such use, he shall no longer be entitled on the basis of the previous right to oppose the use in respect of the goods or services for which the later sign was used, unless the user of the later sign commenced the use in bad faith or, if the later sign refers to a registered trade mark, its application was made in bad faith.  - 特許庁

2 以上の意匠は,意匠国際分類の同一クラスに係るか,又は同一の組物若しくは同一の物品構成に係る場合に限り,同一出願の主題とすることができる。 第 16条 出願日意匠登録出願の出願日は,次に掲げる条件のすべてが出願に関して満たされる最先の日とする。(a) 第14条にいう書類が出願人を特定すること(b) 意匠が適用される物品の所定数の表示が意匠登録局に提出されること,及び(c) 所定の出願手数料が納付されること例文帳に追加

Two or more industrial designs may be the subject of the same application, provided they relate to the same class of the International Classificationfor Industrial Designs or the same set or composition of articles. The filing date of an application for the registration of an industrial design shall be the earliest date on which all of the following conditionsare satisfied in relation to the application:(a) the documents mentioned in section 14 identify the applicant orapplicants;(b) the prescribed number of representations of the article to which the industrial design is applied is filed at the Industrial Designs RegistrationOffice; and(c) the prescribed filing fee is paid.17. Priority date and right of priority under treaty or convention. - 特許庁


24.2. The whole contents of an application for a patent, utility model, or industrial design registration, published in accordance with this Act, filed or effective in the Philippines, with a filing or priority date that is earlier than the filing or priority date of the application: Provided, That the application which has validly claimed the filing date of an earlier application under Section 31 of this Act, shall be prior art with effect as of the filing date of such earlier application: Provided further, That the applicant or the inventor identified in both applications are not one and the same. - 特許庁

第31条 優先権 条約,協定又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に類似の特典を与える外国において同一の発明について先に出願をした者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国での出願をした日に出願をしたものとみなす。ただし, (a)当該出願において優先権を明示して主張し, (b)最先の外国での出願がなされた日から12月以内に出願し,かつ (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国での出願の認証謄本を英語での翻訳文とともに提出することを条件とする。例文帳に追加

Sec.31 Right of Priority An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed; and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines. - 特許庁

条約又は法律によりフィリピンの国民に同様の特典を与える外国において同一の発明を先に出願している者によりなされた特許出願は,その外国出願の出願日になされたものとみなす。ただし,次を条件とする。 (a)当該フィリピンにおける出願において優先権を明示的に主張すること (b)当該出願を最先の外国出願を行った日から12月以内に行うこと,及び (c)フィリピンにおける出願日から6月以内に当該外国出願の認証謄本を英語の翻訳文とともに提出すること (IP法第31条)例文帳に追加

An application for patent filed by any person who has previously applied for the same invention in another country which by treaty, convention, or law affords similar privileges to Filipino citizens, shall be considered as filed as of the date of filing of the foreign application: Provided, That: (a) the local application expressly claims priority; (b) it is filed within twelve months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed and (c) a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six months from the date of filing in the Philippines (Sec. 31, IP CODE). - 特許庁

(5) 優先権が主張される場合は,先の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願の出願日から12月以内に,同一の出願人が同一の発明に関し特許庁に対して行った特許出願について優先権を確立することができる。ただし,先の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願が公開されておらず,かつ,それを基にして他の特許出願又は実用新案登録出願を対象に優先権が主張されていないことを条件とする。先の特許出願の処理が進められているときは,当該先の出願は取り下げられたとみなす。例文帳に追加

(5) If priority is claimed, priority may be established for a patent application filed with the Patent Office within twelve months by the same applicant for the same invention on the basis of the filing date of an earlier patent application or registration application of a utility model, provided that the earlier patent application or registration application of a utility model has not been published and priority has not been claimed on the basis thereof for some other patent application or registration application of a utility model. If an earlier patent application is being processed, the earlier patent application is deemed to be withdrawn.  - 特許庁

(3) 正当な事由があるときは,出願人は,(1)に定めた国際出願の翻訳文の提出について追加の期間を受けることができるが,優先日から33月目の終わりを超えてはならず,また,優先権が複数ある場合は,最先の優先日から33月目の終わりを超えてはならない。(1)に定めた31月の期間の終わりまでに2月を超える期間が残る場合は,追加の期間は与えられない。翻訳文提出の場合又は本条に定めた33月の期間満了の場合は,国の追加手数料を納付しなければならない。 (2004年3月10日。2004年5月1日施行-RT I 2004, 20, 141)例文帳に追加

(3) In justified cases, an applicant may be granted an additional period for filing the translation of an international application specified in subsection (1) of this section, but for not more than until the end of the thirty third month as of the date of priority, and in case of several priorities, until the end of the thirty third month as of the date of the earliest date of priority. An additional period is not granted if more than two months remain until the end of the thirty-one monthsperiod specified in subsection (1) of this section. In case of submission of a translation or in case of expiry of the thirty three monthsperiod specified in this section, a supplementary state fee shall be paid. (10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)  - 特許庁

(b) その者、又はその者が前権原者である他の者(「権原承継人」)が、前記の 1の出願又は複数の出願の最先の出願がされた日から 6月以内に、前記の 1又は複数の国において求めている登録に係わる商品、サービス、又は商品及びサービスの一部又は全部に関して IRDAを行った場合は、 その者又はその権原承継人は、それらの商品、サービス、又は商品及びサービスの一部又は全部に関し、その商標の保護についての優先権を主張することができる。例文帳に追加

(b) within 6 months after the day on which that application or the first of those applications was made that person or another person (successor in title) of whom that person is a predecessor in title makes an IRDA in respect of some or all of the goods services or goods and services in respect of which registration was sought in that country or those countries; that person or that person’s successor in title may claim a right of priority for the protection of the trade mark in services or goods and services. respect of any or all of those goods - 特許庁


In the write once medium, defect alternative and data rewriting are realized without preparing a fixed alternative area, by using a selected area such as an additional writing point in the main data area as an alternative destination area, allowing judgment of recorded/unrecorded of an address of writing request object by means of continuously recorded range information, and integrally mixing the alternative management information for the defect alternative and data rewriting. - 特許庁


Especially by ordering a merchandise base, the decoration, the plate, the accessories and order information, etc., displayed on the Web site screen of the vendor matched with the preference of the ordering person, specified merchandise manufactured at the specified manufacture base is handed over at a store or delivered by a package home delivery service in the state of keeping freshness. - 特許庁


Then, the transition destination is decided for the branching point detected based on various control information such as routing information between activities based on the validity/invalidity of conditions based on at least one of input data inputted from the activity to a terminal and output data indicating the work result performed, based on the input data outputted from the terminal to the activity. - 特許庁


In a content server, various contents to be provided are stored and a content provision mediating device is provided with a content distributing means which obtains the contents ordered from the information terminal from the corresponding content server and distributes them to an information terminal as the ordering source or a distribution specified destination and a charging means which charges for the distributed contents by information terminals or users having ordered the contents. - 特許庁


When receiving a request by a real store (store terminal 2) for net sales display at another shopping mall other than a shopping mall operated and managed for itself, a mediation site 1 refers to a shop registration definition file SR to convert net shop configuration information created thereto by the real store to information conforming to a display format on the destination, and transmits it to the other shopping mall site 1. - 特許庁


This logic verification support system for preparing verification items for verifying a logic circuit has an inconsistency extraction means for, when transition conditions shown by state transition information showing transition from a transition source state to a transition destination state are included in the transition conditions of the other state transition information, extracting it as an inconsistent place for each state information showing the logic circuit in the operation of the logic circuit. - 特許庁


The apparatus of packet scheduling comprises a service time calculator 2 calculating respective service time for each band assurance queue and priority queue in the high priority based on the inputted plural predetermined parameters, a service time comparator 3 comparing sizes between calculated respective service times and selecting the packet to be outputted in the highest priority, and a parameter generator 1 generating the parameter for a compatibility between the band assurance and the priority control. - 特許庁


In the questionnaire survey carried out by JETRO, the companies were asked to point out by region the markets that they view as important markets (markets of highest importance) at the moment and as markets to be cultivated in the future to sell their products, and the results clearly show that the Chinese market is of highest importance for Japanese companies, and exceeds the US market even at the moment. Looking at the answers on important markets (markets of highest importance), 80.6 percent (28.3percent) of the respondents point to China as an important market (market of highest importance), while73.4 percent (24.1 percent) point to the US. As for the answers on markets to be cultivated in the future,61.7 percent of the respondents point to China, while 20.9 percent choose the US (Fig. 2.2.9)). - 経済産業省


An enterprise that succeeded in utilizing local resources and secured outlets in major consuming areas such as the Tokyo metropolitan area (Chapter 1 in Part II), a group including a local Societies of Commerce and Industry and university professors that started a cheaper and more efficient taxi dispatch system when faced with the crisis of discontinued public bus routes (Chapter 2 in Part II), and a gear manufacturer that secured its own pricing power by diversifying its customer base (Chapter 2 in Part III) overcame this "variation" through their own means. - 経済産業省


Namely, actions such as finding a way of escape from the problems caused by reduction of domestic and overseas markets (reduction of domestic demand and foreign demand), reduction of prices to compete against other countries and other brands in the world market, production at places nearer to the consumers, local production to avoid economic friction with sales counterparts, increase of direct investment and transfer of factories overseas for these purposes, and increase of imports and exports of intermediate goods are rational in micro management viewpoint. - 経済産業省


(i) Sufficient volume of transactions shall be expected for carrying out the Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products or the Products Underlying the Listed Commodity Index (hereinafter referred to as the "Listed Commodity Component Products, etc."), it shall be necessary and appropriate to establish a Member Commodity Exchange for carrying out said Futures Transactions in order to facilitate the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc.  - 経済産業省


(iii) Sufficient volume of transactions shall be expected for carrying out the Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., it is necessary and appropriate for the applicant for a license to become a Incorporated Commodity Exchange for carrying out said Futures Transactions in order to facilitate the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc.  - 経済産業省


(b) There will be no shortfall in the volume of transactions for carrying out Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and that, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., the opening of a Commodity Market for carrying out said Futures Transactions does not or is not likely to cause extreme hindrance to the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc.  - 経済産業省


(a) There will be no shortfall in the volume of transactions for carrying out Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and that, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., said change in the scope of a Listed Commodity or a Listed Commodity Index or said change to the term of existence of a Member Commodity Exchange or the expiration date of a Commodity Market does not or is not likely to cause extreme hindrance to the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc.  - 経済産業省


(a) There will be no shortfall in the volume of transactions for carrying out Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and that, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., the opening of a Commodity Market for carrying out said Futures Transactions does not or is not likely to cause extreme hindrance to the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc.  - 経済産業省


(a) There will be no shortfall in the volume of transactions for carrying out Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and that, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., said change in the scope of a Listed Commodity or a Listed Commodity Index or said change to the term of existence as a Incorporated Commodity Exchange or the expiration date of a Commodity Market does not or is not likely to cause extreme hindrance to the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc.  - 経済産業省

1 商品又は商品指数が上場商品又は上場商品指数となり、かつ、その旨が第三百五十二条の規定により公示された場合において、当該公示の際現に当該商品又は当該商品指数に係る第三百三十一条第一号又は第二号に掲げる施設が開設されており、かつ、当該施設において決済を結了していない先物取引に類似する取引が存するときは、当該取引の決済のためにする先物取引に類似する取引及びその取引がなされる施設の開設については、第六条の規定は適用しない。例文帳に追加

(1) In the case where a Commodity or a Commodity Index has become a Listed Commodity or a Listed Commodity Index and such fact has been publicly notified pursuant to the provisions of Article 352, if a facility set forth in Article 331, item 1 or item 2 pertaining to said Commodity or said Commodity Index has been established at the time of said public notice and there are transactions similar to Futures Transactions where settlement has not been completed at said facility, the provisions of Article 6 shall not apply to transactions similar to Futures Transactions carried out for the settlement of said transactions and to the establishment of a facility where said transactions are carried out.  - 経済産業省

3 第一項の規定は、前項の規定により第三百四十二条第一項の許可を受けたものとみなされた者が当該公示の日から一月を経過した日において同項の許可を受けておらず、かつ、当該許可を受けたとみなされた者が開設する施設において決済を結了していない先物取引に類似する取引が存する場合における当該取引の決済のためにする先物取引に類似する取引及びその取引がなされる施設の開設について準用する。例文帳に追加

(3) In the case where a person who is deemed to have obtained permission under Article 342, paragraph 1 pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph has not obtained the permission under the same paragraph as of the day on which one month has elapsed from the day of said public notice, and there are transactions similar to Futures Transactions where settlement has not been completed at a facility established by the person who is deemed to have obtained said permission, the provisions of paragraph 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis to transactions similar to Futures Transactions carried out for the settlement of said transactions and to the establishment of a facility where said transactions are carried out.  - 経済産業省


In collaboration with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), the Shizuoka International Business Association, the Hamamatsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other public organs, and with Shinkin Central Bank and the overseas bases of cooperating leading financial institutions, this overseas business support desk provides enterprises considering overseas expansion with total support going far beyond funds supply.  - 経済産業省


In order for collaboration to function effectively, it is important that there is a clear locus of responsibility for negotiations with customers, and that the costs of coordination should be cut by centralizing contact and coordinating functions. It is also essential to have an entity for overseeing and managing business activities as a whole, from product R&D and the manufacturing process to sales and the planning and provision of services, and liaising and coordinating between businesses. Unlike traditional subcontracting relations, such entities are core leaders that play a pivotal role in steadily developing successful collaboration. - 経済産業省

「海外事業活動基本調査」(2007・2009)によると、製造業全体の販売額の販売先でみると、2007 年には、米国は現地向けが約29 兆円である一方、中国、ASEAN では現地向け販売額はいずれも約11 兆円の水準であり、米国の1/3 程度に過ぎなかったが、金融危機後の2009 年には、米国の現地向けが約14 兆円まで減少し、中国やASEAN の同販売額は、それぞれ米国の約9 割、約6 割の水準となった。例文帳に追加

According to the “Survey on Overseas Business Activities” (2007, 2009), as for the destinations of sales of the entire manufacturing industry, in 2007, in the U.S., products for the domestic market amounted to approximately 29 trillion yen. In China and ASEAN, the amount of sales for the domestic market was approximately 11 trillion yen for both of these countries, which is only one-third of that of the U.S. In 2009, after the world financial crisis, the amount of domestic market sales in the U.S. decreased to approximately by 14 trillion yen, while that of China and ASEAN reached the level of approximately 90% and 60% of the U.S., respectively. - 経済産業省


Based in Tokyo’s Nakano City, with a workforce of 24 and capital of ¥10 million, COMSEL Co., Ltd. is an advertising and marketing agency whose 24 strong workforce, which includes staff from Korea, the U.S. and Hong Kong, together with collaborative partners in every corner of the world, provides pamphlets full of the company’s unique expertise, together with sales floor designs, posters and other PR tools. Furthermore, it provides a marketing strategy which uses the company’s unique know-how of the “Master-In/Application system,” clarifying the division of roles between head offices and local companies in global marketing strategies, and all without involving the mass media. - 経済産業省


The largest companies cited cheaper labor costs as an factor they will consider in deciding whether to launch business internationally. Less companies surveyed listed passive reasons, including beginning international operations in line with client companies' decision to do so. Meanwhile, an increasing number of the polled companies cited marketing-related advantage being expected in markets in the invested countries and easiness for sharing information on technologies, market needs and customers. The findings indicate that many Japanese supporting industries are launching international operations in pursuit of expanding market opportunities. (Figure 2.2.30) - 経済産業省


First, we classify the location factors that SMEs consider when entering the market as "marketing factors" (intended buyers and market) and "production factors" (expense items such as the securing of raw materials and human resources and the individual attributes of proprietors). When asked whether they regarded each as a positive factor or a negative factor, most enterprises indicated neither insisting on only marketing factors nor only production factors, showing balanced consideration of both when entering the market. - 経済産業省


In July 2007, the FSA published a report on the State of Progress of Community-Based Finance (As of the End of the 2nd Action Plan (Fiscal 2003-2006)) as a summary of the state of progress of these efforts. In this report the FSA acknowledged that "as an overall trend, the number of instances of utilization of SME revitalization support councils is continuing to grow steadily as efforts geared toward business recovery are broadening from large clients to smaller clients and to clients for whom recovery would be difficult". Thus, it seems that a variety of recovery methods are being steadily utilized. - 経済産業省


With the increasing utilization of regional resources in product development, 63.3% of companies are inclining toward collaborations with producers such as farmers, fishermen, and producer organizations, indicating that companies have high expectations for these entities not only as intermediaries but also as partners - 経済産業省

3 主務大臣は、商品取引所の存続期間(株式会社商品取引所にあつては、株式会社商品取引所としての存続期間)又は商品市場の開設期限が定款に記載され、又は記録されている前条第一項の認可の申請があつた場合においては、第一項第二号の基準に代えて、申請に係る上場商品又は上場商品指数の先物取引を公正かつ円滑にするために十分な取引量が見込まれないことその他上場商品構成物品等の取引の状況に照らし、当該先物取引をする商品取引所が合併により存続すること又は当該先物取引をする商品取引所を合併により設立することが当該上場商品構成物品等の生産及び流通に著しい支障を及ぼし、又は及ぼすおそれがあることに該当しないことを同号の基準とし、当該基準並びに同項第三号及び第四号の基準の適用は、当該存続期間又は開設期限までの間について判断して行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) Where an application for the approval under paragraph (1) of the preceding Article has been filed in which case the term of existence of a Commodity Exchange (in the case of a Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the term of existence as an Incorporated Commodity Exchange) or the expiration date of a Commodity Market is stated in the articles of incorporation, the competent minister shall, in lieu of the criterion set forth in paragraph (1), item (ii), consider the criterion under the same paragraph to be that there will be no shortfall in the volume of transactions for carrying out Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and that, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., survival of a Commodity Exchange for carrying out said Futures Transactions through a merger or the establishment of a Commodity Exchange for carrying out said Futures Transactions by a merger does not or is not likely to cause extreme hindrance to the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., and he/she shall apply such criterion and the criteria under items (iii) and (iv) of the same paragraph by making a determination for said term of existence or for the period until said expiration date.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(2) Where in or in connection with an application for a patent (referred to in this section as the application in suit) a declaration is made, whether by the applicant or any predecessor in title of his, complying with the relevant requirements of the rules and specifying one or more earlier relevant applications for the purposes of this section made by the applicant or a predecessor in title of his, and the application in suit has a date of filing, within the period referred to in subsection (2A)(a) or (b), then--(a) if an invention to which the application in suit relates is supported by matter disclosed in the earlier relevant application or applications, 17the priority date of that invention shall, instead of being the date of filing the application in suit, be the date of filing the relevant application in which that matter was disclosed or, if it was disclosed in more than one relevant application, the earliest of them (b) the priority date of any matter contained in the application in suit which was also disclosed in the earlier relevant application or applications shall be the date of filing the relevant application in which that matter was disclosed or, if it was disclosed in more than one relevant application, the earliest of them. - 特許庁

3 主務大臣は、商品取引所の存続期間(株式会社商品取引所にあつては、株式会社商品取引所としての存続期間)又は商品市場の開設期限が定款に記載され、又は記録されている前条第一項の認可の申請があつた場合においては、第一項第二号の基準に代えて、申請に係る上場商品又は上場商品指数の先物取引を公正かつ円滑にするために十分な取引量が見込まれないことその他上場商品構成物品等の取引の状況に照らし、当該先物取引をする商品取引所が合併により存続すること又は当該先物取引をする商品取引所を合併により設立することが当該上場商品構成物品等の生産及び流通に著しい支障を及ぼし、又は及ぼすおそれがあることに該当しないことを同号の基準とし、当該基準並びに同項第三号及び第四号の基準の適用は、当該存続期間又は開設期限までの間について判断して行うものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) Where an application for the approval under paragraph 1 of the preceding Article has been filed in which case the term of existence of a Commodity Exchange (in the case of a Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the term of existence as a Incorporated Commodity Exchange) or the expiration date of a Commodity Market is stated in the articles of incorporation, the competent minister shall, in lieu of the criterion set forth in paragraph 1, item 2, consider the criterion under the same paragraph to be that there will be no shortfall in the volume of transactions for carrying out Futures Transactions of the Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index pertaining to the application fairly and smoothly and that, in light of the status of the transactions of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., survival of a Commodity Exchange for carrying out said Futures Transactions through a merger or the establishment of a Commodity Exchange for carrying out said Futures Transactions by a merger does not or is not likely to cause extreme hindrance to the production and distribution of the Listed Commodity Component Products, etc., and he/she shall apply such criterion and the criteria under items 3 and 4 of the same paragraph by making a determination for said term of existence or for the period until said expiration date.  - 経済産業省


第七十八条 新法第百九十五条並びに第百九十六条第二項及び第四項(新法第百九十五条に規定する書類に係る部分に限る。)の規定は、外国保険会社等の施行日以後に終了する事業年度に係る新法第百九十五条に規定する書類について適用し、施行日前に終了した事業年度に係る旧外国保険事業者法第十二条に規定する書類については、なお従前の例による。この場合において、なお従前の例によることとされる同条の規定により同条の書類を提出しなければならない先は、内閣総理大臣とする。例文帳に追加

Article 78 (1) The provisions of Article 195, and Article 196, paragraphs (2) and (4) (limited to the segment pertaining to the documents prescribed in Article 195 of the Current Act) of the Current Act shall apply to the documents prescribed in Article 195 of the Current Act pertaining to the business years of a Foreign Insurance Company, etc. that end on or after the Effective Date; with regard to the documents prescribed in Article 12 of the Former Foreign Insurance Business Operators Act pertaining to the business years that ended before the Effective Date, the provisions then in force shall remain applicable. In this case, those documents set forth in that Article to be submitted pursuant to the provision of that Article to which the provisions then in force shall remain applicable shall be submitted to the Prime Minister.  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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